
Reincarnation of the Emperor

Emperor Alexios died, in a foolish way at that. But that wasn't the end of his story, no, it only marked the beginning after the end. He was reborn in the world of Desira, where the superpowered, magic and fantastical run rampant. Where people don't dream. But… If that were truly the case, why does he dream so often?

Form · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Dream Theory and Combat

Though the academy seemed vast, Silas had oriented himself well. He was sure he knew what direction his dream theory class should be in, but after a few wrong turns...

Silas realized that he was lost.

He had gotten turned around in the maze of corridors and staircases, and now had no idea which way to go.

Silas couldn't help but feel some concern at the thought of being late to his first ever class.

What would Adalinda and his new professor think? Silas leaned against a wall, closing his eyes a moment trying to form a mental map of the academy.

'Celeste, can you map out the academy for me?'


A moment passed, then a vision seemed to unfold in Silas's mind. He could see the winding corridors, grand staircases and courtyards.

His first class, glowed brightly at the far end of the North hall near the library. Silas smiled. Though the academy was large, it now felt like a second home.

'Thanks, Celeste. I see the way now'

Just then, Silas noticed a proud looking elf that looked to be a few years older than him strolling through the hall, gazing arrogantly at the students milling about. "Move swiftly, twigs! The day waits for no elf."

Silas stood straight, his lips curving gently as the elf turned his nose up after they made eye contact.

Silas couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed at the elf's haughty attitude.

But he pushed those thoughts aside and focused on getting to his class on time. He picked up his pace and weaved his way through the bustling crowds of students.

When Silas reached the classroom for his dream theory class, there were already several first-year students milling about outside the door.

He approached them and smiled. "Any idea when the professor will arrive?"

One of the students, a dark-haired girl, looked up and smiled back. "The professor should be here soon. She rarely keeps her students waiting," Zimala said cheerfully.

Silas returned Zimala's smile, glad to see a friendly, welcoming face. "I'm Silas, Silas Ward," he said, extending a hand. "I just arrived at the academy."

Zimala gasped, her eyes going wide. "W-ward, as in THE Ward family?" she said incredulously, staring at his outstretched hand as if unable to believe she was really meeting him.

The other students also reacted with shock and surprise, staring at Silas with unmasked reverence.

Clearly, the Ward name was well known here.

Silas arched a brow, long accustomed to such a reaction. "The one and only," he replied mildly.

Zimala seems to regain her wits, grasping Silas's hand and shaking it vigorously. "It's an honor to meet you, Silas. I'm Zimala Naxar, daughter of the Naxar family. Welcome to the academy," she said warmly.

Silas smiled, "Thank you, Zimala. It's great to meet you too," he said.

Zimala grinned, her cheeks tinting pink. She curtsied slightly, unable to contain her excitement at meeting a Ward in person.

"It is truly an honor, my lord. I have heard so much about your family," Zimala said enthusiastically.

The other students nodded, murmuring.

"There's no need for such formality," Silas said gently, shaking his head. "I'm here to learn, just like the rest of you."

Zimala nodded, her excitement not quite waning. "Of course, my lord," she said, still grinning. "But it's not every day that we get to meet someone like you."

Silas chuckled softly. "Well, I'm just glad to be here. And please, call me Silas," he said.

Just then, the door to the classroom opened, and the professor stepped out. She was a tall, regal-looking human with long silver hair that shimmered in the light.

"Good morning, students," she said, her voice carrying easily through the hallway. "Please make your way into the classroom. We have much to discuss today."

Silas nodded at Zimala and the other students, then followed them into the classroom. As he took a seat in the back of the classroom, Silas felt relieved he hadn't missed the class completely.

As the professor began the class, Silas couldn't help but feel excited. Dream theory had always fascinated him, and he was eager to learn more about it.

While his private tutor, Reynold, had taught him most of what he would need to know, he hoped to expand his vast library of knowledge here at the academy.

The professor started the lecture by discussing the history of dreams and their significance in Desira's society.

Silas's mind started to wander as he thought about all the different abilities he could unlock if he had more dreams.

He wondered what kind of dream he could have next, and what new abilities he would gain from it.

But his thoughts were interrupted when the professor asked him a question. Silas quickly refocused his attention, trying to come up with an answer.

As the class continued, Silas found himself getting more and more engrossed in the subject matter.

He asked several questions, eager to learn as much as he could.

The other students seemed impressed with his knowledge and enthusiasm.

After the lecture was over, Silas walked out of the classroom with Zimala and a few other students.

