
Reincarnation of the strongest sword god-reincarnating once more

This is a fanfic of the novel "Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God" by Lucky Old Cat, where, after ten years of fighting in the Greater God's Domain, Shi Feng reincarnates once again. Note: I might change some things and come up with new ways of how things work in my fanfic that are different from the original novel, as well as ignore some things said in it and the Side Story continuation. If someone hasn't read the continuation where he comes back to the original timeline (where he got fired from Shadow), you might not understand some things. Also, I'm not a very creative person so a lot of stuff, or at least the happenings and items, will be the same, and I might copy stuff and ideas from other fanfics. Note: I will try to make the characters have more emotion and add some romance, but don't expect much. The cover for this story doesn't belong to me. If you're the owner and want me to take it down, contact me at tdi547165@gmail.com

DunnoDK · Others
Not enough ratings
87 Chs

Moving House R-18

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.

Note: This chapter has an R-18 scene in it, but still has lore and some important stuff. If you don't want to read the sex scene part, you can skip ahead. I have placed a warning before the scene and a message at the end to skip to. 


Rays of morning light lit up the bedroom, throughout which a thick smell of sex permeated, the act of passion that had previously taken place here being blatantly obvious to anyone who saw this scene. 

Suddenly, a ringing sound could be heard as it echoed in the silent bedroom, growing louder with each passing second it went unnoticed. Only after the ringing grew loud enough to escape the room's walls did its four occupants, who had been sleeping soundly on the king sized bed, stir awake. 

Their eyes fluttering open, the young man and three spectacular beauties observed their surroundings for a moment, before memories of what had happened caught up to them a second later, along with the individual consequences of taking part in an incredibly intense love making session. 

Exhaustion washed over the three girls, with some suffering more than the others, while Ruoxi endured the pain coming from her crotch; a result of receiving such a rough pounding immediately after losing her virginity. Feng, on the other hand, felt fully energized, seeming like he hadn't nearly spent all of his reservoirs last night and remained standing after a 3v1 battle in bed.

Another cycle of his quantum watch loudly notifying its wearer that there was a call waiting to be answered pulled Feng out of his stupor, as he relaxed into the bed's comfy embrace, noting in his mind that it was definitely worth the high price, and finally quelled the buzzing which had interrupted his and the girls' slumber.

His female assistant, Liang Jing, appeared through the video call and reported respectfully "Hello, Master Shi Feng. I have completed the task you requested yesterday. You can have people visit the training area at any time."

Ever since the fight at Big Dipper, he had become popular in Jin Hai City. Many of Jin Hai City's powerful figures hoped to meet with Feng. Of course, Feng couldn't be bothered to even answer all of these requests, as he didn't have any time to spare; especially not on something as useless and irrelevant as relationships with these nobodies.

Hence Feng had instructed Liang Jing to handle these affairs for him, and he was reminded of how capable this female assistant of his was.

Not only had she managed to dismiss all those who wanted to meet him, but she had also done it in a way that satisfied everyone; while also managing to finish the integration of Big Dipper's inner training area and the training system's improvement within such a short amount of time while he was having a good time with his women and sleeping.

Feng then spoke, "Thank you for your trouble. I'll leave to inspect the training grounds you've arranged soon."

"Master Shi Feng, I'll have a car sent to receive you immediately." Liang Jiang immediately responded, wanting to appear as useful as possible to her new boss in order to improve the original impression she had given by treating Feng rudely due to not being pleased with having to escort him.

At the time, she had struggled to accept Xiao Yu's instruction to escort a youthful little brat like Feng to the assembly hall. Hence, she had purposefully treated Feng with a little disrespect.

Now, however, Liang Jing regretted her actions.

She really shouldn't have treated Feng impertinently back then. After all, someone who could earn Chairman Xiao's respect wouldn't be an ordinary character, even if it were only a young man in his early twenties.

Thankfully, Feng didn't seem to have minded it or harbor any thoughts of replacing her for the slight offense. In her hurry, though, Liang Jing failed to notice Feng's laying position or that he was shirtless from what the screen managed to catch.

If she had, it might have caused the assistant to question what he was up to, connecting the dots of Ruoxi leaving with him, and making the situation awkward for herself. 

Ending the call, Feng attempted to raise himself to a sitting position and stretch, only to realize he was completely pinned down, with the exhausted Fire and Ruoxi on each of his arms, their bodies feeling too drained to move after going through two intense rounds that took everything out of them one after the other, and with Violet laying on his chest, seemingly still recovering from the pounding Feng had finished her off with.

Moreover, as he enjoyed the feeling of the beauties' tender bodies on top of him, along with the enticing view presented before him right after awakening, Feng could feel his rod, that was still inside of Violet after finishing yesterday's session and him not bothering to pull it out, harden as Violet's squishy walls surrounded it.

A muffled sound came from Violet, feeling the thing currently occupying her insides pushing apart the tight flesh which was suffocating it, and causing Violet, in spite of previously cumming her brains out and running dry while Feng was pummeling her cunt, to instinctively become slightly wet by the sensation and thought of Feng's cock twitching inside her pussy. 

However, Feng wasn't planning on firing up the horny girl any more, so he placed his hands on Violet's hips and lifted her perky buttocks up, his little brother finally escaping the damp enclosure of Violet's secret cave, his head rising towards the sky as if taking a breath of fresh air. 

"Umm~♡" Though, that seemed to have the opposite effect of what Feng had intended, his girthy penis sliding out and brushing against her still sensitive pussy walls only causing Violet's lust to build up as she suppressed a faint moan, before pursing her lips while looking up at Feng with an intense desire. 

Their fellow sister's feelings of pleasure did not go unnoticed by Fire and Ruoxi thanks to their powerful senses, and they switched their gazes from their jizz-overflowing flower buds to the towering meat pole that had forced them into submission last night, and now stood tall, seemingly even livelier than before with its bulging veins packed full of energy. 

Seeing such a mesmerizing and stimulating scene, like an "ON/OFF" switch had been flipped, Fire's and Ruoxi's previously tired and sleepy eyes suddenly became filled with energy and vigor, the three girls gazing at Feng's member with immense hunger, like lionesses who had just stumbled across a juicy meal. 

"Alright, time for a bath. We should clean our selves up before heading to the villa." Before the horndogs could jump on him and exhaust themselves any further, Feng snapped them back to reality as he got up, picking up Fire and Ruoxi, who were still hugging his arms, while Violet wrapped herself around him like a koala, and walked towards the bathroom. 


