
Reincarnation of the Emperor

Emperor Alexios died, in a foolish way at that. But that wasn't the end of his story, no, it only marked the beginning after the end. He was reborn in the world of Desira, where the superpowered, magic and fantastical run rampant. Where people don't dream. But… If that were truly the case, why does he dream so often?

Form · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

First Challenge




Startled, Silas jolted awake from his peaceful slumber. He rubbed his bleary eyes and glanced around, trying to figure out what was wrong.

'Celeste? What's wrong, after not hearing from you in a while you decide to act as an alarm clock...'

<Silas, you need to get going. There's a storm coming, and you need to reach the next town before it hits>

Celeste's voice echoed in Silas's mind.

Lakyus, who had been dozing off, rubbed her eyes and looked at Silas. "What's going on?" she asked.

Silas explained the situation to her, and they quickly packed up their gear and prepared to move on.

"How do you know about the storm, Silas?" she asked.

Silas hesitated for a moment, not wanting to reveal Celeste's existence. "I...I just had a feeling," he said finally. "The wind was picking up, and the sky was getting dark. It seemed like a storm was coming."

Lakyus looked skeptical but didn't press the matter further. Silas felt relieved that he had managed to keep Celeste's existence a secret for now.

As Silas and Lakyus hurried down the path, the sky grew dark and ominous. The wind picked up, and the trees swayed and creaked.

Silas felt a sense of unease, his instincts telling him that something was wrong.

Celeste's voice echoed in his mind, warning him of the approaching storm.

But as they neared the next town, Silas noticed something strange.

The air was thick with a buzzing sound, and small shapes flitted in and out of the trees.

"Something's not right," Silas muttered, his grip on his weapon tightening.

Lakyus looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Silas pointed at the shapes darting around the trees. "Look at those insects. They're not like any I've seen before. They look...almost hungry."

As they entered the outskirts of the town, the buzzing grew louder, and the shapes became more distinct.

Silas's heart sank as he saw them clearly for the first time: a swarm of flesh-eating insects, their sharp mandibles tearing at everything in their path.

Lakyus gasped in horror, reaching for her weapon. "We have to fight them off!" she cried.

Silas nodded, feeling a sense of desperation. He knew that they had to protect themselves at all costs.

As the swarm of flesh-eating insects descended upon them, Silas and Lakyus fought them off with all their might.

But despite their efforts, the insects seemed never-ending, and the two were quickly becoming overwhelmed.

In a moment of desperation, Lakyus' sword began glowing, enveloping them in a milky white aura.

The insects recoiled off the aura, their sharp mandibles were unable to penetrate its protective barrier.

Silas watched in awe as the aura moved erratically and sliced through the insects with ease, leaving them writhing on the ground in agony.

Lakyus kept the aura up, her face contorted in concentration as she fought to keep the insects at bay.

With the help, Silas was able to drive the swarm away, the insects retreating into the darkness from which they came.

Silas breathed a sigh of relief, feeling grateful for Lakyus's quick thinking.

He knew that he wouldn't have made it through the storm of flesh-eating insects without her help.

Silas looked at Lakyus with admiration. "That was incredible. How did you do that?"

Lakyus smiled, feeling a sense of pride. "It's my first ability, after swinging my sword countless times, I unlocked something akin to sword aura."

Silas nodded, feeling a sense of awe.

With Celeste's guidance and Lakyus, Silas felt more confident and prepared for whatever lay ahead.


As Silas and Lakyus approached the village gates, Silas felt a surge of relief.

After facing so many dangers on their journey, they had made it to a place of seeming safety.

The gates were heavily guarded, and the guards stopped them, demanding to see identification and proof of peaceful intent before allowing entrance.

Silas and Lakyus presented the platinum identification card Gregorio had prepared beforehand.

After little consideration, the guards allowed them into the village.

Silas and Lakyus smiled at one another, glad the first challenge had been overcome.

Villagers watched them with curious eyes as they made their way into the center of town.

Silas and Lakyus greeted anyone who made eye contact, hoping to appear as harmless and friendly as possible.

"Now, where might we find lodging for the night?" Lakyus wondered aloud.

"An inn is always the best place to start," Silas replied. "We can get food and rest there before deciding where to head next."

They searched the village, eventually finding a modest inn that seemed welcoming without seeming too shady.

As they entered, the innkeeper looked up, "Welcome travelers! How may I help you?"

"Rooms for the night, if you have them available," Silas said. "Meals as well are long overdue."

"Aye, we always have rooms and food for weary wanderers," the innkeeper replied with a smile. "Payment upfront, and the rooms are upstairs and to the right. Let me know if ye need anything else!"

