
Reincarnation of the strongest sword god-reincarnating once more

This is a fanfic of the novel "Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God" by Lucky Old Cat, where, after ten years of fighting in the Greater God's Domain, Shi Feng reincarnates once again. Note: I might change some things and come up with new ways of how things work in my fanfic that are different from the original novel, as well as ignore some things said in it and the Side Story continuation. If someone hasn't read the continuation where he comes back to the original timeline (where he got fired from Shadow), you might not understand some things. Also, I'm not a very creative person so a lot of stuff, or at least the happenings and items, will be the same, and I might copy stuff and ideas from other fanfics. Note: I will try to make the characters have more emotion and add some romance, but don't expect much. The cover for this story doesn't belong to me. If you're the owner and want me to take it down, contact me at tdi547165@gmail.com

DunnoDK · Others
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87 Chs

Let's continue this another time (1)

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.


White River City, Adventurer's Association, second floor:

Normally, nobody visited the second floor of the Adventurer's Association.

This place did not receive individual Guild players. Instead, this place was exclusive to Guild teams.

At this time, Feng sat in front of the VIP counter. With a smile, the beautiful receptionist behind the counter asked, "Lord Viscount, how may I be of service today?"

"I wish to take on a Guild Crusade Quest," Feng requested.

"Okay. However, as the Zero Wing guild is only a 3-star Guild, there are only four locations available for a crusade. May I know which location Lord Viscount desires?"

The receptionist listed the four locations. They were rather remote towns, barren wastelands. However, dark forces occupied each location. Without two to three thousand Level 30 Tier 1 players, one should not even consider capturing it.

Of course, this was only in the case for attacking normally. If it were a crusade, however, the difficulty of capturing the town would significantly decrease. Even so, it was still extremely difficult. If one attempted to capture these towns with only 100 players around Level 20, it would be suicide.

"Creek Town." Feng was very familiar with the Crusade Quests available in White River City. He chose Creek Town, which was occupied by the Blood Hand Association, without hesitation.

Among the many dark forces in the White River City region, the Blood Hand Association was one of the weakest and smallest powers; it ranked at the very bottom. 

Although Feng could potentially wipe out the Blood Hand Association with his current strength along with his guild members', it would take a large amount of Stamina, time and effort that Feng was not willing to put into capturing a town for some Reputation for his red named guild members when he could just do a Crusade Quest. 

Moreover, Feng was trying to meet the same conditions as in his previous life for the Mechanical Slayer to be a Mutant. A monster becoming a Mutant was completely random, and the Mechanical Slayer being one in his previous life could have been a complete coincidence, but in order to try to get the Blade Saint Legacy again, Feng was planning to do the same thing as in his previous life in hopes that he had triggered some kind of hidden condition for the Mechanical Slayer to be a Mutant. 

"Okay. A 1-star Crusade Quest will require a deposit of 30 Gold Coins. If the quest is not completed within five days, then the deposit will not be refunded."

Feng payed the 30 Gold Coins deposit and accepted the 1-star Guild Crusade Quest, before going to the Twilight Temple.

The Twilight Temple was a main hub for healer classes.

Here Clerics, Oracles, and Druids could take on quests that rewarded high-level skills related to their classes.

After entering the main hall of the Twilight Temple, Feng saw Level 180 Elite Guards crowding the temple. This hall also contained the statue of the Twilight Goddess, below which stood a Level 200 Priest dressed in red.

An Oracle advanced to Priest after reaching Tier 2. At this moment this Priest dressed in red took the initiative to walk up to Feng and welcome him.

"Greetings, Lord Viscount," the Priest said, fawning.

"Greetings, Esteemed Lord Priest. I wish to purchase some Water of Life. Do you have some here?" Feng asked softly.

The Water of Life was the spring water taken from the Fountain of Eternal Life; it was sacred medicine in God's Domain that could heal any wound in an instant. It could even regenerate a person's lost limbs, so The Water of Life was extremely valuable. To NPCs, the Water of Life held great importance.

The Twilight Temple worshipped the Twilight Goddess. Meanwhile, the Fountain of Eternal Life was a Godly Relic that the Twilight Goddess had bestowed upon the Twilight Temple.

Hence, throughout God's Domain, only the Twilight Temple could possibly obtain the Water of Life.

"Lord Viscount, Water of Life is precious. This is a gift of the Twilight Goddess to we humans, and every drop is a treasure. It is not something a Priest like myself can give to others casually, so I beg for Lord Viscount's forgiveness," the Priest said, appearing slightly angry. However, a Viscount was a person of relatively high status in White River City. Even if Feng's request angered the Priest, the Priest still had to endure and hold it in. If any other player stood in Feng's place right now, the Priest might have thrown them out of the temple already.

Feng then activated the Purple Stigmata and looked at the Priest, asking, "Will this do?"

Suddenly, twinkling purple stars appeared in Feng's dark pupils. His body began to emanate a terrifying aura. In the face of this aura, the Priest felt even his soul tremble.

"You are..." The Priest was the manager of this Twilight Temple, so it was only natural that he would possess vast knowledge regarding God's Domain.

Stigmata were the War God's Temple's symbol of supremacy, and they were categorized into three different colors: silver, gold, and purple. A person capable of controlling a Purple Stigmata was definitely a chosen one of the War God's Temple.

If players wished to purchase the Water of Life from the Twilight Temple, the prerequisite was sufficient status among humans. 

After some struggling, the Priest finally opened his mouth and said, "Lord Viscount, with your esteemed status, you can purchase ten drops. However, as the Water of Life is simply too precious, we can only sell you one per week."

"Okay, I'll take one." Feng replied.

"That will be 300 Gold, Lord Viscount." The Priest carefully took out a small crystal vial from his pocket. Within this vial, there was a single droplet of dark-blue liquid.

Feng handed over 300 Gold to the Priest without hesitation. After he obtained the Water of Life, Feng hurried over to a simple, and crude, looking house located in the Slums of White River City.

In this house lived a middle-aged man with only a single arm. Originally, this man had been a powerful Tier 2 Sword Master. However, during the Great Demon War, he had lost one of his arms, and subsequently, his strength deteriorated, reverting to an ordinary citizen.

This man was Kite. Even before he had lost his arm, Kite had not been very famous in Star-Moon Kingdom. After all, he was simply a Tier 2 Swordsman, something common.

The reason Feng had come for Kite was mainly that of his potential.

In Feng's first life, some insignificant, independent player had recruited Kite as his personal guard and helped him recover with the Water of Life. Afterwards, Kite went on to become a Tier 5 Sword Saint and gain the title of Windbreaker. 

