
Reincarnation of the Emperor

Emperor Alexios died, in a foolish way at that. But that wasn't the end of his story, no, it only marked the beginning after the end. He was reborn in the world of Desira, where the superpowered, magic and fantastical run rampant. Where people don't dream. But… If that were truly the case, why does he dream so often?

Form · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Valanddun Part 1

'Celeste, I have a question.'


'Why was there a need for an examination if my father already prepared an inheritors license and platinum grade ID card for us? And what's with this C- ranking'

<Well, the ID card and license show that you're an official Inheritor, but some branches of the Inheritors Association use both the grade of the ID card, and their own form of ranking>

<The alphabetical ranking system of the Kaldonia branch consists of ranks F to SS, your C- ranking is right in the middle>

'That seems utterly ridiculous,' Silas said, irritation creeping into his tone. 'Father prepared those documents with the utmost care. Our legitimacy shouldn't have been in question.'

<I understand your frustration>

Celeste replied.

<The ID card and license are comprehensive proof of your legitimacy as Inheritors. However, different branches do have their own procedures for determining rank and status within their system. The Kaldonia Association likely wishes to evaluate all newcomers themselves to verify any claims before formally initiating them.>

'A C rank is perfect,' Silas said, hiding his smile. His true power was not measured by the arbitrary ranks of others.

This was great news for his disguise, it allowed him to operate with secrecy.

When the time came to make his presence felt, he would emerge from the shadows and rise. But for now, this rank provided the perfect cover.

He could observe the workings of this city, and its Inheritors, and build his allies.

Silas found Lakyus waiting outside the evaluation chambers, her violet eyes caught his figure. "What news of your rank, 'sister'?" he asked.

Lakyus sighed a faint sadness echoing in her tone. "A rank," she said. Though she had held back her power tremendously, her talent could not be concealed entirely.

Her ability and skill had shone through despite her hopes of remaining under the radar.

Silas sighed as well, grasping her shoulder. As wary as they were of drawing undue attention in this new city, a rank too low might have drawn questioning gazes of its own.

There were subtleties to this game that even Celeste could not fully prepare them for.


There were many ways to discover valuable secrets in this city, beyond directly completing tasks for those in power.

Idle gossip and chance encounters could reveal truths as telling as any official record.

Lakyus nodded, falling into step beside him as they emerged from the grand edifice of the Inheritors Association.

The streets were crowded today, ideal for eavesdropping and subtle probes without arousing undue suspicion.

Inheritors milled about, some clearly off-duty while others appeared focused on particular agendas of their own.

Silas's eyes continually scanned the crowds, alert for any signs of interest or distrust that might suggest their recent registration was not wholly convincing.

But so far, they seemed to blend into the crowd without issue.

As they walked, Lakyus leaned close to murmur, "What secrets are you hoping to uncover 'brother'?

Her words, though quiet, carried an edge of cynicism that Silas could not fault.

After all, wealth and abilities were not the only- or even primary, sources of dominion here.

Politics likely held far greater sway over the lives of most Inheritors, as in any civilization.

"Connections between the elite, any threats that could emerge should we stumble upon hidden truths... " Silas replied cryptically.

"I see," Lakyus said, contemplating their situation. "Well, at least we have a starting point now. What should we do now?"

"Since the information gathering was a bust, for now. Why not go conquer some dungeons for the association?" Silas responded.

Silas continued, "It would be a good opportunity to gain some experience, build our reputation, and make some connections. Plus, it's always exciting to explore unknown territory and uncover hidden treasures."

Lakyus nodded in agreement. "That's a good plan. Do you have any particular dungeon in mind?"

Silas thought for a moment before responding. "There's a dungeon near the outskirts of the city that I've heard rumors about. It's said to be quite challenging and has yet to be fully explored. It would be the perfect test of our skills."

Silas and Lakyus made their way to the Association's mission board. The mission board was a large board made of polished wood, covered in scrolls and papers detailing various missions and quests.

The board was divided into different sections based on the difficulty of the missions, ranging from F-rank to SS-rank.

Scanning through the dungeon exploration requests in search of the name that Silas remembered.

"Ah, there it is," Silas said, grabbing a request looking for Inheritors to explore the ancient Valanddun dungeon.

Rumors claimed it led deep into the mountains, filled with bloodthirsty monsters and treasures beyond imagination.

Silas approached the counter where a receptionist was seated, sorting through various requests.

