

Zen is a young assassin who started his training at the age of 10. one day after his mission unfortunately he met his demise but that doesn't end his journey as he gets reincarnated in ATG with 3 wishes and a system. follow him through his journey as he changes fate of people, face slap young Masters and find his true love all the while getting stronger. [It is my first time writing a fanfic, their can be grammatical mistakes and spelling errors, this story in no way will be perfect!!] The cover doesn't belong to me...

Cute_lama · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

First time...(18+)

Before starting this chapter I wanted to tell you that it is my first time writing smut so I'm not really experienced in that field.

if you don't like then plz skip this chapter.




In the middle of a dense forest area, a small water bank could be seen. At the corner of the river, a young man with blonde hair and peircing blue eyes could be seen.

At his side a young woman who could only be called as the epitome of beauty was also standing.

She has a pair of indescribably magnificent eyes as if the world's essence laid deep within. Her two tranquil pupils, clear like crystals, were like the radiance of a flowing dream, her two black thin and curvy eyebrows, similar to a pair of crescent moons.Her jade-like skin and creamy face were as white as snow under the dim lights in the room. Her lips were like the world's most delicate petals and her nose was of the most beautiful of sculpted white jade, high and proud with an innate nobility.Her soft and shiny black hair fell gently behind her shoulders, wearing a full sleeved top and jeans she looked like a goddess of beauty herself.

(A/n: sorry for the copy/paste lol)

Standing side by side with each other they were like immortals who have descended to mortal realm.

These pair of teenagers were of course Zen and his girlfriend Qingyue. They were currently in the Navy Tide Nation.

It has been six since they both left home in pursuit of strength and combat training.

Zen had turned seventeen and Qingyue sixteen years old.

Four year ago, Zen was successful in making the profound god pills, which in turn skyrocketed their cultivation to divine origin realm. Zen had to use a few formations to stabilize their rampant energy lest they rip apart the space in this world unintentionally.

When they consumed the pallet, He had already reached the fourth stage of great way of buddha and Qingyue had tempered her whole marrow.

In these four years after that, Qingyue suggested that they discover all the nation's of the sky profound continent before they went to the divine realm to which he readily agreed... After all, at that time their strength was nothing in front of those royal rank stars. He opted to first gain enough strength before helping Qingyue to meet her mother again.

Zen was currently in the divine king realm, for anyone else it would have been impossible to achieve this feat but after he entered the divine way, he could use all the formations and runes he had knowledge of without any hesitation.

He placed a formation on himself and Qingyue which will always attracts the profound energy to his body, it was a permanent formation which ensures that he will be cultivating every minute, even during sleep that is why they mostly slept in cultivation room when necessary.

Aside from that he collected the necessary herbs required to help Qingyue in her body cultivation art.

In these years, Zen discovered a new side of her... She was extremely dedicated, her will power was on another world altogether.

She was currently in the peak of the divine tribulation realm, her talent was truly terrifying considering her age.

We came here today to relax as the surrounding here is extremely peaceful and no one will bother them too much.

"The sound of the wind combined with the slight ripples in water is extremely tranquilizing to mind" Zen said with a smile, after all they have been cultivating very hard for years.

"Hmm, unlike that Black fiend nation and divine incense nation" She said with a slight disdain towards the said Nations.

"The world is ruled by the concept of strength, Qingyue... If you have strength then no one will dare to even stand in front of you."

"Yeah, remember the time when a woman at tyrant profound wanted to 'keep' you with her for 'entertainment'?" Qingyue asked as she had an amused look.

"Yeah, she was really a mad one." Zen replied chuckling nervously, he still remembered what Qingyue did to that woman.

The same case was with Qingyue, almost everywhere they went young masters would start claiming her as their natural right which greatly annoyed Zen.

Those scums didn't even know the difference between heaven and Earth, After a while he would just cripple them secretly to not bother Qingyue.

"Hey Qingyue, if strength is justice, then is powerlessness a crime?" He said the same lines as lelouch lemparouge as he thought about the lives of the mortals and low level cultivators in this world.

Of course, he won't go saving the world and changing it... That would be useless as well as pointless... He isn't some hero wannabe who stands for righteousness and weak. It's just that he was questioning the mentality of the people here. The strength a person has is a double edged sword, you will be able to stand above the others but at the same time arrogance can also be generated.

"Yes, in this world where strength is everything, powerlessness is indeed a crime" Qingyue answered as she looked into his eyes.

*Sigh* "let's not talk about such things for now" Zen said as he gazed at the stream of water.

He placed his head on her lap, She didn't deny and started stroking his hair subconsciously.