In Feng's previous life, however, Feng had ruined that player's whole career by recruiting Kite ahead of him as his own personal guard. With Feng's help and resources, Kite managed to achieve much greater feats than in Feng's first life, and had even managed to become a Tier 6 Titled Sword God. 

Naturally, Feng was planning to recruit Kite in this life as well. Not only that, but he was also planning to return Kite's memories after his Immortal Soul gets strong enough.

"Esteemed Lord Viscount, how may I be of service to you?" Kite asked in a tone that was neither servile nor overbearing when he saw Feng entering his house. Although he had become a cripple with low status, his bearing was completely different when compared to the Priest back at the Twilight Temple.

When choosing a personal guard, players relied on two things: foresight and luck.

If a player made the wrong choice, they could only blame themselves for being dull and impatient.

Before placing an NPC under their command, players had absolutely no access to said NPC's data. They would have no access even if they took in an NPC as a normal guard.

In the case of Anna, Feng could only view her data because she was an assistant provided due to an Epic Quest. Anna belonged to Feng completely, so she fit under the category of a personal guard.

After becoming a Viscount, players were given two slots for personal guards and 48 slots for normal guards. These slots were precious, as after signing the contract with an NPC, players were required to pay a considerable fee should they ever wish to dissolve the contract.

If it were merely dissolving the contract for normal guards, most players could afford the fee. After all, normal guards were incapable of growth. As a player's strength grew, sooner or later, they would have to replace these normal guards. However, personal guards were a different story. Personal guards could grow with a player. Even if it were Feng, he would not dissolve contracts of personal guards casually, as the price was simply too high.

Hence, after players became Viscounts, they would be very careful when selecting their personal guards. They absolutely would not waste these two slots.

However, leaving it empty was also unwise. Even if one accepted personal guards with slightly lower potential,, these personal guards could be of great help when properly developed, especially when leveling up. Moreover, the sooner one started nurturing a personal guard, the stronger they could become later on.

"Mister Kite, I have just recently become a Viscount of White River City, and currently, I am trying to recruit guards for myself. I wonder if you would be interested?" Feng asked.

Kite looked a little excited when he heard Feng's offer. However, when he looked at the empty space where his right arm used to be, he sighed and said, "My lord, you, too, can see for yourself. I am but a cripple now, so I have no way to serve as one of my lord's guard."

"I realize Mister Kite's concerns. I had heard that Mister Kite became a Tier 2 Sword Master at an early age. During the Great Demon War, you have even managed to injure a Tier 3 Demon heavily, though at the cost of your sword arm. Today, I have come to recruit you as my guard, so of course, I have come prepared. Do you know what this is?" Feng smiled as he retrieved a small, crystalline bottle.

Within the crystalline bottle, there was a single droplet of dark-blue liquid. Just by looking through the crystal wall of the bottle, one could already feel the boundless life energy coming from this droplet.

"Water of Life!"

Kite immediately recognized this liquid, a hint of emotion appearing on his stone-cold face. After all, this liquid was something he had yearned for all this time. Now that it was in front of him, how could he not recognize it?

"That's right. As long as Mister Kite agrees to become my personal guard, the Water of Life in this bottle is yours." Feng smiled.

"Esteemed Lord Viscount, are you truly willing to use this precious Water of Life on a mere Sword Master like me?" Kite asked carefully. In reality, Feng's offer was touching. "My lord, you should know that, with this droplet alone, even a Tier 3 powerhouse would agree to become your personal guard."

"Of course, I already know that, Mister Kite. However, I value your potential even more. Based on your firm and unyielding will and the fact that you have not fallen to become a Demonkin yet, I believe that you will one day become an apex powerhouse on the continent," Feng affirmed.

A Demon's power was the evilest force that could corrode a human's spirit. However, after suffering the Demon's curse for so many years, although Kite had lost his powers, he continued to live normally; he had not turned into a Demonkin. If Kite had not possessed a firm and unyielding will, the Demon's power would have devoured him long ago.

"Mister Kite, I wonder if you are willing to become my guard?" Feng asked seriously.

"Since Lord Viscount is willing to accept a cripple like myself, how could I possibly reject my lord's good intentions? From today onwards, my lord will be my only master. I swear allegiance," Kite dropped to a knee in front of Feng, receiving the Water of Life respectfully.

System: Do you wish to assign Kite as your personal guard?

Feng clicked "Agree." Following which, Kite's data appeared in Feng's NPC Managing interface.

[Kite] (Ye Feng's Personal Guard)

Gender: Male

Age: 39

Loyalty: 90

Charm: 60

Physique: 40

Wisdom: 81

Growth Potential: 26

Class: Tier 1 Swordsman

Level: 30

HP: 8,000/8,000

Attack Power: 600-720

Defense: 3,100

Attributes: Strength 125, Agility 130, Endurance 200, Intelligence 90, Vitality 180

Common ranked personal guards had 0 to 30 Growth Potential. Basically, no one wanted such personal guards.

Bronze ranked personal guards had 31 to 50 Growth Potential. These were the lowest ranked personal guard players would usually possess.

Mysterious-Iron ranked personal guards had 51 to 70 Growth Potential. Meeting personal guards of such rank was rare. Normally, one required honed foresight and had to carry out long-term observation to find such guards.

Secret-Silver ranked personal guards had 71 to 80 Growth Potential. Such personal guards were extremely rare. Normally, players that managed to obtain these NPCs would treat them like their own babies.

Fine-Gold ranked personal guards had 81 to 90 Growth Potential. These individuals were as rare as a phoenix's feather.

Dark-Gold ranked personal guards had 91 to 100 Growth Potential. If a player managed to recruit such a personal guard, as long as developed properly, the player's strength no longer mattered.

As for Epic ranked personal guards, which were above Dark-Gold rank, their Growth Potential exceeds 100, and it would not be unusual if such a guard transcended the realm of normal men, achieving godhood.

After Kite became Feng's personal guard, he opened the crystalline bottle and drank the Water of Life within. 

Shortly after Kite drank the Water of Life, his body suddenly emitted a bright green light. This light originated from the Water of Life. Not only did it possess frightening healing powers, but it could also remove all abnormal statuses.

A few moments later, Kite's body expelled a cloud of dark gas, and following its removal, Kite's originally pale complexion turned rosy red. The right arm that he had lost also began to regenerate at a rate visible to the naked eye.

One minute later, Kite had fully recovered.

