
Reincarnation as a Peerless Martial God / Cultivator with Sharingan!

Cultivation is dangerous. So many hardships a person must go through to get to the peak of their abilities. But how much easier would it be to achieve superior strength if Lin Feng had Sharingan and canon knowledge?

blazerboe2020 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


Pulling out a white cloth from the domain, Lin Feng wiped his hands, which were completely bathed in blood, on it. Han Man sat next to him in the lotus position and healed his internal wounds. The main character pulled out a bottle of pills.

- Catch it, big guy! The guy said as he tossed the glowing pill he received for passing the Abyss Cliff.

- Thank you! The owner of the earth spirit opened his eyes and caught the medicine. Throwing it in his mouth, he continued to rapidly heal.

– What are we going to do with it?" Po Jun asked coldly as he stepped on the body of the former Master Disciple.

"Kill him?" Han Man suggested, opening one eye slightly. His heart hardened after he and his friends killed hundreds of people. If you do not arrange the death of your enemies, then they will definitely take revenge by taking the lives of your loved ones.

- no. Listen, guys, with the help of my eye spirit, I can send illusions into the victim's mind for various actions and forcibly invade her consciousness. Thus, I want to test his memory to find out all the subsequent actions of Duan Tian Lang, " Lin Feng told his plan, gradually revealing the possibilities of sharingan to his friends.

"A powerful ability," Po Jun whispered enviously, clenching his fists.

– If you take into account the potential, then your tree spirit is much more dangerous in battle than my illusions, - the main character replied, supporting his friend. In fact, he didn't lie to him, realizing the great potential that lies in such a spirit. In Chinese mythology, a tree is an element that acts throughout the universe and symbolizes spring.

- A pure heart, backed by a strong will, is the key to real success on the path to immortality! Han Man spoke wisdom, giving the spearman spirit. He went to the unconscious body and sat down beside it, giving the traitor a ringing slap in the face, waking him from his sleep.

"Heh. Han Man is such a Han Man! " Lin Feng thought with amusement, shaking his head. He would probably never get used to the variety of the big man's personality.

"All right. Let's get started! grabbing the guy by the shoulders, the main character looked into the green misty eyes of the recently awakened traitor. "Sharingan: Genjutsu!" he said to himself, and began a cursory scan of his victim's memory.

A five-pointed black shuriken swirled in Lin Feng's eyes. Checking the memories of the last week, the guy spent all his mental strength to touch the memory that was eluding him. In his mind, other people's memories began to flash, in which a man with a golden armor divides the Singh Chen pavilion among the other Patriarchs of influential sects. In the following segments, Duan Tian Lang leads all the ranked students away, talking about the charms of Xue Yue's future Courtyard. Leaving the young man at the temporary post, the Emperor's brother flew away towards the capital, leading the others.

"Well?" Han Man asked impatiently as he waited for the procedure to finish.

– Xue Yue's courtyard will open to everyone in half a month. I suggest that we move to the capital to make a real noise there and become stronger along the way. We must be the most powerful in the Imperial City! "Duan Tian Lan longs for my imminent death, fearing a bloody vengeance," Lin Feng said in a pompous and motivating speech. I need my own support from talented fighters, with whom we will go through fire and water. I have a lot of plans for the future, I hope you are ready to help me, friends? - the main character completed his speech, ignoring the green-eyed student who was drooling. After genjutsu, he looked like a retarded person.

– Lin Feng, please don't forget that we also have our own personal goals that we pursue. In the capital, we will find all sorts of opportunities that will be useful to us in overcoming various obstacles on the way. My family is famous for its harvest. It accepts large orders from one city. My father is forced to work and push himself to the point of unconsciousness. Understand, I need to check on my parents first. The truth is, comrades, that I joined Yun Hai to become stronger and defeat the city ruler! Han Man replied in a heavy and oppressive voice. His father works hard to feed them. He must come to the city, which bears the catchy name "Tavern", and destroy its Head.

– I have broken through to a new stage, and with new opportunities, I must save my sister. If I'm not in the capital in half a month, then find me in the Po clan of my native Cold City, " Po Jun said in a detached voice, throwing away the broken tree spear. He was going to create a new one.

– I understand both of you. First, we will help you individually, and then we will recreate Yun Hai! Lin Feng nodded sternly, intending to go to the two named cities in the future.

