
Reincarnation of the Emperor

Emperor Alexios died, in a foolish way at that. But that wasn't the end of his story, no, it only marked the beginning after the end. He was reborn in the world of Desira, where the superpowered, magic and fantastical run rampant. Where people don't dream. But… If that were truly the case, why does he dream so often?

Form · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Her Second Dream

Lakyus had been employed by the Ward family for several years, and she had grown to appreciate the family's wealth and prestige.

However, her latest assignment was unlike any she had ever faced.

She had been tasked with the responsibility of training Silas Ward, the youngest member of the Ward family.

At first, Lakyus had been apprehensive about working with a child of such a tender age, but as she got to know Silas, she had come to realize that he was a unique and precocious child.

Despite his young age, Silas had an insatiable curiosity and boundless energy that made him a joy to be around.

His mannerisms were not that of a young child, and he was already showing signs of becoming a powerful inheritor.

After spending several months training Silas, Lakyus had seen remarkable improvements in the young boy's abilities.

He had become more confident and self-assured, and his physical abilities had also improved significantly.

Lakyus was proud of the progress that Silas had made under her tutelage, but she was also aware that there was still much more for him to learn.

As she sat in the library, surrounded by books on magic and martial arts, Lakyus couldn't help but reflect on the young boy who had so quickly captured her heart.

She had become a mentor and a friend to Silas, and she was determined to help him reach his full potential.

Though she acted cold and made herself seem like a ruthless mentor, she truly cared for the young prodigy.

Despite her reservations about working with a child, Lakyus was grateful for the opportunity to work with Silas and to see him grow and mature.

As she gazed out the window, watching Silas train in the garden below, Lakyus made a silent vow to do everything in her power to ensure that he would grow up to be a wise and powerful inheritor, one who would make the Ward family proud.

Lakyus was lost in thought when she suddenly heard footsteps approaching.

She looked up to see Gregorio Ward, the head of the family and Silas' father, entering the library.

She quickly got up from her chair and bowed her face to the floor, showing him the utmost respect.

Gregorio was known for his cold demeanor and reputation as a ruthless leader, and Lakyus felt a shiver run down her spine as he approached.

She was regarded as one of the most powerful women in the world, yet this man, her employer made her anxious.

"Lakyus," Gregorio said in a low voice. "How is Silas progressing under you?"

Lakyus hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words to say. She was always careful when speaking to Gregorio, as she knew he was a man who tolerated no nonsense.

Gregorio seemed to sense her anxiety and offered some reassurance. "You can relax, Lakyus. I'm not here as the head of the Ward family but as Silas' father. You can speak your mind freely."

"Of course sir. Silas is doing well," she said firmly. "He is a true genius, both in his studies with Reynold and his training with me. The young master is becoming more confident, and his physical abilities have also improved significantly."

Gregorio nodded, seemingly satisfied with her response. "Good," he said. "I expect nothing but the best from you, Lakyus.

Silas is our future and it is crucial that he be trained properly. I expect you to continue to push him to his limits and help him reach his full potential."

Lakyus nodded, knowing that Gregorio's words were not a request but a command.

"Of course, sir," she said. "I will continue to do everything in my power to ensure that Silas becomes the Inheritor the Ward family deserves."

Gregorio nodded once more before turning to leave the library. Lakyus watched him go, feeling a mix of fear and admiration for the man.

Despite his cold demeanor, she saw that he was only doing what was best for his family and she couldn't help but respect him for that.

As she settled back into her seat, she once again turned her thoughts to Silas and the task that lay ahead.

She was determined to do whatever it takes to help the young boy reach his full potential, no matter the cost.

As the training session ended, Silas made his way over to Lakyus, a broad smile on his face.

"Lakyus, did you see that?" he exclaimed. "I'm getting so much better!"

However, in Silas' mind, he was tired of holding back. His body couldn't act upon his thoughts.

This 'training' had been him simply learning to use his infantile body.

Lakyus smiled back at the boy, tousling his hair affectionately. "Yes, Silas, you're doing amazing," she said. "You're a true prodigy, you know that?"

Silas beamed with pride, his chest puffing up as he basked in Lakyus's praise.

"Thanks, Lakyus," he said. "I couldn't have done it without you."

'My acting is getting better, although, even I can't deny that it feels good being praised.

But only if they knew I'm barely trying, and it's enough to be considered a prodigy' Silas thought.

Lakyus felt a warm feeling in her chest as she looked at the young boy. Despite all the challenges she had faced in her life, she was grateful for this.

As the day drew to a close, Lakyus returned to her room, lost in thought. She couldn't help but wonder what the future held for Silas, and for the Ward family.

She was determined to do everything in her power to help Silas succeed, no matter what the cost.

With these thoughts in mind, Lakyus drifted off to sleep, her heart filled with a sense of purpose and determination.

