
Reincarnation of the Emperor

Emperor Alexios died, in a foolish way at that. But that wasn't the end of his story, no, it only marked the beginning after the end. He was reborn in the world of Desira, where the superpowered, magic and fantastical run rampant. Where people don't dream. But… If that were truly the case, why does he dream so often?

Form · Fantasy
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34 Chs

A Wise Child

As they left the garden and made their way back to the palace, they soon reached Adalinda's family's private chambers, and she opened the door, ushering Silas inside.

"Mother, Father, I'm home," Adalinda announced, her voice echoing through the room.

Her parents turned to face her, and their faces lit up with joy at the sight of their daughter. They rushed over to embrace her, and Adalinda introduced Silas to them.

"Silas, these are my parents, Emperor Lirien "the Lightbringer" and Empress Lyra," Adalinda said, gesturing to her parents.

Silas bowed respectfully, and Adalinda's parents welcomed him warmly.

Emperor Lirien met his gaze with a smile, "I never got to thank you for saving my daughter, twice in fact."

Silas smiled humbly and bowed his head. "It was my pleasure, Your Majesty. Adalinda is a dear friend, and I couldn't stand by and watch her get hurt."

Empress Lyra stepped forward and clasped Silas's hands in hers. "You are a brave and noble young man, Silas. Adalinda speaks very highly of you." She said with a wink.

Silas's cheeks turned pink at the compliment. "Thank you, Your Majesty. It means a lot to me."

"Please, sit and join us," Emperor Lirien gestured to the plush couches in the sitting area of the chamber. "We have much to discuss, and I would like to hear about how your family is doing."

Silas nodded gratefully and took a seat, settling in for what promised to be an interesting and enlightening conversation with Adalinda's parents.

As they settled in for their conversation, Emperor Lirien and Empress Lyra asked Silas about his his experiences in Aurelia so far.

The conversation then turned to the great Ward family...

"It takes an incredible amount of skill and power to maintain the Ward family," Empress Lyra added. "Your father was one of the strongest Inheritors we've ever met."

Silas's heart swelled with pride at the mention of his father. "Thank you, Your Majesty. My father is an certainly an exceptional Inheritor."

Emperor Lirien leaned forward, his expression earnest. "You are aware that the Ward family plays a crucial role in protecting the humans of Desira, aren't you?"

Silas nodded. "Yes, Your Majesty. I am well aware of the responsibilities that come with being part of the Ward family, and I am honored to carry on that legacy."

Empress Lyra smiled warmly at Silas. "We have no doubt that you will do your family proud. The academy will provide you with the training and knowledge you need to become a skilled Inheritor."

"I won't let you down, Your Majesties," Silas said with conviction.

"And we will arrange for you to stay here in the palace with Adalinda while you attend the academy. You will be well taken care of."

Silas felt a surge of gratitude toward Adalinda's parents.

He knew that the opportunity to stay in the palace was a privilege that was not given to many, and he felt honored to have been given this chance.

"Thank you so much, Your Majesties," Silas said, bowing his head in respect. "I promise to make the most of this opportunity."

Emperor Lirien patted Silas's shoulder. "We have faith in you, Silas. And as for your stay in the palace, we want you to feel comfortable and welcome here. Adalinda will be happy to show you around."

With that, the conversation continued late into the night, as Silas got to know Adalinda's parents better and learned more about the history of their empire.

As they talked, he realized that Emperor Lirien and Empress Lyra were not only great rulers but also kind and caring individuals who had the best interests of their people at heart.

Silas listened intently as they told him stories of the empire's past, its victories, and its struggles.

He learned about the various kingdoms that made up Arcadia, the Eternal Empire, and the unique cultures and traditions of each. He marveled at the intricate political landscape of the empire and the complexity of the alliances that kept it together.

As Emperor Lirien spoke about the history of his own empire, Silas couldn't help but draw parallels to his own experiences as a ruler.

He also enjoyed getting to know Adalinda's parents on a personal level. He found that Emperor Lirien had a great sense of humor and loved telling stories, while Empress Lyra was a skilled musician.

They shared their interests and hobbies with Silas and listened with genuine interest as he talked about his own.

"I have to say, Your Majesty, I'm amazed by your wisdom and insight," Silas said, admiringly.

Emperor Lirien chuckled. "You flatter me, young Silas. But I must say, I'm equally impressed by your composure and maturity. It's not often that I meet someone your age with such a keen understanding of what it means to lead."

Silas smiled humbly. "I've been fortunate enough to have some great role models, Your Majesty. My father has always taught me the importance of leadership and the responsibility that comes with it."

Emperor Lirien leaned forward, his eyes bright with curiosity. "Tell me, Silas, what do you think the key to being a successful ruler is?"

