
Reincarnation of the Robot Captain

After dying in his house when his apartment was burning, Karl Johnson got reincarnated in a new apocalyptic sci-fi world, where he plays the role of a strong robot captain of a huge Organization. Now Karl's mission is simple, survive and protect this world from vicious enemies.

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24 Chs

A little of bit of Rina

Aeti and Kryzius walked down the bustling streets of the city. The high-tech metropolis was a marvel to behold, with towering skyscrapers made of gleaming metal and glass, reflecting the bright sunlight. Hovering vehicles zipped through the air, seamlessly weaving between the buildings. Neon lights and holographic advertisements adorned every corner, showcasing the latest innovations and entertainment options.

The streets were alive with a diverse mix of beings, from humans and anthropomorphic animals to robots and other advanced beings, all going about their daily routines. The sidewalks were lined with sleek, modern shops and cafes, each with their own unique futuristic designs. Trees with bioluminescent leaves added a touch of nature to the urban landscape, glowing softly as the sun began to set.

Kryzius couldn't help but admire the sheer beauty and advanced technology of the city. Every corner seemed to reveal something new and fascinating.

"Master, let's go drink something," Aeti said, breaking Kryzius from his reverie.

Kryzius turned to her and nodded. "Sounds good. Lead the way."

Aeti and Kryzius sat outside a large, bustling coffee shop. The patio was filled with people chatting and enjoying their drinks, the air filled with the hum of conversation and the clinking of cups. Nearby, a sprawling beach stretched out along the coast. The sand was a soft, golden hue, and the waves gently lapped at the shore, creating a soothing backdrop. Palm trees swayed in the light breeze, and children built sandcastles while surfers caught waves in the distance.

Kryzius looked at Aeti, who was sipping her coffee with a content smile. "Erm, Aeti...how am I supposed to drink this?" he asked, pointing to his large, imposing teeth.

Aeti chuckled, "Why don't you try opening wide?"

Kryzius glanced down at his coffee, then opened his massive jaw and downed the entire drink in one gulp.

Aeti laughed, "So...how is it?"

Kryzius stood silent for a moment before replying, "I...don't feel anything."

Aeti laughed again, enjoying the moment. "Well, at least you tried!"

Kryzius chuckled, "Did the old captain have these issues too?"

Aeti smiled faintly, "Well... he said he never felt hungry or thirsty. He did try to eat something once, but he didn't feel anything."

Kryzius thought for a moment, a realization dawning on him. "Then why buy a coffee for me?"

Aeti looked down at her own coffee, her expression softening. "It was... nostalgic."

Xaphor looked at Aeti silently, a strange sadness coming over him. "Aeti... I..."

Suddenly his voice was cut off when he saw Rina.

"Oh hey, guys!" Rina said, approaching them with a bright smile.

She wore a grey-green chemise and a long orange skirt, topped with a long white sun hat and round white glasses. In her arms, she carried a few shopping bags.

Xaphor managed a smile. "Hey, Rina. Out shopping?"

"Yep! Thought I'd take a break and enjoy the day. Mind if I join you?" Rina asked, looking between Aeti and Xaphor.

Xaphor nodded. She smiled and sat on the chair. "Wow, Captain Kryzius... those are some surprising clothes."

Xaphor chuckled. "Yeah, thanks, Rina."

Rina giggled. "It's been a while since you touched the clothes I bought you."

Kryzius stood silent. "Wait... all the clothes in my room were..."

Rina nodded. "Yep, I literally bought all of them because, besides you being a badass, your clothes were... eh."

Xaphor: What did I originally wear?

Aeti: Only the long cape.

Xaphor: B-But that IS a cool cape, right?

Rina rolled her eyes. "Come on, Captain... that cape is so cliche and outdated. Maybe if you tweaked it, it would be much better."

Xaphor sighed, realizing she might be right. "So... what do you recommend?"

Rina's eyes widened in surprise and she suddenly perked up. "Captain, you have no idea how much I've been waiting for this!"

Aeti sighed. "Here we go again..."

Xaphor: What do you mea-

Rina cut him off excitedly. "SHOPPING TIME!!"

The next few chapters will be filled with some additional details.

If you want to learn more about the side characters, I recommend reading those.

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