It didn't take long for the water in the bathtub to heat up thanks to the apartment's advanced technology, but despite the tub's size, it could only comfortably fit two people at a time. Thus, the four of them opted to take turns between the bathtub and shower heads to the side, with Feng simply dipping into the warm bath while the three girls stayed under the shower heads to rinse their hair. 

Though, that was only partially the reason, as their hushed whispers while cleaning any filth and bodily fluids that may have gotten into their hair made their desire to talk in private away from Feng fairly obvious. 

Of course, Feng could easily listen in on the secret conversation with his senses if he wanted to, making their discretion pointless, but he simply glanced at their beautiful backs without any blemishes, and the differentiating waterfalls of red, pink and black hair that slightly covered them, before closing his eyes and sinking into the water while suppressing his hearing. 

He knew the conversation would first be Fire and Ruoxi seeking confirmation about the battle's victor, the fact of their positioning within Feng's arms upon awakening pointing towards a loss, since if either Ruoxi or Violet had finished him off, Feng would not have had the time or energy to bring them in so close to him. 

When Violet confirmed the failure of their attempt to finally defeat Feng, they'd switch to discussing how to go about from now on, what strategies to use, etc. However, it will all be for naught. 

After he had last night's breakthrough, Feng could confidently say that three women at once would not be enough to defeat him. 

Just Feng's basic passive absorption with his new technique would be enough to outlast two of the girls at once, and if he tried his best, even if all three had the same level of physique as him and used great tactics, the most they could do is get close by Feng expending a large amount of his mental energy in order to maintain the technique to greatly increase the amount of World's Energy that he absorbed directly into his dick. 

At the very least, there needed to be four of them, experienced enough to endure his might, with physiques strong enough to be capable of going at it for a long time and a solid strategy to defeat him. Until then, they'll stand no hope of ever beating him. 

Despite all that and gaining his new technique along with finally grasping the essence of World's Energy, Feng wasn't in a jovial mood at all. In fact, now that neither of the three were watching, Feng's expression had turned slightly complicated, with a hint of gravity on his face. 

This was because he now understood what the World's Energy truly is, how it functions, and most importantly, how it forms in the first place. 

Truthfully speaking, it had never really made much sense to Feng to begin with. 

The entire thing about all of the worlds possessing some kind of energy that kept them in existence, the various races being capable of, to some extent, using and absorbing it almost naturally, and how the Greater World, despite a large number of its residents being Mental Strength Great Grandmasters, dozens of Half-step Mental Strength Supreme Grandmasters and several Mental Strength Supreme Grandmasters, hasn't ran out of its own World Energy and collapsed while supporting the various races' growth. 

This was reality, not God's Domain. 

No magical energy that was capable of doing the things World Energy is doing and operating under rules, that don't make much logical sense to begin with, and that it didn't completely follow itself all of the time, should exist. 

And while Feng had deeply pondered over the matter many times, discovering and figuring out some things in the process, he had never been able to quite piece things together. 

Something, some factor, always seemed to be missing to him, stopping Feng from fully comprehending the essence of World Energy; all the while being certain there indeed was a secret behind it due to the various races' top and controlling powers seemingly having some amount of knowledge over this missing fact. 

However, as Feng's sources of information have always been limited, along with his situation not really permitting him to dig any deeper, he could only put it to the back of his mind and stop stressing over something he didn't yet have the power to understand; faintly attributing the unexplainable phenomenon to four-dimensional matters similarly to how he handled the matter of his reincarnation. 

Now, though, under strenuous circumstances, which might have embarrassed him during his previous life, Feng had finally grasped the unknown factor which had been alluding him all this time. 

In reality, World Energy was a more physical form of soul energy converted into molecules by a planet's core after enough soul essence of various creatures gathers. For a world to be capable of manifesting World Energy, the soul essence necessary requires the death of many creatures, preferably ones at a high Mental Strength standard. 

It was now clear to Feng how the Greater World could remain standing even with so many powerful personages on it, and why, despite suffering countless casualties in wars, no race ever bothered showing any interest in stopping the bloodshed. After all, although there were many people constantly upgrading their Mental Strength and causing a loss in World Energy, there were many more dying. 

Wars where millions of creatures perish happen monthly all over the Greater World, weekly when things get heated and more things to fight for appear, so the energy intake evened out with the consumption; and it was only natural a regular planet like Earth would not be able to sustain the people's rapid and sudden depletion of its World Energy once God's Domain came out while it was too peaceful for much of it to recover. 

Only when it was about to reach its end and everyone started panicking, resulting in chaos and the death rate largely increasing, did some of Earth's World Energy slightly recover, but not only was it too late at that point, such a small amount of World Energy, due to most of the people dying being commoners with minimal Mental Strength, was useless. 

Feng was suddenly reminded of faintly seeing some kind of green lights while watching Earth disintegrate into nothingness, originally having thought it might have just been his imagination, only to now confirm some of his suspicions after realizing that was whatever World Energy remained in Earth upon its collapse, along with the energy from everything on it, those who hadn't managed to escape in time becoming nourishment for the Greater World once all of that energy fused with it. 

After considering this, Feng had come to the realization that Earth wasn't completely impossible to save, since he could simply slaughter most of the useless population once it becomes necessary for its upkeep, but there wouldn't be much point to it since the planet itself wasn't of much value to Feng, while the World Energy would go towards the Greater World and help it survive and expend; and the amount of World Energy that would come from killing regular people wasn't at all abounded, resulting in wiping them out only delaying the inevitable. 

All the wars happening, on the other hand, were necessary for the Greater World's and its residents' survival. Though, considering the personalities of the races' leaders and their goals, Feng guessed the fighting wouldn't decrease by much even if everyone's continued existence didn't depend on the deaths of others, as the hate between many races and wishes to expend their territory and strength further was unlimited; the sacrifices of battle merely serving as an excuse to kill as they pleased. 

A curious thought also appeared in Feng's mind, as he wondered whether he'd be capable of creating World Energy himself using his Soul Manipulation ability, controlling the soul energy of people he kills to replicate the process. 

Out of interest in what happens to souls after a person's death, Feng had previously done some research on it by using his ability to observe the shattering of souls belonging to many different creatures under many different circumstances during the previous timeline, but he wasn't able to discover much. 

