
Reincarnation as a Peerless Martial God / Cultivator with Sharingan!

Cultivation is dangerous. So many hardships a person must go through to get to the peak of their abilities. But how much easier would it be to achieve superior strength if Lin Feng had Sharingan and canon knowledge?

blazerboe2020 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


Raising his fist and activating the "Nine Turns of Heruka" technique, Lin Feng hit the wall with all his physical strength, leaving a clear imprint. "From now on, Duan Han, with the sixth level of Ling Qi, you are no match for me!" thought the main character, flexing his stiff shoulders. With the body tempering skill and unity, which allows you to combine Strength and Qi, he was completely confident in his abilities and was ready to fight with the capital practitioners.

Feeling the energy fluctuate under his feet, he lowered his gaze to the floor: there was a new message from the mighty ancient cultivator. The Chinese calligraphy was carved in a sharp and rigid style, leaving behind a frightening Qi.

"Buddha or Heruka?" Good or evil? It's up to you! You got the reception I left, congratulations! In order to understand the "Nine Turns" completely, you need to have an excellent understanding and a developed imagination. Finally, I will give you, my guest, one warning that should save you from real problems: do not dare to touch, move or steal the statue! Lin Feng read, feeling a huge threat in the last words.

Walking around the sculpture of the demon, the guy caught himself thinking that he would not mind creating even more problems for himself. He was ready to touch the ten-meter-tall figure without fear of consequences.

"Stop! What am I even thinking about?! Did my critical thinking fail at such a crucial moment?! " - the guy woke up, with his back to the wall. Heruka scared him. Very scary.

"All right, all right. I will definitely come back here, but only when I become much stronger! Lin Feng promised himself as he stepped into the gray passageway.

After it passed these two arrays, they stopped working, as they had already fulfilled their true purpose. Each formation ceases to function over time, becoming weaker and weaker. Arriving at the main room, the guy opened the space of Kamui and released his friends. Han Man and Po Jun, sensing the change in the atmosphere, looked around, soon noticing their friend and the huge room.

"Lin Feng, tell me what happened." And where are we? "What's the matter?" the big man asked, his thick sandy brows furrowing for the first time since they'd met.

The ever-quiet and cautious spearman began to spread cold Qi, preparing for the attack. He considered the whole situation wildly suspicious, so he didn't lose his judgment.

"I'm sorry!" The main character exclaimed sincerely, making a small bow. – We are now in an ancient temple that lies under the Precipice of the Abyss.

After hearing the apology from the bottom of their hearts, Han Man and Po Jun were able to calm down a little. The guy's voice was slightly shaky, and the guys were pretty surprised by this.

"I don't understand, Lin Feng, why did you put us to sleep and send us to some unknown place?" The big man asked a more specific question, scratching his dark cheek.

"Yun Hai is destroyed..." the owner of Indra's eyes replied in a calm and desolate voice, clenching his fists.

- What?! Both of them exclaimed in shock, feeling dizzy.

"Tell me." Stop delaying the details – " Po Jun said in a cold voice, fixing Lin Feng with his sharp, contemptuous gaze.

"Don't you dare look at me like that!" All the disciples, all the elders, died before my eyes! The patriarch gave me his ring and died from being stabbed in the back! The Imperial Palace conspired with the rest of the sects and dealt a crushing blow! The main character spoke furiously, taking a step forward and grabbing the skinny guy by the collar. The sharp sword Qi burst out of his body, taking the shape of blades.

"You knocked us out." You're the only survivor. You became the Head. Suspicious! Po Jun replied, completely unconcerned about his life. His pupil changed its shape, turning into a sharp and sharp spear.

- Calm down, calm down, friends. I believe you, Lin Feng, no need to fight! Han Man stepped forward anxiously, pushing the main character aside. Looking into his red eyes, filled with sadness and pain, the big man fully believed in the truth of his story.

- Yes, yes. I'm not a traitor, Po Jun. I have a spirit that can move faster. Patriarch Nan Gong Ling handed over his post to me because he believed in me and my talent. I won't let him down! Lin Feng explained, shaking his head at his excessive temper.

"Lin Feng, we thank you, you saved us from death by using your spirit. I'm not going to run away from responsibility and help you resurrect the Yun Hai Sect! Han Man offered his support in a serious voice. His light brown eyes became more intense, complementing his brave look.

"It's useless to stay away," Po Jun said in a harsh tone of voice. He wasn't going to fool around. He needed to urgently break through to the Ling Qi stage and see the broken sect with his own eyes.

- Hah. Honestly, I'm very glad that you didn't lose heart, " Lin Feng smiled wryly, letting out a sigh of relief. "The temple is rich in ancient energy. Relax and practice it is a pleasure! " - said the guy, watching the flow of the age-old Qi with a sharingan.