She suddenly felt a strange sensation wash over her. She immediately realized what this meant –as this was now her second time feeling it.

She was about to have her second dream. Lakyus closed off her mind, and let herself enter the dream.

Lakyus was ecstatic, she was going to become a dual awakened. This was unprecedented! That is…if she survives.

As she entered the dream, she found herself in a strange and unfamiliar place. The sky was an eerie red color and the ground was littered with the remnants of battle.

She heard the sounds of clashing swords and the roar of beasts in the distance.

She looked around, trying to get her bearings when suddenly a figure appeared before her.

It was a tall and imposing figure, wielding a massive sword and adorned in shining silver armor.

The figure spoke in a voice that echoed through the dream world. "Lakyus Alvein Dale Arial, you have been chosen to be a protector of this world," the figure said. "You possess great power and the potential to become one of the most powerful humans the world has ever seen. But first, you must face your greatest challenge."

Lakyus felt a thrill of excitement and fear run through her. She was ready for whatever the dream world had in store for her.

She stepped forward, brandishing her weapon, and prepared to face whatever challenge came her way.

The figure suddenly disappeared and blinked behind her. "I am that challenge," the figure said with a menacing smile.

Taking a closer look at his massive figure, he stood taller than 2 meters, and his golden eyes seemed to pierce her soul.

Lakyus realized that the figure was no mere messenger, but a dream demon, one of the most powerful creatures in the dream world.

She stood there frozen in fear as the demon started the attack with a massive swing of its sword.

Lakyus managed to dodge and counterattack, but the demon was relentless. Its massive sword seemed to move with a life of its own, striking at her from all angles.

Lakyus was quickly on the defensive, desperately trying to fend off the demon's attacks.

She could feel her energy waning as she parried, and the demon seemed to only be getting stronger by the second.

Just when she thought all was lost, summoning all her strength, Lakyus unleashed a powerful blast of energy at the demon. The demon roared in rage, retaliating with a barrage of fireballs that Lakyus narrowly dodged.

The fight continued with neither of them gaining the upper hand. Lakyus was exhausted, her weapon felt heavy in her hands, and the demon seemed to be toying with her now.

But Lakyus refused to give up. She drew upon the power within her and let out a fierce cry, her weapon glowing with a brilliant white light.

With one final burst of energy, Lakyus charged forward, determined to end the battle. The demon swung its massive sword with deadly precision, but Lakyus was too quick.

She dodged and weaved, her weapon flashing with light as she struck at the demon's armor.

The demon roared in frustration, raining down fireballs on Lakyus. Lakyus was pushed to her limits, but she refused to give up.

With a final, desperate effort, she lunged forward, her weapon glowing brighter by the second. The demon raised its sword to block, but Lakyus suddenly appeared behind it.

She sliced through the demon's armor, destroying it in one swift blow. The demon let out a final roar of defeat, before dissipating into nothingness.

Lakyus stood there, panting, her weapon still glowing with a brilliant light. She had done it. She had defeated the dream demon and proven her worth.

Gregorio Ward had taken some time off his duties after hearing that Lakyus was in a dream.

She was already overqualified to be a mere combat instructor, and if she survives, even more so.

He was wondering whether or not she would continue to have Silas under her tutelage. If not he already planned on giving her a raise.

He had servants continuously checking Lakyus' condition. Finally, after nearly a month in the dream world, she showed signs of waking up.

The servants instantly called for the head of the family, as instructed. Lakyus was cautiously looking at her surroundings. Her first dream was much simpler, after swinging her sword an unknown number of times she had unlocked the ability to use aura.

She swung her sword continuously to get to where she was today. The whole realm was devoid of color. Everything was now in shades of black and white.


First, the sky came crashing down. Then the ground beneath her feet opened and she was swallowed into the fissure.

Finally, she opened her eyes in the real world. As Lakyus sat up in her bed, Gregorio rushed into the room, a look of concern on his face.

He was relieved to see that she was awake and appeared to be unharmed.

"Lakyus, are you alright?" he asked, as he approached her bedside. "I'm fine,"

Lakyus replied, her voice still a bit groggy from her long sleep. "Lord, what happened? Why did the world turn black and white? The realm collapsed! That's not supposed to happen."

Gregorio smiled, "You've achieved the next level of awakening, Lakyus. It isn't public knowledge, but there are levels to these things. You've gained the ability to see the world in a completely different way as if you're seeing the essence of everything around you. Alongside your new ability, you're going to be a force to be reckoned with."

Lakyus was in awe of what she had accomplished. She couldn't believe that she had achieved this level of awakening in such a short time.

"This is incredible," she whispered, as she took in her new surroundings. "I can see the world in a whole new way."

Gregorio nodded, "Indeed, you have accomplished what many could only dream of. You are truly remarkable, Lakyus. And I have no doubt that you will continue to achieve great things."

Lakyus smiled, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.