While carefully watching the entire process of a soul breaking, even doing it with his bare hands sometimes, Feng found that most simply turn into soul energy directly and disintegrate while falling, and due to the limitations of his ability and mental strength, he had only been capable of observing until the soul energy disperses to a state that escaped his senses. 

Some rare few, however, were able to remain in existence with a few small shards, but remained unable to interact with the physical world at all, merely floating around in a state where the soul shard's owner was in a state similar to death. Thanks to those types of people, Feng managed to obtain test subjects for his ability and discover many things about how it functions and what he was capable of at the time; until they lost any use to him and Feng thoroughly shattered them into soul dust. 

Meanwhile, Feng's rapid thinking on how to absorb more World Energy coupled with extreme levels of post nut clarity resulted in him coming up with a theory after connecting all the dots in his head, choosing to risk it all as Feng poured all of his focus into spreading his senses and using his ability, but in a different way than before, and managed to observe how the World's Energy was absorbed by his body. 

Afterwards, he simply suppressed the process throughout the rest of his body as much as he could, forcing most of his pores closed, while intensifying the process around his penis and abdomen, creating a whirlpool of World Energy as it switched to being absorbed by just his reproductive parts. 

As a result, while most of his body became drained of energy and stopped the natural recovering, his little brother was once again filled with vigor as he stood strong and soldiered on for the next battle, with his cum rapidly recovering after being powered directly by pure World Energy and not just the system being boosted as a product of his absorption, his seeds seemingly filled with much more life, as well as being much thicker than usual. 

Only now did Feng truly feel thankful for the grueling training and things he had gone through during his previous two lives in order to gain the control over his body that he had at the moment, which allowed him to completely remove the fertility from his sperm whenever he wanted. Otherwise, he would have definitely impregnated Violet at the very least, and all three most likely with how much he had filled them up. 

Of course, his new technique to directly absorb World Energy through any of his body parts wasn't limited to just staying hard during sex, but had many other more practical uses, either for greatly increasing the quantity and quality of World Energy he could absorb when focusing, for fighting, or even enhancing his regenerative abilities. He could even replicate some of the moves used by the geezers who had killed him in the previous timeline, such as Old Insane's energy fist projectile, by condensing and forcing the World Energy out of him. 

Though, considering the high cost of utilizing such a move with his current standard as well as the loss of World Energy, it wasn't quite worth it. 

Thinking of the ways he could utilize his new technique, Feng suddenly focused, and in the next moment, a small vacuum seemed to appear around the bathtub as air rushed into Feng, while the water moved in waves as its original warmth and relaxing feeling disappeared, becoming bland and cold. 

Realizing he was syphoning the energy of everything around him, Feng went back to simply letting his passive absorption do the job, though even its efficiency had increased by a bit after his breakthrough, and removed the drain stopper from the bathtub with his toes, letting the current water flow out through the drain, before sealing it once again and filling up the tub with new warm water; deciding to chose a better time and place in the future for when he used the technique in this manner. 

While Feng was pondering over the mysteries of the universe, the beauties were having a fervent discussion under the shower and, as Feng had guessed they would be, were disappointed upon being informed by Violet of the battle's unexpected conclusion. 

They were also surprised after hearing about Feng's sudden fierce change, especially his capability to continue pounding Violet so intensely, of which the petite girl had spared no detail on how amazing it had felt, making the other two incredibly jealous, but more than anything, causing them to grow confused and slightly concerned; as all three of them had been so sure that Feng had reached his limit and couldn't continue any further according to all of their observations and senses. 

No matter how they thought about it, the three couldn't come up with a definitive answer, only some guesses, forcing their plans to an immediate halt. After all, if they couldn't figure out how Feng was able to instantly recover so much out of nowhere from the state he had been in at the time and how to counter it, there was no point in discussing anything else about achieving a victory; especially not right now considering Ruoxi needed time for recovery following her poor kitty enduring such a thrashing so soon after being deflowered. 

"Don't worry. I got this." As they were brooding over how to go about finding out and subtly probing Feng for his secret, Fire suddenly spoke out confidently with an it's-very-simple expression on her face. 

The redhead's confident and assuring words did nothing to inspire confidence in her two sisters, making them hesitant instead due to knowing her character, but Fire didn't give them much time to consider or ask about her plan as she immediately stepped away and went towards the bathtub. 

Violet and Ruoxi could only sigh in exasperation at her actions, before straining their ears to listen in, slightly curious on what brilliant way Fire had for discovering the secret from Feng. 

(R-18 scene incoming. Skip ahead to the bolded text if you don't wanna read it)

Fire didn't seem to mind their reactions as she causally strolled over to the relaxing Feng, on the way greatly admiring the scene of her lover's laid back disposition as he enjoyed the bath with his eyes closed, his well toned and muscular body, his average looking face, that normally wouldn't attract any girl's attention, but seemed unfathomably handsome in Fire's eyes, and, most of all, his huge cock that was slightly sticking out of the water and in clear view; the water levels which the tub was capable of containing inefficient to withhold the rod's size. 

Her body heating up and her insides becoming moist from the sight, Fire reached the bathtub and loomed over Feng, who had opened his eyes by now and gave her a curious glance, his pitch-black pupils causing the girl to only grow wetter upon feeling his gaze scrutinizing her naked body with faint lust, but Fire recomposed herself and wordlessly stepped into the bathtub. 

Standing above Feng while facing him, Fire sat down directly on his member without pause. She was forced to slow down the descent and suppress her moans as Fire felt her walls get reshaped in order for the massive one-eyed snake to fit inside; which seemed a bit more difficult than it had already been before for some reason. 

Feng held himself back from groaning as well, feeling Fire's pussy grip onto his dick, the tightness having returned even after being pummeled into submission last night and making Feng grip the bathtub's rim. 

Though, Fire was unable to restrain her voice for long as it quickly became too much to bare as Feng's meat pole reached deep inside her. 

"Sooo umm~ fucking ah~♡! GOOD♡!" With her eyes rolling up slightly, Fire exclaimed as she sat completely down and her ass flattened against Feng. Fire let out a few huffed breaths while resting her face on Feng's shoulder with her arms wrapped around his neck, wiggling her hips slightly, before sitting up straight after a few moments and looking directly at Feng with curiosity, asking; 

"So how'd you do it?" 

*Facepalm SFX* x2 

Unlike the two girls listening in who had been urged to facepalm at Fire's straightforwardness, Feng, who immediately knew what she was asking about, had fully expected such a move from her, and he merely shook his head slightly while faintly smiling. 

