
Reincarnation of the Emperor

Emperor Alexios died, in a foolish way at that. But that wasn't the end of his story, no, it only marked the beginning after the end. He was reborn in the world of Desira, where the superpowered, magic and fantastical run rampant. Where people don't dream. But… If that were truly the case, why does he dream so often?

Form · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Academy Time

Silas followed Lirien and Adalinda to the royal chambers, looking around with admiration at its vaulted ceilings, gilt furnishings and paintings depicting legends and heroic deeds.

The Emperor's throne sat at the far end, and courtiers took their places standing on either side of the central aisle.

The Emperor took his place on his throne, quiet falling as all eyes turned to him expectantly.

Lirien turned to the nobles, raising a hand for quiet and receiving it at once.

"My friends, the harvest has been poor this year and hunger spreads in areas under our protection. Solutions must be found to ensure our people do not suffer unduly through winter." he began. "Each of you shall have chance to speak, and all voices in this room shall be heard."

The nobles spoke, debating policy changes with fervor and wit. Many appealed to the Emperor, who listened with patience, weighing merits of each.

The court advisor proposed raising taxes on imported goods to fund distributions, but several nobles argued this would only increase hardships.

A powerful Inheritor, who was a military commander, suggested conscription for road repairs.

Each solution seemed slightly flawed, revealing more the speakers' interests or ambitions than virtue.

Silas, sensed the Emperor's disappointment at lack of true wisdom or compassion in deliberations.

When it was his turn to speak, Silas stood up from his seat, his voice clear and confident.

"Your Majesty, if I may suggest, we could organize a series of festivals and events throughout the affected areas to raise funds and collect food donations for those in need. Not only would it help alleviate hunger, but it would also bring a sense of community and unity among the people."

Lirien nodded thoughtfully, considering Silas's suggestion. "A noble idea, Silas. We shall discuss the details further and see how we can best implement it. Thank you for your input."

Silas bowed respectfully and sat down again, feeling a sense of satisfaction at being able to contribute to the discussion.

Adalinda hugged him tight, pride shining in her eyes. "I knew you were smart, you truly are special, Silas."

Feeling a warmth in his chest at her words. Silas looked up at the Emperor, who had stood from his throne and was walking down the aisle towards him.

"You have a gift, Silas," Lirien said. "Your words today have given me hope that there are still those among us who are wise and compassionate enough to guide our realm through even the toughest times. I will make sure that your proposal is acted upon."

Silas knew that his words alone would not have been enough without Lirien's support.

As the courtiers began to disperse, Silas stood in the center of the chamber...He looked to Adalinda, who had long since released her embrace and was now watching him with concern.

"Are you okay, Silas?" Adalinda asked softly.

Silas nodded, though he wasn't entirely sure. "Yes, I just...I didn't expect the Emperor to single me out like that. And now, if this festival idea goes through, it will be a big responsibility."

"I know it's overwhelming," she said gently. "But you're not alone in this. I'm here for you, and I know the Emperor and courtiers will support you too. You have an opportunity to help bring hope where there was little before. And that is something truly special."

Several months after the meeting, the festivals and food drives organized by the Emperor and his people a remarkable transformation in the empire.

The donations and aid that poured in far exceeded anyone's expectations, and the stores of grain that had been almost depleted were replenished to overflowing once again.

The people who had once been hungry and destitute found a new sense of purpose and community as they came together to help one another.

The success of the festivals was not only measured in the amount of food and supplies collected, but also in the renewed spirit of hope and joy that swept across the kingdom.

The people were grateful for the help they had received and determined to keep the momentum going. The festivals had given the people a sense of a shared purpose that had been lacking in their lives.

When Lirien reported the success of the festivals to Silas, he was proud of what his little idea ha accomplished, but he knew that the real heroes were the people themselves.

They had shown remarkable resilience and kindness, even in the face of hardship. Silas had only helped to guide them towards a common goal, and the success of the festivals was a testament to the indomitable spirit of the people.


The morning came all too soon, dawn's first light waking Adalinda from her sleep. Her heart swelled with joy, pride at Silas's progress mingling with the old crones of the empire and her returning to the academy, this time with a friend.

Silas and Adalinda had been inseparable for the few months in the palace. She could not help but miss the simplicity of not having any responsibilities, simply having a good time with her friend.

Now he was entering the academy, and she was returning to complete her studies. Their journeys would continue to diverge from here, as they each had different classes.

Though she would certainly keep her promise with Silas' father.

Adalinda had cheerful song on her lips as she made her way to Silas's room. The time had come for his first day at the academy, and nothing could dim the sparkle in her eyes.

As she entered the room, Silas was still sleeping peacefully. Adalinda smiled, moving to open the shutters and let in the morning sun. Its golden glow seemed to infuse her with warmth and joy.

"Time to wake up, sleepyhead! We have lots to do before you head off to the academy today." Adalinda said, giving Silas a gentle nudge.

Silas stirred, yawning as he opened his eyes to see Adalinda blinking down at him brightly. The tiredness faded, a wide smile splitting his face as he realized the occasion.

"Really? Is it really time for my first day at the academy?" Silas asked, bouncing up to sit on the edge of the bed eagerly.

