
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Charles and Hank

Currently David, Raven, Kal, Max, Charles, and Hank were sitting around a round table within Charles rather large mansion.

Charles looked straight as David, "I sorted things out with the C.I.A. although it occurred to me afterward your agency could have solved it with on call."

David smirked slightly; he had let Charles handle the C.I.A. so that he had time to have a talk with everyone about how best to proceed.

"Sorry about that Charles, and you are right, I asked to do that so that I could ensure what I was going to tell you would not impact other plans," David responded with an innocent shrug.

"So, first things first. What I am about to tell you will clash heavily with your beliefs. So, I am going to ask you to wait until the end before you start asking questions, is that fair?"

Charles nodded once, he was eager to understand while Hank next to him was slightly confused and glanced at Raven, who he realized was already looking at him and smiling. Hank looked back towards David with a gulp, this woman had no issues letting someone know she was interested Hank realized, he was not used to a strong woman like her. He had always wanted to be normal, yet Raven seemed to prefer spending time with him in his natural beast form and he was not sure how to handle that.

With this, David started to explain, "Well the easiest part to the process is most likely that thanks to a friend of Raven's who had the evolved power of prediction we had a book with some clues about major events related to Meta's.

The bad news is that things always end horribly for mutants. I approached you in an attempt to change things, to change you."

Charles seemed surprised at these words and it was obvious he wanted to speak up.

"You are too reserved Charles; you always hold back. You were supposed to create a school for Meta's, to help them adjust to their powers and no longer feel alone.

This was the good part, you were right. You went further though; you created a strike team, but you were erratic in using them as you were always concerned about how humans would see things.

Charles you have no military background, how on earth does leading a team like that make sense?

Now depending on the version of the timeline things either got bad or apocalyptic.

Either one of the Meta's in your care becomes dark due to you placing emotional blocks on her, an Omega level evolved, or that happens and millions of evolved die on an island home they create, then a powerful evolved changes reality and only just under 130 evolved to keep their powers, while evolved hate groups start attacking the ones who were made powerless.

And this is only the knowledge about the evolved I am sharing, there is a lot more that goes on all over Earth.

This is why my pantheon and I have been working since Egyptian times to nudge things in a very different direction. "

David was hoping that after that mental dump Charles might not catch on the last part right away.

"Wait, Pantheon?" David sighed as Charles spoke, oh well no such luck, "You believe you are a god?" Even Hank was looking at David like he was looney at this point.

Looking between Raven and the boys David asked," What do you think? Genesis or Heven?"

Raven was the one to answer, "Heven to make a powerful point, Genesis to prove the path we are working towards."

Charles and Hank looked towards Raven in confusion, "Raven? What do you know about all of this?" Charles asked

"Everything, Charles." Said Raven as her shape began to flow and encompasses Hank, her head remained as her chin lay on Hanks's shoulder while various hands began to caress Hank all over.

David took this as a sign to shift them all to Heven, currently, David's main body was within his lab on Heven, his discussion with Kal about locking space gave him some idea's. Shifting to the arrival area he thought it best to be seen as he truly was.

Everyone except David avatar vanished from Earth, while his avatar went to Genesis.

Charles and Hank suddenly felt the change around them, Hank less so as he was presently covered in a Raven blanket. Looking about Charles saw a massive white castle, the platform he was on was large and transparent with a beautiful waterfall beneath surrounded by an amazing forested area, in the air were winged women and near him on the platform was a massive 30-meter tall statue of a demon with a golden flame between his horns.

"Wow, you moved all of us. Where are we now?" Charles asked as a winged woman flew down and sat on the statue's shoulder.

"We are in Heven, the 10th realm, and my Godly Realm, and this lady is Angel, and that happens to be her race as well, Queen and Goddess of her race." David ensured he had no divinity within his voice as he spoke.

Charles looked up then staggered back, Hank would have done the same but had not entirely realized the situation as he was still trying to block all of Raven's wandering hands.

"You, your .. how?" Charles struggled for words as his mind tried to catch up to what he was seeing.

"My name is Genesis, the Sky-father of the Sol pantheon, welcome to my realm, Charles and Hank. Raven be good, the poor man has not even had a chance to realize his surroundings yet."

Raven made an overly dramatic pout and formed her own body again.

"So, what about Raven, it has become obvious you have known her longer than I have," Charles asked, he was not sure how to feel at the moment, things were not even close to how he had imagined.

"Raven, my Goddess of Change, and she for the moment has chosen to oversee the change in Meta's."

Hanks's head shot up from his previous thinking mode, "What? Raven is a Goddess?"

"Wait Hank, let's first ask, what makes you say you are God's?" Charles asked, grabbing for some sense of normality.

"We possess divinity over our domains. Hm, a little hard to describe. Okay so before Raven changed she could change herself as you have seen her do it now, once she got divinity she found she not only gained more power but that she could have control over various kinds of change. Raven has chosen Meta's so she can control any change involving them, like when she changed Hank to his fully evolved form. Or stopped Emma from changing to her diamond form"

David grinned as he said the following, "Of course the biggest way to know is when all the other pantheons come to congratulate you that you advanced."

Charles thought for a moment while Hank seemed to be glancing at Raven while in contemplation.

"So, when you spoke about Loki, you literally meant God. Then what is Kal the God off since he can fight a powerful god-like him head-on, and why are you looking like this? Was it for effect?" Charles started to rattle off questions and had to stop himself as he realized what he was doing.

Chucking David answered as he took his human form and Angel slipped off his shoulder and flew off, "In reverse order, I wanted you to see my true self. Kal is not a god yet, he has a long way to go, Kal is naturally so powerful he could go one on one with most Asgardian gods, and yes Loki is the god you are thinking of."

With the last comment, Kal could not help but grin and nudge Max, who in turn rolled his eyes.