"Well, thanks to the lot of you, I managed to make a breakthrough." Feng then gave a basic explanation of what his epiphany had brought him, along with his discoveries on World Energy. 

Thoughtful looks appeared on the faces of Violet and Ruoxi, who had come over and entered the bath as well during the explanation, making the bathtub, which was meant to comfortably fit only up to two people, be a bit cramped, but the four of them didn't mind that much as they sacrificed one type of comfort for another, upon the revelation of what World Energy really was. 

"So, you can now fuck us until we pass out any time you want?" Fire, though, had a different priority thought process, and she couldn't help but ask after realizing what Feng was capable of now. 

"If that's all you took away from the explanation, then yea, I can fuck you until you can't move your legs anymore and not feel tired at all." All of the parts that were significant going over Fire's head wasn't much of a surprise to Feng, as he knew that she had indeed listened and made a note of them, but simply focused on what she cared about more. 

His answer, though, seemed to have made Violet and Ruoxi realize what Fire was alluding to, and all thoughts of gaining a proper victory against Feng crumbled into nothingness. Of course, that didn't mean they'd stop trying, and simply experimenting along the way to see what works until they either get more help or improve enough to keep up with Feng will have to do for now. 

Following which, they mostly focused on cleaning themselves up, as there entire bodies had been stained with sweat and each other's cum, especially the girls who still had some white stuff remaining inside them. Though, as Fire attempted to futilely mask her movements of enjoying the stiff object filling up her secret cave, the other girls' attention was quickly attracted by even the faintest of her odd moves. 

They were quickly reminded that Fire had been sitting on Feng with his dick inside her this entire time, and was currently trying to hold back her moans as she slightly rose up and down. 

Noticing that her sisters had already spotted her actions, Fire ignored their accusatory looks and no longer attempted to be discreet, fully lifting her ass as much as she could before descending on Feng's rod. 

Somehow, in spite of being as active as Violet and Ruoxi during the previous two rounds, maybe even doing more and being livelier, Fire didn't seem exhausted like them, and was riding Feng without holding back any more; with her moans filling the bathroom and echoing in the tub's other occupants' ears. 

Although the two girls latched onto Feng's sides were envious and wished to experience the feeling of their beloved cock pulverizing their deepest parts as well, especially Ruoxi, they were currently too drained for another session, with Violet simply being tired while Ruoxi still needed to recover from everything she had been through in the short span of losing her virginity. 

Thus, even if Fire wasn't occupying the throne, neither of them would most likely be able to sit there with that little monster ramming their insides; so they could only watch on with jealousy as Fire's lower lips gobbled up Feng's rod again and again. 

Naturally, Feng couldn't let any of his girls go unsatisfied, so, as he enjoyed the sensation of Fire's tightness, Feng's fingers travelled down their bodies, quickly maneuvering across their tender flesh and reaching the secret gardens. 

Small yelps were elicited from the two beauties as Feng's skillful fingers passed through the entrances, touching upon their sacred flesh and brushing against the walls that had still not completely desensitized from orgasming themselves dry last night, sending a tingling sensation throughout their bodies. 

Their soft and shallow moans were completely outclassed by Fire's screams of pleasure, though, and as she herself hadn't completely recovered from the previous rounds either, Fire felt herself getting pushed towards the brink of climax fairly quickly, Feng's rod now easily sliding in after her pussy had grown lubed enough, allowing for Fire's pace to greatly increase until there was no pause between her ascents and descents. 

With her arms tightly wrapped around Feng's neck, Fire continued bouncing, while his member getting squeezed by her tight passage caused Feng to increase the speed and intensity of his fingers' movements; the girls clearly showing their appreciation through melodic moans. 

Suddenly, as she brought herself down onto his dick once more, Fire was unable to hold back any longer, her pussy contracting as it attempted to crush the mighty rod messing up its deepest parts. 

In spite of the pleasure getting even greater upon Fire's climax, however, Feng didn't feel satisfied just yet, and was still a bit away from orgasming himself, but as her horniness subsided, the exhaustion quickly caught up to Fire and rendered her unable to continue her rodeo of Feng's meat pole; as she slumped forward and laid on his muscular chest. 

Her stop caused Feng's pleasing of his other two girls to stop as well, resulting in Violet and Ruoxi awakening from their mind-numbed states, wondering why Feng's fingers had paused inside of them, only to notice Fire's halt in her mounting of Feng's cock. 

Seeing as Fire was no longer in the condition to keep moving by herself, the two of them could only help out, and through only an exchange of looks, without needing any words, placing their hands under each of Fire's lower cheeks and lifting her up as much as they could, before lowering it, with Feng meeting Fire half way up with a powerful thrust and burying the entirety of his shaft into her secret cave. 

Such actions caused Fire's still convulsing pussy to tighten even more as her orgasm prolonged, the collapsed girl's exquisite moan being one that seemed to come from deep within herself, which only rang out more as Violet and Ruoxi worked together in perfect harmony to synchronize their movements of Fire's ass with Feng's upward drilling; their decade of experience working together coming into full play at the moment. 

Along with the pleasure to his cock returning, and even intensifying, Feng's fingering of the two hardworking beauties on his sides restarted, his moves carrying much greater vigor as he felt himself getting closer to the edge. It took plenty of effort out of Violet and Ruoxi to endure not immediately succumbing to his fingers, forcing themselves to focus as they continued assisting Fire in order to please Feng, knowing his fingers would stop if they didn't. 

As they slowed down, Feng slowed his maneuvering through their secret caves, and as they sped up moving Fire's ass up and down, Feng sped up as well, his fingers brushing against their most sensitive spots at a pace corresponding to Violet's and Ruoxi's drive for receiving a good finger banging. 

Feeling himself about to spray his seeds inside of Fire, Feng reached for the girls' depths with both his fingers and dick, the three releasing moans in tandem as a final thrust filled up the hole he had been thrusting into, while finishing off Violet and Ruoxi through targeting their weak spots, resulting in everyone orgasming together at once as a team effort. 

(End of R-18 scene) 

Afterwards the four of them properly cleaned themselves up without any more fucking around, knowing they needed to go to the Greenwater Villa soon, quickly washing away all of the dried up and new stains coating their bodies. 