"Duan Tian Lan is the nobleman who caused the Yun Hai massacre. We are obliged to go and honor the memory of our fellow students in Storm Gorge, " the main character continued his speech, taking on the final role of leader. Using Kamui, he opened a funnel in space, spilling out a large stack of books with techniques.

Without hesitation, the guy told Han Man and Po Jun to learn two new techniques in five days, thus expanding their combat capabilities. Without doubting his companions, he gave them a hundred low-grade purity stones and went to a private room to improve "Mountain-Crushing Blow" and "Nine Heavy Waves". Lin Feng didn't find a suitable battle ground, so he had to leave the temple. He began to practice hard in the dark and damp cave.

After releasing the first page of the heavenly spirit, he began to visualize the two skills in his head, looking for a way to combine them. "Mountain Smashing Strike" collects energy at one point and releases it at a time. "Nine heavy waves" work according to a similar scheme-they collect air flows on the hand and throw them towards the opponent. Disconnected from the outside world, the young man connected with the darkness in search of enlightenment. Breathing steadily and moving smoothly, the guy performed two techniques in turn. Ignoring the events around him, Lin Feng dissolved into time to clear his heart and combine the two techniques.

"I need to connect all nine air currents to one point and release one devastating wave filled with my Qi! A wave that shakes the mountains!" The guy abruptly opened his red eyes and, without holding back, performed an unknown skill. The wind swirled around his right fist, wrapping his hand in a light blue sphere. Then he struck the rocky cave wall, and the energy gathered in the fist and ball surged forward, destroying everything in its path.

- Powerful! Han Man exclaimed as he looked up from his training and came running at the ringing noise.

"Hooray!" the main character shouted, falling to his knees from exhaustion. After remaining in an unusual state for four days, he achieved excellent results.

"Are you okay?" The big man asked, holding out his paw. After accepting the help, Lin Feng slowly started to get to his feet, leaning on his friend.

– How are you doing? "what is it?" the boy asked, walking wearily toward the temple.

"Heh-heh-heh." Po Jun and I broke through and learned new skills! Han Man shared his joy with a relaxed chuckle. His levity and confidence simply cannot be shaken.

– You are already at the third level of Ling Qi. I think you should go deeper into the knowledge of your earth spirit in order to defeat the practitioners who are at a higher level, " Lin Feng advised, hoping that the big man would listen to him and become much stronger.

"I understand you, my friend," Han Man nodded with a determined smile.

After raising each other's morale, the two close friends entered the temple and immediately saw Po Jun practicing with a spear in the middle of the room. His movements were quick and sharp. The tip of the long spear glistened as it filled with Power and Qi. With a final lunge, the boy shouted at the top of his voice, releasing a thin beam from the tip of the weapon. The strip of light made a smooth hole in the cobblestone that was at the edge of the room. Han Man and Po Jun brought it out of the cave together, deciding to practice techniques on it.

"Not bad,not bad! Lin Feng nodded contentedly. "He needs to increase his cultivation speed urgently so that he won't be in the shadow of the others," he thought as he watched the skill of the skinny spearman with short black hair.

- no. This is not enough. I should try harder, " Po Jun replied in an aloof tone to the praise. His eyes glowed with an unusual light green light. He joined Yun Hai to become stronger and help his sister with a global problem.

"Don't overexert yourself, friend," Han Man said, slapping the shoulder of the glowing young man. "Lin Feng, you have gone through a difficult period and gained invaluable experience. Po Jun and I worked hard to learn the new black and earth rank skills. Perhaps it's enough for all of us to sit in one place, aimlessly plunging into ourselves. We need to move on. Command us, Brother Feng! The big man began to say the right and wise things, spreading a righteous military aura. He put himself in the role of a real officer, that he is ready to support the morale of his general.

- Heh. I understand you, brother. Tomorrow, we will honor the memory of our fellow students and elders who were trapped by the dirty manipulations of the Imperial Duan Clan! - the main character answered menacingly and imperiously, maintaining the fighting spirit in the atmosphere.

With a nod to each other, everyone went to their separate rooms to get their condition in order. They trained for four days, spent and replenished their energy, thus loading their dantian and mind. Meditating and resting, they approached the cherished day.

"It's time!" Lin Feng resolutely got up from the bed and followed the others outside. He had made a powerful leap in these five days: he had acquired a body tempering skill and created a new one.

After entering the main room, the protagonist greeted Han Man and Po Jun, handing them the silver masks left behind by the temple's past practitioners. Placing his hands on their shoulders and activating the mangekye sharingan, he activated teleportation to move with the two companions to the surface. A moment later, the three guys were already on the high cliff of Storm Gorge. The air was pleasantly cool and fresh. Looking down, they were struck by the situation before their eyes.

Several hundred young practitioners prowled around the legendary Arena of Life and Death, wanting to rob the corpses of the fallen disciples and elders. They stripped the corpses of their clothes and searched their pockets for skill books. Disgusting. In absolute silence, people did not interfere with each other, happily spending time stealing and dumping corpses into the river of blood.