Paying for a room, Silas and Lakyus were shown upstairs to a room with one bed.

They put away all their items and called the innkeeper over, Silas ordered stew while Lakyus requested bread, cheese, and ale to refuel themselves after their journey.

As they ate, they began chatting with the innkeeper and other guests, gleaning information about the village, recent events, and places of interest.

Lakyus collapsed onto the bed beside him, releasing her sword. They lay there for a time, simply resting in the peaceful quiet.

Silas's thoughts drifted, wondering what further adventures might await them.

He felt a surge of excitement at the possibility, as well as apprehension at the unknown threats they might face.

Silas turned his head to look at Lakyus, studying her gentle features as she dozed.

He smiled softly, feeling a surge of affection for this companion of his.

Lakyus's eyes fluttered open, meeting his gaze. She smiled in turn, as if she could sense his thoughts. Silas's heart swelled at the sight.

"We make a good team, you and I," Lakyus said softly.

"The best," Silas replied, voice low and gentle. "I'm grateful my family allowed our paths to cross."

Lakyus's smile widened, and she shifted closer to rest her head near his chest.

In that moment, all seemed perfectly right in the world.

Silas closed his eyes, drifting off to a deep and peaceful slumber with the warmth of Lakyus next to him.

As dawn's light streamed through the windows, Silas awoke from a deep and restful slumber.

He blinked his eyes open, yawning slightly before remembering where he was and with whom.

Lakyus still slept, yet now she was in his embrace, gently rising and falling with each breath.

Silas watched her sleep for a time, admiring her peaceful expression and tranquility.

'This cursed body' Silas sighed, 'Why must I suffer so, unable to court a lady this fair as I was meant to? If only I could break this foolish child's shell!'

Lakyus yawned and stretched slightly before opening her eyes to meet Silas's gaze. She smiled brightly at the sight of him, reflecting the warmth in his own expression.

"Another day, another adventure!" Lakyus said, voice bright and confident.

Silas smiled bitterly, "As always. Would you like to eat breakfast before we continue on our way?"

Lakyus nodded eagerly, a hot meal was always welcome.

As Silas and Lakyus finished their hot meals, they prepared to continue their journey.

"Ready to head out?" Silas asked, gathering his belongings.

Lakyus nodded, gripping her own weapons tightly. "Always."

They bid farewell to the innkeeper and thanked him for his hospitality before stepping out of the village gates.

The sky was clear and the air fresh, a perfect day for traveling. Silas smiled, feeling optimistic.

"Where shall we go from here?" Lakyus wondered aloud. "North perhaps, or south? We could explore the mountains."

Silas glanced at her thoughtfully. "Though those paths seem full of adventure, there is somewhere I wish to go."

Lakyus looked at him inquisitively. "And what might that be?"

Silas smiled. "There are a few places I wish to visit in the city," he said.

Lakyus looked at him curiously. "And what might those be?" she asked.

Silas hesitated, unsure if Lakyus would judge him for his desire. "The Inheritor Association's halls," he said softly. "If only to gaze at their grandeur."

As Silas guided their way northward, the landscape seemed to shift into something wilder and more wondrous with each step.

Ancient forests rose like emerald cathedrals all around, as if they entered a realm of magic and myth.

Lakyus hummed a cheerful tune beside him, pausing periodically to sketch the rugged cliffs and seawater pools they passed.

He glanced over, catching her in the midst of shading delicate waves.

The lines flowed from her hands as if guided by unseen grace, a gift of vision and skill.

His breath caught in his chest, a sense of sweet surprise washing over him.

Her passion and talent was a newly found treasure unearthed, a sparkling facet of her spirit revealed.

Silas stepped closer, gazing down at the half-finished sketch with open admiration. "These are stunning," he spoke, voice hushed. "I had no idea you possessed such wonderful talent."

Lakyus glanced up, a flush of pink rising to her cheeks under his praise.

"A foolish talent, perhaps," she said. "But one that brings solace in dark days."

"No way, it's not foolish," Silas insisted, grasping her shoulders. "It's a precious gift.."

Lakyus smiled, her eyes bright. She reached up, taking his hands from her shoulders and lacing their fingers together.

A sob caught in Lakyus's throat, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

Silas gathered her close, holding her strongly. She clutched at him, her warmth soothing as any fire.

"My heart has found more light and joy by your side than any duty or master could have granted," Lakyus whispered. "The smiles we've stolen are worth more than any jewel or treasure."

Silas closed his eyes, heart so full he thought it might burst.