
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Heven and Unification

Author: Why the need for the clone? A valid question. I was trying to divide the work that needed to be done on Earth and that in the Universe and it got people upset. My Bad

Till chapter 58 is my rushed way of fixing it, why say this again? People keep asking :p

The Hela/Angela was supposed to be chapter 72 to give you a clue how much I have changed and pushed things around,

Once again, I apologize the original story vexed so many and I hope my rushed changes do not make it worse. If so let me know, no need for hate caps and rage reviews, of course, those options are always open to you.


Hela was David's ace in the hole, with the new realm opened she would get a boost in power as a new realm of the dead would be open to her.

If all went as David planned, she would not need to step forward and this might well be a smooth event for once.

David was initially concerned about the Odin-force responding to him, but Hela had explained it would seek the most suitable vessel, and with the vacuum created by the serum that originally would have absorbed yellow sun radiation, there should be no reason for it fails, rather she was worried that David would need a lot longer than a decade to adapt to the power.

David was not one to ignore the concerns of a Goddess, added to the fact he was naturally paranoid he and GCA had added a few failsafe to his Ka stone idea.

With the ladies standing at the edge of shielding David reminded them once again, "If I vanish, do not panic, it is merely something I am attempting to prevent the long sleep. Diana, you would be the first to talk to them if I do not return promptly, then Steph, Fox, and lastly Hela since they might sense her being of Asgard."

The ladies nodded.

"GCA open it," David instructed, as he saw the eye start to open, he stabbed the serum into his leg, he had to actually have the nanites work to make a small area vulnerable to make this work.

Initially, David felt nothing, his body seemed to feel very comfortable. Then he felt slightly weakened, at what he assumed was the gamma radiation making the changes required to replicate radiation, then the pain, literally the power of sun after sun exploded within him, all his orifices began to leak blood as he was unable to maintain his shape, reverting to his original form his body began to swell and crack like larva was breaking free from within him.

Before anyone was able to react it all seemed to collapse on itself, his body shrunk like a paper bag that had all the air sucker out, David was suddenly confused as he sensed Hela cut her palm deeply, reaching forward she smeared it on his back and mumbled. David then saw the white energy that was about to pass him by turn and begin forcing its way into him.

Although David was in pain as his body began to balloon, he realized Hela had just given up her right to the Odin-force to pass it all to him. At this point the cells within his body did what they were meant to, and began absorbing the radiation into itself, the storage organ filled up and the radiation production aspect finally had something to produce, each and every cell started to feel like it was alive with power.

David felt his body become smoother, more unified. The Nanites were being absorbed into his cells, who in turn took on their function, GCA became his to fully control and understand as it was now part of him, this in turn led to the cosmic computer becoming a slave to him, no longer requiring any interface. Within the lab GCA's main body saw the altar disintegrate and fly off to merge with his body, turning back to her work she merely mumbled, "I am so not paying for that."

Within an apartment in New York Libby and Billy were currently snuggling as Libby noticed his eyes glaze over and his body started to disintegrate, "Billy!! David!! Save billy, something is wrong!"

David knew what was happening and sighed lightly as Billy's shape remained, but some disintegration still took place. David knew this had to happen, but he was hoping he could make something work for them.

Everything that was David's, became his, no longer additional parts. It was then that David felt the KA stone within his head start to diffuse, 'NOW!' David thought as he suddenly seemed encased in a time cocoon, he could see all the concerned faces on the ladies, the bloodied hand of Hela was handily 10cm away from is back, this is how fast this had all happened.

David then smiled as he felt the KA stone become one, and his eyes closed.

The ladies saw David vanish from in front of them, although expected they all looked at each other slightly stunned at all that had happened to fast.

Diana looked towards Hela as she moved towards the shield, preparing for the Angels, "What did you do? That looked a lot like you just gave up your right to the God-force."

"I did, I freed it to be without Asgard's history and tethers, I then marked my choice of next God of Gods,�� Hela replied very matter- a-fact.

Diana nodded and smiled as she came to a halt within the shield and looked towards the beautiful world that hovered in space before her. It seemed like a veritable paradise with various kinds of amazing terrain.

Rising from the world though were many winged women, one without wing traveled with them, they seemed to be in a very familiar V formation (Like birds). Diana smiled as she watched them approach.

Landing on the far side of the portals ledge the angels looked about but saw only Diana and the women behind her.

Standing 2 meters tall with brown hair and blue eyes a well-muscled woman with large brown wings on her back stepped forward and greeted Diana, "Well met, I am Angel (I found no name for her, so gave her a very original one:s), Queen of Heven. Might I have your name?"

Diana smiled and reached forth to give a warrior handshake (Hand to the forearm, not palm), "Well met, I am Diana of Midgard, currently in service to Genesis. We welcome you back to the realms.

I mean no disrespect, as we were unsure what reception we might receive we prepared some defensive measure, I do hope you understand." Diana said as she indicated the shielding with her hand.

I also feel the need to covey a message from Genesis, his words were, regardless of how any discussions go, we will under no circumstances close this portal unless it actually became unsafe."

Angel nodded slowly as a slight look of relief passed over her face, although they had used the Odin-force to power their world, that was all it did. No other energy or any form reached their realm, and none left. The dead needed the energies from the realm of the dead or it could be torture to them, the portal being open meant allot to them.

"Very well, I appreciate this being said upfront. You have mentioned your Lord a few times now, will I be able to meet him soon? I assume this portal means Odin is unaware of us?" Angel inquired carefully.

"Although Odin is unaware, with Genesis protection that would not be a concern for you, that would be a topic for discussion," Diana replied, she understood that this was basically the most important topic for the Angels.

"Good, very well. When, or where would I find Lord Genesis?"

"!~I am here~!" The realms of Genesis and Heven shuddered as all those except Hela collapsed to their knees from the pure force behind the words.

Hela's grin widened into an outright smile.