
Reincarnation of the strongest sword god-reincarnating once more

This is a fanfic of the novel "Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God" by Lucky Old Cat, where, after ten years of fighting in the Greater God's Domain, Shi Feng reincarnates once again. Note: I might change some things and come up with new ways of how things work in my fanfic that are different from the original novel, as well as ignore some things said in it and the Side Story continuation. If someone hasn't read the continuation where he comes back to the original timeline (where he got fired from Shadow), you might not understand some things. Also, I'm not a very creative person so a lot of stuff, or at least the happenings and items, will be the same, and I might copy stuff and ideas from other fanfics. Note: I will try to make the characters have more emotion and add some romance, but don't expect much. The cover for this story doesn't belong to me. If you're the owner and want me to take it down, contact me at tdi547165@gmail.com

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The Difference Between Real Life and VR Pleasure R-18 (2)

Afterwards, Feng left the City Hall and teleported to Star-Moon City, where he purchased the plot of Land next to the Auction House as well. As the capital of Star-Moon Kingdom, the prices of the Land here were not one bit cheaper than in White River City at all. Even an ordinary plot of Land had a minimum price of 2,000 Gold. With this sum of money, one could purchase a relatively good plot of Land in White River City already. Meanwhile, the Land situated around the central district of Star-Moon City had a price tag of at least 6,000 Gold, whereas Land in the golden areas of the city cost 14,000 Gold at a minimum; the prices here were more than double those of White River City. Meanwhile, the plot of Land Feng purchased cost 18,000 Gold Coins; 11,700 Gold with Feng's status. 

Feng didn't stop there, though, as he then continued teleporting to the Four Great Empires and purchasing the most valuable plots of Land within each Imperial Capital. 

As Empires were many times larger than Kingdoms with much greater resources and player population, the prices for Land in them was naturally greater as well, with practically any popular City having prices comparable to Star-Moon City's; while their Imperial Capitals had prices around double of their Cities'. 

As for the Four Great Empires, although their Cities' Land prices weren't astronomically larger than other Empires', most Cities in the four Empires had prices for plots of Land slightly lower than other Empires' Imperial Capitals'. 

Meanwhile, the Imperial Capitals of the Four Great Empires similarly had Land prices around double of the rest of their Cities', while the most valuable plots of Land in them costing around 65,000 Gold Coins. 

After buying each of the Four Great Empires' most valuable plots of Land with a 35% discount, along with the money he spend on the the plots in Star-Moon Kingdom, Feng had spent nearly 190,000 Gold Coins. 

While in Ten Saints City, the Imperial Capital of the Ten Saints Empire, though, Feng made a slight detour as he headed to an out door garden of a particular Coffee Shop. As he entered the garden, Feng spotted and approached a table where an old man wearing an outfit that made him look like a motor biker, sat. 

"Yo, nice outfit my guy." Feng commented casually as he took a seat opposite of the old man. 

"Oh, you have a good pair of eyes, Adventurer. This is an outfit that this Old man put a lot of effort into making. Sadly, it doesn't seem like the rest of these blind fools can appreciate its greatness." The old man instantly became chatty as if excited that someone had mentioned his odd fashion style and eager to show it off, while becoming slightly down and sulky by the end of the sentence as he cursed out the people that were sending weird glances at him and his clothes. 

"Do you know where I can get one myself." Feng spoke in an uninterested manner that directly contradicted his question as he took out and placed a Chocolate Stick in his mouth. 

"You indeed have great taste, which is rare to see in young people these days." The old man nodded in approval, while the way he looked at Feng changed slightly "Unfortunately, it is no longer possible for another such outfit to be created ever since the-"

'Yep, keep talking about your problems as if I actually care.' Feng zoned out and stopped listening to the old man mid sentence, as he truly didn't give a shit about what he was talking about. 

From what Feng knew, in order to get another fragment of the Book of Creation, he needed to come to this old man and talk about his outfit. As for the finer details, Feng neither knew them nor cared for them. 