Enjoying the feeling of freshness following a warm bath after an exhilarating session of hardcore sex, they dried themselves and slipped into some underwear, deciding to be fully comfortable while in the apartment until they needed to properly dress up and go out, as it was more than warm enough at this time of summer[1]. 

Fire's undergarments were still in the bathroom where she had left them from undressing to take a shower in order to prepare for Feng's return, while Violet's were outside the bedroom's door where she had stealthily taken them off before entering, but Ruoxi's stuff was a bit of an issue, as Feng had proceeded to rip them in the heat of passion when they were getting undressed yesterday. 

Since they couldn't be used anymore, Ruoxi ended up having to borrow some of Fire's, but due to her red haired friend's proportions being a bit larger than her own[2], the pieces of clothing were slightly too big for her, particularly the bra given to her, making the underwear look kind of awkward on Ruoxi. 

As if it couldn't get embarrassing enough for Ruoxi, the set of panties and bra Fire had lent to her, although it shouldn't have really surprised her going by the mischievous smile Fire had worn upon hearing of her situation, were some quite lewd looking lingerie, originally having been bought by Fire to try on but never had the opportunity to show them off to Feng, that made the innocent girl's face turn red after just seeing it, let alone once she looked at herself actually wearing it. 

Naturally, apart from being relaxed in nothing but underwear in their current home, the girls had another goal in mind, which was to see how Feng and his little brother will react to the visual stimuli over a certain period of time; and Ruoxi wearing sexy lingerie, which slightly slid off her and revealed more flesh than it was intended to due to being a size larger, was another test. 

Flopping down onto the couch with a towel still on his shoulders, Feng checked his quantum watch for missed calls, while Ruoxi laid down next to him, Feng's previous finger exploration of her secret garden that had brought her great pleasure at the time having reinstigated the damage done by last night's rough pounding, causing walking to be a painful endeavor for Ruoxi's crotch region, so she got to leisurely lounge about, as she rested her head on Feng's lap. 

Fire was tasked with the chore of cleaning up their mess, peeling off the bed's sheets and throwing them into the washer, as well as taking care of any other stains left behind, some being from when Feng's man milk had spilled out of the three of them while being carried to the bathroom, and some in the bathroom. 

Their meal's preparations were left for Violet to handle, as Feng and Fire had already ran out of the purchased pre-made meals, so it needed to be handmade by someone. Normally, this would be impossible, as neither of them could cook for shit, and they didn't keep any ingredients around, but Violet had been bringing some food stuffs to the apartment with her visits, and had enough at the moment to make a proper meal for the four of them. 

Feng watched as the two girls worked with the thin pieces of fabric covering their private bits, along with the provocative loose ones on Ruoxi, and while the sight wasn't as enticing as them laying naked on top of him, there was a certain allure in their movements and charm in the scene as the two pranced around in only some delicates. 

His slumbering dragon certainly wasn't complaining, the passion in him igniting as he pushed against Feng's boxers, eager to escape and spew his white flames on the beauties. Noticing the tent created by the erect meat pole, Ruoxi's lips curved up as she seemed to forget about her embarrassment. 

Turning to lay on her stomach and reaching out, Ruoxi pulled down the cloth confinement suppressing Feng's dick, releasing the towering rod in all its glory. Her delicate fingers attempted to wrap around the thick tool, but couldn't help but flinch as it twitched lively upon contact, the veins bulging and causing Ruoxi to stare intently, finally getting a chance to give Feng's cock a proper look over after all this time. 

With a few strokes, the naked sword fully rose and pointed its tip towards the skies, while Ruoxi brought her face closer and stuck her tongue out, running it down the long shaft. 

While enjoying Ruoxi's service, her movements and following blowjob having become much more skillful and pleasurable within such a short amount of time and limited experience, Feng looked through the reports sent to him by Blackie and Aqua, before sending them messages to prepare the move of all members currently in the Workshop to the Greenwater Villa. 

A message from Liang Jing suddenly arrived, telling him that the driver she previously attempted sending to pick him up hasn't responded to any of her calls or messages, and that she'd quickly send a different one, but Feng simply responded with a "Don't worry about it.", telling her she didn't need to send another one. 

Since it was Feng who said it, Ling Jiang decided to cancel the other ride and informed Feng that she'll be waiting at the Villa for his arrival. 

In the meantime, Fire had finished the clean up, and headed into the kitchen to help Violet out, but her friend's reaction of sheer horror upon seeing her a step from the kitchen's entrance was as if she had just seen a walking disaster, moving to shield the food and ingredients at inhuman speeds. 

"Fire, we want the food to be edible." When Fire tried to explain that she only wanted to help, Violet's word cut her off as the pink haired girl smiled sweetly at her. Though, despite the seemingly kind and gentle smile Violet carried, Fire could sense a hint of smugness and mockery in it. 

Knowing Violet was taking a jab at her for the curse of having cooking skills in the negative, Fire's eyebrow twitched as she felt a great urge to punch the smiling girl's pretty face in, but quickly restrained herself, an even sweeter smile than Violet's appearing on Fire's warm expression as she retorted. 

"Very well, then. I'll just set the table in that case." As she moved towards the cabinet with plates and other dishes, Fire continued "Though, please do make sure to be careful and not 'accidentally' slip in any aphrodisiacs into the food again." 

"That was ONE time." Violet's expression instantly changed upon being reminded of her once used 'desperate measure', which ended up backfiring spectacularly on her, however, her composure returned within the moment, along with the small smile as she chuckled while watching Fire carry the dining stuff to the table. 

Violet found that, even though she had thought of it as an upsetting and bad memory, especially when Feng's trust in her decreased by a bit after the incident, the entire matter now just seemed funny and silly to her. 

Overhearing the exchange with his acute senses while working on something using his quantum watch and getting closer to cumming from Ruoxi's pleasure inducing head movement, Feng suddenly felt that his original thought of living in harmony with all the girls peacefully getting along might not come to fruition as simply and easily as he had had imagined it would. Though, it also didn't seem impossible to him. 

When Violet called them over after having finished up with preparing the meal and everything had been set on the table, Feng held Ruoxi's head down, shooting his jizz deep in her throat and releasing a satisfied sigh. Ruoxi showed no resistance as she happily swallowed up everything Feng gave her with delight on her face upon taking his member out of her mouth and breathing heavily. 

Pulling his boxers back on, Feng sat down at the table along with Fire and Violet, with Ruoxi joining them after she had washed her mouth, before digging into the food. 