Although Kite's clothing was still worn out, the aura he gave off no longer felt depressing; rather, it was refreshing. At this moment, he seemed like a caged lion that had broken out of its confinement, releasing a heaven-shocking roar to let everyone know of its return.

[Kite] (Ye Feng's Personal Guard)

Gender: Male

Age: 39

Loyalty: 90

Charm: 75

Physique: 95

Wisdom: 88

Growth Potential: 94

Class: Tier 1 Swordsman

Level: 30

HP: 15,400/15,400

Attack Power: 830-960

Defense: 4,500

Attributes: Strength 384, Agility 364, Endurance 420, Intelligence 276, Vitality 280

Kite's current Attributes were worlds apart from the Attributes he had before he drank the Water of Life.

"Kite, take these and use them for now," issuing his instructions, Feng retrieved several pieces of Level 20 Secret-Silver and a few pieces of level 20 Fine-Gold Equipment and passed them to Kite. Although they were somewhat incompatible for the Level 30 Swordsman, they were all Feng had at the moment.

After Kite equipped the Level 20 items, he appeared valiant and extraordinary. His Attributes also increased significantly. 

Feng then headed to the Mercenary Alliance.

The Mercenary Alliance was the best place for players to recruit normal guards. The NPCs of the Mercenary Alliance were all well-trained, and they were far more reliable than the NPCs players recruited randomly from the streets.

Normal guards were different from personal guards. Players were required to pay for their services, and the prices varied depending on the strength of the NPC. With Feng's current level, the strongest guards he could recruit were Level 50 Tier 1 NPCs.

A normal Level 50 guard cost 5 Silver Coins per day, and the payment would be due once every ten days.

A Level 50 Tier 1 guard cost 30 Silver Coins per day with payment due once every ten days as well.

The difference between a normal guard and a Tier 1 guard was like the difference between a Common monster and an Elite monster; thus, the price of a Tier 1 guard was six times higher than a normal guard. Some Tier 1 guards that were more powerful would cost even more.

Feng had contacted Aqua Rose and had her bring around 60 core members to the Mercenary Alliance to meet up with him before he headed to the Adventurer's Association.

By the time Feng arrived at the Mercenary Alliance, Aqua had already showed up at the entrance with the requested Guildmates.

Every one of these core members wore equipment that was Secret-Silver rank and above. The group looked dazzling when they stood in front of the entrance, invoking the envy and admiration of many passing players.

Although Dark Star's ambush and the battle with World Dominators had significantly damaged Zero Wing, fortunately, the Guild possessed a relatively large stock of Bronze and Mysterious-Iron Equipment to compensate for the loss. Moreover, they had acquired a lot of equipment from the massacres conducted by Feng and Fire's group, so, in reality, they had gained even more than they had lost. Only, some time was required to regain the lost Levels.

Meanwhile, Aqua Rose's group consisted of players that had been busy raiding Dungeons while the Guild War had taken place. They had not been able to make it in time to help.

"Big Sis Aqua, why do you think the Guild Leader called us here?" a female Cleric called Snow Goose asked curiously.

"Isn't it obvious? Dark Star caused us trouble, picking a fight. Our Guild Leader obviously wants us here to plan our payback," a Berserker said, laughing.

"That's great! The Dungeon we raided before was too far away, so we couldn't join in the Guild War. Now, I'll get to teach those bastards from Dark Star a lesson!" Snow Goose giggled as she waved her delicate fist around.

Watching this scene, Aqua Rose could not help but laugh, saying, "Snow Goose, aren't you a little too aggressive? Although the Guild Leader hasn't expressed his plans for us yet, I feel that he called us here for something else. Otherwise, if we start a war against Dark Star with the few numbers we have here, we won't even fill in the gaps between their teeth. Stop guessing blindly. In any case, we'll know what he wants us to do soon enough."

Hearing that their Guild Leader had called them here for something else, Snow Goose's mood dampened slightly. The others also revealed disappointed expressions.

Suddenly, Feng appeared next to them out of thin air. 

"Let's head in." Before his guild members could voice their surprise, Feng spoke and headed inside, while the rest followed after him. 

After arriving at the Mercenary Alliance, Feng signed a contract with 48 Level 50 Tier 1 NPCs. Among them, some were melee classes, some were ranged classes, and some were healers. Of the 48 NPCs, there were six NPCs in particular that were more powerful than the others. They were Tier 1 advanced guards, and they cost 50 Silver Coins per day. Feng had hired these guards for only one day, thinking that they would most likely become sacrifices to the Mechanical Slayer if it turned Mutant, and the fee totaled to 15 Gold and 60 Silver Coins.

Feng's financial power completely eclipsed all the Guilds in White River City.

Afterward, Feng led the 48 NPCs and walked through the streets, the group of Level 50 Tier 1 guards looking valiant and mighty. Many players even consciously moved out of the way, not daring to block the path of this small army of powerful NPCs.

"Crap, why are there so many Tier 1 NPCs? Did something happen in White River City?"

"No, look! Some of them aren't NPCs, but players!"

"Aren't they members of Zero Wing? Where are they heading?"

The players quickly discovered the problem. This small army of NPCs and the members of Zero Wing were actually together. Moreover, all of these NPCs were Level 50 Tier 1 NPCs. With such a large NPC army, who, in White River City, would dare make an enemy of Zero Wing?

In the face of so many Level 50 Tier 1 NPCs, even Dark Star's army of tens of thousands of players amounted to nothing. The level suppression alone would leave the players of Dark Star completely helpless. Not to mention, these Tier 1 NPCs also possessed many powerful Skills in their arsenal.

"Zero Wing is too amazing!"

"I heard that Zero Wing is going to recruit members again in three days! I will definitely have to apply!"

The number of players gathered on the street continued to increase, and many started recording this majestic scene. This army of 48 NPCs was more imposing than an army of thousands of players.

The combat power this small army possessed was no weaker than the total battle power of a starting town.

Although nobody knew what relationship this NPC army had with Zero Wing, the fact that Zero Wing could mobilize so many NPCs was already amazing.

Meanwhile, the news of this matter spread quickly, creating a sensation on the official forums and increasing Zero Wing's fame once more.

The members of Dark Star wore extremely ugly expressions when they discovered about this matter. Deeply afraid that Zero Wing would lead this group of NPCs to attack them, many of Dark Star's members chose to hide in cities or towns. Some chose to remove their Guild Emblems temporarily and secretly grind monsters.

