
Reincarnation of the Emperor

Emperor Alexios died, in a foolish way at that. But that wasn't the end of his story, no, it only marked the beginning after the end. He was reborn in the world of Desira, where the superpowered, magic and fantastical run rampant. Where people don't dream. But… If that were truly the case, why does he dream so often?

Form · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Silas steered their way toward the gilded gates of Kaldonia, his thoughts swirling with each step.

As the golden gates of Kaldonia rose before them, grand and opulent, Silas couldn't help but marvel at their beauty.

The gates were intricately designed and carved, painstakingly crafted to create a breathtaking entrance to the city.

The gold leaf glinted in the sunlight, casting a warm glow over everything around them.

As Silas and Lakyus approached the gates, they could see the glint of polished armor and the flash of halberds in the hands of the guards stationed there.

The guards eyed them with suspicion, their eyes flicking from face to face, assessing them for any signs of danger.

One of the guards stepped forward, his halberd held at the ready. "State your business in Kaldonia," he demanded, his voice gruff and authoritative.

Silas stepped forward confidently, presenting his platinum identification card. "We are traveling inheritors," he said, his voice steady and firm.

"We seek to make a name for ourselves in a large city like Kaldonia. We have skills and services to offer, and we are willing to work hard for what we earn."

As the guard inspected his identification card, Silas couldn't help but feel a flicker of nervousness.

He knew that unaffiliated inheritors weren't always welcome in some cities, and he didn't want to give the guards any reason to doubt his intentions.

But he reminded himself to stay calm and appear confident.

He straightened his posture, meeting the guard's gaze with a steady one of his own.

He knew that appearing confident and self-assured would make them look like they belonged in the city, not like they were up to something suspicious.

The guard's expression softened slightly. "Very well," he said, lowering his halberd. "You may enter the city, but be warned, you will be watched."

Silas breathed a sigh of relief, glad they were being allowed entry into Kaldonia with no issue.

As Silas and Lakyus entered through the gates of Kaldonia, the streets were bustling with activity.

Inheritors and merchants milled about, haggling over prices and examining goods.

Luxurious carriages rolled by, carrying the wealthy and elite.

Silas and Lakyus walked down the main street, taking in the sights and sounds.

Soon they were standing before the grand Inheritors Association, a skyscraper-like building that glinted with arcane technology as if pulled from the future.

Silas stopped in his tracks, gazing up at the massive building in disbelief.

As an emperor in his past life and the son of the Ward family, he was powerful and privileged.

But he had never seen anything so overtly grand and technologically advanced.

It seemed to tap into magic and science alike, merging them into a dazzling display of wealth and progress.

He found himself stunned speechless, his mind swirling.

Lakyus nudged him, drawing him from his daze.

"We should visit the Association first," Silas said, still slightly breathless. "Registering with them will be an important first step. Perhaps we can find work or make valuable connections there."

Lakyus nodded in agreement, and the two of them made their way toward the Inheritors Association.

As they entered the building, Silas felt a sense of awe wash over him.

The interior was even more glorious than the exterior, with intricate mosaics on the floors and walls, and grand chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

Silas steeled his nerves as he approached the reception desk, where a beautiful half-elf was working.

She had a slim body, pointy ears, long blonde hair, and striking emerald-colored eyes that seemed to pierce straight through him.

He couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by her beauty, but he knew that he had to focus on the task at hand.

"Welcome to the Inheritors Association," the Half-Elf said in a melodic voice. "How may I help you?"

"We are new to the city and would like to register with the Association," Silas replied.

The Half-Elf smiled gracefully, her lips curving in a perfect arc. "Of course. Follow me and we shall get you logged into our records properly."

Her voice was like the chiming of bells, melodic and mesmerizing.

Silas found himself strangely captivated by her.

As they walked through the grand hallways of the Association, Silas noticed many other inheritors eyeing them with idle curiosity. He kept his head high, refusing to appear intimidated.

When they reached their destination, the Half-Elf had them provide some basic information about their backgrounds and skills before approving them as Inheritors affiliated with the association of Kaldonia.

Silas stepped forward, meeting the Half-Elf's gaze steadily. "We have traveled far in search of coin," he said, "our family is not wealthy, but my sister and I received excellent education and training."

This was not entirely false. As the Ward family's son and a former emperor, Silas had indeed received a first-rate education.

But it obscured the greater prestige and privileges of his birth.

The Half-Elf studied them for a moment, her eyes keen, before nodding. "That will suffice. And your abilities? What talents do you wish to offer the good citizens of Kaldonia?"

Silas glanced at Lakyus, realizing they had not actually discussed this point in depth.