He merely leaned back on his chair and gazed at the sunny sky while enjoying the cool breeze and chewing on his Chocolate Stick; all the while absent mindedly responding to the old man. 

Feng only came back to his senses when a system notification sounded in his ears. 

System: Epic Hidden Quest, "Fine Fashion Taste" triggered. Do you wish to accept?

Glancing through the Quest's details, Feng summarized that he needed to get some rare materials, with one type being from a monster the old man says is extinct, which isn't actually extinct, within twenty days; and would in return have a unique outfit created for him along with some other possible additional rewards. Agreeing without much hesitation, Feng got up and left while not paying any attention to the old NPC's dialog. 

Though, Feng was also reminded of something, as he went to a nearby shop and bought a shirt, in which he cut two holes in its back where his wings would go before putting it on. 

After finishing with purchasing a plot of Land in each of the Four Great Empires, Feng switched his gaze to other Empires, as he planned to expand the reach of his Candlelight Trading Firm as much as possible using the money he had and his status as a Marquise in all human territory. 

Following which, Feng purchased the most valuable plots of Land in ten of some of the more powerful and popular Empires' Imperial Capitals, one of which being the Black Dragon Empire; with each plot costing around 40,000 Gold Coins, while being only 26,000 Gold with Feng's discount as a Marquise. 

Overall, Feng had spent all of the leftover money he had from the Holy Cavers' treasury as well as most of the Gold Coins he obtained from selling the over two million weapons and pieces of equipment. 

Wrapping up his property purchasing, Feng returned to White River City. As another step to his plan, Feng had Anna stop all sales of the Starstreak Trading Firm in all of its Cities but continuing all of the items' production as normal, greatly confusing Anna. If they continued making items while not selling them, wouldn't they simply be making a loss? How were they supposed to make enough money to pay off their debt this way?

But as her trust in Feng had grown during this time, Anna still followed through with his orders and stopped all of Starstreak Trading Firm's sales. 

Of course, Feng naturally knew that they'd be losing money if they commenced such an operation, but he didn't care. Feng was planning to start selling items in all of the locations he had just bought Lands at, but as the current number of members in the Horizon Alliance weren't enough to support such a large sale, and definitely won't be after Feng Xuanyang poaches many of them, Feng had decided to use Strastreak to make the items he'll sell there while he recruits more members for Candlelight. 

At that point, the amount of money he'll earn from selling all those items to the players from his own shop will be much greater than if he did through Starstreak. As for the money necessary to continue Starstreak's operation and continuous making of items, which was less than 1,000 Gold Coins per day, he planned to use the Gold Starstreak has made thus far as well as the leftover money from his purchasing and the sum Melancholic doesn't managed to spend from the 50,000 he had given her. 

Finishing some of the preparations for now, Feng locked himself up in the Forging room and started making Intermediate Mana Armor Kits. 

With the Creation Goddess's Blessing, Feng had a 90% chance to get ten extra Proficiency Points for every item he creates that would normally have a chance at giving him Proficiency Points, so Feng intended to use the Intermediate Mana Armor Kit which took a short amount of time to make, with him being able to make around three per minute, to quickly increase his Forging Proficiency. 

As such, Feng spent over three days forging Intermediate Mana Armor Kits, only stopping to do some of the tasks necessary for his future plans, getting reports from Melancholic about her progress and logging out to eat and return memories to people which Blackie and the other managers found that joined Zero Wing; two of which were Shadow Sword and Turtledove. 

During this time, Overwhelming Smile continued increasing its benefits and poaching Zero Wing's members. Despite their plans, Overwhelming Smile's appearance did not negatively affect Zero Wing's recruitment. Instead, Overwhelming Smile had made Zero Wing even more popular than before, driving more players to apply to Zero Wing. Some players from other Guilds even withdrew from their respective Guilds to join Zero Wing.

