
Relic of Sol

The story of Alice and Sol, a powerful being who had been sealed away for many years in hopes of seeking love. Will their bond ascent beyond that of conventional love, or will Sol’s dark past and thirst for power lead to the destruction of the modern world.

Writing_Jester · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

A group of slow and calm footsteps accompanied by the sound of a tour guide filled the air. The area resembling that of a museum, rich in ancient knowledge and relics. The tour guide's voice peaking louder than the hushed and quite tour group chatting amongst themselves.

"Now we arrive at the once thought to be mythical relic of Sol, the immortal. At first we all thought the tale of Sol was a story told to our ancestors kids, such as the story of Hercules. But recently as I'm sure you've heard, archeologists have uncovered what we believe to be the temple of Sol. The place he was said to be set to rest when his lust for power came to an end, and his very being is said to be trapped within this relic, apparently it stores him within until his dying wish is granted." Inside the displace case resided a small clay looking ball, with an ancient and long lost language inscribed upon it.

The tour group looked at the relic with some amount of interest, yet that was quick to fade since such things like magic and witchcraft clearly didn't exist. With a small group of four in the back of the tour group giving a noticeable laugh, while one of the males even called out saying "you expect us to believe some all powerful being is trapped inside a silly ball? If he was that powerful, how could he be trapped like that?"

The male's rant was cut short, when the female beside him, who was much shorter than him, being only 5'4 in height gave him a light elbow into his side, whispering a soft "please don't embarrass us again..." she seemed shy at first, holding her arm and keeping her head low, having her crimson hair cover her eyes. Looking more like fear than shyness the longer the situation was observed, with the male glaring down at her.

His much larger figure at a remarkable 6'4 towered over the much smaller female, his size being far more apparent when he wrapped his right arm around the female to hold her painfully close and addressed the tour group. "Sorry for interrupting everyone, I'll keep it down" yet once everyone turned their attention away, his friendly smile faded away to a glare down at the female, whispering into her ear saying "Alice, did I say you could open your pathetic lips? No. So shut up and enjoy the date you so badly wanted."

The distress in Alice could clearly be seen due to her body language, and her arms pushing the best she could to escape the male's grasp. This was to no avail until the two other guys with their group interrupted saying.

"let's go Bro, the tour already left without us."

"Yea, he's right Chad, we should go before your toy cries again and makes a scene."

A loud sigh was heard from the large male while he let go of Alice and moved away a few steps, and looked over his shoulder and down towards Alice saying "consider the date over. Only three more dates and you're going for a ride on the Chadcoaster" While saying that, Chad moved his hands in a way to look like he was grasping something while he moved his hips back and forwards. Clearly implying at a disgusting and sexual act, that would appear forced upon the female in her current situation before making his way off with his two companions.

Rubbing her watery eyes, Alice cleared up her vision muttering towards the three saying "can I please be alone for a bit.." as if not caring or even hearing her, the group began to proceed to the next section of the tour. Leaving Alice to sit beside the Relic of Sol, muttering a soft "Is this really what love feels like? Being used and tossed aside? I just wish I found love like in the movies, a caring man that will actually be gentle and protect me. Perhaps I'm too hopeful that such a thing really exists, maybe even a cat that would love me better than that Jerk ever will." Giving a soft laugh to herself, Alice slowly got up to her feet placing her hand over the glass protecting the relic to admire its beauty.

She seemingly zoned out for several moments as she gazed at the relic's beauty, until a small crack began to form along it. Stepping back being concerned that she may be blamed for it, Alice started to move back a few steps until she bumped into a mysterious figure. It felt like a person at first, but when she turned around saying "oh, I'm sorry" she saw there was nobody there. She could have sworn there was someone there, but maybe it was just because she was in a day dream. Looking at the relic one last time before moving on, the crack she saw before was no longer there, giving the impression she was only seeing things.

With a calm sigh of relief, she began to make her way after the tour group that was finishing up by the time she got there. Seeing Chad and his two friends that always seemed to linger by his side like lap dogs, which she had gotten use to. Returning to Chad's side, Alice whispered a soft "thank you for today, it was sweet of you"

This took Chad a bit by surprise, but he replied kindly saying "huh, yea you're welcome Alice. Sorry about earlier" his thug like personality vanishing for the time being, while their group made their way out of the museum and parted ways for the day. Chad and his friends saying their goodbyes to Alice and going one way, while Alice ended up going her own way. She didn't mind being alone, she preferred the peace away from the three since being around them for too long wasn't always so pleasant. Besides, she had another person to keep her busy which was her older brother..

As if it was perfectly on queue, the loud sound of a horn went off and ruined the silence of the area. What followed was a loud man yelling out a car window saying "hey, Alice!! Get in the car, I have candy and free wifi" shaking her head with a soft smile and holding back a laugh, she made her way over towards the man.

Opening the passenger door of the car, she got inside and closed the door behind her and greeted the male saying "what are you doing here Gabe? I know you hate places like this." Looking over the male, he was built like a wall, being even bigger than Chad. Wearing long black jeans, and a white tight gripping shirt that showed off his toned upper body.

Gabe gave his usual and loud reply saying "well I was in the neighbourhood and heard you were on a date with that guy again. So I decided I'd be a good big brother for once and be waiting here just in case you needed me. Wouldn't be the first time I had to set him straight, but I have to ask. Why are you still seeing him?"

Alice rubbed the back of her head forcing a soft smile saying "well you see... I still think I can change him. I think I'm making progress slowly, besides he's not all that bad." While she spoke, Gabe shook his head before patting Alice upon the head to mess up her hair.

His response being that of any concerned brother "I'll respect your decision, but if he ever lays a finger on you like last time. I promise I won't be so gentle next time. Now with all that aside, let's get some chicken nuggets!!!" Alice and Gabe didn't always see eye to eye on most things, but when it came to food they always shared the same taste. So with that decided, they drove away together to get the family favourite meal of chicken nuggets.

Just seeing if this gets any attention. Hope you enjoy.

Writing_Jestercreators' thoughts