At the same time, the members of World Dominators were similarly frightened by this news, and they were also hiding, not daring to explore and level up


Creek Town was one of the border towns within White River City's jurisdiction. The town was nestled in a desert, and it was so desolate that not even birds would come to lay their eggs.

However, such a small town was a popular gathering place for Red Names and those who walk the path of darkness.

Unlike towns, cities like White River City were managed strictly. Hence, Red Names who had often killed other players for equipment during the initial stages of the game could only find a desolate place like Creek Town to receive quests and level up.

Near Creek Town, high leveled monsters dwelled, ranging from Level 15 to Level 30, which were perfectly suitable for players at this stage of the game.

In Creek Town, Red Names crowded the streets. Most of these players were above Level 15, while only a few were below Level 15. The Blood Hand Association, a dark force, managed the town. So, naturally, the NPCs here would not kill these Red Names. On the contrary, the NPCs welcomed these Red Names. Red Names could also receive better quests depending on their Crime Value, and through completing these quests, they could raise their Reputation among the dark forces they served.

"Guild Leader, there are over a thousand players in this town. In addition to the NPCs guarding this place, I don't think we can conquer it successfully." After spending a long time scouting, Aqua Rose had obtained a general grasp on Creek Town's overall combat power.

Setting aside the fact that there were over a thousand Red Names in this town, there were more than 500 NPCs guarding the town, the lowest of which was Level 50. Among them, there was no lack of Elite Guards. There was even a few Level 70 Tier 1 guard captains. If they charged in, the actual number of enemy NPCs might increase further. With only 100 players and 49 guards, they stood no chance at all.

Also, if a town were attacked, the NPCs within would not wait for players to close in on them before retaliating. Instead, all of the guards in the town would gather and fight back. Moreover, there was a huge difference between NPCs and monsters. The reason being, unlike monsters, NPCs knew how to coordinate with each other, making them far more difficult to deal with.

Furthermore, these Red Names would definitely try to take advantage of their battle with the NPCs, inconveniencing them at the very least. Moreover, these Red Names were not easy opponents. The fact that these players could survive as Red Names until now and possessed such a high level indicated that they had strong fighting techniques. Naturally, the equipment they used would be of high quality as well.

Killing and plundering was their main occupation in the game, so even if they were not fully equipped with Secret-Silver Equipment, at the very least, they would possess Bronze Equipment or above.

If any of these Red Names were in a Guild, they could easily become the elite or even core players of the Guild. Moreover, the frequent PKs they took part in allowed them to gain plenty of combat experience, so there was no shortage of experts among these Red Names.

To put it simply, although there were only around a thousand Red Names in Creek Town, these 1,000 or so players could easily rival 2,000 elites of Dark Star.

Thus, if they wished to conquer Creek Town, the task could only be described with one word—challenging!

"You don't have to worry about that." Feng didn't pay any mind to Aqua's concerns. Even without the Crusade Quest, Feng and his group could still clear out Creek Town with enough time, and with the Crusade Order, along with the guards Feng hired to make things faster as well as help level up the Guild's other members more easily, conquering Creek Town becomes very simple.

"Fire, how are the preparations?" Feng asked through the team chat.

The 48 Level 50 Tier 1 guards Feng had recruited were no pushovers. Although these guards could not be used to kill monsters or raid Dungeons, they could defend a town or private residence. More importantly, they could also help players complete large-scale Guild Quests. If not for this fact, Feng would not have recruited so many Tier 1 guards.

However, even though all 48 were Tier 1, they were insufficient to deal with all of the NPCs in Creek Town. Moreover, Feng had not intended for them to launch a frontal assault on the guards of Creek Town.

Among the 48 Tier 1 guards Feng had recruited, some were Rangers and Assassins. Hence, Feng had tasked Fire Dance and the others to take along one of these guards to lure the Blood Hand Association's NPCs out of town. After all, the intelligence the Tier 1 guards possessed was much lower than players. If Feng allowed the Tier 1 guards to lure the enemy NPCs, they could easily fail. Yet, if players lured the enemy NPCs, due to the great disparity in Attributes, the NPCs could catch up and kill the players. Hence, Feng's solution was to have players instructing the Tier 1 guards individually. 

"We're all ready. We've grasped most of the basic commands, so we're only waiting for your command now," Fire Dance said with a smile.

"Good. After I initiate the Crusade Quest, all of you take action immediately." After Feng gave a few reminders, he then walked towards Creek Town.

Feng stopped a few hundred yards before the town, taking out the Crusade Order. He then pointed the Crusade Order at the sky.

Suddenly, rays of golden light shot from the Crusade Order, and in the next moment, a golden magic array appeared above Creek Town. In the evening sky, this magic array was extremely conspicuous, and it quickly attracted the attention of many players inside the town.

A short moment later, the magic elements of this array burst open, and one after another, golden ripples spread from this magic array, enveloping the entire region of Creek Town. At this moment, if viewed from the outside, a protective, golden dome appeared, covering Creek Town.

Creek Town System Announcement: Zero Wing has started a crusade against Creek Town. Unrelated parties, please leave immediately!

Creek Town System Announcement: Zero Wing has started a crusade against Creek Town. Unrelated parties, please leave immediately!

Creek Town System Announcement: Zero Wing has started a crusade against Creek Town. Unrelated parties, please leave immediately!

The Crusade Announcement repeated three times, and all of the Red Names in Creek Town were shocked by this notification. There was actually a Guild that dared to capture a Red Name Town.

Shortly after, all of the players belonging to the dark forces in Creek Town received another message. However, the message this time was from the Blood Hand Association. The message stated that, as long as they could successfully defend the town, all players would receive bountiful rewards. Moreover, players would receive Achievement Points for each enemy they killed. After the battle was over, players could exchange these Achievement Points for weapons and equipment.

"Zero Wing sure is kind. They have actually come to gift us money."

"Do they think they are amazing? Since they dared to come into our territory and make trouble, we'll annihilate every single one of them!"

The players of Creek Town's blood boiled, their killing intent rose to new heights. Although Zero Wing shone like the sun in midsky in White River City, in their eyes, Zero Wing wasn't worth mentioning. After all, they all had impressive techniques and none of them mingled in White River City, so they had no need to fear Zero Wing's vengeance. Even if Zero Wing tried to take revenge on them, they only needed to hide, and Zero Wing could do nothing to them.

The barefooted are not afraid of those who wear shoes. They were the hoodlums of God's Domain, so why would they fear Zero Wing?