As a result, the entrance of Zero Wing's Guild Residence was crowded with a sea of players.

Those who did not fully understand the situation even thought that Zero Wing had already become White River City's overlord. Though, those who knew the situation silently ridiculed the players rushing to join Zero Wing.

After two days of chaotic recruitment, Zero Wing had grown from around 5,000 members to having over 10,000. If not for Overwhelming Smile's interruption, Zero Wing would have no problems surpassing the 30,000 member threshold.

Unfortunately, many of the players who had been accepted into Zero Wing then defected to Overwhelming Smile almost immediately. By doing so, they could enjoy triple the benefits of the ordinary members of Overwhelming Smile, which was 12 times the treatment normally offered by other Guilds. How could anyone resist such a tempting offer? 

Though, neither Feng, nor Aqua at this point, cared about the defecting members. As far as he was concerned none of those people were worthy to be in Zero Wing, and as he won't be returning any of those people's memories, they were practically useless to him right now. 

Moreover, during this period of time, another major incident had occurred in White River City.

After taking the First Clear of the large-scale Team Dungeon in Maple City, Overwhelming Smile had gone on to try and claim the First Clear of the Land of Death, the large-scale Team Dungeon in White River City. However, Ouroboros's team, which was led by Gentle Snow, was a step ahead, becoming the first team to clear the Land of Death. 

Although Overwhelming Smile was only a step behind, it was a world of difference.

The reason being, only the first team to clear a large-scale Team Dungeon would have its achievement announced. There was nothing waiting for second place. If Overwhelming Smile wished to have an announcement of its own, then it would have to clear the Hell Mode Land of Death. However, the Hell Mode of the Land of Death was much more difficult than Hard Mode. Overwhelming Smile would require a large amount of time to raid the Hell Mode Land of Death, making it not worth the effort at all.

It was much better to place its focus on raiding Level 20 large-scale Team Dungeons, especially 100-man Team Dungeons.

Compared to going from Level 10 to 20, the timespan between Level 20 and 30 was much wider. Leveling in God's Domain took much longer the further one went. After reaching Level 20, players would find themselves taking far longer to level up. Hence, Guilds would have much more time to challenge Dungeons than before. 

Feng had been surprised when he heard the news, as it was Gentle Snow who had been a step behind in his previous life to claim the Land of Death's Hard Mode, and he hadn't given Snow any more help than in his previous life while giving her the same amount of items. 

If Feng had to point out one thing he did different that might have affected Snow to clear the Land of Death quicker, it would be giving her an introduction to the Realm of Refinement and showing off in the Dark Moon Graveyard. Though, if that was the case, then Feng could also say that his previous intentions had succeeded in helping Snow in improving her combat standards, which was reassuring for the upcoming fight between her and Cao Chenghua. 

At this moment, White River City buzzed with activity.

Overwhelming Smile's high-priced poaching had boosted White River City's development. A flood of independent players had migrated to White River City with the intention of joining Overwhelming Smile.

Based on the statistics offered by the official game developers, the player population in White River City had exceeded three million. White River City was now the most populated city in Star-Moon Kingdom's eastern region. It was also the third most populated city throughout Star-Moon Kingdom.

So Overwhelming Smile had helped him out, as he had originally intended to make White River City the most popular city in Star-Moon Kingdom. After all, Zero Wing's Guild Residence was in White River City, so it had the home-field advantage here. 

Fate truly knew how to toy with people.

If Feng Xuanyang, the mastermind behind this situation, knew Feng's thoughts right now, he would most likely pop a vein or two out of anger.

However, Feng also could not help but admit that Feng Xuanyang's plan of desperately throwing money away was very effective. Currently, Overwhelming Smile had become White River City's undisputed number one Guild in the minds of the sheep. The Branch Guild in White River City already had over 80,000 members. Among them, there were also quite a few elite players. Compared to the other Guilds in White River City, Overwhelming Smile was far superior.

