
Rekindling The Ashes

Keiko Todoroki has long abandoned her birth name and started calling herself Vanity, Ember, or "Chesire Cat" depending on who she comes across. Childhood friends of Deku and Bakugo. Vanity is the forgotten middle child between Dabi and Shoto, whose fire Quirk rivals that of Dabi's Quirk after he grows up and joins LoV, only now she struggles to control her Quirk due to a traumatic childhood secret. Endeavor, having always been power hungry, agrees to allow a man wearing a black trench coat to try and work with her to make her Quirk even stronger, unaware of the horrors that went on behind his back. Her family was later told she had died in an accident, and Endeavor didn't think any thing of it despite the grief. Everyone eventually moved on, while they secretly continued their expirements for ten years or so. She'd escaped the facility and found a tree house to live in, wanting to just live her life and be left alone by both heroes and villains.

Angel_Hitake · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Ch. 2

A few days passed after the beach incident, and Midoriya noticed Bakugo wandering off campus after classes and decided to follow him. "Kaa-chan, wait up!" Midoriya called as he jogged up to the blonde who threw a glare at him. "Where do you keep going after classes?" He asked before Bakugo could get a word out. "None of your business, nerd." Bakugo spat as he walked. Midoriya frowned some but kept following him, curious.

Vanity hadn't really left her tree house since the run in with the boys from her childhood. She still couldn't believe they'd gotten into their dream hero school. She was happy for them, and despite knowing they probably didn't remember her, she wanted to be there to support them without the pro heroes noticing her. They'd all grown up since they were kids, and changed. None of them were the same as back then.. maybe she was just being silly. Being out and about was dangerous for her, with the lab coats looking for her and wanting to claim being neither hero nor villain. Part of her couldn't helping thinking about the offer to stay in the UA dorms.

She jumped slightly when she heard a noise from outside and got up from the couch to peek a glance out of her window, having seen a man in a black hoodie following her when she last left her tree house, blinking when she saw Bakugo standing outside. She didn't see Midoriya, since he was ducked behind a bush. Why was he here?

Bakugo frowned slightly. "I knew it." He said loud enough for her to hear him. "What're you doing?" He snarked, vaguely remembering the tree house from their younger years. Midoriya frowned some in confusion as he watched and listened to the his rival and classmate, not daring to come out since Bakugo was the reason he was down behind the bush.

Vanity raised a curious eyebrow. "Pardon?" She asked, earning a frown from the blonde. "How long have you been hiding in there?" He asked like the first time they met, which had been over ten years ago. She hadn't quite caught the meaning of the meaning behind the question and simply answered with, "what's it matter?"

Bakugo's frown deepened. "It's an old ass tree house! You obviously can't live in it! Idiot!" Vanity's cheeks warmed. "Who's the idiot that's been stalking me?" She snarked back. Bakugo furrowed his eyebrows and growled some before climbing up into the tree house.

Midoriya's eyes widen slightly at the memory of a similar conversation, only this one was different in its own way. It couldn't be.. could it?

When they were kids, young Midoriya had followed young Bakugo out to the forest, like anytime he followed him. "Kaa-chan, where are we going? It's getting dark." He said and young Bakugo grinned. "I found something the other day, wanted to check it out without everyone following." He said. "Are you scared?" He asked. Young Midoriya frowned slightly and shook his head. "Not if I'm with Kaa-chan." He said with a smile, and young Bakugo grinned confidently.

The two came to an old, worn down tree house, and young Midoriya watched as young Bakugo climbed into three house. "Oi, what're you doing in there?' He asked, and young Midoriya's eyes widen slightly at the sight of a girl around their age, maybe older. She had silvery white hair and dark red magenta eyes, and bandages wrapped around her wrists and arms. "What's it matter?" She asked with a light sniffle as she wiped her damp eyes. "It's old and ragged, you could fall through!" Young Bakugo barked. "It's sturdy enough, I don't weigh that much." She said. "I'm going to live here now." She said, and young Bakugo frowned some. "You obviously can't live in it, idiot! There's no food or a bed!" He retorted. The girl frowned and glared at him. "Who's the idiot? Idiot!" She said.

