

Zen is a young assassin who started his training at the age of 10. one day after his mission unfortunately he met his demise but that doesn't end his journey as he gets reincarnated in ATG with 3 wishes and a system. follow him through his journey as he changes fate of people, face slap young Masters and find his true love all the while getting stronger. [It is my first time writing a fanfic, their can be grammatical mistakes and spelling errors, this story in no way will be perfect!!] The cover doesn't belong to me...

Cute_lama · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs


Before starting this is his current status, haven't shown it for quite a while now.


[Name: Zen long]

[Age: 17 yrs]

[Cultivation realm: late stages of divine king.]

[Cultivation arts: unyielding blazing art, divine blizzard art, rumbling thunder art, shattering tempest art.]

[Abilities: runic master, medicine master, assassination, swordsmanship and cooking]

[Weapon: Yamato]

[SP: 21000]

He learned the lightning profound art and wind profound art in the timeskip, and he obviously earned some SP too at the same time...


Next morning Zen woke up early before Qingyue, he hugged her soft body close to him for a few minutes and then eventually decided to make some breakfast for both of them.

Slipping outside the bed he made sure to not make any noise as to not wake her up.

He put on a casual T-shirt and some shorts and made his way to the kitchen.

His cooking skills have improved considerably over time, it's not like he has to cook all the time but he still likes to make food for himself and Qingyue.

He made two avocado with poached eggs sandwich, aside from that he made two banana cinnamon smoothies. Placing the food on the tray he made his way back to his room.

Arriving in his room he saw Qingyue has woken up and is stretching her arms while yawning.

He smiled and greeted her "Good morning, beautiful."

"Good morning"

"Wanna have some breakfast"


He placed the tray on her lap and sat beside her to eat.

They both were silent when eating. They both were a little hesitant to talk after what happened yesterday.

They both liked doing it and enjoyed themselves but they now didn't know how to interact with other.

Should they be all lovey-dovey like a newly married couple? or should they act still the same?

Both the options looked inappropriate in their eyes with former being embarrassing and the latter was like saying nothing happened.

Qingyue was the one who acted more conscience about this, since girls were supposed to marry a man before consummating their marriage in this world.

(A/n: I'm just writing BS, I myself just making this up assuming that in that type of world it is a big deal to be a virgin while marrying.)

This made things more complicated for her, she had trust in him but she still couldn't help but feel a little insecure about her situation.

"Qingyue, I was thinking of going back to meet your father and my sister, what do you think?" Zen asked in hope to break the uncomfortable silence.

"of course, I also wanted to see father after all this time." She nodded her head and said without thinking.

"hey Qingyue, was it too early for you yesterday?" He asked looking into her eyes.

he didn't regret any of his actions... But he still has to think of her feelings too, after all they were lovers, he has to also consider her feelings and respect her decisions.

"It's not like that, we have been together for so long, it's completely natural that if we engage in intimacy... I just don't want to be recognized as just your travelling companion or girlfriend..." She went silent after that but Zen could decipher the meaning behind clearly.

To be honest, Zen also didn't had any qualms in marrying her, on the contrary he would happily accept such outcome but he just wanted her confirmation, marrying him would mean that she will have to follow him for the rest of her life.

Even though they confessed to each other to be together a long time ago, it was in the end when she was just ten years old, so he waited for her to be able to make her decisions before she could commit herself to him.

"Qingyue, I love you... I told you this years ago and want to say it again to you clearly... Will you be my wife?"

Qingyue looked at his lover, her boyfriend and his partner standing in front of her. She was still in her own thoughts about their future when she heard his words.

These were the words she wanted to hear from him, Sometimes she would imagine them getting married with each other, reaching to the top of martial arts and living their whole life with each other.

She was in the end still a teenage girl, she had her moments when she would imagine about some things like...

What will happen when he proposed to her? Will they both get married someday? What would it be like to get married?

She always had a slight anticipation in her mind regarding these subjects but now that he proposed a marriage, she couldn't form any words.

She knew that she want to marry him but the words were stuck in her throat, she didn't know how to express her feelings, she was just so overwhelmed at this moment.

Instead of words she decided to tell him with her actions, without saying a word she tightly hugged him and connected their lips.

Zen also reciprocated with the same passion, he could more or less tell what was going on her mind, that is the reason he asked for marriage.

For him, marriage is nothing more than a bunch of vows who are not remembered by anyone and bowing down in front of the imaginary heavens.

As if the heavens have time to attend to every wedding...

He didn't have any problem with that as long as he didn't have to go through the same thing and he also respected the beliefs and traditions.

He never would have accepted such stupidity if not for Qingyue...

He believed that instead of some nonsensical promises, one should prove themselves by their actions.

They both kissed each other for a long time before they got out of breath...