"A massacre?" The protagonist suggested in a cold voice, spreading the terrible Qi of death. On his face was a black mask given by Patriarch Nan Gong Ling.

– I don't like to kill people, but they're not people, damn it, they're real creatures, completely oblivious to conscience and honor!" Han Man exclaimed, releasing his earth spirit. His eyes were a rich, sandy color. Leaping down, the big man left a deep imprint on the ground, spreading murderous intent.

The young practitioners, disciples of small sects nearby, turned at the noise and saw a burly guy surrounded by a brown aura. While crossing the gorge, Han Man used his new black rank technique, taking the lives of all the thieves. His hands were surrounded by earth and sand, making them stronger and stronger.

"People! Join a group! He wants to take our treasures! The second-level guy, Ling Qi, shouted. All the people who decided to climb into the Gorge and act like typical scavengers were not particularly strong cultivators, and had only the first to third levels of the Ling Qi layer.

When people gathered in large teams, they expected to see the fear on the face of the unknown big man in the mask and his retreat, but he continued to push hard at them, ignoring all threats.

Han Man grew stronger with every step. Using his full potential, he mercilessly killed the greedy robbers. A few seconds later, hundreds of Ling Qi practitioners gathered in a temporary alliance, facilitating the mass murder and falling into the trap of the three friends. After jumping down into the Gorge, Lin Feng was going to use four hundred turns to deal with all the people with his bare hands. With a blackened body, he rushed to the other end of the crowd, wanting to test his new abilities.

Seeing another unknown practitioner approaching from behind, the disciples attacked with all their might, determined to finish him off quickly. With a cold snort, the protagonist calmly took on dozens of blows, standing with his head held high. With a heavy rumble and dust rising, the guy retreated only a couple of steps, remaining completely unharmed. Laughing at what was happening, Lin Feng threw off steam, punching through the chests of the nearest students with his fists. The boy ignored the panic that had risen. He carefully monitored his physical strength, blowing everyone's heads off with his palms alone. The third-level practitioners couldn't break through the blackened guy's defenses, wasting their Qi reserves.

"Buddha or Heruka? It all depends on the situation. Heh, personally, I will be both! " the main character thought with a chuckle, not taking the side of either good or evil.

Pinned down on both sides, the students, the Elite in their small sects, made the right decision at such a moment, rushing to flee. Han Man and Lin Feng did not catch up with the few dozen survivors, leaving them to be torn apart by the Jun. The spearman decided not to delay the performance and came out of his hiding place. With a makeshift spear at the ready, he took one step forward, using a learned earth-rank technique specially created for wood spirit users. The crowd felt the vibrations under the ground, but before they could react properly, they had already run into the sharp roots that Po Jun had taken control of. Watching the general carnage, the three friends nodded to each other with satisfaction, intending to bury the remains of their fellow students.

- Hey! I'm in charge here! Tell me, why did you kill all these people? A loud, haughty voice came from the rest area. A twenty-two-year-old green-eyed boy lounged in the big chair where the Patriarch usually sat.

"Hmm. A familiar face. Definitely. Judging from Ling Qi's fifth level, he was definitely a ranked Core Disciple in the past!»

"Who are you?" Lin Feng asked coldly, waiting for his words to be confirmed.

– I'm the one who keeps order in this place. In the past, I was a true pillar of the sect! Director Duan Tian Lan saw the potential in me and entrusted me with the control of all the things in the Gorge. You better not piss me off and get out of here, guys! Former Core Disciple Yun Hai stood up from his seat, spreading murderous intent. Being on the fifth level, he was not afraid of them, hoping to frighten strangers with just words.

"Disgusting!" Have respect for the young men who died, traitor! Han Man exclaimed. Unable to stand such insolence from a former fellow student, he released his spirit, wanting to shut the traitor's dirty mouth.

"You sure?" "what's the matter?" the guy asked, after covering the entire distance. Spreading the raw energy, he gave the big man a powerful push in the chest, sending him flying.

Lin Feng caught Han Man and lowered him to the ground, then followed him with a firm gait towards the new enemy.

– The fourth level of Ling Qi?" Don't make me laugh, I was in the top thirty strongest Core Disciples! The boy said in a haughty and mocking tone, his green eyes flashing.

Taking off, he thrust his right palm forward and delivered a lash. The main character smiled as he activated the mangekye. He was now temporarily invulnerable.

"Great! I can become a completely unkillable person for a full four seconds!" Lin Feng thought happily as he passed through the guy's body.

Taken aback, the practitioner slid a couple of meters forward and then turned to the main character. The guy did not expect this development. While he was wondering, he got hit in the face, losing a lot of teeth.

"It'll heal before the wedding!" Lin Feng said sarcastically, turning over the unconscious carcass.