Inside one of the bars in Creek Town, an Assassin clothed in black currently drowned himself in alcohol. The man felt like a piece of ice to others; he exuded a chilling intent that made others instinctively distance themselves. Shockingly, this man was actually Level 20, and all of his equipment was Secret-Silver Equipment. In White River City, this man would definitely be considered a first-rate expert.

This black clothed Assassin, Absolute Heaven, was stunned when he received the system announcement, the beer bottle in his hand falling to the ground.

"Zero Wing? Doesn't that mean that Ye Feng might show up as well?" Absolute Heaven's lips curled upward, forming a sinister smile. "The last time, I lost to him because of equipment quality. This time, I'm going to take back everything that he owes me."

To avenge his hatred, Absolute Heaven had worked desperately to improve his techniques and upgrade his equipment. Now, even if Ye Feng were not involved in this sudden assault, he would still give the members of Zero Wing a taste of his new strength.

However, just after Absolute Heaven walked out of the bar's entrance, he discovered the golden magic array hovering in the evening sky.

This magic array was a result of the Crusade Quest's activation, and it would change the NPCs of Creek Town.

The guards that had originally been Level 50 immediately fell to Level 30, while the Level 70 Tier 1 guard captains became Level 50, the same level as Feng's normal guards.

Although Creek Town's guards had been weakened, none of these guards delayed in taking action. The moment the warning bell rang, a storm of guards rushed out of the many buildings within the town. In moments, over two thousand guards surrounded the town. These NPCs belonged to the Blood Hand Association. At this moment, they had all removed their disguises, and the normal guards had revealed themselves as Blood Hand Association Members, while the guard captains were Blood Hand Association Elites.

[Blood Hand Association Members] (Elite Rank)

Level 30

HP 100,000/100,000

[Blood Hand Association Elites] (Tier 1 Elite Rank)

Level 50


"Why have all the guards become weaker?"

"What's there to fear? Even if they are weaker, can Zero Wing defeat so many NPCs? Besides, we are here as well. If Zero Wing wants to attack, we'll make them suffer the consequences."

When the players of Creek Town discovered that the guards beside them had suddenly grown weaker, worry grew in their hearts. However, they soon rid their minds of this worry. Even during its peak, Zero Wing only had around 8,000 members. Moreover, due to the surge of players that had withdrawn from the Guild, they now had less than 5,000.

Even if Zero Wing had mobilized all 5,000 of its members, in the face of 2,000 NPCs, charging into the town would be nothing more than suicide. At this stage of the game, players had yet to reach Level 30. Furthermore, not a single player had managed to upgrade to a Tier 1 class. So, how could they possibly hope to fight against Level 30 and Level 50 NPCs? In God's Domain, such a massive gap between levels was fatal.

"Begin." Feng commanded in the team chat.

Fire and the others immediately took action, each of them commanding a Level 50 Tier 1 guard as they charged towards the Blood Hand Association's army.

The guards Fire and the others controlled were Tier 1 Rangers and Assassins. Regarding Movement Speed, they were much faster than the Blood Hand Association Members. Rangers also possessed ultra-long-ranged attack capabilities, and they could launch their attacks from 100 yards away. Hence, they were perfect for the role of a lure.

Within moments, the Red Names of Creek Town noticed several figures rushing at them with speeds that no players could hope to achieve.

In the next moment, these Rangers retrieved their longbows, nocking arrows and releasing them.

Xiu! The arrows struck their targets, several Level 30 Blood Hand Association Members, from roughly 90 yards away. Each arrow dealt over -5,000 damage to these Level 30 NPCs. If a player received one of these arrows, they would die with a single hit.

The Rangers' attack attracted the attention of the Blood Hand Association NPCs. Without hesitation, over a thousand Blood Hand Association NPCs unsheathed their weapons and charged.

Seeing this, the Rangers turned on their heels and fled. Very quickly, they had drawn these Blood Hand Association NPCs away from the city.

"Weren't we being attacked by players from Zero Wing? Why are there Level 50 Tier 1 NPCs as well?"

The Red Names were confused. They simply stood where they were, not following the Blood Hand Association NPCs in pursuit of the Tier 1 Rangers.

Level 50 Tier 1 NPCs only needed a single hit to kill them. If they did not possess lifesaving skills, fighting such an NPC was suicide. Moreover, they were all Red Names. If they died, they would pay a severe penalty. At the very minimum, they would lose two to three levels and a majority of their equipment. Naturally, they had to weigh the costs and benefits before they took action.

Not to mention, they had never intended to charge with the NPCs since the very beginning. Instead, they had planned to take advantage of the confusion while the Blood Hand Association NPCs and Zero Wing clashed. Now, however, those NPC guards had lured away all of the Blood Hand Association NPCs. At this moment, even they began to wonder whether they should join in the pursuit or not.

Just as these Red Names contemplated their actions, the Blood Hand Association NPCs had distanced themselves several hundred yards from the town.

"This is bad. The Blood Hand Association NPCs are gone!" one of the Red Names realized the situation and shouted. "We need to go help them! If Zero Wing manages to kite and kill them, we'll be finished!"

This player's words shook everyone to attention. Unfortunately, these Red Names were neither a single group nor of a single heart. Most importantly, they all understood that the first person to charge into battle would also be the first person to leave. Even though they had realized how serious their predicament was, none of them were willing to take action first. Instead, they all chose to stay put and do nothing at all.

None of these Red Names had discovered that, at this time, Feng had already led the remaining forty Level 50 Tier 1 NPCs in a charge from another direction.

When capturing a town, the NPCs were not the most troublesome obstacle. Instead, it was the players residing in said town. If the players and NPCs inside the town were allowed to cooperate, without absolute strength, it would be impossible to capture the town successfully.

Hence, the most important thing Feng needed to do right now was to get rid of the players; only then would it be the NPCs' turn to die.

After players died, they had to wait half an hour before they could revive at the Graveyard. Furthermore, if these Red Names died, even if they had the determination to continue fighting, they would not have the strength to present a challenge. The penalty they suffered was simply too severe.

Although the forty Level 50 Tier 1 guards did not possess as much HP as the Blood Hand Association Elites, they still had over 100,000 HP each. Moreover, the opponents they faced right now were not NPCs, but players; it would only take a single attack to kill a player instantly. When all forty Tier 1 guards charged at the Red Names of Creek Town, they were like a group of ferocious beasts as they killed everything in their path.

Although there were many Red Names in Creek Town, they were completely unable to defend themselves against these guards. Shield Warriors and Guardian Knights could take two hits at most. In the blink of an eye, Red Names died, one after another, littering the ground with bodies and equipment.