"Excuse me, we're interested in taking on the mission for Valanddun dungeon," he said, handing over the parchment.

The receptionist looked up at him and then glanced at Lakyus. "Are you sure you want to take on this quest? It's an A-rank dungeon, and it's considered to be one of the most dangerous dungeons in the area." She paused, "You two are new to the association, and only her rank is high enough to take on a quest of this magnitude." She said while gesturing toward Lakyus.

Silas gave a single nod, masking how irritated he was at the implication that they were not up to it.

"We're aware of the danger, but this is an opportunity not to be missed," he replied, voice even.

The receptionist frowned, clearly uneasy at releasing such a perilous quest to newcomers. But rules were rules.

"Very well, but do so at your own peril," she said, stamping the request with approval. "May fortune grace your path."

Silas and Lakyus left the Association and made their way towards the outskirts of the city, they walked through the outskirts of the city and arrived at one of the gates.

As Silas and Lakyus approached the city gates, they saw two guards standing watch. One of the guards, a burly man with a bushy beard, stepped forward and asked to see their quest.

"What brings you two out here?" he asked, eyeing their equipment and armor.

"We're on a quest to explore the Valanddun dungeon," Silas replied, holding out the quest parchment.

The guard took the parchment and examined it closely, nodding in approval.

"Valanddun, eh? That's a tough one. You two sure you're up for it?" he asked, looking them up and down.

"We can handle it," Lakyus said, her voice confident.

The guard chuckled. "Alright then. Just be careful out there. We don't want you getting too hurt."

Silas and Lakyus nodded and made their way through the gates, leaving the guards behind.

As they followed the path leading to the Valanddun dungeon, the scenery around them began to change.

They left the clean, man-made terrain behind and entered a dense forest, where the trees were tall and thick, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of pine.

The forest was alive with the sounds of nature, with birds chirping and leaves rustling in the gentle breeze.

The sunlight filtered through the trees, casting dappled shades of green and gold on the forest floor.

The path they were on was narrow and winding, and they had to watch their step to avoid tripping on rocks or roots.

The ground beneath their feet was soft and covered with a layer of fallen leaves, making a gentle crunching sound as they walked.

The trees around them were tall and majestic, their trunks thick and gnarled. Some of them had branches that stretched out like arms, their leaves rustling in the breeze.

The forest was brimming with wildlife, with squirrels darting up trees and birds going from branch to branch.

As they continued on their journey, the forest grew darker and more ominous. The trees became thicker, the underbrush grew denser, and the air grew colder.

When Silas and Lakyus ventured deeper into the forest, the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the forest floor.

The trees around them grew even darker and more ominous, and they knew they needed to set up camp before it got too dark.

Silas scanned the area for a suitable spot to make camp, and his eyes landed on a clearing up ahead.

As they approached, they saw that it was a small grove with a large, flat rock at its center.

"This looks like a good spot," Silas said, nodding towards the rock. "We can set up camp here."

Lakyus nodded in agreement, and they began to unpack their gear. Silas went into the forest to gather some extra firewood.

While Lakyus went ahead and set up the tent and started a fire.

As the flames crackled and danced, they cooked a simple meal of roasted meat and vegetables, savoring the warmth of the fire and the comfort of a hot meal.

"How did you end up working under my father, Lakyus?" Silas asked, breaking the silence.

Lakyus looked up from her meal, a thoughtful expression on her face. "It's not an interesting story," she said, taking a sip of water. "But I'll tell you."

She began to recount her journey, starting with her training at the Inheritor's Association and her early solo missions.

She spoke about her desire to make a name for herself and prove her worth as a female Inheritor.

"Then one day, I received a letter from your father," she continued. "He had heard of my feats and claimed to be impressed by my skills. He offered me a position in the Ward family, and I accepted."

Silas listened intently, nodding as she spoke. He had always been curious about Lakyus's past and how she had become so skilled.

"We should get an early start tomorrow," Silas said. "We don't want to waste any time."

Laying down in their tents and sleeping bags a few feet away from the heat radiating off the fire, Silas's mind wandered to Celeste.

'Celeste, what can you tell me about the Valanddun dungeon?' he asked.

<Valanddun is an ancient dungeon that has remained mostly unexplored due to its high level of difficulty and danger. Its layout is complex, with many traps and hidden passages. The monsters inside are fierce and cunning, and the treasures hidden within are said to be legendary.>

Silas nodded, taking in the information...