
Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on t

Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on the heroine’s body One day, Yaming participated in the new and exciting Desire Grand Prix from another world. [Winning Conditions: Whoever can turn the strongest and most arrogant princess into an exclusive doll will gain victory in the Grand Prix.] Well, that's nothing, but the problem is that the identity assigned to Yaming... is actually a predatory plant! Compared to the identities assigned to the other contestants, such as Brave Man, Prince of a Neighboring Country, and Noble Young Master, the predatory plant in the cave looked extremely weak and pitiful. However... When the plant finally controlled the princess to beat all the contestants, everyone's expressions were stunned! Why do we, all children of fate... lose to a plant? 30 chapters ahead on patreon patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 And if you want to support me with a tip go to my kofi, I'll be grateful ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 And this is my discord if you want to discuss about the story https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 39: Can we meet that woman again?

Chapter 39: Can we meet that woman again?

Linsha sprayed another perfume on her body, completed the disguise again, and put on this outfit called a sailor suit.

Hmmm, I really don't like it.

Through the mirror, Yaming admired Linsha's sailor uniform and couldn't help but smile with satisfaction. After all, appearance and figure are two of the few advantages of this girl.

Speaking of which, although the world of this game is a medieval world of swords and magic, the clothing style is very modern. This setting should make it easier to create various character costumes, such as sailor costumes, cat-eared maid costumes, etc.

It's a shame that this good setup wasn't used on Linsha, and the game seems to know that this character isn't popular, so she's the only character who wears the same clothes from start to finish.

Why would you create such a character when you know he wouldn't be popular? Wouldn't the operator and the copywriter communicate with each other? How could we understand each other in this way?"

However, he complained casually, and Yaming's attention was still focused on Linsha's sailor uniform. Even though she had seen it in the clothing store before, she was exhausted and just panting, causing a lot of redness to appear on her pretty face. Coupled with the slight heat rising from her body, she always felt that there was a different flavor...

[Change your hairstyle until you become a completely different person in the eyes of these goblins]


Hearing this, Linsha untied her twin's ponytail with a very casual expression and let down her golden hair that was cascading down her back. However, she was obviously not very keen on dressing now, and her attitude was completely different from the last time she changed clothes, constantly staring into the mirror for fear of missing something.

Because Linsha had lost hope in the goblins... except for the ones that left in the beginning.

Just thinking about that goblin made Linsha's mood even more complicated. Because according to her other personality, the goblin showed false kindness to Linsha because he was injured, originally she didn't believe this statement at all.

But what happened today...

Frowning, Linsha's thoughts were a little confused.


The goblins did not stop until they had run a long distance. They were lying on the ground and gasping for air, emitting the sound of a lingering disaster.

"Og, og, og, og..."


A few goblins with poor mental traits even cried, and under normal circumstances, the tears that goblins shed were crocodile tears. They cried to gain sympathy so that they could escape or be killed.

Because when some novice adventurers see a goblin crying, they will say, "Go now; I'll pretend I didn't see you," and then turn around and leave unprepared. For the goblin, this is an excellent opportunity to fight back! Or when they feel that their opponents are overpowering them, the goblins will abandon the idea of counterattacking and flee. Sincere crying is rare among goblins in this world.

However, even though there were no enemies in front of them, many goblins were still crying loudly. It was clear that Linsha's psychological shadow over them was not small.


Seeing the howls of these goblins, a LV12 senior goblin stepped forward and gave each of these goblins a powerful blow, as if he were saying to them, "Why are you crying? There is no reason to cry! I don't even want to lose face!"

"Goeek, (we've just stepped on hard nails. There aren't many such strong people in this area.)"

The other big goblin showed an ominous expression, opened his mouth, and said, "Ju-chi-chi-chi! (I will never forget the humiliation this hateful adventure brought me!)"


At this time, the goblin seemed to have thought of something wonderful and said with a fierce smile, "Gujijujuji, (The humiliation she caused us must be borne by her kind! Are there still many people near the city? Are there any other adventurers?)"

For a moment, most of the goblins showed fanatical expressions! That's right... Every now and then, they would organize a large-scale attack on the adventurers' team and then wait until then to pay back all the humiliation they had suffered today to their fellow species!



The goblins, who suddenly found an outlet to vent their pressure, burst out with ferocious smiles and secretly decided to make the woman regret letting them go arrogantly; otherwise, the punishment would be even more severe than this next time. What a joke!

This wild area is so large that if they ran like this, they would probably never encounter the scary woman in their lives. And the punishment...

It was a pity that Linsha couldn't understand the language of these goblins; otherwise, she would probably be even more miserable.


Suddenly, a goblin made a sound and pointed his finger ten meters away. I saw a beautiful girl with long black hair passing by them, wearing a delicate dress!

"Wahahahaha! Goeeeeek, goeeeeek, goeeeeek, goeeeeek! (Awesome! The little lamb is here!)"

"Gujijiji! (She's still a female; just use her to vent the pain we just went through!)"

"Guyeek! (You unfortunate human, if you want to blame it, it's on your obnoxious colleague who just provoked us)"

For a moment, almost all of the goblins had disgusting smiles on their faces, and they all moved towards the girl. However… There were a few goblins standing still, and they were also the same timid goblins who were so frightened that they were crying now.


It's not that these goblins don't want to attack the beautiful girl; it's just that Linsha's psychological shadow over them is too great! Before escaping, Linsha's "sweet" voice was still ringing in their ears. They looked around anxiously, fearing that if they attacked this human, Linsha would appear from any corner!


In the end, these goblins did not dare to step forward and were afraid that if they could not go up, they would be slapped down and forced to fight by the bigger goblins, so they chose to run away shamefully.

"Guyeek! (Useless things!)"

Seeing these goblins running away in panic, the remaining goblins made mocking sounds. It's so funny... Are you really afraid to threaten that woman? Could she be able to find us in this large wilderness area? That woman is not a demonic dog, so can we still be tracked from far away?

As a result, the goblins walked towards the girl fiercely, step by step, and when the big goblin leader was about to pounce, the girl suddenly showed a playful smile and then took out a fire-colored dagger. Which looks familiar.

Then… After they realized something, the first goblin fell directly to the ground.

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