Moreover, during this period, Overwhelming Smile had continuously raided large-scale Dungeons around White River City. As if they were on steroids, Overwhelming Smile's raiding speed even surpassed Gentle Snow's team by a bit. In addition, Overwhelming Smile had also offered to purchase information regarding Reputation Quests at a high price, apparently intending to become the second Guild in White River City to own a Guild Residence.

In contrast, Zero Wing showed no signs of movement at all. The Guild's member count held steady around 20,000. If not for the high-level quests and Double EXP buff available from the Guild Residence, most of Zero Wing's members would have long since defected to Overwhelming Smile.

Knock! Knock!

At this moment, a knocking sound could be heard from the forging room's door, before it opened and Violet peered in her little head. 

"You've finished your Class Change Quest?" Feng finished making another Intermediate Mana Armor Kit before placing down his tools as he sat down on a chair and asked Violet. 

"Yep!" Violet answered cheerfully before scuttling over to Feng and taking out some kind of parchment "Here it is." 

Feng glanced a the parchment and noticed that it was very similar to his Broken Steel Set Forging Design, except for being pure-white instead of purplish-black. 

"Let's see it then." Feng said as he sent a message to Cocoa to bring the Book of Creation over. 

Smiling, Violet approached Feng and sat on his lap while leaning on his chest and holding up the parchment to him. Feng was at first surprised by her unexpected move, but then simply embraced her as he used the Eyes of Truth to uncover the parchment's information; which Violet had not been able to do with her Identification Skill. 

The identification bar instantly filled up, revealing the parchment's information. 

[Holy Bell Set Equipment]

Epic Rank Unique Set Equipment

Eight-piece set consisting of:

Holy Bell Gauntlets

Holy Bell Breastplate

Holy Bell Pauldron

Holy Bell Helmet

Holy Bell Leg Guards

Holy Bell Belt

Holy Bell Boots

Holy Bell Bracers

Equipment Requirement: Strength 500, Intelligence 2,000, Crime Value 0

Class Restriction: True Saint

'It's an eight-piece Set?' Feng looked at the Holy Bell Set Equipment's Forging Design and remembered how his Broken Steel Set had only been a six-piece Set before he used Blessing of Creation on it, and a thought suddenly appeared in his mind 'The Main God's System couldn't be sexist, could it?' 

Now that he thought about it, despite always being emotionless, the Main God's System's voice sounded like a woman's... 

Though, Feng quickly shook away the thought, and summarized that it was because Plate Armor was usually rarer and stronger than Cloth Armor, so it made a bit of sense that the Holy Bell was an eight-piece Set while Broken Steel a six-piece Set. 

Feng then looked through the required materials to make the Holy Bell Set, and saw that although somewhat different from the Broken Steel Set's, all of them were just as rare and valuable. 

"Thoughts?" Violet's voice brought Feng back to his senses as he looked down to Violet's round eyes that were looking up at him. 

"It won't be that difficult to make as long as we get the necessary materials. Though, even if it's a Unique Set, it wouldn't be of much use to you as an Epic Set, so we should first wait to once I fix up the Book of Creation and try to upgrade it to Fragmented Legendary rank." Feng responded after giving it a bit of thought, and realized that despite it being an eight-piece Set, the Holy Bell Set still needed to first be upgraded before it could be of any use to Violet. 

"I thought so as well." Nodding, Violet confirmed the thoughts she already had on the Holy Bell Set. 

Another knocking sound came from the forging room's door before Cocoa entered and brought the Book of Creation to Feng. 

"Here you go, Guild Leader." Cocoa passed the Book of Creation to Feng while glancing at Violet who was sitting on his lap from the corner of her eye, mixed feelings appearing in Cocoa's mind. 

"Thanks. You can go back to forging for now. I'll bring it back to you once I'm done with it." Accepting the book, Feng instructed Cocoa as he checked if the Blessing of Creation hasn't been used today, as he had told Cocoa she could use it if the Guild managed to obtain any Designs or Recipes that could be improved; and seeing that it was off cooldown. 