He snuggled his face in her stomach as she giggled " haha... stop... It tickles"

They spent their day together like this relaxing in each other's company, at dusk they returned to their home.

Zen didn't waste time as he hugged her from behind and started kissing her neck.

She let out a moan as she felt his hot breath on her skin, her legs lost their strength so she leaned on to his chest for support.

Taking this chance Zen swooped her up in a princess carry and carried her to the bedroom.

Laying her down on the bed he immediately kissed her rosy lips before she could say anything.

Qingyue felt her mind going blank, her body reciprocated on her own, she hugged his back tightly while deepening the kiss.

He started caressing her skin and feel her curves like he was trying to memorize every nook and cranny of her body.

Zen's hand made their way to her bountiful breast and started massaging them earnestly.

She moaned into his mouth, taking the opportunity his tongue entered her mouth and coiled around her tongue and started exploring her mouth.

After a few minutes they separated with a trail of saliva between their mouths, Qingyue had a glazed look in her eyes filled with lust.

She initiated another kiss while he continued undressing her, taking off her bra he exposed her C-cup breast.

He continued massaging her twin mounds while still kissing her lips, separating their lips he started showering her whole body with kisses.

He pinched her left nipple while still massaging her right one, it sent an electric jolt up to her spine as her breathing turned Haggard.

His lips made their way lower to her twin peaks and started sucking on the cherry on the top, She pressed his face deeper into her chest while biting her fingers to suppress her moans.

His other hand slithered into her panties into her sacred garden and started rubbing her clit.

She moaned at aloud as it was impossible to suppress her shouts anymore.

Zen stopped for a moment to take off both of their clothes... Now finally looking at his girlfriend without a single piece of clothing and a shy expression he couldn't help but comment "Such a beautiful sight."

Her blush deepened so did her lust, Zen didn't make her wait too much as he spread her legs apart and started licking her womanhood.

His tongue went deep into her and explored her thoroughly from Inside, Qingyue placed her hands on top of his head as to push him deeper.

Experiencing such extreme pleasure she cummed on his face after a few moments and he greedily drank her love juice.

Feeling that this was enough forplay, he placed his dick on her entrance and rubbed it for lubrication then slowly entered inside her.

Along the way he felt some obstruction which he pierced without hesitation in a single thrust.

She cried out in pain and tears started forming at the corner of her eyes, a trail of blood stained the bedsheets as the proof that she lost her purity.

He kissed her lips and stroked her breast in order to ease her pain a little bit.

After a few minutes he started slowly thrusting into her.

The pain turned into pleasure as felt like she was losing herself due to extreme pleasure.

His thrusts turned faster and deeper after a few minutes, he pinched both her nipples for more stimulus.

Qingyue moaned out loud as her toes curled up and a little bit of drool escaped her lips.

The sound of flesh hitting and moaning resounded in the room.

She felt her consciousness blackout with each of his thrusts, the feeling of being full from inside was extremely addictive, she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist in hope for more pleasure.

This backfired as he started reaching deeper and deeper into her causing her to turn into a moaning mess, after a few minutes she felt something coming.

"Something's cumming!!!" She shouted.

Zen started thrusting more faster into her as he felt his own end approaching.

Feeling her cumming on his dick, he groaned and released all his load in her with a single deep thrust into her tight pussy.

Finally Climaxing, he laid down on top of her soft body still hugging her while breathing hard due to the extensive work out.

They tried to steady their breaths for a moment before looking into each other's eyes and started another make-out session.




This went on for a few hours until Zen decided to stop as it was only her first time.

He picked her up in his arms and took her to the bathroom to clean her up before sleeping as she was too tired to even move.

He was very much tempted when he cleaned her curvy body but decided against it when he saw her tired expression.

Using his primordial energy he cleaned up the bedsheets and laid her down, they both were still naked after their previous activity but they didn't mind.

Pulling a blanket over their bodies he used his left arm to hug her waist while stroking her hair with his other hand.

Looking at the peaceful expression on her face he couldn't help but sigh in contentment.

It has been six years since they gave their relationship a name but it is today that they finally committed themselves to each other.

He had the enough strength to protect her, at least for now, he knew that together they both will be able to overcome any situation.

She decided to trust him with her mother's case so he will obviously not disappoint her. When he gets enough strength he will take her to the Moon god realm, after that she will have to deal with her mother herself.

'The plot is going to start in a few months... I wonder what other changes this world has compared to the one I know?' he thought.

'I have to go back to floating cloud city to see if I could find Jasmine there.' He decided recollecting that Jasmine comes to this planet when Canon starts.

"Well... we will see what happens" He muttered looking at his beautiful girlfriend in his embrace.

Smiling again he also dozed off to sleep.





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