But he saw the same heartbeat of hesitation in her eyes that he felt in his chest.

Silas cleared his throat, trying to gather his thoughts. "We both possess skills in combat," he said finally. "We are also adept at negotiation and strategy."

The Half-Elf nodded thoughtfully, taking note of their abilities in the Association's records. "Very well," she said. "You are now registered with the Kaldonia Association of Inheritors. You must now take a rank examination."

The Half-Elf raised a graceful hand, gesturing for Silas and Lakyus to follow. "You shall now be evaluated separately," she said. "Do not be alarmed. This simply allows us to determine proper placement with discretion."

They had trained and prepared side by side for so long, the thought of being separated now filled Silas with unease. But they had no choice.

"Don't worry," the Half-Elf said with a smile, perhaps sensing his discomfort. "We won't keep you from one another for long."

With that, she guided Lakyus away towards a side chamber, leaving Silas to follow the half-elf.

Silas took a deep breath, steadying his nerves.

He knew Lakyus was concerned for him, probably more worried than he was for her.

The Half-Elf led Silas into an office, the walls decorated with arcane symbols and proud family crests, he even spotted the Ward and Imperial family crests.

Seated behind a massive ornate desk was an older Inheritor, likely a noble, judging by his distinguished appearance.

"This is Lord Kaldor," the Half-Elf said. "He shall be administering your rank examination today."

Silas bowed low, pressing his fist to his chest in a show of deep respect. "It is an honor, Lord Kaldor," he said, hoping his display of humility and respect would serve him well.

Lord Kaldor studied him with a keen, appraising gaze. Silas stood straight and tall.

"So," Lord Kaldor said, his tone edged with boredom. "You claim to be skilled in combat. The examination is a practical test. Prove yourself, and we shall see about granting you a rank befitting your talents."

"Kyllia, lead this one to the examination grounds. I shall meet you both there shortly." Lord Kaldor said, looking at Silas.

The Half-Elf, Kyllia, bowed. "Yes, my lord," she said. She turned to Silas, gesturing for him to follow. "This way, if you please. Lord Kaldor himself will be evaluating you on the grounds."

Silas was led outside where he found a spacious training ground, surrounded by high walls that were covered with ivy and vines.

There were several other inheritors training in the area, each one focused on their own routine.

Silas could feel several eyes on him, but he refused to be intimidated.

While Silas was waiting for his turn to take the rank examination, he observed some of the other inheritors training in the Association's extensive grounds.

Some were practicing swordplay, striking at wooden dummies with precise, fluid movements.

Others were practicing archery, their arrows whistling through the air and hitting their targets with deadly accuracy.

Silas watched with interest as a group of inheritors practiced hand-to-hand combat, their movements as they grappled and countered each other's attacks.

In another area, inheritors were honing their Inheritor abilities, casting spells and incantations that sent sparks of magic dancing in the air.

Silas noticed that each group seemed to specialize in a particular area of combat, whether it was ranged or melee, magical or physical.

But there were also those who seemed to have a more versatile skill set, able to switch between different modes of combat with ease.

Clearly, the inheritors took their training very seriously, and Silas felt a sense of respect for their dedication and discipline.

As he watched, he also picked up on some of their tactics and techniques, noting the ones that seemed particularly effective.

As they reached a secluded part of the training grounds, Kyllia gestured to a muscular man who stood waiting with a wooden sword in hand.

"This is your opponent," she said. "Win against him, and you will have proven your combat skills sufficiently."

Silas nodded, taking the wooden sword that was handed to him. He observed his opponent, who was much larger and more muscular than he was.

He could tell by his stance and movements that he was experienced in combat.

Silas took a deep breath, steeling himself for the fight.

"Begin!" Announced Kyllia.

His opponent rushed towards him as soon as the signal was given, swinging his sword with great force.

Silas faced the blow, instead of dodging and countered with a swift strike.

He was confident that he could outmaneuver his opponent with his training in martial arts and combat techniques.

For several minutes, the two combatants circled each other, exchanging blows and testing each other's defenses.

Silas could feel his opponent tiring, and he decided it was time to finish the fight.

In one swift motion, he disarmed his opponent and held the tip of his wooden sword to the man's throat, signaling his victory.

Kyllia and Lord Kaldor watched from the sidelines, their expressions unreadable.

"Well done," Lord Kaldor said finally, breaking the silence. "You have demonstrated impressive skills in combat. I believe a rank of C- would be fitting for you."

Silas bowed respectfully, he didn't know what a rank of C- meant, but he would ask Celeste later.

"If only you had an impressive ability." Lord Kaldor sighed.

<I am most impressive>

Celeste quipped.

'Yes, you are Celeste...