
Relic of Sol

The story of Alice and Sol, a powerful being who had been sealed away for many years in hopes of seeking love. Will their bond ascent beyond that of conventional love, or will Sol’s dark past and thirst for power lead to the destruction of the modern world.

Writing_Jester · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

After what could only be described as a short yet chaotic drive to the local fast food restaurant, Alice and Gabe got out of the car still messing around and saying "chicken nuggets!!" Which easily caught the attention of those around them, but it was clear neither of them cared while making their way inside the building to stand in the waiting line to order.

While they were waiting in line, Gabe had set his left hand under his jaw in thought while staring intensely at the menu located above the counter. With a soft mumble to himself saying "chicken nuggets... or chicken nuggets." Which made Alice give a soft laugh and playfully elbow him in the side before making her way off to find a table to sit at while Gabe sorted out the order.

For the seating arrangements, there was a few tables with seats in the middle and a long bench by the tinted window that looked outside with a row of seats. Unfortunately a majority of the tables were already taken and the last few were for larger groups of people, leading to Alice taking a seat by the long bench that looked outside.

Now being seated and gazing outside to enjoy the sunset, Alice also caught a glimpse of the reflection and those around her, seeing her brother in line who was now being served. Yet being his usual self and making the basic order harder than it should be, since he was now trying to decide on how many nuggets to get. But the more she looked at the reflection in the glass window, the more a figure in front of her came into focus. His bright yellow eyes looking right at her causing her to jump in fright, turning around quickly to look behind her and see who was there. Only to find there was nobody in sight, giving a heavy sigh of relief while trying to relax her now racing heart.

Her moment of fright soon fading away as her brother returned with their order, setting down a box between them both to share with a few sauce packets. Although Gabe was usually playing the role of a fool, he did have a caring side and quickly noticed something was troubling Alice, saying "what's wrong? You'd normally have eaten the whole box already."

But with a soft smile Alice waved it off saying "oh, I just thought I say some creepy guy in the window's reflection." She'd then take some of the food and slowly ate it, keeping her eyes away from the window now in fear of seeing something again. But Gabe being his usual self responded with a witty remark in attempt to try and lighten the mood, giving her a light nudge and whispering.

"Maybe you saw your reflection?" Followed by a soft laugh shared between them both as they finished all the nuggets together. Once finished they headed back to the car and Gabe Dropped Alice off at her apartment building that she had to herself. It wasn't much, but it was enough for what she desired. A single bedroom apartment with a kitchen overlooking the lounge room, with of course a basic bathroom/shower.

Getting out of the car and thanking her brother, Alice calmly made her way towards the door of her apartment and reached into her pocket to grab her keys. However she still had a lingering feeling of someone watching over her shoulder, but each time she checked there was nothing there. Quickly unlocking the door and getting inside to lock the door behind her, she gave a heavy sigh saying to herself. "What's wrong with me, maybe it's the lack of sleep..." rubbing her eyes softly, Alice made her way to the bathroom sink to turn the water on and splash her face with water. Yet when she looked up at the mirror she was face to face with the same yellow eyed male lingering behind her. Jumping to turn around she couldn't see him, until she did a double take back and forth towards the mirror. Only seeing the male in the reflection saying "what are you!?! Am I dreaming?"

Yet the male who had only raised his right eye brow while watching her reaction soon spoke in reply to her saying "No, this isn't a dream dear. It seems fate has decided to bind our souls for some reason." Yet as the male spoke, it became clear his only defined features were his almost glowing eyes. While his other features were more of a blur or shadow regardless of how hard someone focused on him.

Alice was still seemingly in shock, trying to make sense of all this. Looking around the room trying to see if this was all just a sick joke being played on her and leaving the bathroom to walk around her apartment saying "fate? Who or what are you?" Yet with each step she took, she could see his reflection following her around on windows, mirrors and even the tile floor of the kitchen.

With her question being asked the male who was following her then gave her an answer saying. "Many centuries ago, I entrusted an ancient relic to aid in my search for someone special. Even I at the time didn't believe in such things as magic, but here I am. You may call me Sol" With him speaking his true name, Alice softly repeated it to herself before blacking out and falling to the ground out cold.