
Reincarnation of the Emperor

Emperor Alexios died, in a foolish way at that. But that wasn't the end of his story, no, it only marked the beginning after the end. He was reborn in the world of Desira, where the superpowered, magic and fantastical run rampant. Where people don't dream. But… If that were truly the case, why does he dream so often?

Form · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Valanddun Part 2

The next morning, Silas and Lakyus woke up early and broke camp, eager to continue their journey to the Valanddun dungeon.

As they traveled deeper into the forest, the air grew colder and the trees grew thicker. The path became steeper and more treacherous, and they had to be careful not to slip on loose rocks or wet moss.

As they stepped into a dark tunnel that led to the dungeon's entrance, they could feel the weight of centuries of history bearing down on them.

The air was thick with the scent of ancient stone and musty earth, and the sound of dripping water echoed in the darkness.

Silas and Lakyus walked cautiously, their weapons at the ready, scanning the area for any signs of danger. The tunnel led to a vast underground chamber, with extremely high walls.

The cavern was lit by glowing crystals, casting eerie shadows on the walls and ceilings.

As Silas and Lakyus traversed the cavern they arrived at the entrance to the Valanddun dungeon. The entrance was a massive stone archway, engraved with intricate symbols and runes.

Silas and Lakyus stepped inside and immediately felt the oppressive atmosphere of the dungeon. The air was thick, and the only sound was the distant dripping of water.

They noticed a group of Inheritors in the distance.

The Inheritors were huddled together, discussing something. As Silas and Lakyus got closer, they overheard their conversation.

"They say there's a powerful magical artifact hidden in the Valanddun dungeon." one Inheritor said in a hushed tone. "But no one has ever been able to find it. It's said to be guarded by powerful monsters and deadly traps."

Silas and Lakyus exchanged a look. They had heard rumors about the artifact as well, when researching the dungeon, and they knew that if they could find it, it would be worth a serious fortune.

But they also knew that the dungeon was full of danger, and they couldn't trust the Inheritors to have their best interests at heart.

As they approached the group, the Inheritors turned to face them. "Hey, you two here for the artrifact?" one of them asked.

"We're here to explore the dungeon," Silas said cautiously. "We don't really have a specific goal in mind."

The Inheritor eyed them suspiciously, but then another one of them spoke up. "Please, don't mind him, he means well. And, if you're here to explore, you might as well join us. We could use some extra hands."

Silas and Lakyus exchanged another look. They knew that being with strangers could be risky, but they also knew that they needed all the help they could get if they wanted to survive the dungeon's many dangers.

"Very well," Silas said. "We'll join you."

The Inheritors nodded, and began to introduce themselves. Silas and Lakyus listened attentively, sizing up their potential allies.

The first Inheritor to speak was a tall, muscular man with a rugged beard and a scar on his left cheek.

"I'm Rolf," he said in a deep voice. "I specialize in close combat with a hammer and I've been an Inheritor for years. I'm here to challenge myself."

The second Inheritor was an attractive woman with a youthful appearance. Her long, chestnut hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she wore a pair of spectacles that perched delicately on her small nose.

Her eyes were big and round, giving her a somewhat innocent and childlike look.

"I'm Thalia, but you can call me Lia," she said, her voice bubbly and cheerful. "I specialize in water magic, and I'm here to explore and study the artifacts of this dungeon. Who knows, I might even find something useful for my research."

The third Inheritor was a tall, imposing figure, shrouded in a dark, hooded cloak that obscured his features.

As Silas and Lakyus approached him, he spoke in a low, rumbling voice that seemed to carry a sense of danger and menace.

"I'm Zephyr," he said, his words clipped and to the point. "I specialize in stealth. I'm here for the artifact."

Silas and Lakyus exchanged a look, unsure of what to make of this mysterious figure.

The fourth Inheritor was a jovial, robust man with a round, bald head and bushy mustache that covered most of his upper lip. He had a wide smile, and his eyes twinkled merrily.

"I'm Burt," he said with a booming laugh, his voice filled with a warmth and friendliness that was infectious. "I'm a treasure hunter, and I like to indulge in the finer things in life. Food, drink, and, of course, artifacts!"

"Well, it's good to have you all with us," Silas said, trying to sound friendly.

As Lakyus took the lead position, she quickly assessed the abilities of each Inheritor and assigned them roles within the group.

"Alright, let's organize ourselves," Lakyus said firmly. "We need to have a clear plan before we proceed any further."

Rolf stepped forward, his hammer at his side. "I'll take the front line," he said, his voice steady and confident. "I can handle any physical threats we encounter."

Silas nodded in agreement, and the rest of the Inheritors looked to Lakyus.

"Zephyr, I want you to take the lead on stealth," Lakyus said, turning to the brooding figure with the hooded cloak. "Use your skills to scout ahead and let us know if you encounter any traps or obstacles."

Zephyr nodded, his expression unreadable.

"Lia, I want you to focus on support," Lakyus continued, turning to the water mage. "Use your magic to heal any injuries and provide cover fire if we get into a fight."

Thalia grinned and nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Burt, I want you to be our scout," Lakyus said, turning to the rotund treasure hunter. "Use your knowledge of treasure hunting to help us locate any hidden passages or hidden treasures."

Burt rubbed his hands together eagerly, his eyes glinting with anticipation.

