
Reincarnation Of The heavenly demon in another world

The emergence of people with “advantages” has increased dramatically over time, with 80% of humanity possessing various abilities, from manipulating objects to altering them. Since he was a child, the ambitious middle school student has wanted nothing more than to be a hero. But Izuku's unfair fate turns him into just a fan of the heroes, constantly taking notes on them. But in the end, his insistence paid off, as Izuku met the number one hero, his favorite character, “Al Might.” ...... Or this is the norm In this timeline something else happened entirely Something happened that no one thought about This is what happened What could it be? A blessing to the worlds or a tune? .................. there is 3 Novels before this one it's an Arabic so it's okay to not read it now

miracle_narrator · Others
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3 Chs

Understand things

Chapter 2

"Okay, I understand most of what happened."

The Heavenly Demon sighed quietly as he listened to the regime's explanation of what had happened to him and what had happened to this body of his

He moved with his soul only because his body was already torn into a thousand pieces in his original world

'But really

He committed suicide only because he did not have an a ability and because of some bullying.

The Heavenly Demon in Midoriya's body sighed

"Son, are you okay?"

A woman's voice shouted sadly as she stormed into the room

She was a middle-aged woman with a really short and round body

'So this is his mother

'Or my mother from now on

" I'm fine "

"What happened to you, son? Please tell me."

The Heavenly Demon looked at Midoriya mother eyes calmly, then noticed the sadness and brokenness in her eyes

" nothing

I was just reading on the roof of the school, but due to fatigue and lack of concentration, I fell down."

With these words, the mother embraced her son's body with kindness and tenderness, and she was happy that her son was truly fine

At that moment, for the first time, the Heavenly Demon felt the tenderness of a mother's love and compassion

It was a wave of love that swept through that tired and weary heart and transformed it into its most beautiful form

The Heavenly Demon's body trembled softly as he was hugged by his mother and then smiled softly

'Who would have thought that I, the Heavenly demon , would truly move my heart?'

After some time

The Heavenly Demon sat quietly on his bed as he looked at his body

'A broken body, no center of strength, nothing but weakness

He is 14 years old however

Weakness is everything in him

Damn '

|Do you want to explore the system, host?


The window appeared before the Heavenly Demon's eyes calmly as he looked at it and then chose yes

|Name: Midoriya

Age: 14

Advantage: Nothing

Physical strength: 2

Fitness: 1

Endurance: 2

Titles: Nothing

System Score: 0 |

|Congratulations, host, you have discovered the system and obtained 100 system points

System points can be used for many things, but for now, you can only use them to develop your body|

'No need for that nonsense. First of all, my name is not Midoriya

My name is Heavenly Demon Ten no Akuma

And nothing else

Secondly, I will now depend on myself for everything.'

With these words, Ten no Akuma got out of bed and put on the clothes that his mother (Midoriya's mother) had brought for him.

He searched in one of the pockets of his clothes and found a small piece of paper on which he wrote his home address and some other strange papers

'What are these papers?'

|It is the commission in this world|

With the regime's response, information about money in this world began to form in his head

'What the hell is this pain?'

Ten no Akuma clutched his head in pain, as the amount of information that flooded his mind was overwhelming

It's all information about money

|I have put all the money information about this world in your mind so that you can learn how to use money|

Ten no Akuma sighed softly as he held his head

Then he left the hospital quietly

|You've got the memories of the entire previous body. Do you want to see them?

Yes/No |

The system window appeared before Ten no eyes as he quietly moved forward

' OK why not

I am a stranger to this world and I do not know anything about it

I must know the regions and whether there are sects or what

And everything else

Yes '

With these words, a tornado of memories began to quickly float through Ten no Akuma's mind

He remembered everything that happened to him

How he was bullied, how he was mocked, how when he asked the greatest hero in the world whether he would become a hero

And he just Answer ten no

no easily

How and how and how

And Ten no Akuma remembered everything

'Well I have to admit, you have been through some suffering, boy, but...

How cowardly you are for choosing the cowardly path and committing suicide

Didn't you think about your mother? Didn't you think about anything?

You just wanted to be satisfied, fuck you'

With these words, Ten no Akuma arrived at his home, where the car driver took him to the address that Ten no Akuma had given him.

Ten no got out of the car, then handed the money to the driver and stood in front of his door

Then he looked around

'This world is really advanced, all these buildings I saw on my way here

All people and everything else are more developed than my world, but

Damn it, why can't I feel magic energy?

Ten no Akuma stood in front of his door, then quietly opened it and entered

"I am back "

With these words, Ten no Akuma entered the house and saw three people in front of him

His mother, a woman with long, beautiful blond hair, and a boy who looks like her sitting next to her with a worried expression on his face.

"Son, are you out of the hospital?"

His mother spoke calmly and kindly as she quickly ran towards him while the two remained sitting there, not moving

"So we have guests, I see."

Ten no Akuma sat quietly, looking at Kacchan and his mother

He remembered everything he went through because of the boy named Kacchan

"Son Midoriya, how do you feel?"

Kacchan's mother asked as she looked at Midoriya with kindness and tenderness

"It's Ten no Akuma."


Everyone looked at Ten no Akuma in surprise as he looked at Kacchan's mother

"You can call me Ten no Akuma from now on, that's my name, okay?"

"And I'm fine, thanks for your question."

Ten no Akuma sighed quietly as he looked at Kacchan's mother and her son sitting next to her

Then he looked at his mother kindly

"I'm a little tired, I'll go rest in my room."

With these words, Ten no Akuma smiled sweetly at his mother and then moved toward his room

While he noticed the eyes of the three on him, Ten no Akuma continued his steps quietly towards his room

On the second floor, Ten no Akuma arrived at his room, and the sign of the first and greatest hero was placed on the door

"All Might"

Ten no smiled softly as he removed the mark and then entered the room

At that moment his jaw dropped to the floor as he looked at his strange room

"Fuck, are you a fucking pervert or what?"

Ten no Akuma spoke in a low voice as he looked at all the All Might posters, a picture, and everything in the room that had an All Might mark on it.

"Damn, I want to rest, but how do I rest when this scoundrel is staring at me?"

Ten No sighed, then began cleaning up all the posters, pictures, and minifigures of All Might

He put everything in garbage bags, then took them out of his room and entered

The room was now clean and empty of anything

There was only now

A bed, a small desk, and some strange appliances

That's belong to Midoriya

"So this is called a phone and this is a computer."

Ten no Akuma was listening to the regime's explanation of everything as he looked around the room

Ten no left the phone from his hand, then sat quietly with his eyes closed and crossed legs in the middle of the room

'I have to cultivate first'

With these words, he began to repeat his incantation quietly, trying to feel the magical energy, mana, or whatever its name was in this world, but he did not feel anything.

"Damn, how is this possible?"

Ten no Akuma opened his eyes in disbelief and confusion as he looked at his empty hand

"This world is devoid of magical power, but if it is devoid of magical power, how can humans use the features or whatever their name is?"

|Host, the features depend on the human body itself and not on magical power

It depends on endurance and his ability to produce what he can do in order to activate the advantage

And not on magic power, so this world is weak in terms of magic power

'Weak but not non-existent'

It is true that the explanation of the system confused Ten no Akuma a little, but it also gave him hope

Because he did not say that magic power is completely non-existent in this world, but only a little, and this is a good thing


Thank you guys for the support on the first chapter

There will be one chapter everyday

Thank you again and enjoy