"Hm? Oh, right. Yes sir." Cocoa woke up from her stupor before she nodded and left the forging room, giving Violet an envious look on the way out. 

Although Cocoa didn't have any romantic feelings for Feng and merely greatly admired him, she still couldn't help her jealousy upon seeing Violet in such an intimate position with him. After all, setting aside how great Feng is and how incredible being with him would be, just the fact that Violet, who was a bit younger than her, had already found herself a man while she was till single made Cocoa suffer a mid life crisis. 

'I really need to find a boyfriend.' Cocoa sighed internally while a sense of urgency suddenly appeared in her mind for some reason. 

The entire time through her previous life, Cocoa had focused on work and improving herself and Zero Wing, paying no attention to, nor having the time for, her love life. With the situations they were constantly in, not to mention finding a partner, even surviving was difficult; and when even Feng, the Guild Leader, was only focused on work and didn't indulge in pleasures, how could she have the time or the gall to slack off? 

However, things have changed now after reincarnating. Not only are they not under the constant threat of death, but they also had some free time while making preparations for the when they entered the Greater God's Domain. 

And now that even Feng, who had always suppressed himself, was now a bit more carefree and actually doing stuff other than working, that meant she too could use this chance to, for once in her life ever since she started playing God's Domain, actually have a life. But it had to be now, as Cocoa knew that once they entered the Greater God's Domain and Greater World, there would be no chance for any of that with how swamped with work she'll be. 

In reality, it wasn't just Cocoa having such thoughts, as the rest of Zero Wing's members who've had their memories restored had a similar thought process after seeing Feng's change. 

After Cocoa left, Feng selected the Holy Bell Forging Design and used Blessing of Creation on it. The parchment became surrounded with a holy light as it started floating in mid air. 

As they waited for around twenty seconds with the Forging Design showing no changes, Violet turned to Feng with a look in her eyes he immediately recognized, causing a smile to emerge on Feng's face. 

In the next moment, both of them swiped across empty space and called up the system, before all of their armor, and the shirt Feng had previously bought, disappeared, leaving them in only their underwear. 

(Sex scene up ahead. Skip to the bolded text if you don't wanna read it)

The black underwear was quickly removed as well while Violet was now facing Feng as she sat on his lap, before pushing her petite body against him while their lips connected. As they kissed, Violet lifted her ass up from Feng's lap while her hand reached for Feng's member and positioned it below her. 

Lowering herself slightly, Violet rubbed the rod against her wet entrance, before sitting down completely. 


A muffled moan came out of Violet but was suppressed by Feng's lips. 

However, suddenly, both of them stopped kissing as they opened their eyes and looked at each other, a look of having just remembered something appearing in Feng's while a frustrated one in Violet's. 

Although both of them were in a intimate position with Feng's entire meat pole inside of Violet, the pleasure they were currently feeling couldn't even come close to what they had felt before. 

Naturally, God's Domain was only a VR game, and even though it was incredibly realistic, it still wasn't comparable to real life at the moment; while the difference was as clear as day to people with senses like Feng and Violet. 

The current God's Domain had only gone through one evolution as of now, not to mention they were using Virtual Reality Cabins with a synchronization of only 97%, so the current realism they felt from God's Domain was naturally incomparable to real life, and so was the pleasure from having sex. 

As Feng was about to suggest they stop and leave it for real life since it won't be the same in God's Domain, Violet suddenly started moving, her ass going up and down as she began bouncing on his dick. 

Currently, Violet couldn't care less how realistic it was as she was simply too horny after having her sex drive activated after it was suppressed for a decade, and then starved for three days as she hadn't been able to have sex with Feng and feel his cock inside of her. 

Right now, even the act of having sex stimulated her enough to want to continue even though the pleasure was nowhere comparable to doing it in real life. 

Realizing this, Feng no longer attempted to stop her and instead used one of his hands to fondle and play with her small breasts while he held the other on her slim waist. 