"And I'll assist wherever I'm needed," Silas added, looking to Lakyus for approval.

Lakyus nodded in agreement. "And I'll be both on the frontline and our strategist," she said. "I'll help coordinate our efforts and make sure we're moving in the right direction."

The group nodded, and with their roles assigned, they began to make their way deeper into the dungeon.

Everyone felt the temperature drop as they descended further into the dungeon. The air grew damp and musty, and the sound of dripping water echoed through the twisting corridors.

Zephyr moved ahead of the group, scouting for any dangers that might lie ahead. Rolf followed closely behind, his hammer at the ready.

Thalia walked in the middle of the group, ready to provide support and healing if necessary. Burt brought up the rear, his keen eyes scanning the walls and floors for any signs of hidden treasure.

Silas and Lakyus walked beside each other, looking around cautiously for any signs of danger.

"We're approaching the area of the dungeon where monsters appear, stay alert," Zephyr warned, his voice low and urgent. "These creatures are dangerous, and they won't hesitate to attack us. Keep your eyes and ears open, and be ready to fight."

The group slowed their pace and tightened their grip around their weapons as they continued down the corridor. Suddenly, they heard a low growling sound echoing from the darkness ahead.

Rolf moved to the front of the group, gripping his hammer tightly. A moment later a group of snarling, razor-toothed beasts emerged from the shadows, their eyes glowing with a fierce hunger.

Rolf charged forward, swinging his hammer with a thunderous force. Thalia summoned a torrent of water, dousing the beasts with a wave that sent them crashing to the ground.

Silas and Lakyus joined the fray, their swords flashing as they cut through the thrashing creatures.

Burt watched from the sidelines, trying to identify any valuable items that might be hidden in the area.

Zephyr moved quickly and silently, taking down the creatures with precise strikes.

Despite the ferocity of the beasts, the group worked together seamlessly, each member playing their part in the battle.

As the last of the creatures fell to the ground, the group took a moment to catch their breath and assess their injuries. Thalia used her magic to heal any wounds, and Burt searched the area for anything valuable that might have been left behind.

As the group continued through the dungeon, Thalia suddenly tripped and stumbled forward. She had triggered a hidden trap on the ground, causing a large boulder to roll towards her.

Silas acted quickly, darting forward and grabbing Thalia by the arm. He pulled her out of the way just in time, narrowly avoiding being crushed by the boulder.

"Th-thanks," Thalia said breathlessly, her heart pounding in her chest. "That was too close."

Lakyus nodded in agreement. "We need to be more careful," she said. "There could be many more traps ahead."

The group continued deeper into the dungeon, with Silas and Rolf leading the way and Zephyr scouting ahead for any potential threats. Thalia stayed extremely close to Silas.

As the group continued their trek through the dungeon, they encountered more dangerous traps and obstacles. But with Zephyr's scouting skills and Silas' quick reflexes, they were able to avoid most of them.

They soon found themselves in a room that was pitch black. The air was thick with the scent of decay and the sound of dripping water echoed through the room.

"Zephyr, can you scout ahead and see what's in here?" Lakyus asked, her voice a whisper.

Zephyr nodded, slipping silently into the darkness. After a few moments, he returned, his face grim.

"There's a gelatinous cube in this room," he said, his voice low. "It's a dangerous creature that will dissolve anything it touches. We need to be careful."

The group continued forward when they came face-to-face with the massive gelatinous cube blocking their path.

The creature was easily ten feet tall and just as wide, its transparent, pulsating body filled with the bones and debris of its past victims.

Silas and Rolf moved forward, preparing to engage the creature.

But before they could make a move, the cube suddenly began to split and expand, dividing into several smaller cubes that began to surround the group.

Zephyr quickly assessed the situation, his eyes narrowing behind his hood. "These things are tough," he said, drawing his daggers. "We need to be careful."

Thalia summoned a blast of water, hoping to push the cubes back. But the water simply flowed into the ooze, causing it to jiggle and pulse.

Silas and Rolf charged forward, their weapons slicing through the smaller cubes with ease. But as they fought, a sudden realization dawned on the group, Burt was nowhere to be seen.

Frantically, they searched the area, calling out his name. But they soon saw the horrifying truth, Burt was already inside the cube.

The treasure hunter had stumbled into one of the smaller cubes while searching for treasure, and the ooze had quickly absorbed him into its body.

Despair filled the group as they saw Burt's face trapped inside the creature, his body slowly dissolving in the acidic ooze.

Thalia cried out in grief, her magic faltering as she struggled to comprehend what had happened.

As the group fought desperately to save Burt, they realized that the gelatinous cube was far more dangerous than they had initially thought.

The creature's acidic body dissolved anything it came into contact with, making it nearly impossible to damage with traditional weapons.

Silas, Lakyus, and Zephyr continued to hack away at the smaller cubes, trying to clear a path to Burt.

But every time they struck the cubes, they were met with a sickening squelch as their weapons sank into the creature's gelatinous body.

Thalia tried to use her water magic to wash the acid away from Burt's body, but the creature's acidic secretions were too potent.

The acid continued to eat away at Burt's flesh, and he screamed in agony as he slowly dissolved inside the cube.

Despite their best efforts, the group was unable to save Burt. They watched in horror as he disappeared completely into the creature's body, his screams fading away into nothingness.