
Reincarnation Of The heavenly demon in another world

The emergence of people with “advantages” has increased dramatically over time, with 80% of humanity possessing various abilities, from manipulating objects to altering them. Since he was a child, the ambitious middle school student has wanted nothing more than to be a hero. But Izuku's unfair fate turns him into just a fan of the heroes, constantly taking notes on them. But in the end, his insistence paid off, as Izuku met the number one hero, his favorite character, “Al Might.” ...... Or this is the norm In this timeline something else happened entirely Something happened that no one thought about This is what happened What could it be? A blessing to the worlds or a tune? .................. there is 3 Novels before this one it's an Arabic so it's okay to not read it now

miracle_narrator · Others
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3 Chs

Beginning and unhappiness

Chapter 1

In a world full of many features, capabilities and advantages

People were born with amazing abilities and many characteristics, and they spread and became famous as well

Many of them became heroes with their traits and abilities demanded by the world, and some of them turned the other way and became villains.

Heroes versus villains and the world went on as usual

But not everyone is truly lucky, as there are those who were born with very weak or strange abilities, and there are those who were born without even any abilities

Until now, it is not known why humans have abilities, and perhaps no one will ever know, but this is the world now

Why did this happen? Why did advantages begin to appear from nothing? Why did people begin to gain advantages and become stronger?

No one knew the reason behind this, but not many people really cared about it

Really think about it

You lived your life like the rest of humanity, but one day you woke up to find your body burning with a great fire, but that fire did not burn you, but you could control it.

Will you think about

Where did this power come from, how did he get it, etc

Or you will use it to train yourself, get stronger, and everything else

Then choose your path

Villain or hero?

Well that's what happened in this world

Features spread and everyone chose their own path


"Just give up"

A young boy with green hair and slightly burnt school clothes sighed as he held a black burnt diary

The young boy was standing on a very high school building looking at the world around him

"I was born without advantages in a world full of advantages

"I just a nobody a nothing."

With these words, the boy's eyes trembled and two lines of tears flowed from his eyes, pain, sadness, and brokenness

He felt weak in his body and at the same time he felt pain

His body was badly beaten and there were many burns on his body

"It's the end, I'm sorry, mom."

With those words, Midoriya smiled gently and then jumped up

The air hit Midoriya's face gently and forcefully as he continued to fall

" what happened ?"

"Damn, that boy jumped."

"Quickly, call an ambulance, quickly."

Voices screamed loudly from the side of Midoriya's head as he lay on the ground with a mouth full of blood and shattered bones.

'If only I was born with an advantage like Kacchan

Or All Might gave me a chance

Or the world smiled at me

But none of this happened

I just hate'

With this thought, Midoriya gently closed his eyes with a relieved expression on his face and died

In this world full of features

Midoriya was born without advantage

He was constantly bullied by his childhood friend Kacchan and his friends

And when luck smiled at him, he finally met the greatest hero, All Might

Tell him he will never become a hero

In another world, millions of light years away from Midoriya's world

"The great alliance has come"

"They are the young masters of all the great sects."

"It's okay, we will win."

Voices screamed loudly and angrily as a large number of humans surrounded a large mountain

On top of the mountain stood one young man

A young man no more than 20 years old

With long black hair and torn, bloody black clothes, he had already lost his left hand, while his face was disfigured by the beatings and blood that had spilled.

"O righteous alliance, you have committed the greatest crime."

The young man shouted angrily as he looked at the men of the Good Alliance

"The President of the Righteous Alliance has killed my family

Don't I have the right to take revenge?

Don't I have the right to fight?

But in your eyes I am nothing but a damned devil."

One of the young men in beautiful white and gold clothing stood up and advanced, floating in the air while looking at the young man

"Oh, Heavenly Demon

You didn't just kill the president of the righteous alliance

You killed his children, his wives, and his entire family, even his child, who was no more than 6 months old, was killed by you.

You don't deserve to be called human or demon

You are just a dirty, disgusting entity, and your fate is death

Now surrender, and I promise I will kill you quickly."

The young man nicknamed Heavenly Demon smiled

"I am the Heavenly Devil. I have done many dirty things in my life and I will not deny them, but I will never kill innocent people and children."

All of this is just a scheme on your part to obtain the Reincarnation Array."

The young man smiled as he took out a black array and held it high

" he really owns it."

"Don't let him do anything stupid. Attack now."

People screamed as they flew through the air while the Heavenly Demon smiled proudly

He set fire to the matrix and burned it

Then he raised his hand and placed it on his chest

"You bastards, I swear, if there is another life, I will come back and take revenge on the whole world."

With these words, the Heavenly Demon's body radiated with great and very powerful power. Then, without any delay, his body exploded as he laughed proudly and happily.

"Damn, after years of work we didn't get it."

"It's all over"

In the great darkness, the Great Heavenly Demon's soul floated quietly and at ease as he slowly lost consciousness.

'There is no end to death and no beginning to life

I am nothing but a means to something greater

I am the heavenly devil, neither broken nor shaken

I did not submit or submit to anyone

I am happy '

With these words, a small smile appeared on his face, and then his spirit quickly disappeared

"Boy, are you okay?"


"You look like you're still in pain."

The Heavenly Demon opened his eyes as he looked around. He was in a strange environment, very different from his environment indeed

He was in a beautiful white room, on a slightly high white bed, and there were things placed on his body

' am I dreaming

No, this is true

Have I been arrested by the Righteous Alliance and am I being tortured now?

And who is this old old woman?

The Heavenly Demon looked at the old woman in front of him. She was very old and short

'I am currently in an unknown place with a broken body

Almost all of my bones were shattered and the center of strength in my body was shattered. I cannot feel any strength at all

Is this because the Eternal Reincarnation Array exploded?"

The Heavenly Demon tried to move but couldn't. He tried to speak but couldn't because

A medical wrap was placed over his mouth, neck, and even his head

"Okay let's get back to work"

With these words, the old woman began to approach the Heavenly Demon

The Heavenly Demon smiled softly

'The scoundrels of the Righteous Alliance think that I will be broken by a little illusion and tortured by an old woman

Do what you want, I will never break"

With these words, the Heavenly Demon blocked his mind for torture, but he felt nothing but a pair of ancient lips kissing him

At that moment, the Heavenly Demon's body shivered and opened its eyes in amazement

'What is this old woman doing?'

The Heavenly Demon tried to move or scream, but at that moment, he felt a strange force quietly penetrate his body

The pain he felt in his body, his shattered bones, everything else quietly disappeared and the strength returned to his body

"How are you feeling now, little boy?"

With these words, the old woman smiled gently as she looked at the Heavenly Demon

Before the Heavenly Demon even answered

|Congratulations on your successful move

Due to the explosion of the Eternal Reincarnation Array, your soul was transferred to another world

I am the system here to help you, host

The system window quietly popped up before the Heavenly Demon's eyes

'Fuck, am I in hell now?'