Young Midoriya poked his head out and moved to stand next to young Bakugo, about to say something when Midoriya was suddenly pulled from his memories at the sound of an explosion. His first thought was that Bakugo had lashed out at the girl inside the tree house, until he poked his head out from behind the bush. His eyes widen as a man wearing a black trench coat stood in front of the tree house, with Bakugo standing between him and the girl, and Midoriya having no idea what was going on.

"What're you doing? It's not your fight!" Vanity yelled, honestly looking scared. Bakugo frowned and his hand crackled as he got ready to use his Quirk, the male stepped closer as if to attack. "Heroes don't back down from a fight." Bakugo said before charging at the male figure and using an explosion. When the smoke cleared, Midoriya's eyes widen at the sight of the man holding Bakugo by his face. "Foolish child." He said calmly as he charged up his own Quirk. Black sparks emitted from the man as orbs began to materialize around them. Midoriya couldn't believe his eyes. What kind of Quirk..

"Let him go!" Vanity yelled, hopping from the window of the tree house and a cool, blue flame shot out to wrap around Bakugo to protect him before a bright pink flame shot out towards the man as she ran up to them. The man dropped Bakugo, and had a few of his orbs block the pink flames before Vanity had her pink flame wrap around her hand and she hit him as hard as she could. He only staggered back a step, having grounded himself before the direct hit made contact, and he glanced up to glare at the girl before him.

Midoriya and Bakugo were stunned, and Bakugo lifted his hand to inspect the blue flame shrouding him. It wasn't hot.. "Kaa-chan!" Midoriya said, remembering himself and went to check on him, as Bakugo slowly stood. "Idiot! You were supposed to stay hidden!" The blonde barked, and Midoriya froze. Laughter sounded from the man as he straightened out. "Two brats from the hero course, and a run away outcast." He said slowly. "Isn't this my lucky day.." He said with a wicked smirk that made Midoriya's blood run cold.

"You two.. run." Vanity said softly. "This isn't your fight." She said as the blue flame around Bakugo slowly dispersed. If she acknowledged them, it would only give the villain more Intel on the boys, and they'd be at a bigger disadvantage. "Don't be stupid.." Bakugo stated blandly. "You honestly think we'd leave a friend, or anyone in the middle of a fight?" He said, irritated. "I'm not giving you a choice!" Vanity said, creating a wall of pink flames around herself and the man and blocking out Bakugo and Midoriya.

"Kaa-chan.." Midoriya said warily, obviously not wanting to leave her either. "Shut up, I know." He said slowly. "Deku, go back to the school and tell them." He said. Midoriya's eyes widen. "What? But-!" He started to argue until Bakugo gave him a knowing look, and he bit his lip. "Just, hang on until I get back!" Midoriya said before taking off.

Vanity was thrown through her wall, causing it to disperse and Bakugo launched himself to catch her, using his Quirk to accelerate himself, reaching to wrap his arms around her as they crashed and tumbled along the ground. Vanity slowly came out of her daze and glanced down at Bakugo as he lay on the ground, arms still wrapped tightly around her. "Kat.." She murmured softly. He glanced at her and smirked some. "Idiot.." She murmured softly. Bakugo growled some when the villain launched a few of his orbs at them and forced himself to roll them over, just as Vanity's cool blue flames enveloped them to protect them from the blast of the orbs exploding. Vanity slowly got up and stood between the villain and Bakugo, her blue flames still flickering around Bakugo as he pushed himself to stand.

"If you're going to continue to fight, I have no reason to hold back. You'll remember the name Faye Tality, brat." The villain said, casting a glance at Bakugo. "I'm merely here for her.." He said, flicking his gaze to Vanity. "She has a high price on her head, if captured alive." He said. "But.. that doesn't mean I have to let you live." He said, glancing at Bakugo, earning a frown from the blonde as black sparks emitted off of the man and more orbs begin to materialize. Vanity glanced at the villain, her eyes glowing the color of her pink flames that surrounded them in a wall of flames, separating Bakugo from them.

"Like I'd let you.." Vanity said softly, dispersing the blue flames around Bakugo and focusing on strengthening her pink flames, making them burn brighter. Bakugo watched in mild disbelief. When had she.. he grit his teeth some. How'd he miss it? "Don't be stupid, Kei!" He yelled, his hands crackling from his Quirk.