"Indeed it is!" Adalinda laughed, ruffling his unruly hair. "Now, get up, I've prepared a special breakfast to give you strength for the adventures ahead."

Silas leapt out of bed, following Adalinda out to the kitchen where pancakes, fruit, and hot chocolate waited. He dug in with gusto, chatting between bites.

Adalinda watched him happily, heartbeat quickening within. Adalinda smiled, raising her cup in a toast.

"To your first day!" She said. Silas grinned, clinking his cup to hers.

After breakfast, Silas took a quick shower. He ran fingers through still-damp hair, picturing his days at the academy.

He had already awakened an ability, one which he would have to keep hidden for a while.

Silas grinned in excitement as Adalinda handed him the uniform of the academy. It was neatly folded and still warm.

He quickly put it on, feeling the soft fabric against his skin. The uniform was black with gold trimming, and it fit him perfectly.

Silas admired himself in the mirror, straightening the crisp black uniform with gold accents. The crest of the academy was prominent on his chest and shoulder, he saw his wheat-colored hair fall messily around his forehead, framing his golden eyes.

Silas's golden eyes shone like the sun, adding a glimmer of mischief to his youthful face. He was of average height for his age, with a lean and athletic build that hinted at his agility and dexterity. His uniform fit him snugly.

"Thanks, Adalinda," he said, giving her a grateful smile.

Adalinda returned his smile warmly. "Of course, Silas. I'm glad I could help you get ready for your first day."

Silas took one last look in the mirror, adjusting his necklace with the two pendants that symbolized the support he had from both his Ward family, and Adalinda's family.

Silas flashed Adalinda another bright smile, grasping the handles of his bag as he made for the door. Adalinda grabbed her own bag, falling into step beside him.

And at last the carriage arrived to take both of them to the academy. The carriage rolled down the road, taking them to the academy. Adalinda leaned into Silas's side, overlooking the beauty of the countryside.

The academy rose into view, its tall spires and majestic architecture looming in the distance. Silas felt a thrill of excitement course through him, his heart pounding with anticipation.

As they approached the academy gates, Silas noticed that some of the students were wearing a different uniform than him.

His heart sank for a moment, wondering if there was some mistake, but Adalinda reassured him that it was normal, and that different departments and classes had different uniforms.

When they reached the entrance, Adalinda gave Silas a tight hug and wished him good luck on his first day. Silas returned the embrace, feeling a twinge of sadness as his friend departed.

Entering the actual campus took a while because of how large the academy city was.

As Silas walked through the halls of the academy, he noticed students of different races and backgrounds. There were elves, dwarves, halflings, and even some races he had never seen or heard of before.

The academy seemed to be a melting pot of different cultures, and Silas felt a sense of wonder at the prospect of learning from so many different perspectives.

He saw some of the non-human teachers wearing different uniforms, indicating that they were not Inheritors, and some of the students did not require the same education.

Instead, they were enrolled to build connections and foster understanding between different races, to help eliminate any lingering racism or prejudice.

The humans of Desira were the only ones who dreamed, and that was why they required a specific education. But that didn't mean that other races were any less important or valuable.

As Silas walked, he caught glimpses of the different races interacting, laughing and joking together. He felt a sense of hope and optimism, knowing that the academy was not only teaching its students important skills and knowledge but also fostering a sense of respect for diversity.

At long last, he spied a large wooden door with a brass plaque reading "Headmaster". Silas knocked promptly, straightening as the door opened.

An older gentleman peered down at him, spectacles tucked under silvery hair. His gaze was keen yet kindly. "You must be Silas. Come in, come in."

Silas smiled, stepping into the spacious office. "Yes, headmaster. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The headmaster nodded, gesturing for Silas to sit in one of the chairs before the wide mahogany desk. "The pleasure is mine, Ward. I have high hopes for you here at the academy."

Silas sat down, feeling the cool leather of the chair against his skin. He looked up at the headmaster, feeling his nerves settle a little under the man's kind gaze.

He looked around the office, taking in the shelves of books, the various awards and certificates hanging on the walls, and the comfortable armchairs arranged around a fireplace.

"Thank you, Headmaster. I'm eager to make the most of my time here," Silas replied.

The headmaster smiled, folding his hands on his desk. "Good. Now, let's discuss your schedule for the semester. You will have to take classes in dream theory, combat training, history, and advanced mathematics. You will also have a mentor assigned to you, who will guide you in developing your abilities."

Silas listened intently, feeling a sense of excitement at the thought of all the subjects he would be studying. He knew it would be challenging, but he was determined to succeed.

The headmaster nodded. "Your mentor will be a skilled Inheritor who has years of experience in using their abilities. They will be able to teach you things that you won't learn in the classroom."

Silas smiled, his mind couldn't help but wander to thoughts of Lakyus. "That sounds fantastic. When will I be meeting my mentor?"

The headmaster leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers. "Your mentor will be assigned to you in a few days. In the meantime, you will start attending classes and get to know your classmates."

After discussing his schedule and expectations, the headmaster dismissed Silas with a smile and a wish of good luck. Silas left the office, feeling a sense of relief and accomplishment.

He walked through the halls, taking in the sights and sounds of the academy. He could hear laughter and chatter coming from various classrooms, and the occasional burst of magic from teachers practicing their skills.