Breathing heavily they looked into each other's eyes, Zen could see that she liked the idea and that was enough for him.

Pulling apart he could see that she was still not satisfied, the look of longing in her eyes gave it all away.

He immediately started kissing the nape of her neck, she moaned softly in response, he knew with his knowledge that the neck is one of the most sensitive area of women.

Qingyue hadn't put on any clothes in the first place, so he used that to his advantage and brushed his fingers against her sacred region to feel that she was already wet.

An hour later, after Zen satisfied his future wife again he was lying on the bed with his head in his hands.

Qingyue was resting her head on his head as they both enjoyed the comfortable and warm atmosphere.

"Husband, is it possible that you will have more wives in the future?" She asked after some time with a casual tone but Zen could feel the seriousness in it.

Zen was really stumped to hear such a question, he himself didn't know the answer to that... Sure, in this world polygamy is common, but will it really be acceptable to Qingyue? She was his first love in this world, he knew there were many more beautiful woman and there can be a moment when he has to accept another lover.

Zen hesitated in answering her, after all he just proposed her for marriage, if he tells her that it is possible for him to have another wife in future then what will be her reaction?

Will she get angry? Or she will get sad or disheartened?

He was really in a dilemma, he didn't want to lie to her but he couldn't tell her the truth either.

While he was thinking all this, Qingyue didn't pursue further and waited patiently for his reply.

After a few moments, Zen finally decided to bite the bullet and tell her his honest thoughts, it is better to tell her now that she has asked herself.

"It is possible that beside you there is another woman who I see as a love interest in the future." He slowly but firmly stated.

He wanted to dig out any possible misunderstandings that can happen in future.

Qingyue's grip on him tightened after hearing his answer...

Even though she already knew in her mind that this was the most possible reply, she couldn't help but feel a slight ache in her heart.

She spent almost all of her life with him, but the possibility of sharing his husband with some vixen who met him for a short period of time was leaving a sour taste in her mouth.

She obviously wanted to have his love all for herself, after all which type of idiotic woman will willingly share her lover with someone else...

But even after that she knew that she herself was not completely worthy of taking all his love.

Everything she currently has is given to her by him, her strength of which she was proud of is given to her by him, he also saved her from loneliness when her mother just abandoned her, he was always by her side when she needed help.

How can she remain stubborn and selfish after all this?

This was the only reason that she even accepted the idea of sharing him with another woman, if not for that she would've froze any woman who tried to be a homewrecker.

"Qingyue understands" She gave a short reply and proceeded to close her eyes, she knew that if she didn't then her husband would recognize the obvious disappointment in her tone.

But unknown to her, Zen already knew everything, the pause in between giving him reply was enough for him to tell that she was reluctant to the idea of him with having another lover.

But he didn't said anything, he would very well hurt her now then to break her heart in the future.

"You will always be my first love Qingyue, any other woman would always be second" He said trying to cheer her up a little.

Qingyue smiled internally at his attempts, even though she hated to even imagine the future where there will be another woman in this bed with them, she still felt a little happy to be his first wife.

'yes, I am his first wife and no one can change that, but even though I agreed I still won't let just anyone to be with him' She consoled herself while thinking of her plans.

Zen saw his wife who was deep in her own thoughts, he wanted to roll his eyes at how cute she looked pondering something seriously.

Qingyue after a few minutes nodded her head to herself with a resolute face.

She then looked at him with a serious look and said "Husband, in the future you will inform Qingyue first before courting a woman" Zen could feel that her tone held not even a single bit of doubt so he nodded his head with a gentle smile.

"Enough about the future, don't you think we should talk about the present" Zen said trying to change he topic.

He then looked at her still naked body and showed a perverted smile.

Qingyue shuddered as she hurriedly said "B-but we have already done it just now." She had a little blush on her face.

Zen groped her perfect breast and whispered in her ears "I was just giving you some time to rest, my wife."

After saying that they both started another make-out session that soon escalated into a steamy sex.

They both indulged in the pleasure of flesh till night came along and they both finally decided to end their little session there.

Looking at her wife who had a satisfied look on her face, he sighed happily.

"Qingyue, after having sex you have obtained my virgin yang, you should cultivate it as it will probably help you to step into divine spirit realm." He advised her as he was in the divine king realm, the benefits gained from dual cultivating with him are also enormous.

She nodded her head obediently and Zen proceeded to transfer her to the cultivation realm.

After that he started checking his own body, previously when he took her virgin yin he felt something entering his body. He only now remembered about her special physique.

By copulating with her he also gained a miniature world inside him boosting his comprehension speed and allowing him to learn as many cultivation arts as he would like.

He wasn't in a need of this but still valued it as something given by her.

He also teleported to his personal room and started absorbing her yin energy, he wouldn't get much from it but still it was something.





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