In contrast, although the Red Names attacked continuously, due to the level suppression of over 30 Levels, the damage the Red Names managed to deal was negligible. One thousand Level 20 players were required to take down a single Tier 1 guard, let alone forty guards.

With the forty guards sharing the damage from the enemy players, their battle recovery alone made up for the HP they lost. Not to mention, among the forty guards, there were also Clerics and other healer classes. A casual heal from one of these NPCs could replenish over 10,000 HP.

Within tens of seconds, over 200 Red Names of Creek Town died, while all forty guards that Feng led still had full HP.

The disparity in strength caused the Red Names to despair.

"These NPC guards are too strong! We need to retreat and meet up with the Blood Hand Association NPCs!"

"You bastards from Zero Wing are shameless! You actually brought Level 50 Tier 1 NPCs to capture a town! If you have the strength to face us, don't use those NPC guards and fight us fairly!


The Red Names cursed Feng and the others as they fought the NPCs.

Naturally, Feng didn't care about their words or opinions. Immediately, he instructed the NPC mages to cast their AOE spells.

Suddenly, rain of fire descended from the sky. In the next moment, thunderbolts struck down at the Red Names. When cast by the Tier 1 mages, the Tier 1 AOE spells could display their true might. 

The Red Names of Creek Town died in batches. After several AOE spells landed, the battlefield fell quiet. Of all the Red Names that had resided in Creek Town, only 400 or so remained, while everyone else was dead.

This scene not only shocked the players of the town, but Aqua Rose and the others were also stunned.

A single wave of AOE spells became a nightmare for the Red Players of Creek Town.


Nobody knew who shouted, but every surviving Red Name agreed wholeheartedly as they fled in all directions.

"Let's start the slaughter." Feng simply commanded.

Following which, with Aqua Rose in the lead, both players and NPCs chased and killed the fleeing Red Names.

When Feng was the last remaining on the high slope, he suddenly unsheathed the Abyssal Blade and sent a Thundering Flash behind him.

Five blue arcs of lightning streaked across the air. In the next moment, a black figure suddenly appeared and attempted to dodge the attack, but the streaks of thunder seemed to have minds of their own, as they curved and flew after the black figure. 

At this moment, shock filled Absolute Heaven's chilling gaze. Someone was actually capable of discovering his presence from such a long distance away and launch a preemptive strike. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

Absolute Heaven tried using one of his lifesaving skills in order to escape the attack and get away, but he suddenly discovered that he could not use any of his skills. Suddenly, Absolute Heaven started to panic. Nobody understood better than Absolute Heaven just how fragile an Assassin was without his skills.

However, before Absolute Heaven could attempt anything else, the thunder streaks bit into him, ripping away all of his HP in an instant. 

Feng didn't even bother to turn around to look at the person he just suddenly killed. He merely sent a message to Aqua, telling her to send someone to pick up the equipment Absolute Heaven dropped, as Feng couldn't be bothered to go out of his way for it, and headed towards Creek Town.

Although Feng had considered using the same tactic as last time and have Absolute Heaven become a spy for him in order to get inside information about what Underworld was currently doing, as well as what it would do once Feng started changing the timeline, he ultimately decided it was unnecessary. He could do with the general information he had from his previous life, and Feng didn't particularly care what they did. After all, unlike in his previous life during this time, he didn't consider Underworld as an opponent at all right now. At most, it could be a slight annoyance. 

With the help of the Tier 1 guards, Aqua and the others took little effort to clean up the Red Names who had quickly lost their fighting spirit. They took less than a minute to deal with the remaining Red Names of Creek Town. Meanwhile, the harvest they obtained was sufficient to arm a team of 1,000 players.

Throughout this battle, although a few of their members had died and lost a level, when compared to the harvest they obtained, such loss was practically negligible. The items they obtained had easily made up for the total losses Zero Wing had suffered with surplus.

Aqua Rose was overjoyed when she examined their harvest. As the manager of Zero Wing's daily affairs, she was very clear about what these items represented.

With the addition of this batch of items, after Zero Wing finished recruiting new members, they could arm a large batch of elite players, pushing Zero Wing's combat power to a whole other level. At that time, even if Dark Star declared another war on Zero Wing, they could still deal with it without needing Ouroboros's assistance.

"Guild Leader, we've dealt with all the Red Names. We can start cooperating with Fire Dance and the others to kill the Blood Hand Association NPCs now," Aqua Rose happily reported through the team chat.

"Okay. Follow the plan and kill those Blood Hand Association NPCs. Be careful not to lure too many at once. Those NPCs are more sensitive than field monsters," Feng said

The Blood Hand Association NPCs were all Level 30 and above, while the members of Zero Wing were only around Level 20. Among those present, only a few of them who had their memories returned had items that allowed them to ignore Levels. Everyone else could only deal minute amounts of damage to these NPCs. The most they could do was use some control skills on these Blood Hand Association NPCs.

Although these Blood Hand Association NPCs possessed a certain degree of intelligence, it was only slightly higher than normal field monsters. Otherwise, Fire's group could not have lured them away.

What Aqua Rose's group needed to do was to lure the Blood Hand Association NPCs away in small batches and kill them separately. With the strength of forty Level 50 Tier 1 guards, they could easily take care of up to 300 Level 30 Blood Hand Association NPCs each time.

With a massive difference of 20 levels, the attacks of the Blood Hand Association NPCs would only deal damage in the double digits to a Tier 1 Shield Warrior guard. Meanwhile, a Level 50 Tier 1 Shield Warrior possessed over 200,000 HP. Even if dozens of Blood Hand Association NPCs attacked simultaneously, the total damage would only be a tickle to a Level 50 Tier 1 Shield Warrior. The Shield Warrior's battle recovery alone could restore most of the HP lost. Not to mention, there were still the Tier 1 healers waiting in the wings.

However, NPCs were different from monsters. The NPCs of the Blood Hand Association were very organized when they fought. The warriors that served as meat-shields would stand in front, and the mages would attack from behind, coordinating their attacks with the melee fighters. The healers standing at the rear would also spam heals on the tanks. There was even one time where an Assassin from the Blood Hand Association had circled and ambushed Aqua Rose's group.

If Cola had not reacted quickly and immediately aggroed the NPC Assassin, the team would have lost at least one member to the NPC.