Thus, Violet continued riding Feng while letting out muffled moans as Feng did his best to please his sex deprived lady. Violet's pace increased after around a minute and Feng also started thrusting up and meeting Violet's flesh halfway. 

Though, as Violet reached her peak and climaxed, she suddenly seemed out of energy as she stopped bouncing while separating from their kiss and breathing heavily. However, Feng could sense that her lust has not diminished, and that her senses have merely become confused after experiencing an orgasm in VR. 

Feng then took it upon himself as he lifted Violet up while pushing all of the tools and materials off his forging table while laying Violet on top of it and started doing it missionary style. The pleasure from getting railed by Feng awakened Violet from her daze, but she could only start to moan as Feng's rod slid deep into her virtual pussy. 

As this was virtual reality, Feng didn't have to worry one bit about hurting Violet and could pummel her cheeks as much as he wanted without restraint. 

Thankfully, though, the forging room's Magic Array was capable of suppressing noise and keeping it from escaping outside, otherwise the entire Starstreak Trading Firm would have been echoing with Violet's moans. 

This time, though, the two of them kept it brief as there was only so much pleasure they could get from doing it in VR, so they didn't lose track of time and quickly wrapped up with Violet temporarily satisfying herself a bit while Feng painted her walls white. 

(End of sex scene)

With a swipe of his finger, Feng used the system to clean up the forging room of all of the fluids they left behind before he stored all of the remaining materials he had been using. 

"Oh right." Feng suddenly remembered something as he scanned the forging room and found a parchment that had been forgotten due to cardinal desires lying on the floor. 

Picking it up, Feng used the Eyes of Truth on the Holy Bell's Forging Design and checked its information once more. 

[Holy Bell Set Equipment]

Fragmented Legendary Rank Unique Set Equipment

Eight-piece set consisting of:

Holy Bell Gauntlets

Holy Bell Breastplate

Holy Bell Pauldron

Holy Bell Helmet

Holy Bell Leg Guards

Holy Bell Belt

Holy Bell Boots

Holy Bell Bracers

Equipment Requirement: Strength 2,000, Intelligence 8,000, Vitality 1,000, Crime Value -100

Class Restriction: True Saint

'That bitch is definitely playing favorites now!' Feng cursed at the Main God's System in his mind after seeing the Holy Bell Forging Design's rank upgraded to Fragmented Legendary. Though, he didn't dare say anything about her out loud. 

"Good news, Violet." Feng turned to Violet, who was resting on a chair after receiving the pounding, with a smile after calming himself. He then showed her the Holy Bell Forging Design's new information. 

Violet's eyes widened in shock upon seeing the Fragmented Legendary rank on the Holy Bell's Forging Design. She then took it in her hands and inspected it further. 

"Alright, you rest here for a while and I'll call you once the time comes." Feng no longer wished to think about why the Main God's System made the Holy Bell Set's Forging Design Fragmented Legendary rank while keeping the Broken Steel Set's at Epic. 

So he merely said bye to Violet, before going to give the Book of Creation back to Cocoa and then heading to the location he had agreed to meet Gentle Snow at; as it had come the time to save her from getting banned form God's Domain.


1. Seven Sparkles Gemstone LOL

2. Idea for Feng eating chocolate sticks comes from another fanfic called "Ruinous King (RSSG x Male Reader)" by Lord

3. Came up with a discount of my own since a Marquise's was never stated, while a Viscount's is 10% and a Count's 20%, but it seemed like just a 10% increase was low for a Marquise considering the difficulty of acquiring the status. The rest of Marquise benefits are also made up. (Nobility was really never fleshed out and was only used in early chapters before becoming irrelevant.)

Note: If you don't like the sex scenes, don't worry, not all of the chapters will have them, and it'll probably be a bit before another one comes up. The only reason there were three in this one was because my original plans had changed and they ended up getting stacked one after another.