Silas smiled thoughtfully. "I believe that a successful ruler must have a strong sense of empathy and compassion for their people. They must understand their needs and desires, and work tirelessly to ensure that their subjects are well taken care of. A good ruler must also be a good listener, willing to hear the opinions and concerns of others and use that feedback to make informed decisions, a ruler should understand that their land is not theirs alone, but that of many different people and cultures."

Emperor Lirien nodded in agreement. "Yes, it is crucial for a ruler to be in tune with their people. Without their support, an empire cannot stand."

Silas nodded. "Exactly, but it's also important for a ruler to have a clear vision for the future of their empire. To be able to think ahead and plan for the long-term success of their people. It's a delicate balance between the needs of the present and the hopes for the future."

Emperor Lirien smiled. "You have a wise head on your shoulders, Silas. I can see why many people are so proud of you."

Silas's smile widened. "Thank you, Your Majesty. It's an honor to receive such praise from someone as exalted as you."

As the night grew late, Emperor Lirien and Empress Lyra bid Silas and Adalinda goodnight, leaving them alone to talk for a while longer.

Silas and Adalinda talked for hours, laughing and joking, sharing stories and dreams. It was a comfortable, easy conversation that flowed naturally, and Silas was starting to feel at ease with Adalinda.

Finally, as the first light of dawn began to peek through the windows, Silas and Adalinda bid each other goodnight and went to their separate chambers.

The next morning, Silas awoke with a yawn, blinking his eyes open slowly. He felt remarkably well rested, though fuzzy memories of staying up late talking with Adalinda came flooding back.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed, standing up and stretching with another yawn.

After a few minutes the door swung open, in walked Adalinda, her hair in soft curls, still in pajamas and a bright smile on her face. "Good morning sleepyhead!", she greeted him a little too cheerfully.

Silas's cheeks were slightly colored at having overslept. "My apologies, I didn't mean to keep you waiting."

Emperor Lirien waved a dismissive hand as he stood behind Adalinda. "There's no need for apologies. We were happy to let you rest. Breakfast will be ready soon, so feel free to join us whenever you're ready."

Silas nodded, grateful for their understanding. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I will get dressed and be out shortly."

'Celeste, can you get me the crate of clothes I left in the Crystal Isle'


Soon a familiar void opened, depositing a crate of silk and gold in his chambers.

Silas got dressed in fine silken robes black and gold, fabrics befitting his status as a Ward.

As he entered the dining hall, the aroma of freshly baked pastries and fruit tarts greeted him, making his mouth water.

The Emperor's dazzling pearl inlaid table groaned under a feast befitting royalty, golden dishes brimming with delicacies from realms afar.

Princess Adalinda's raven tresses shone as midnight itself, her grey eyes were depthless pools reflecting the morning sun.

The scent of fresh-baked buns clung to the air, a sweetness and comfort for those seated at the table.

Laughter sounded like bells, lighthearted and free. Peace, deep as the sea's depths seemed to dwell within these royal walls.

Silas smiled as he took his seat at the table, feeling grateful for the warm welcome he had received. He took a bite of a flaky pastry, savoring the sweetness as it melted in his mouth.

As Silas settled into his seat at the breakfast table, Emperor Lirien initiated their conversation once more. "So Silas, did you have a pleasant evening talking with Adalinda?"

Silas smiled, "Yes, Your Majesty. It was a very enjoyable conversation."

Empress Lyra grinned knowingly at her daughter, who smiled back, cheeks slightly pink.

"I'm glad to hear it," Emperor Lirien said. "The more our families grow closer, the stronger our alliance grows."

Breakfast conversation flowed easily from topic to topic, laughter ringing out frequently. Silas found himself relaxing into the moment, genuinely appreciating the company and comfort of the royal family.

As the meal drew to a close, Emperor Lirien cleared his throat. "Silas, I want to formally invite you to join our council meetings while you are staying in the palace. As our guest, you are welcome to observe our government at work and provide input where you see fit. We value different perspectives and fresh eyes on old problems."

Silas's eyes widened in surprise at the offer, though he couldn't help but wonder how the elderly courtiers and politicians would react to a child joining their deliberations.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, that is extremely generous. I would be honored to join your council meetings and learn from such esteemed leaders as yourselves."

Emperor Lirien nodded, eyes crinkling at the corners with his smile. "Wonderful, it is settled then. I look forward to your insights, Silas."

"As do I," Empress Lyra added. "You have a brilliance that is refreshing to see in one so young."

Silas bowed his head, gratitude flooding him despite his apprehension over the reception he might receive. "You are too kind, I will do my best."

"We have no doubt of that," Emperor Lirien said confidently. "Now come, the council will be gathering soon and we must prepare."