
Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on t

Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on the heroine’s body One day, Yaming participated in the new and exciting Desire Grand Prix from another world. [Winning Conditions: Whoever can turn the strongest and most arrogant princess into an exclusive doll will gain victory in the Grand Prix.] Well, that's nothing, but the problem is that the identity assigned to Yaming... is actually a predatory plant! Compared to the identities assigned to the other contestants, such as Brave Man, Prince of a Neighboring Country, and Noble Young Master, the predatory plant in the cave looked extremely weak and pitiful. However... When the plant finally controlled the princess to beat all the contestants, everyone's expressions were stunned! Why do we, all children of fate... lose to a plant? 30 chapters ahead on patreon patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 And if you want to support me with a tip go to my kofi, I'll be grateful ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 And this is my discord if you want to discuss about the story https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 38: I Did Something Really Wrong

Chapter 38: I Did Something Really Wrong

"Obviously, I trusted you a lot, but you betrayed my trust like that. Is that good? Huh?"

After torturing the five goblins for half an hour, Linsha raised her foot and kicked one goblin hard. It hurts a lot, and my toes seem to be off balance. But the injury can be healed immediately, so it doesn't matter.

Compared to heartache, this pain was nothing. Linsha is very sad now that her trust has been betrayed.


However, the goblin that Linsha kicked made a weak sound of pain and fell to the ground without moving much. From a certain point, even though the five goblins were conscious, they did not respond to the pain in their bodies. They just opened their eyes and accepted Linsha's fireball with a dull expression, as if the pain was nothing to them.

"Hahaha! Now you're having a mental breakdown? You've turned into an unresponsive waste. What useless monsters you are!"

Seeing the miserable state of the five goblins, Linsha couldn't help but feel an unparalleled sense of joy! After thirty minutes of torture, they finally developed a mental problem! It's only thirty minutes... but it only lasted thirty minutes? It's not even over yet!

"By the way, speaking of cattle, aren't there a lot of them here?"

Poking her lips with her finger, Linsha seemed to think of something happy. She looked happily at the trembling goblins next to her and showed a bright smile.



Linsha just looked, and the remaining goblins were frightened and submissive like crazy! Now, Linsha walked to the middle of the goblin circle. Many goblins had the courage to attack her, but they fell to the ground, bleeding as soon as they took a step.

Not only could they not attack, they couldn't even escape. No matter which goblin moved tonight, his body would instantly explode with a strange magical force that the body could not reject! Therefore, they could only tremble beside Linsha, not daring to escape or attack.

"Speaking of what... are you going out to hurt others in the future?"

Linsha had a gentle smile on her little face, like a big sister, and approached the goblins, asking them softly. However, such a cute smiling face is actually something very scary in the eyes of these goblins! A large number of goblins submitted to Linsha, constantly saying that they would never go out to hurt anyone again.

"Really? Well? Are you sure you didn't just say that to me and then turn around and start hurting people again? You won't betray my trust again, right?"

The goblins leaned closer and tried to show off, but Linsha suddenly opened her mouth and made a mocking sound. Her facial expression changed from the gentle smile of a big sister to a smile similar to that of a crazy beauty. Cruel smile.

"That's what you said, but I don't believe you anymore."

After saying that, Linsha waved her little hand. Immediately, all the goblins present began to struggle with pained expressions! They soon began to bleed from their orifices, and their bodies swelled, but after this condition continued for half a minute, the pumping of life magic stopped.


For a moment, all the goblins gasped for air as if they were surviving a disaster, and then they began working hard to expel the excess magical power from their bodies.

"I see, as long as it is not suddenly withdrawn, the body will not rely too heavily on my magic power. Of course, it probably depends on how long it takes to pump it out."

Linsha watched silently as the goblins drained the excess magical life force from their bodies, and part of the magic power their bodies absorbed repaired the physical damage, so even though these goblins experienced extreme pain, in the end, they were still unharmed.

"Hey, are you okay? Then let's continue."

[Why don't you let them go now and then go see them later to see if they'll attack humans again after receiving such a big lesson?]

But when Linsha wanted to continue torturing those goblins, Yaming suddenly said this.

"What? Do you still have sympathy for them?"

Hearing Yaming's words, Linsha's eyes lit up! As if she noticed Yaming's weakness, she immediately took the opportunity to say sarcastically, "Do you sympathize with these lower creatures? No, no, no?"

Oh, this...

Of course, Yaming wouldn't sympathize with the goblins, but he could clearly feel that Linsha's mental state was a little confused again. If she continued like this, she would be so high that she would lose consciousness. He wanted Linsha to rest for a while.

It doesn't matter if you're mentally disoriented, and it doesn't matter if you can remain mentally disoriented enough to let me take control of your body. But your soul is so fragile, you will faint after a few moments of pleasure. Why don't you stay awake like those goblins?

[I'm just curious: would these goblins be that hopeless?]


Linsha looked at the group of tormented goblins and narrowed her eyes. Then she seemed to be thinking of something interesting, then suddenly turned into a gentle voice and said, "The punishment is over; don't go any further. Don't attack the humans; otherwise, the punishment will be more than this. Next time, well, get out!"

Hearing Linsha's words, all the goblins couldn't believe that this crazy woman would be so kind. They even stayed like that for several seconds, until Linsha spoke again: "Didn't you understand what I said? Or do you like staying with me so much that you are reluctant to leave?"

As she said that, Linsha raised her little hand to make a gesture. In the next second, the goblins turned and fled, howling like ghosts! But in their panic, they didn't care if there was anything under their feet. A large number of goblins trampled the five goblins lying on the ground to death.

"It's so dirty."

Looking at the horrible goblins' corpses on the ground, Linsha gently used the magic dagger to help burn them. Then she sat on the stone again and fell into a daze.

"I... I did something really wrong all this time."

After she calmed down, Linsha inevitably thought of the goblins she had left so far. The five goblins she had just defeated twice in a row had failed to make them repent, not to mention the ones she usually didn't teach much; she let them go.

It was estimated that after they confessed in front of her, they would attack the new humans around the next corner. I've always said I want to protect life.

Thinking of this, Linsha immediately walked to the deserted cave, took off her sweaty clothes, put on a snow-white dress with dark blue lapels and a dark blue cloth mini skirt with white edges, then tied a red ribbon around her neck.

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