
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

A minor Tiff

As night came, after a hard day of training the new recruits in the basic's and trying to get a deeper understanding of their powers, they were now all relaxing with drinks and chatting happily amongst themselves.

Max nudged Kal, "You okay? You seem distracted."

"Oh, fine, I was just talking to David about ideas to lock space and prevent anyone appearing in our space sector," Kal responded, he liked it when David asked his advice on projects, but he felt more useful now that David was letting him out on a mission.

"Er, yeah, okay." Max just shrugged and made sure he could still sense all his metal marbles all around the base.

Raven headed over to the window in the room the kids were chatting and drinking in and placed a small black cube on the wall next to it, she then whispered something and walked away.

As they were all relaxed and mellow a loud BANG was heard from the front of the building. Kal and Max moved while Raven called to the kids.

'I have linked us all up; we should be able to communicate this way." Charles's voice entered everyone's minds. He was currently sitting within a secure room acting as a communication center

'They came in the front door, very arrogant and feeling assured of victory. It seems Emma is only able to affect some people, some of the agents are holding off Riptide. Are we sure these agents are not Meta's?' Charles reported.

'I am on Azazel, I have 1 marble lodged into his foot and managed to get 2 in his thigh, nothing fatal though.' Came to Max's report as someone screamed loudly.

Azazel was trying to teleport around and grab agents but found that he was being chained down by metal cables that shot out his thigh and attached to other cables reaching out of the ground, not only was it painful it was limiting him drastically.

Behind him, Shaw stepped in and was met with a hail of bullets that hit him and did nothing. Shaw grinned as two daggers appeared in his hands and he began a dance of death. The normal agents died without resistance as Shaw moved with fluidity, speed, and agility through them.

'KAL, hit Shaw now, do not hold back and watch out for illusions, IT'S LOKI! All agents use laser sights and optics to help eliminate Illusions.' David's voice hijacked their mind link and then send a message to all the agents.

Loki still looking like Shaw cut down the cable attached to Azazel, the agents suppressing Riptide discovered they were facing 4 of him. Thankfully the laser sights traveled right through the fakes, but it gave him enough time to regroup.

As Kal flew in he uppercut Loki, causing a shockwave from the impact as Loki was driven into the sky and away from the others, followed closely by Kal. (I read up on Loki's power and tactics just to be sure, he is this strong)

'Who is Loki, what should I do?' Came Charles confused voice over the mind link.

Right now, Max was facing Riptide, Emma, and Azazel alone as many small marbles circled around him when something gave a deafening roar and Azazel found he was suddenly beaten to the ground by something very large, blue, and furry. Azazel teleported out of instinct, but so did Beast who had a right grip with his right foot/hand on the metal cable Max had left sticking out of him.

'Loki, God of Asgard and apparently boredom, and you are benched.' came Raven's voice as Emma suddenly found Raven's legs around her neck, but Raven's arms looked like sickles as they struck downwards, Emma attempted to change to her diamond form.

Max facing Riptide grinned as metal balls from all around the complex began to rise up, "Guess it's you and I."

Above the complex, Loki managed to get control of his trajectory and aimed his decent towards Kal who was flying up to meet him.

"Pitiful mortal, do you even know who you are facing?" As he spoke, he appeared behind Kal and stabbed with both magical daggers, much to his dismay runes flared up on Kal's suit and the daggers did no damage.

"These are Asgardian runes, who are you?" Four versions of Shaw appeared around Kal and all struck at him.

"Make up your mind, do you want me to tell you who you are, or who I am?" Kal said as none of the Shaw's around him did any damage.

'I think Loki is on his way to the ground, he tricked me.' Kal reported to the rest.

Beast suddenly appeared from the point he had left, Azazel was not looking good, he had deep claw marks all over, and currently, his tail and throat were being held tightly by Beast,

"That right, we stay right here, and you be good," Beast said in a very low animalistic growl.

Emma realized almost right away that she seemed unable to use her powers against Raven and instantly fell to her knees and raised her hands, "I surrender." She said without hesitation as Raven huffed in dissatisfaction.

Riptide looked around him, seeing two of his teammates beaten and many metals spears surrounding him he sighed and slowly raised his hands.

Suddenly Shaw appeared before them, he was smiling as he spoke, "So, it seemed someone knew all about me. Now that really is not fair." It was obvious he was assessing the state of his team and actually seems disgusted.

As he spoke Kal spoke in the link, 'He is stalling, I am almost back, be careful.'

As Shaw spoke, he raised both his hands, "Well it seems I am not welcome, then let me leave you with a fond farewell." Shaw bowed as Kal can be seen a meter above his head, then Kal found himself inside a Frost Giant statue.

The ice shattered all over as Kal was unable to stop himself from moving within the giant statue as ice dust-covered Shaw's exit.

"Urgh, okay that sucked. I seriously owe him." Kal said as he stood up dusting himself off.

'We were lucky, Loki was not expecting Kal to be that strong or us to be prepared. If he had a chance to prepare things might have gone differently." David gave his view on the fight, while he expected the others to be beaten easily, Loki was a tough one if he was prepared.

'I think someone should explain to me what is going on.' Came Charle's less than impressed mental voice.

'We have defeated the current incarnation of the Hellfire Club; the bad news is Loki is the Black king and I have no doubt he only sees this as a bump in the road. Charles, you can let the C.I.A. know we dealt with their problem. I can explain things to you once we have a safe place to talk.'

'Fine, my home is safe. Give me a few days to deal with the C.I.A. then I want a meeting, I want to know everything.' Charles demanded.

'I mean no insult Charles, but are you sure you want to know everything, we are talking about somethings that are going to clash with your sense of reality.' David knew his words would only make Charles want to know more, the man hated not knowing, it was one of the reasons he kept reading minds.