In spite of all of it smelling delicious and Feng knowing how good Violet's cooking was, he showed no signs of looking forward to eating any of it as he indifferently scooped some up and placed it in his mouth. 

This was because he knew the food wouldn't bring him any joy or pleasure, since he couldn't taste anything. 

At one point in time after spending a few years in the Greater World, Feng's sense of taste had mostly disappeared for some reason, and he became unable to taste anything he ate, with everything he put in his mouth seeming bland and flavorless. 

Although he had himself checked out, there seemed to be nothing wrong with his body or taste receptors, the doctor having analyzed his situation speculating it was a psychological matter, but since there were no unseen dangers to him, Feng didn't place it much thought, as, unsurprisingly, whether or not you can taste stuff doesn't affect one's fighting capabilities. 

It wasn't completely the same case for God's Domain, as his senses were much greater there than in the real world, and a few rare things could make him slightly feel their taste, but they were usually hard to get and expensive, so Feng never bothered going out of his way to obtain them, as such things were irrelevant to him. 

Due to coming across things that's taste could reach him being very rare was one of the reasons Feng had taken full advantage of the Twelve Trials' tenth trial's guardian monster, the Unicorn, finding that its blood was the sweetest thing he had ever tasted even before losing his sense of taste, let alone at the time, ending up dismembering it and drinking the blood from the Unicorn's legs, as well as filling up ten bottles with the tasty liquid. 

As he had expected, when the hot food entered his mouth, there was no feeling of the taste which the three girls seemed to be enjoying, and Feng simply chewed on it for a bit before swallowing the chunks. 

Though, even without being able to taste the food Violet had made for them, it wasn't like Feng couldn't overall enjoy the meal, as he merrily chatted with his girls while eating. Feng also found that, for the first time since all four of them met each other and conversed, this was the first time the conversation wasn't revolving around God's Domain. 

They just casually chatted about random topics without the usual urgency within their discussion like the world was at stake, and although some of the things said were in some way related to God's Domain, the game and their guild in it wasn't directly spoken about or mentioned, which was a large change from it being their main topic ever since it had come out and their lives started depending on it. 

Such a thing would be foreign to any resident of the Greater World, for most races at least, and nearly impossible to see. One was either directly talking about God's Domain and the things happening in it, about combat standards or power and how to improve them in God's Domain, their forces in God's Domain, or the sort. 

Even when things like battles and wars in the real world were talked about, it was usually followed up with how that would affect the situation in God's Domain for everyone involved, with people usually being referred to by their God's Domain ID instead of their actual names in real life. Whenever a person dies, the only grievance shared was that of how their disappearance would affect the power they were in and what resources were up for grabs in the real world and God's Domain. 

To be fair, though, the people couldn't be completely blamed for it considering how much everyone's existence, survival and status in the world depended on God's Domain, many spending most of their lives living in it. 

Hell, those who had high enough Concentration and whose planet had collapsed even live in it completely by transferring their consciousness into God's Domain, abandoning their nonexistent physical bodies and committing to the game as their next and only home. 

For those players, stuff about God's Domain mattered even more than to others, as they no longer possessed any backup options if they were weak in the game, since their physical bodies in the real world have already died. If they suffered a permanent death by getting their Immortal Soul destroyed, or even if it just receives a substantial amount of damage, it was game over for them in the truest sense of the phrase. [3]

Thus, the novelty of the scene of them four just talking and laughing normally without feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders, or having any concerns at all, caused a genuine smile to appear on Feng's face, feeling like this might have been the thing he had been missing all this time; finally having formed actual relationships and being able to confidently say he had no regrets about choosing to go along with Fire and break the previous stagnant situation between all of them. 

Aside from the happiness and comfort of the current situation, however, Feng felt his original ambitions for strength reaffirm and increase exponentially, his drive no longer being to simply rise to the top for no particular reason other than just being strong or out of some faint responsibility to protect his guild members or world's residents, which he didn't even completely believe in or take to heart except for some of the guild's important people. 

There was now something which he wanted, needed and will fight for. 

With such thoughts bustling in his mind as Feng took another bite out of his meal, he suddenly froze. His change immediately caught the girls' attention after he had suddenly stopped all movements, the three gazing at him in confusion. Feng's mind, however, was filled with even more confusion, along with delight, as he looked down at his food. 

"It tashts guh." Despite his mouth being full and the words not sounding correctly, their conveyed meaning was easily understood by the three, whose eyes immediately widened in surprise. 

Feng's condition of not being able to taste anything wasn't much of a secret as Feng had never found it necessary to hide, so it was naturally known information for these girls who had always been very close to him. 

This was especially the case for Violet, who had tried making all sorts of dishes in both the real world and God's Domain in an attempt to reawaken Feng's sense of taste, wanting him to be able to enjoy her cooking. It was actually one of the main reasons she had managed to push so hard on her Cooking Lifestyle Profession and become a top-tier Craftsmen Chef. 

However, it was all to no avail in the real world, as no thing's taste, both edible and inedible, had been able to reach him, and while a few Craftsmen level Dishes had been able to get some reaction from him in God's Domain, it was minimal and not worthy of mention. 

With each of her attempts failing, and each time she watched Feng expressionlessly eat without being able enjoy the food, Violet's hopes were dashed until she started running out of ideas on what she could try. Feng's cold indifference to the matter like it didn't concern him and had nothing to do with him hadn't helped either. 

Today was no different, as, even though this work wasn't among her best, she felt slightly pained that this version of Feng which she loved the most couldn't taste her cooking. 

Him suddenly feeling flavor again out of nowhere was thus a definite surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. Although none of them quite understood what had suddenly changed, Violet eagerly watched as Feng took another bite and savored the taste while chewing. When he finally swallowed, another smile crept up on Feng's expression as he gazed at Violet. [4]

"It seems like your skills have greatly improved from ever since I last properly tasted your cooking, making something this delicious even with this set up. You'll definitely make some gu-, me, a very happy man in the future." Feng couldn't help but truthfully compliment Violet's dish, as even with a small basic kitchen like the one in this apartment and some mediocre ingredients acquired from a supermarket, she was capable of making something few chefs on Earth could even rival under the best conditions. 

"The secret ingredient is love." Violet beamed upon finally having her food be complimented by Feng again after so long, as well as Feng switching what he had once said, before having lost his sense of taste, to referring to himself. 

