
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Max (Eric in the movies)

Currently, David was running problems though his head, he knew who he might have to face in this world and he was working hard to figure out an efficient way to deal with them and still have the knock-on effect he needed.

There are only two things that can be used to fight the biggest threats to all the Multiverse, he had some time control, but he cannot leave the Omniverse and knew just about nothing about their movements. So that one was not helpful unless used during a fight. The next was to try duplicate the power of Mjolnir and become a fixed quantum point, it did not move unless it wanted too. If it were just heavy it would have fallen through so many tables and floors already. David had an exceedingly small connection to the quantum realm thanks to the magical Vibrabum bath he took, but he had no idea how to actually connect to it so he could use its power as Mjolnir did. How bad it felt to be stupider than a hammer.

David looked down at the "Space Stone" he had made, it was a poor man's version. It ran at about ¼ the power of the original and this was the absolute best David could make.

'GCA have this send down by shuttle to Billy please.]

'Yes, David]

[I am sending you a duplicate space stone by shuttle. Swap it out for the one in the ocean when you see Steve go down. Use a shuttle to send me the original.]

[Okay, you alright?]

[Yeah, I was hoping to have you deal with Max, but I am going to have to. Not looking forward to this one. Seems the timeline gave us the personality of the original with his new history ]

[Good luck]


David stood inside the office of a German doctor; the name was Sebastian Shaw a mutant. He was a vile man who would do anything and harm anyone in any way to get what he wanted. Currently a young boy was staring in horror, tears rolling down his cheeks as a German soldier held his gun to the boy's mothers head, about to pull the trigger because the boy had failed to move a coin laying on one spoke and no-one moved, "It is okay, for now he will not pull the trigger."

The boy suddenly turned around to where the voice had come from and saw David seated to the side of the office.

"How are you doing this? Why are you doing this?" Max demanded

"I am like you, just more powerful, and that doctor, he is like you as well."

"What? Then why does he do this?"

"This is the path he chose, just like you are about to choose one."

The boy seemed to be reasonably intelligent as he nodded and listened.

"I can save your mom and leave you here, I will make this man believe she died, I will pick up the rest of your family on my way out. He will torture you for years to make you more powerful and he will make you a little stronger, but make you hate humans.

I can take you and your family and kill all the others here, you will come with me and work for me, you will get stronger but you will be bound to me.

Or I leave now and things carry on as they were.

It is all up to you."

David would not have bothered to pick Max up if Shaw had managed to make him stronger, but Charles had done more for him in a few days than Shaw in years.

"You take us all, kill them, I will work for you." The boy nodded as he spoke with confidence.

"Very well, since you have agreed." With that, the Germans collapsed to the floor and the woman screamed at the sudden death surrounding her as the boy moved to comfort her,

"Once you get her quiet, we can go, others will meet us with the rest of your family outside."

Max nodded and tried hard to calm his mother down.

They moved to a house outside the camp that contained some Germans and the rest of Max's family. Max's mother seemed to be a very emotional woman as she first got scared about the teleportation, then feared the Germans, then cried over the reunion of the family. David was getting bored with this, but he knew this was the social aspect of people.

David brought them to Genesis that lead to another round of fear and fascination, David had agreed to Max learning normal studies and the power usage with Steph. Once he was older and more confident in his powers David would look at improving him.

With a sigh of relief David teleported to his lab.

He was never very social, but since his powers increased, he found many normal people annoying, he wanted to shoo them away at times.

David got back to work on his quantum fixed point problem, he barely noticed people coming in and out to talking to him. Food was offered and sometimes eaten, slowly Kal's brain activity increased and many times David thought he had the answer, but it failed.

'David. Billy has let you know Cap has crashed into the ice.'

David was surprised, time was starting to pass without him noticing.

[Do you have the replacement stone on you?]

[Yeah dad, done it. Give me some credit. Will send the real on via shuttle soon. Libby and I will be headed to New York unless you have something else for me?]

[I might go ahead with opening Heven soon, there is about 18 years till the next things I need to do, so enough time to rest. Your mom should be resting soon after me, just a heads up.]

[No worries, we expected you would need to as some point, Good luck]

David grinned slightly, even though he failed at the quantum fixed point, he might have found a way around him needing to sleep after this power up.

He had studied how the Ka stone responds to his mental instructions, and if all went well, he would be fine and could remove the sleep drug from Steph's serum.

'Steph, Hela, Diana and Fox, could you please head to the portal area for Heven.'

They all responded mentally as he teleported himself to the currently inactive portal.

David went around the portal checking the shielding and automatic weapons they had on the ready, although Heven should be happy to be connected to the realms, it would be something hidden from the other realms. Although the other realms would see the angels in time, they should not discover the doorway for some time.