
Relic of Sol

The story of Alice and Sol, a powerful being who had been sealed away for many years in hopes of seeking love. Will their bond ascent beyond that of conventional love, or will Sol’s dark past and thirst for power lead to the destruction of the modern world.

Writing_Jester · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Several hours passed after Alice fainted, due to the shocking and surprising turn of events. One second she was living a normal life, and the next she has a spirit bound to her. It was like she was thrown into a wild dream, that she didn't see coming, nor could anyone else for that matter.

Due to the many hours that soon passed, the sun's warm rays soon began to beam in through the windows of the apartment. It's tender warmth brushing along Alice's face and causing her to stir in her sleep for several moments, only to then open her eyes to find herself laying within the warmth of her bed.

Slowly sitting up and rubbing her eyes, she looked around the room softly saying "what a strange dream.." only to then be startled by the sight of the male sitting on the edge of the bed right beside her. Although his exposed and chiseled back was to her, she instantly knew it was the same person from last night. Mumbling a gentle "Sol.. you're really here?"

Looking over his shoulder to face her with a sly smirk, finding amusement out of her shy blush. Sol replied to her saying "yes, unfortunately this isn't just a dream my dear. We are indeed stuck together, and trust me when I say. I tried leaving already, but I can't seem to stray too far away from you." He'd then start to slowly turn and shift his body to face her, causing Alice to squeal and cover her face with her pillow.

Taking a quick peek at the male's toned and defined figure, she'd hesitantly ask "umm, could you put a shirt on please." Then covering her own face with the pillow once more to stop herself from getting distracted. Clearly showing how flustered it had made her, as she had never been in a situation like this before.

Seeing this, Sol gave a lazy yawn and clicked his fingers as a shirt began to form over his toned upper body. Making himself presentable once more while he cleared his throat to try and get Alice's attention saying "relax dear, you can look now."

Peeking once more from behind the pillow and her long crimson red hair, Alice gave a gentle sigh of relief still trying to make sense of everything that was going on. Maybe she was going crazy, maybe it was just a long dream within a dream. With a heavy sigh she fell back into her bed letting out a groan "what is going on? This can't be real. Somebody pinch me"

Tilting his head slightly and looking down at her, Sol tried to follow her request and went to pinch her along the arm. However it just ended up leaving a massive chill along her arm, causing a faint shiver to follow with Sol saying to her "yea.. kinda forgot I'm a ghost now. Maybe spirit? Phantom?" A soft laugh followed between the two as Alice jokingly mumbles.

"Knowing my luck, you're a demon." Before quickly realising what she said and covering her mouth quickly whispering a "sorry.." for all she knew, maybe he was a demon who could do unspeakable things to her. Worry quickly flooded into her mind as she didn't know what to do. But this panic was shortly lived as Sol softly laughed in response.

"Oh don't worry, I may not know what I am in this form. But even if i was a demon, i wouldn't harm you." His words helping settle her nerves slightly, but she still wasn't even sure if Sol was real or not. She needed to find a way to figure this out somehow, and right at that moment a knock on the door to her apartment echoed around the room, followed by the loud voice of her brother Gabe calling out and saying.

"wake up or you can walk to college, then again you could use the work out." His laugh would then follow as he patiently waited, and by patiently. He kept knocking repeatedly as Alice looked to Sol waving to hide somewhere. Worried what her brother may do if she caught someone in her apartment with her.

However Sol gave a shrug not moving as Alice gave a moody huff at him refusing to hide, and made her way to the door opening it slightly to try and not let Gabe inside. Of course that didn't go to plan when he just pushed past her to make his way to the fridge and raid her food saying "this will cover the driving fees."

But Alice was too nervous about Sol being found in her bedroom, and kept glancing at the door hoping he stayed there and didn't get spotted. However Gabe took notice of this, and made his way over towards her room saying "oh do you have someone in there, you're bad at hiding things."

By the time he had opening the door to Alice's room she was already in the middle of her sentence saying "I can explain" Sol was still seated upon her bed in clear view, or so she thought. Gabe however didn't seem to even notice and instead looked around the room, and under the bed being confused. It soon became apparent only Alice was able to see Sol. That or maybe she was crazy, thus causing her to test something.

Nudging her brother still being a little nervous she says "can I try a magic trick with you?" Which made Gabe's eyes light up like an excited child with a wide grin and nodding in agreement. She'd then explain the basics of the trick saying "keep your hands behind your back and my uh, imaginary friend will tell me how many fingers you hold up."

Gabe wasted no time in moving his hands behind his back and out of Alice's view. Holding up three fingers, while Alice looked over at Sol awaiting him to tell her how many fingers he was holding up. Which he eventually got off the bed and stood behind Gabe to check saying "I conquered half of the world and I'm reduced to childish kids games. He's holding up three fingers, like his number of brain cells."

Alice would then answer Gabe saying he was holding up three fingers and did the trick several more times until Gabe swapped his fingers while Alice was in the middle of answering, until Sol spoke up and told her that he tried to cheat. Leading to a large amount of confusion from Gabe who didn't know how she figured that out, along with helping Alice realise that she wasn't crazy after all.

By this stage her alarm on her phone went off saying she was late, causing a frantic scramble while she got ready for college and rushed with Gabe to his car on their way to college.