
Reincarnation of the Emperor

Emperor Alexios died, in a foolish way at that. But that wasn't the end of his story, no, it only marked the beginning after the end. He was reborn in the world of Desira, where the superpowered, magic and fantastical run rampant. Where people don't dream. But… If that were truly the case, why does he dream so often?

Form · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The Beginning

In the world of Desira, the concept of possessing special abilities was once a distant fantasy. However, for a select few, dreams become reality as they discover newfound powers that distinguish them from the rest of society.

Those lucky enough to dream had quickly realized that sleep was no longer a matter of simply closing your eyes and waking up the next morning.

There are telltale signs of the emergence of a dream, a feeling of extreme lethargy and insomnia, followed by a deep sleep that lasts for weeks.

Although the cause of these dreams remains a mystery, one thing is for certain, they bring only a positive change to the life of the dreamer.

The average human only experiences one such dream in their lifetime, usually in their late teenage years, and the abilities gained are normally not too powerful nor versatile.

But those who are gifted with multiple abilities, or what is known as a 'prized ability' are considered rare and highly sought after.

These abilities can range from super strength to divine cooking skills; those who possess them are known as Inheritors.

To become an official Inheritor, one must first pass a rigorous screening process.

Those who succeed are awarded an Inheritor's license in the form of an identification card.

The material and design of the card varies, with a standard platinum card being given to those who pass and perform well.

A gold card to those with powerful or practical abilities.

An obsidian card with an ornate design is reserved for those with unparalleled abilities.

Obsidian cardholders are treated with the utmost respect and reverence, seen as the elite of the Inheritor community.

In Desira, Inheritors play a crucial role in society. Their abilities are registered and put to use for the betterment of the community, in fields such as medicine, law enforcement, and construction.

Despite there being debates and controversies surrounding the existence of Inheritors and the unequal treatment they receive, they remain symbols of hope and progress in society.

There are inheritors who have become heroes and have protected the human race, as well as villains who betrayed humans.

However, one truth remains, Inheritors continue to push the boundaries of what is possible and inspire others to strive for greatness.

Born into the most powerful family in all of Desira, Silas Ward was destined for great things.

But what most don't know is that Silas has a secret… he has memories of a past life!

In his past life, Silas was an emperor, the esteemed ruler of the most powerful empire in the world.

Most would envy being an emperor, holding untold power, alongside much more.

With a voracious appetite to conquer, he would come to hold dominion over thirty percent of his world.

Yet, that wasn't enough. Having tremendous wealth and power meant nothing to him. He was never satisfied, not even at what most would truly consider the peak.

After decades of being the top dog in his world, he was bored.

He settled down in his wealthiest territory with his loved ones. He did his duty as an emperor while enjoying his personal life.

Who would dare contest the most powerful man in the world? Of course, no one, other than a group of certain religious extremists...

A cluster of dark clouds surrounded Thuhan, lighting raced across the skies. Trees swayed in the high winds, and the lakes around the city began to flood. Thunder roared close by, the night sky spilling into the palace.

The day was proving to be a nightmare for Emperor Alexios as a tumultuous storm ravaged Thuhan, a city situated near the sea. He had already confronted some paltry beasts, leaving him weary and in need of respite.

He made his way through the grand halls of his palace, admiring the towering ceilings and the stunning murals depicting his impressive accomplishments.

After a leisurely stroll, he entered the lavatory and took a seat on the toilet.

"Ahh. Nothing beats-"

While sitting on the toilet, Emperor Alexios was attacked. Hiding in the cesspits for god knows how long, the killer, seeing the buttocks above was ready to attack. All he needed was confirmation that it was the emperor.

Hearing the deep voice and heavy accent, he attacked. Stabbing a sword into the posterior of the Emperor, "All hail the power of Tenos!!" the assassin yelled fervently.

Alexios knew, after hearing the proclamation, he had been targeted by the insane fanatics who believed in the evil that was Tenos.

"I refuse to be murdered on the toilet, especially by these religious freaks! Wait until I get a hold of you- I'll tear out your throat!"

Yet, Emperor Alexios took his final breath on the toilet.

The early years of my childhood are a blur. It wasn't until I was around four years old that the memories of a previous life started to surface.

The arrival of these memories turned my life upside down. I could no longer live as a child, my imperial demeanor giving away my true identity.

The conflict between my past and current life consumed me for months.

Sorting out the truth was a challenging venture.

Playing the role of a child was demeaning, causing a bitter taste in my mouth.

Did these people know who I really was? What I was hiding?