Compared to everyone else who the NPCs suppressed, Blackie, Fire, Cola, Minor Wind, and a few others who managed to get equipment which provided Ignore Levels while Feng had been mining the Seven Luminaries Mountain, were free and unfettered as they continuously attacked the Blood Hand Association. The weapons and equipment they wielded allowed them to ignore the massive level difference completely, and along with their standards, there was no threat of them dying as they did damage to these Level 30 Elite NPCs.

When Blackie used Stars of Light, the result was simply earthshaking. A damage of over -3,000 appeared above every enemy NPC caught within the skill's range. Moreover, with each successive bombardment, the damage of the Stars of Light increased by 10%. The skill had a duration of 15 seconds, and by the time the 15th bombardment landed, the enemy NPCs were already receiving over -12,000 damage each. Some of the attacks even achieved critical hits, dealing over -20,000 damage to the enemy NPCs.

These Level 30 Elite NPCs only had 100,000 HP. They stood no chance against Blackie's Stars of Light.

After Stars of Light ended, over 400 Level 30 Elite NPCs fell to the ground lifelessly. Suddenly, everyone's experience bars started increasing madly. Some even leveled from Level 19 to Level 20. Even Blackie, who was currently Level 23, saw a huge increase in his experience bar.

Even though the EXP was shared with over a hundred players, each person still obtained a frightening amount.

Originally, everyone had only come here to kill these NPCs for the purpose of completing the Crusade Quest. Now that they had discovered the wealth of EXP in front of them, everyone started working even more enthusiastically.

After killing several waves of NPCs, everyone managed to level up to Level 20 or above. Blackie even reached Level 24. Everyone's leveling speed was simply frightening.

"At the rate we're leveling, Zero Wing will fully occupy the top 100 spots on the White River City Ranking List." Blackie casually commented to Aqua when he saw how quickly everyone's levels increased.

"That's a nice idea. All this time, that leveling madman Lone Tyrant had held the ninth position on the Ranking List. Although Guild Leader had killed him once back in the Silverleaf Forest, he had only fallen to tenth place. Seeing that Dark Star is so adamant in challenging us, if we kick Lone Tyrant out of the top 100 of the Ranking List, it would be a massive blow to both Lone Tyrant's and Dark Star's reputation. Moreover, we would also elevate Zero Wing's fame and prestige, killing two birds with one stone."

Aqua Rose revealed a playful smile when she considered this interesting idea.

"Okay! Let's kick Lone Tyrant out of the Ranking List!"

The Ranking List was the only glory for Lone Tyrant. Even if he had to exceed the Level 20 limit for the First Clear of the Three Great Dungeons, he still had to maintain his position within the top ten of the Ranking List. Lone Tyrant's obsession with the Ranking List was apparent.

Gentle Snow, on the other hand, was different. To secure the First Clear of the Three Great Dungeons, Gentle Snow had frozen her experience bar at 99.99% of Level 20. She paid absolutely no attention to the Ranking List at all.

After all, her title of Snow Goddess had originated not from her high Level, but her strength instead.

However, Lone Tyrant was not like Gentle Snow. He had relied solely on the Ranking List to gain the fame he currently possessed. It was why he worked desperately hard to maintain his spot within the top ten of the Ranking List.

Although Feng had killed Lone Tyrant once already, robbing him of a level, he had managed to recover the lost EXP quickly. After all, he had large groups of players to help him level up. Currently, he had once again reached Level 21, though he still required large amounts of EXP to reach Level 22.


Time passed, little by little. At this moment, Aqua Rose and the others were still battling against the Blood Hand Association NPCs. Even though it was night in God's Domain, spells of war illuminated the sky around Creek Town so brilliantly that it appeared to be day.

Although these NPCs provided no loot, the EXP they gave was bountiful. The members of Zero Wing were only able to kill these Blood Hand Association NPCs with such ease due to the assistance of the Level 50 Tier 1 guards. In the future, it would not be so easy for them to come across such a valuable opportunity.

As more Blood Hand Association NPCs died, the Zero Wing Guild members watched their levels soar.

The Ranking List of White River City also underwent dramatic changes.

Players from Zero Wing continuously appeared within the top 100 of the Ranking List.

The change had not been obvious at the beginning, as only a few members had entered the 90s. However, as time passed, the EXP growth of Zero Wing never stopped.

The Guild members who originally ranked within the 90s jumped into the 80s; then jumped again from the 80s to the 70s, their positions ever rising.

However, this was still not the most shocking incident.

What really shocked people was the fact that the Zero Wing members occupied every rank between 70 and 100. They had forced all others out of the top 100 ranks.

"Is this real or fake? Aren't the members of Zero Wing too impressive? It was already amazing that they managed to occupy the top eight positions before. Now, they fully occupy the 70th to the 100th positions."

"What did these people eat to become so fierce?"

"As expected of the Guild that I fancy!"

"If this continues, Zero Wing will sooner or later occupy all 100 spots on the White River City Ranking List."

"That shouldn't be possible, right? After all, there is still Lone Tyrant who ranks 10th. Although Black Flame had killed him once, he has already managed to recover to Level 21. It shouldn't be possible to kick him out of the top 100."

"Lone Tyrant? So what? Hadn't he been the top player on the White River City Ranking List before? In the end, eight experts from Zero Wing still shoved him aside. Even now, he is still stuck at ninth place. Now that Zero Wing is showing its might, he might not keep his rank for long."

"Serves him right. Who told Lone Tyrant to behave so arrogantly before? He had dared to ambush and made an enemy of Zero Wing. Now, Zero Wing is merely teaching Lone Tyrant a lesson, letting him know that his pride is worth nothing to Zero Wing. They can surpass him anytime they want to."

Everyone was very concerned about the sudden emergence of the Zero Wing members on the Ranking List, and they all began to voice their suggestions and opinions. Many felt that this was Zero Wing's retaliation towards Dark Star.

The timing of this situation was simply too coincidental, being only a few hours after Dark Star's war with Zero Wing had ended. Moreover, Zero Wing also declared that Dark Star would pay for their actions. However, nobody ever thought that Zero Wing would take action so quickly.

"If Zero Wing really succeeds, this will become a true legend in God's Domain. Not even first-rate Guilds have managed to occupy the Ranking List of a city."

"Zero Wing rocks! Go, Zero Wing! Kick Lone Tyrant out of the Ranking List!"

Everyone in White River City highly anticipated the arrival of a legend, creating a huge commotion over this matter. The thought of a single Guild monopolizing the entire Ranking List had sent shivers down their spines. At that time, if they joined such a Guild and wore the six-winged emblem on their chests, they would definitely become the targets of everyone's admiration.