The students chatted excitedly about what they had learned, where there next class was and they even speculated about what abilities they wished to gain in their dreams.

Silas couldn't help but feel a little left out of the conversation. He already had Celeste, so he didn't need any help finding his way around the academy.

And since he had already had his first dream, he didn't have the same sense of anticipation as the other students.

But he didn't let that dampen his spirits. He was still excited to be at the academy. And who knows, maybe he would have another dream soon and unlock even more abilities.

As they walked, Silas caught a glimpse of the haughty elf from earlier, now surrounded by a group of admiring students. Silas couldn't help but roll his eyes at the elf's self-importance.

As they reached the end of the hall, Silas said goodbye to Zimala and the other students.

His next class was combat training, which he was looking forward to. Silas had been practicing so many different fighting styles, so he hoped to impress his instructor.

As Silas made his way to the combat training courtyard, he saw several students already gathering their weapons and stretching. His eyes scanned the crowd, looking for a familiar face.

Then he spotted Adalinda, the Imperial Princess, standing with a group of swoon-worthy elves. Silas hesitated, debating whether to join them.

Part of him wanted to see Adalinda, but he wasn't sure if he would be interrupting her time with friends...

Before he could decide one way or the other, Adalinda caught sight of him and shouted, "Silas, over here!" She waved enthusiastically, dragging the elves' attention to him.

Silas couldn't help but smile at Adalinda's enthusiasm. "It's good to see you too," he said, embracing her.

The students surrounding Adalinda gasped, staring at Silas with shock and indignation. Who was this brat to embrace their princess so casually?

A few of the braver students stepped forward, glaring at Silas defiantly. "Unhand the princess at once, boy!" one of them snapped.

Silas arched a brow, unperturbed by their anger. He looked to Adalinda, seeing her familiar smile.

Adalinda twirled gracefully, addressing the students calmly. "There is no need for hostility, this is Silas Ward, my dearest friend."

The elves' anger seemed to fade at Adalinda's words, realization dawning on their faces.

Again the Ward name was as well known as the imperial family's. They ducked their heads, murmuring apologies.

Silas dipped his head in return, used to such a reaction.

Adalinda giggled, linking her arm through his. "Isn't it wonderful to be back together, Silas?"

Silas chuckled, nodding. "It's great to see you too, Adalinda," he said. Relieved the angry confrontation had defused so quickly.

While the elven students may be dazzled by her beauty and status, Silas saw Adalinda for who she truly was, his friend, after spending so long together as of late he had come to seriously enjoy her company.

"So, are you ready for combat training today?" Silas asked, changing the subject. He was hoping to let off some steam.

Adalinda grinned eagerly at Silas's question, flashing him a playful look. "Always ready, Silas!" she replied enthusiastically.

The instructor strode into the courtyard, ordering the students into pairs.

Silas and Adalinda immediately stepped together, earning a nod of approval from the teacher.

"Alright everyone, today we practice defense and counterattack techniques. Remember your footwork, keep your guard up, and watch for openings," the instructor warned. "When I call begin, start with simple blocks and parries. Move slowly at first, then build up speed."

Silas and Adalinda exchanged a look, gripping their training swords tighter. Though Silas could move at blinding speed when required, he knew the importance of practicing control and form.

"Begin!" the instructor shouted.

Silas swung at Adalinda's arm, testing her defenses. She deflected the blow smoothly, striking at his legs in return.

Silas jumped back, countering with a slash at her chest.

Their swords clashed and spun, wood chippings flew as they dueled.

The instructor focused on their fight. He walked around them, critiquing their stances and gestures.

"Faster, Ward! Move your feet, don't get stuck in place. Princess, keep your elbow up on those parries."

Silas and Adalinda nodded, adjusting instantly. They fell into a faster and more complex series of blows, blocking each strike with precision.

The other students stopped to watch them, awestruck by their skill and speed.

Silas and Adalinda moved as if dancing, not a single blow getting through their defenses.

"Enough!" the instructor called, stopping the duel. "That's how you should all be performing. The Princess and Ward have set an excellent example today."

Silas and Adalinda bowed in unison, smiling widely. It was most satisfying to impress their instructor and classmates with their abilities.

"Well done, my students!" the instructor praised. "Practice those techniques and you will all improve greatly. Class dismissed!"

The courtyard erupted into chatter as the students began packing up their gear. Silas turned to Adalinda, pulling her close. "Thank you for the excellent sparring practice," he whispered in her ear.

Adalinda, laughed lightly. "It was my pleasure," she replied. "We'll have to practice together more often!"

Silas grinned, releasing her. "Anytime, princess. Anytime."