However, I've come to accept that my past life does not define me and that my memories are just that - memories.

My current family is loving, a stark contrast to my past.

Though raised mostly by servants, I do see my parents when they're not busy and their love for me seems genuine.

I live a comfortable life, surrounded by wealth beyond my wildest dreams, although it pales in comparison to my former riches. Everything is so serene.

My education will begin soon, I've learned the language of this new world naturally.

Though with my past memories, I might randomly start speaking gibberish.

My education started with a heavy emphasis on history, and foreign languages, more specifically those of our neighboring countries.

I was taught standard upper-class music and dance. Which was entirely useless for someone who spent their life ruling a powerful empire.

I struggled with pretending to be ignorant, even though I had vast knowledge and experience.

However, my efforts to maintain a facade paid off. I was seen as a highly intelligent and well-mannered child, with an innate talent for music and dance.

But with my growing reputation came a heavier workload, as I was expected to perform at a higher level.


I learned something that changed everything.

In a large room that looked like a classroom, a young boy no more than five years old stood with a bewildered expression, facing an elderly man.

"Do it again!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide in wonder.

The elderly man, Reynold, was familiar with this request as the boy was the heir of the powerful Ward family. Even the imperial family couldn't match their influence.

"Young master, it's not that impressive," Reynold said, as red mist swirled around his fingers before igniting into flames. The boy watched in amazement, witnessing his first glimpse into the supernatural world.

"Please stay back, young master Silas," Reynold warned, as he dispersed the flames. "I wouldn't want any harm to come to you under my care."

Reynold had to keep his job, after all.

"How is that possible?" Silas asked, wide-eyed. "Reynold, teach me!"

Silas couldn't recall ever experiencing such a thing, even in his past life.

"Patience, young master," Reynold said with a smile. "That's why you have class today, to learn about the history of Inheritors."

Reynold took his place at the front of the room, and Silas eagerly took his seat at a desk.

"Come on, get to it," Silas said eagerly.

"Yes, young master," Reynold replied, launching into a fascinating tale of how humans, once at the bottom of the food chain in Desira, had risen to conquer a quarter of the land through their dreams and powerful abilities.

Silas was enthralled by the story, feeling a thrill of excitement at the prospect of gaining these abilities himself.

"Reynold, I haven't dreamt yet," Silas said, his worry palpable. "Will I ever be able to?"

"Please, young master," Reynold said dismissively. "Most people only dream once in their lifetime, usually after turning 16. I've had two dreams, and I'm 88 this year!" he added proudly.

"My job is to prepare you for your first dream. Lady Lakyus will take care of your physical training when your body is ready," Reynold explained.

"But what if I never dream?" Silas asked, the worry evident in his voice.

"Don't worry, young master," Reynold reassured him. "Not everyone has a dream, but it is a privilege that is only given to a select few. And you, young master, have the blood of the powerful Ward family flowing through your veins. I have no doubt that you will have a dream, and when you do, I will be here to guide you every step of the way."

Silas felt a sense of relief wash over him, knowing that Reynold would be there to help him if he needed it.

"Now, let's continue with the lesson," Reynold said, opening up a book of history. "Today, we will learn about the Great War and the role the Inheritors played in it."

Reynold's voice took on a serious tone as he began to tell the story of the war, and Silas listened intently, eager to learn all that he could about the world of Inheritors.

The Great War was a brutal and devastating conflict that lasted for several decades.

It was fought between the human inheritors, who had awakened their powers, and the many races who had oppressed and used them as cattle for centuries.

Before the awakening, humans were seen as weak and insignificant creatures, with no place in the hierarchy of the world of Desira. But with the awakening of their powers, they proved their worth and began to challenge the status quo.

Many of the dominant races saw this as a threat and sought to crush the coming uprising.

The war was intense, with both sides using every weapon at their disposal.

The inheritors, now with their supernatural abilities, fought back against their oppressors with unmatched ferocity.

They used their powers to turn the tide of the war and slowly but surely began to gain the upper hand.

Finally, after many years of bloody conflict, the inheritors emerged victorious.

They had won their freedom and the right to exist on equal terms with the other races.

Quickly rising the social ladder, and soon becoming a force to be reckoned with.

However, the war left deep scars on both sides. The inheritors had lost many of their own, and many of them were haunted by the horrors of the conflict for the rest of their lives.

Despite this, they held their heads high and continued to forge a new future for themselves, building up countries, determined to make the world a better place for all of its inhabitants.