On the other hand, while the casual players in White River City were very excited over this matter, the many Guilds were not happy at all.

It had been an earthshaking matter when Zero Wing had occupied the top eight positions on the Ranking List. Yet, now, Zero Wing was actually trying to occupy the top 100 positions of the Ranking List. Just how were they, the other Guilds, supposed to continue competing in White River City?


Inside the Silverleaf Forest, leading a team of several hundred players, Lone Tyrant was desperately leveling up.

"Can someone tell me just what is going on?" Lone Tyrant demanded, irritated. He had spared no effort to raise his own level. Yet, now, as if on steroids, the members of Zero Wing leveled at a rate many times faster than himself.

Based on the Zero Wing members' current leveling speed, it was only a matter of time before they surpassed him.

Unfortunately, nobody could answer Lone Tyrant's question.

"You're a bunch of trash! Go, investigate immediately! They must have found a good grinding spot! Once you find them, send someone to eliminate them! I will never allow these people to surpass me!" Lone Tyrant commanded the Guild members of Dark Star.

The only reason he had managed to lead Dark Star to its current status in White River City was that of his previous occupancy of the White River City Ranking List's number one position. However, due to Blackie and the others, he was no longer the top player in the region. Even so, he still occupied the top ten in the eyes of the public.

If he fell out of the top 100, what else would he have?

Aside from his identity as the Guild Leader of Dark Star, there was nothing special about him.

Although Lone Tyrant was quite powerful, he knew that he could not compare with top-tier experts. If not for the massive support from Underworld, Dark Star would not have developed to its present state.

Lone Tyrant knew that, after the siege on Zero Wing had failed, Underworld started to look down on him and was already thinking of removing him from the Guild Leader position of Dark Star. If he lost his only merit as well, based on how Underworld conducted business, he would not keep his position as Guild Leader for long.

Considering the events up to this point, Lone Tyrant grew worried.

"Hurry, lure more monsters! Those bastards from Zero Wing are dreaming if they think they can surpass me and kick me out of the Ranking List! I won't give this position away!" Lone Tyrant commanded once more, a bloody glow flashing in his eyes.

Soon after, a group of Rangers and Assassins left to carry out his orders and lure more monsters. The mages of Dark Star also promptly increased their attack rate, using more AOE skills than before. As for Lone Tyrant, who was not in a team with his Guild members, he began methodically kill-stealing the low HP monsters, taking the majority of the monsters' EXP for himself rather than sharing with his comrades.

This leveling method was extremely extravagant. Even a party of experts continuously grinding monsters could not compare to Lone Tyrant's current leveling speed.

Unfortunately, Lone Tyrant did not know that the monsters he and the members of Zero Wing grinded were on entirely different levels.

Lone Tyrant only grinded Level 20 Common monsters at the moment, so he received no bonus EXP for killing them. On the other hand, Zero Wing's 100-man team was killing Level 30 Elite NPCs. Originally, these Elite NPCs had provided an abundance of EXP. They also gained the bonus EXP rewarded for killing a monster that was 10 levels higher. After splitting the EXP for each NPC killed across 100 players evenly, everyone leveled up far faster than Lone Tyrant.


Time flew by quickly. White River City was bustling at that night. As a Saturday, even though it was already daytime in the real world, many players had not logged out and were still having fun in God's Domain. However, as it was dangerous to leave the city at night, many players had chosen to visit bars in the city.

With nothing better to do, players had started focusing their attention to Zero Wing's ranks. Many also began guessing on whether or not Zero Wing would kick Lone Tyrant out of the Ranking List.

It had been over an hour since the commotion had begun. Now, instead of occupying up to just the 70th position, Zero Wing occupied up to the 40th position of the Ranking List. Bystanders fell speechless when witnessing the leveling speed of this new Guild.

Originally, many players had simply guessed and joked around. None of them actually thought that Zero Wing could accomplish such a feat.

Watching this momentum, however, Zero Wing might really intend to monopolize the top 100 spots on the Ranking List.

Everyone could not help but grow excited in anticipation.

If Zero Wing truly managed to achieve such a feat, then they, as players who preferred to play solo, might have a few things to consider carefully.

Should they or should they not join Zero Wing?


Inside one of the bars in White River City, the members of the Holy Grail Knights were currently drinking in celebration.

Today, they had managed to raid a Level 15, 20-man Hard Mode Dungeon, the Bloodfang Fort. They also obtained quite a load of equipment and materials from the raid.

"Brother War Wolf, that Zero Wing sure is godly, huh? First, they defeated World Dominators. After that, they managed to wipe out Dark Star's elite army along with killing Lone Tyrant. Now, they are even planning to kick Lone Tyrant out of the top 10 and monopolize the Ranking List. Soon, they might even rule White River City."

In reply, War Wolf, the leader of the Holy Grail Knights, shook his head and said, "It's still too early to say. Moreover, the other top six Guilds aren't here just for show. They won't allow Zero Wing to develop freely. Although, it is true that I have underestimated Zero Wing before."

Moments after War Wolf started speaking, a few cloaked players walked into the bar. The equipment these players wore immediately attracted the attention of the others inside the bar. These newcomers were fully geared with Secret-Silver Equipment. Moreover, none of them possessed a Guild Emblem on their chests, signifying that they were all independent players. Meanwhile, the leader of this group was a beautiful female Summoner.

"Big Brother War Wolf, long time no see." Youlan walked up to War Wolf and greeted him with a bright smile.

"It's been a long time indeed. The pure and sweet little girl from the past has grown into a beautiful tigress. Time really is amazing." War Wolf sighed ruefully as he looked at the noble and graceful girl in front of him.

"Big Brother War Wolf, you jest. Everything I have today is all thanks to you." Youlan smiled faintly. Looking around, she said, "We haven't seen each other for so many years now, and I really wish to have a nice conversation with you. There are too many bystanders here. Why don't we find a room upstairs to catch up?"

"Indeed, it has been many years since we last met. We should really have a nice chat." War Wolf immediately spent 5 Silvers to rent a guest room on the second floor. He then walked towards the stairs leading to the bar's second floor.

Youlan promptly followed after War Wolf. The other cloaked players that had entered the bar with Youlan also moved to guard the staircase, preventing anyone from going upstairs. At this moment, the entire bar was silent. The other members of the Holy Grail Knights, as well as the other guests in the bar, were still stunned by what they just saw; their minds were unable to process what had just happened.

The leader of an independent team actually knew such a noble and elegant beauty. Moreover, they even rented a private room to have a conversation. The other players' minds went wild with fantasy.