

Zen is a young assassin who started his training at the age of 10. one day after his mission unfortunately he met his demise but that doesn't end his journey as he gets reincarnated in ATG with 3 wishes and a system. follow him through his journey as he changes fate of people, face slap young Masters and find his true love all the while getting stronger. [It is my first time writing a fanfic, their can be grammatical mistakes and spelling errors, this story in no way will be perfect!!] The cover doesn't belong to me...

Cute_lama · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

New fic

Hey guys, I have published a new fic by the name of 'ATG transmigrator'.

Don't worry, I will just write that one only in my free time.

Sometimes you want to write something without caring about the plot and you know, I really like that free style of writing.

I will still continue writing this one.

btw if you have time plz check out that fic also, it will be on my ID.