
Reincarnation of the Emperor

Emperor Alexios died, in a foolish way at that. But that wasn't the end of his story, no, it only marked the beginning after the end. He was reborn in the world of Desira, where the superpowered, magic and fantastical run rampant. Where people don't dream. But… If that were truly the case, why does he dream so often?

Form · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Lost and Found

As the weeks went by, Lakyus continued to train Silas. Silas was still as quick a learner as ever and absorbed everything she taught him like a sponge.

One day, while they were training in the garden, Lakyus noticed that Silas was holding back. "What's wrong, Silas?" she asked, her brow furrowed with concern.

Silas hesitated for a moment before answering. "Lakyus, I feel like I'm not making any progress," he whispered.

Lakyus looked at him intently. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"I mean, I'm not sure," Silas said, his eyes downcast. "It's like my body won't do what my mind tells it to do."

Lakyus nodded, understanding the frustration that Silas was feeling. She had seen this before in other young geniuses.

They would often reach a plateau where they felt like they weren't making any progress, even though they were improving at an incredible rate.

"Silas, I understand what you're feeling," Lakyus said. "But I assure you, you are making progress. You're getting stronger and more skilled with each passing day."

Silas looked at her up and down. "Really?" he asked, the doubt apparent in his voice.

"Yes, really," Lakyus said firmly. "You're used to making insane progress very quickly, but you have to remember that progress isn't always linear. Sometimes, you'll make huge leaps forward, and other times, you'll plateau. But the important thing is that you don't give up."

Silas nodded, his expression resolute. "I won't give up, Lakyus," he said. "I'll keep training."

Lakyus smiled at the young boy, proud of his determination. She knew that Silas had the potential to become one of the greatest inheritors of all time, and she was determined to help him reach that goal.

As the days turned into weeks, Silas continued to train with Lakyus, his progress becoming more apparent with each passing day.

He was getting stronger, faster, and more skilled with every passing moment, and Lakyus knew that it wouldn't be long before he was ready to take on more advanced training.


The next morning Lakyus, woke up early and began preparing for her day.

With a lazy yawn, she slipped out of her warm, cozy pajamas, her body revealed itself in all its glory - full hips, a narrow waist, and generous curves that left little to the imagination.

As she stretched, her body seemed to come alive, her curves expanding and contracting with each movement like a living work of art.

Suddenly, she heard a knock at the door.

Lakyus glanced at the clock on her bedside table and saw that it was still early. She wondered who could be knocking at her door so early in the morning.

She quickly threw on a robe and made her way to the door. The door opened to reveal Reynold, one of the Ward family's strategists, and Silas' tutor.

"Lakyus, good morning," he said with a nod.

"Good morning, Reynold," Lakyus replied. "What brings you here so early?"

Reynold cleared his throat before continuing. "Well, I've noticed that Silas has a particular talent for strategy and problem-solving. His mind works in ways that I've never seen before in someone his age. I think that with the right training and guidance, he could become a valuable asset to the family."

Lakyus listened intently to Reynold's words, her mind racing with possibilities. She had always known that Silas was a clever child.

"I see," she said thoughtfully. "And what do you suggest we do about it?"

Reynold leaned forward, his expression serious. "I think we should start training him in the art of strategy. With proper guidance, he could become a true prodigy, even if he doesn't dream of a prized ability."

Lakyus nodded in agreement. "I agree, but the progress he's shown in physical training is nothing to scoff at. He is talented, we'll need to approach this carefully. We don't want to put too much pressure on him at such a young age."

"Of course," Reynold said. "We don't want to overwhelm him either."

Lakyus smiled at his perceptiveness. "Thank you for your advice, Reynold. I'll talk with Silas later this afternoon and see what he thinks."

Reynold gave Lakyus a nod. "Of course, I look forward to hearing how it goes."

He bowed and then left Lakyus' room, closing the door behind him.

Lakyus sat back in her chair, deep in thought. She knew that Silas was a bright, precocious young boy, and to hear that he had a talent for strategy wasn't surprising.

She wondered how she could best approach him about the idea of training him in this area.

Later that day, Lakyus sought out Silas in the Ward family's library, where he often spent his afternoons reading.

She found him sitting at a table, poring over a book on dream theory.

"Silas, may I speak with you for a moment?" Lakyus asked, taking a seat across from him.

Silas looked up from his book, his expression curious. "Of course, my lady. What is it?"

"I've been discussing your progress with Reynold, and he mentioned something interesting," Lakyus began, choosing her words carefully. "He thinks that you have a great talent for strategy."

Silas raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Really? I never thought about that before."

He couldn't help but think to himself, 'Well that much is obvious considering what decades of ruling an empire would do to someone.'

Lakyus nodded, noticing the hint of curiosity in Silas's voice. "Yes, really," she said. "I've seen how quickly you learn and how well you analyze situations."

Silas looked thoughtful for a moment before responding. "I see. But what about my physical training? I don't want to neglect that either."

Lakyus smiled, pleased that Silas was thinking about his physical training with her as well. "Of course not," she said. "We'll continue your physical training as well. But Reynold and I both believe that you have a unique talent, and we want to help you develop it."

"I'm willing to try," he said, determination in his voice. "But shouldn't I be preparing to leave for the academy soon?

Lakyus shook her head. "No, you're still too young. And besides, you'd only get in the way there."

Silas frowned, disappointment clear in his eyes. "But I'm ready," he insisted.

Lakyus placed a gentle hand on Silas's shoulder, her expression was both proud and sorrowful. "Silas, you have progressed greatly and come into remarkable talents," she said. "But you are still young, and the world is not yet prepared to shoulder the weight of responsibility your full potential would represent."

"I don't understand," Silas said, frustration creeping into his voice. "Wouldn't I progress faster at the academy?"

"Because you are not yet hardened against the world's cruelty, nor inured to suffering and loss," Lakyus replied softly. "The academy and court are full of vipers and fools alike, more concerned with politics than true good. You would soon grow bitter, if not break, facing their contempt and disregard for your gifts before you are ready."

Lakyus continued, "Not only do we have a wide range of resources to aid in your development, but the Ward family is both richer and more powerful than any academy."

Silas looked away, his heart was troubled. He knew Lakyus spoke wisdom, yet he wished to step outside of his family's influence and not to twiddle his thumbs under careful eyes.

"When will I be ready, then?" he asked, forcing calm into his voice.

Lakyus smiled, "When you can smile at the casual cruelties of the world without flinching," she said. "When your patience has stretched long enough to withstand the fools around you. When temptation holds no more sway in your life, and when you have a disciplined mind."

She turned Silas to face her and pulled him into an affectionate hug. She held him tenderly for a few moments, then released him and stood up.

As she exhaled heavily, she pondered, 'How the hell did our conversation take such a turn?'

"Silas, I know it's not easy to be patient, but trust me, the time will come," Lakyus said, her voice warm and comforting. "For now, focus on your training, both physical training and your education, and continue to grow at your own pace."

Silas nodded. "Sure, Lakyus. I'll do my best"

With a reassuring smile, Lakyus patted Silas on the shoulder. "I know you will, Silas. Now, let's get back to your training."

And so, Silas continued his studies and training under the watchful eyes of Lakyus and Reynold.

As the weeks and months went by, he indeed became stronger, faster, and more skilled.