With how giddy she was and how Feng had complimented her with an appreciative tone, Ruoxi and Fire quickly grew jealous. At the moment, Ruoxi was considering whether she should put some time into learning how to cook, while Fire fell into despair at the thought of her anti-talent. 

"Do you remember what the actual secret ingredient was the last time you had said it was love?" Though, Feng merely gave the little chef a both weird and amused look upon hearing her confession, speaking with a fake concerned tone while chuckling. 

"Can't you forget about that one time already?" 

The meal turned even more splendid from then on as the four of them chatted while enjoying the food, with Violet and Ruoxi eating like elegant young ladies, while Feng and Fire ate like slobs, showing no dining manners and talking with their mouths full. 

After finishing up, they cleaned up, put on some more clothes and packed whatever they were going to bring before leaving the apartment and heading outside, where, right at the entrance, a limousine sat silently. 

Knock! Knock! 

A sudden knocking sound on the vehicle's glass awoke the slumbering driver, who looked around in confusion and felt an excruciating headache for a moment, confusion clouding his mind as he wondered where he was and how'd he get here. 

All that he remembered was that he was heading towards Big Dipper's Assembly Hall for the upcoming competition between two martial arts masters, and then he was suddenly here. 

'Did I drink too much?' The driver felt that thought shouldn't be correct, as he doesn't usually drink a lot, especially not to the degree that he'd get plastered to such an extent, and would definitely never drive while drinking. Yet, he couldn't come up with any other explanation. 

As he checked his quantum watch, the driver saw that it was already the morning of the next day from what he last remembered. Though, when he saw the missed calls and unseen messages from the Big Dipper Chairman's assistant, the panic in the driver's mind far outweighed that of when he woke up and had no idea where he was. 

Another knocking sound on the window to his right nearly made the driver jump. Rolling down the window, the driver saw a young man in his early twenties wearing a blue tracksuit curiously scrutinizing him as if the young man was looking at the result of an experiment. 

"Are you the driver Liang Jing had sent?" Feng asked after confirming a part of the driver's memories had indeed been erased, as he had intended to and definitely had not possessed any suspicions of something going horribly wrong in the process, in spite of already knowing he was the guy Liang Jing had attempted to first contact. 

"Hmm?" The driver glanced through the first message he had received from the Chairman's female assistant, seeing that it was to go and bring Master Shi Feng to the Big Dipper Training Center, before, assuming that Feng was this Master Shi Feng, hurriedly nodding "Yes, please come inside and we can head to the Training Center." 

Nodding, Feng walked towards the back and entered, the three girls having already soundlessly made their way inside without the driver noticing anything and gotten themselves comfortable. As Feng sat down, though, all three simultaneously moved, taking their positions with Fire and Ruoxi to his sides and Violet on his lap. 

Although Fire wanted the best position on top of Feng as well, since she had already claimed the spot while in the bath today, and with Violet being the smallest of the three of them, meaning she could fit the most naturally on Feng's legs, Fire decided to let the honor go to the pink haired cook. Ruoxi, on the other hand, had no designs for the throne, feeling that was too embarrassing upon remembering what last happened in this limousine while she was sitting in Violet's current place, and simply settled for one of Feng's sides. 

While they were on the move to the Big Dripper Training Center, Violet suddenly sniffed the air, as if having caught a whiff of something peculiar, before her lips curled up into a playful smile. 

"Can you guys smell that odd, sweet sent?" 

"Now that you mention it, there does seem to be some familiar smell in this limousine." Fire commented, having long since noticed the oddity of the air around where they were sitting. 

Feng remained silent with a simple smile as if watching a show that had nothing to do with him unfold, while Ruoxi's expression turned mortified. She was no fool. It wasn't difficult to notice the smell of bodily fluids in the air that remained after Feng's first exploration of Ruoxi's secret cave, and could be easily identifiable, while what had happened not being rocket science. Yet these two still insisted on playing. 

"I just can't place my Finger on where I've encountered it before. Can you, Fire?" Violet seemed to ponder deeply over the scent travelling through the air, for some reason emphasizing the word finger in the sentence. 

"If I'm not mistaken, it kind of reminds me of our dear sister Ruoxi. Don't you think?" Finally realizing the potential origin of the peculiar smell, Fire announced to Violet, as if simply responding to her friend's question; while Ruoxi's pale cheeks slowly turned beet red. 

"It does it does! Seems like sister Ruoxi had spared no time in getting freaky upon getting some sort of privacy with Big Brother Feng. How naughty of you, sister Ruoxi, even doing such an obscene act in a place like this." Turning to Ruoxi, who had already buried her face in Feng's shoulder, Violet spoke in a reproaching tone, despite knowing Ruoxi would never actually be willing to initiate doing the deed here, the real culprit definitely being the person below her. 

"But Feng is so pervy as well, actually succumbing to Ruoxi's demands and doing such a thing in the back of a limousine, all the while I painstakingly waited for you in our home. You definitely must make up for this injustice." Fire added on, a crestfallen look on her disappointed face, but her eyes that displayed the true desire within herself betrayed Fire's little act. 

"Me a pervert?" Feng asked with a smile as his hand reached beneath Fire's skirt before she could react, feeling up the damp fabric covering her pubic region "Although this is an undeniable fact, then what are you if just this mere physical contact and the thought of me doing to you what I had done to Ruoxi is enough to get you this wet?" 

"W-well, I'm such a pervert only because of you, so you must take responsibility." Feeling herself instantly heating up upon Feng brushing against her bottom lips through the panties, Fire didn't even bother trying to hold back her desires as she leaned in for a kiss, which Feng would naturally not refuse her. 

Seeing Fire instantly fold as soon as Feng made a move, Violet could only sigh and drop the foreplay, before pulling on Feng's clothes with a pleading look, wanting to steal his attention from the spineless Fire. 

With their conversation being done in hushed voices, the driver at the front could only hear faint whispers, followed by wet noises and moans. His curiosity was pique, as the driver had only seen the young man enter his limousine, and he wished to check the rearview mirror for what was happening in the back. 

But, instinctively, a voice from deep within screamed at him, telling him to just mind his own damn business and keep his eyes on the road. 

Deciding to listen his inner voices, the driver's gaze didn't stray off the road by even an inch, reminding himself to remain professional no matter how enticing the feminine voices in the back sounded. 


Meanwhile, at the Big Dipper Training Center, the situation had undergone a massive transformation.