The Great War was a pivotal moment in the history of Desira, marking a turning point in the balance of power and the relationship between the different races.

The Inheritors had proven that they were not to be underestimated. From then on, they were respected and feared in equal measure, and their place in the world was secured forevermore.

"You see, young master Silas," Reynold said, concluding his history lesson. "The Great War was a time of immense change and growth for our people. It was a time when the inheritors stood up against their oppressors and claimed their rightful place in the world."

Silas listened intently, trying to absorb all the information Reynold was imparting to him.

He was fascinated by the story of the Great War, and he felt a sense of pride in his heritage, as the Ward family was one of the main families of Inheritors who fought on the frontlines many millennia ago.

He felt a certain connection with their struggles, as he went through something somewhat similar in his rise to the throne.

Silas listened with rapt attention as Reynold spoke of the brutal and devastating conflict that lasted for several decades.

"What kind of powers did the Inheritors have?" Silas asked, his curiosity piqued.

"There were many different kinds of powers," Reynold replied. "Some had control over fire, others over water or earth. There were those who could move at incredible speeds, or lift heavy objects with ease. And there were even those who could bend space and time to their will."

"Wow," Silas breathed, imagining what it would be like to have such incredible abilities.

"But remember, young master, with great power comes great responsibility," Reynold warned. "It is important to use your powers wisely and for the greater good, not for personal gain or selfish reasons. The inheritors of the past learned this lesson the hard way, and it is a lesson that we must never forget."

Silas nodded seriously, taking Reynold's words to heart. He was eager to learn more about the world of Desira and the history of the inheritors.

He knew that he had a long road ahead of him, but he was up for the challenge. He was determined to make the most of his time at the academy, and to become the best Inheritor he could be.


The walls of the training room were frighteningly close to Silas' back.

Silas continued to retreat while a woman clad in white walked in a leisurely manner toward him.

His back made contact with the thick steel walls of the training room.

"Miss Lakyus, my apologies…I had no intention of skipping todays lessons." Silas said with a bow.

"Save the excuses, you'll be doing two times the training today." Hissed Lakyus with an icy look on her face.

"Yes!" Silas smiled and showed two thumbs up.

Lakyus led Silas to the center of the room.

"You know the drill, Silas." Lakyus said as she walked away, soon returning with what looked like two foam noodles.

Without warning, she swung at Silas, smacking him right in the face.

"Come on." She urged him to get ready and prepare himself.

Silas shook his head and brought his hands up, near his chin, covering his face. His right foot and arm facing forward.

"One." Lakyus said as she swung a foam noodle, Silas met it with a jab of his left arm. Quickly bringing it back to his chin.


This time the foam noodle was met with a powerful punch from Silas' right arm.

"One. Two. One. One"

Left, right, left, left.

Foam noodles were swung, as were fists. All the while both Silas and Lakyus were jumping and running around.

It was a funny sight. Silas was only six years old, and half of Lakyus' height after all.

After a while of seemingly random swings, Lakyus swung at Silas' head. The latter dodged moving his head ever so slightly.


Half an hour of training later and Silas lay on the ground, haggard and disheveled.

Lakyus pulled him to his feet, barely giving him time to rest.

"Not done just yet, young master."

Silas nodded.

Silas was panting heavily, sweat pouring down his face as Lakyus stood in front of him, her arms crossed.

"Miss Lakyus, may I take a break?" Silas asked, trying to catch his breath.

"No, you still have a long way to go before you're ready for your first dream." Lakyus replied, her voice stern.

Silas gritted his teeth and pushed himself to continue.

He had been training with Lakyus for the past year, and he knew that she would not let up until he was at death's door.

Lakyus had been tasked with preparing Silas's body for the rigors of his first dream.

She had put him through intense physical training, pushing him to his limits and even further beyond every day.

Silas was aware that the training was necessary, but it was also grueling. He had never been so physically exhausted in his life.

"You're not ready yet, Master Silas. But you sure as hell will be," Lakyus said as she walked away, leaving Silas to continue his training alone.

Silas pushed himself to keep going, knowing that the end goal was worth it. He couldn't wait to awaken his abilities and see what he was truly capable of.

As the weeks passed, Silas's training continued. He grew stronger and more skilled, and Lakyus began to push him harder and harder.

As a lifelong reader, it's only natural that I developed a passion for writing as well. This is my very first EVER attempt at writing a novel and I would appreciate if you could be gentle with your feedback. I am open to constructive criticism and any ideas you may have, so feel free to share them in the comments.

Happy reading.

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