The training center's employees were all in an extraordinarily good mood. Even the guests who frequented the training center were in a fiery mood.

The training center had regained its past popularity.

By now, everyone had heard the news that the Big Dipper Training Center had finally recruited a top-tier master to serve as an instructor.

In this age, where mankind focused on personal fitness, everyone placed great importance on their own physical condition. Only through proper training and the assistance of medicine could one significantly improve their lifespan.

In the past, people who had survived past the age of 100 were extremely rare. In today's society, however, many were easily capable of living past 120 years old. In addition, they could retain their youth for a long period. In the past, one would practically lose all semblance of youth past the age of 50. Now, however, even after reaching 70 years old, some still possessed their youthful vigor and appearances as if they were in their forties. However, they were mostly martial arts masters. Ordinary people had yet to reach that level of health.

In the past, Taichi Grandmasters had lifespans surpassing 150 years. In the ancient world, that had practically been a miracle.

Nowadays, with the support of technology, it was not impossible for humans to live that long.

Hence, many people wished to strengthen their own bodies. 

A black limousine suddenly pulled up next to the Big Dipper Training Center, out coming a young man and three beauties, who then headed to the large villa beside the Training Center. Taking a glance at the limousine speeding off into the distance, Feng decided that, since the driver had controlled himself this time around, he'd be gracious and forgive the transgression since the memories of what had happened have already been wiped anyway. 

"Master Shi Feng, this is the training ground the company has prepared for you. What do you think?" Liang Jing pointed towards an exotic and elegant three-story villa after walking up to Feng. 

Originally, the company had planned to turn this into a resort Gold status members or above. However, when Feng requested a training ground that was free of disturbances, the only place they could think of that fit Feng's requirements was this villa. This villa was equipped with state-of-the-art training equipment, and the building's surroundings were the best Big Dipper Training Center had to offer. There was even a gravity training room in the villa that could fit up to several hundred people at a single time. 

When Liang Jing heard that the company had assigned this area to Feng, she was greatly shocked. 

This Greenwater Villa was Big Dipper's treasure. Now, the company had actually given Feng full authority over this place.

Liang Jing had only realized how important Feng was to the company after this decision had been made. 

"Let's head inside." Feng didn't bother discussing anything any further and simply went into the Greenwater Villa, followed by Fire, Violet and Ruoxi, all three's decade of experience allowing them to seem like nothing had happened in the limousine just now, while Liang Jing followed along. 

When they entered the villa and were out of view from any prying eyes, Feng turned around and placed a finger on Liang Jing's forehead. Stepping back, he then waited, while the three girls watched on with curiosity. 

"So this is how the restoration process looks like?" Violet mumbled as she looked at the hollow-eyed female assistant. 

Up until now, the only one who had seen Feng restore anyone's memories was Blackie, as all other times Feng restored someone's memories, it had been done in places where no one else could see them; causing all of the restored members to be slightly curious. 

Now, they saw the entire procedure for themselves, and couldn't help but wonder if they had shown the same lost look on their faces. 

It was a few moments later that light returned to Liang Jing's eyes. An explanation then ensued, and Jing[5] was caught up on the situation, Feng having recovered another of his main managers, and his personal assistant. 

Aqua soon arrived with the restored core members, everyone ready to move into the Greenwater Villa. All that was left was having the Virtual Gaming Cabins and S-rank Nutrient Fluids delivered to the Villa and distributed. 

The Big Dipper Training Center had already gone all out this time. Both the virtual gaming cabins and the S-rank Nutrient Fluids were extremely difficult to obtain. However, in order to rope in Feng, they spared no expense or effort. 

With twenty gaming cabins on top of the six ones they already had, much more of the restored members' prowess could be displayed, while the Nutrient Fluids would help with hastening the process of restoring their physiques and minds to some extent. But when the talks of transferring the Virtual Gaming Cabins to each member's room came... 

"Jing Jing, have my cabin be moved to Feng's room." Fire casually said, causing several restored members who weren't clued in to stop in their tracks upon hearing the Main Force Commander refer to the Guild Leader by his name for the first time since they had met her, along with the implications of Fire staying in Feng's room. 

At the same time, those perceptive enough could feel the temperature around them drop ever so slightly for some reason. 

"Mine too." 

"Mine as well." 

Violet and Ruoxi followed up after Fire behaved so tactlessly, not wanting to seem embarrassed about the matter, especially Ruoxi, who technically didn't even have a Virtual Gaming Cabin, but figured one would surely be assigned to her considering there were twenty and that her strength was higher than most of the people present. 

Jing couldn't help but turn towards Feng for confirmation while giving him and the three girls a weird look, who merely nodded while ignoring the side-eyed glances of the restored members, as well as the pair of ocean blue eyes burning a hole on the back of his head, wondering whether four gaming cabins could fit and function inside his room, but figured technology would handle it. 

'I should also do something about that.' Feng decided upon sensing the rage in Aqua's gaze getting close to erupting, figuring he couldn't afford to ignore the matter for much longer. 

Following which, everyone went on to their rooms to unpack their stuff, train, and prepare for logging into God's Domain, with some members like Lei Bao only just arriving. Meanwhile, Feng pretended to oversee the entire thing while coming up with a game plan. 


1. Something of note: In the first chapter, it was said that the date was 19th-April-2129, while in chapter 249, which was around 17 days later, meaning it was around the 6th of May, it was said that it was summer. Two options:

1) Summer starts at the beginning of May in 2129;

2) Or, more likely, LOC is inconsistent as always. 

Food for thought on if climate change had somehow changed things up or something else. 

2. My vision of proportion differences between the girls, mostly the boobs, is:

 Violet<Ruoxi<Fire<Aqua, Snow, Yueru<Sharlyn, Celestina. < p>

Will be updated as more girls appear. 

3. Thought of this concept upon suddenly remembering that if nearly everyone on a planet died, that God's Domain would be pretty much empty of players with only NPCs remaining, and I doubt just the residents of the Greater World would be enough to fill them all up, not to mention they wouldn't be natives. Though, since I haven't completely fleshed out the concept and it kind of just occurred to me on the spot, thoughts about it will be appreciated. 

4. The idea for Feng's taste thing partially comes from the anime "The Rising of the Shield Hero", but is also something else. 

5. I need another way to refer to Liang Jing, as writing her full name every time seems like a chore, while just saying Jing or Fire's Jing Jing sounds weird. Thoughts? Do I stick with just Jing or come up with something else?