Pausing in their place, the group peered into the distance and noticed a layer of dust on the horizon. A loud clatter of hooves resounded throughout the area. Lin Feng had a strange premonition: he grabbed his friends and moved away, breaking out of the circle that was full of blood-armored warriors. After encircling the Gorge in a mere couple of seconds, Chi Xue's cavalry on their unique dragon horses parted, opening a passage for a noble man with long white hair. Riding over the rocks on his formidable steed, he reached the Arena of Life and Death. His eyes were filled with boundless pain and fear.

"GENERAL!" the cavalry shouted, looking at the pale and helpless Liu Kang Lang. Leaping from the animal, he dropped to his knees, banging his forehead on the ground.

"Liu Fei's father!" said Lin Feng, standing on a high mountain with his friends.

"Protector Bey, forgive your obnoxious disciple! Nan Gong Ling, forgive your worthless friend! The man sobbed loudly, shedding tears filled with shame and impotence. Liu Kang Lang abandoned the sect, going to the borders of the country to protect it from attacks. He loved Yun Hai with all his heart, but he did nothing to help her develop. Trusting Duan Tian Lang, the man made a huge mistake by borrowing Chi Xue's Cavalry for a while.

"General, don't blame yourself. The Imperial clan has deceived us all! The soldiers declared, dropping to their knees to ease their commander's heavy burden.

"Stand up!" My whole life is a mistake! I protected Xue Yue for twenty years, only to end up with a knife in my back. Yoon Hai, I'm sorry! Liu Kang Lang shouted in a desolate voice, about to commit suicide. He sent Qi through the internal channels, intending to destroy his organs.

"GENERAL! NO! The soldiers shouted with tears in their eyes, having lost all their insensitivity earned in countless battles.

– It's amazing how you even managed to achieve high-profile victories on the battlefield with such a small will?" A vicious and sarcastic voice rang out throughout the Gorge. Liu Kang Lang, who had not expected this, stopped the flow of Qi through the channels, looking towards the young figure.

The Cavalry shifted their surprised and furious gaze to one of the rocks, startled by the unexpected visitor that no one could sense. The warriors ' eyes were filled with murderous intent. A huge pressure descended on Lin Feng's body, wanting to crush his bones. However, the main character continued to stand in his place, making turns of evil energy.

– You look too flabby for your forty-something years, old man. You know, if you're going to suffer, then suffer, damn you! Father of the year, tell me, do you really want your daughter to marry Duan Han and suffer all her life as well? - the guy continued his angry curse, hoping to reach the man's mind and awaken his fighting spirit.

- Liu Fei... General Divine Arrow whispered, trembling all over. Closing his red-rimmed eyes, he heard a cacophony of sounds straight out of the past.

Many young people of different ages and genders were in the crowd, discussing the fights of the Core Apprentice exams. A handsome young man with black hair was fighting on the stage. With his spirit of the arrow, he struck down all the spectators, passing judgment on his opponent. Having won, the guy smiled charmingly at the crowd, directing his gaze at the young girl with soft pink hair, who had a huge status in the person of the Patriarch's daughter.

Liu Kang Lang had a vision of doom and horror as soon as he opened his eyes. People were screaming and begging. However, the arrows continued to rain down on their mortal bodies. Gritting his teeth, the gray-haired man suffered and suffered, completely agreeing with the stranger's hot speech. He can't leave his daughter in someone else's care.

"DUAN CLAN! I WILL DEFINITELY TAKE MY REVENGE ON YOU! " the General shouted, getting up from his knees. There was no longer any pain or sadness in his eyes. They were burning with determination and bloodlust.

- YES!!! The army responded wholeheartedly, glad that their commander had changed his mind about his death.

Climbing on his horse, Liu Kang Lang gave a firm order to bury all the dead and rushed with the remaining men of the Chi Xue Cavalry towards the center of the entire Xue Yue Kingdom, with big plans for the capital. After taking one last look at the young man in the black mask, the man shuddered all over, feeling the pressure of the blood eyes on him. He did not stop to learn his identity, but trusted his war-hardened intuition. A sixth sense told him that they would meet again soon.

After seeing off the swift army with his eyes, the main character moved to his friends, who were hiding on a high mountain. Lin Feng took off his mask and looked at his companions in disbelief. They stared with bewitched eyes at the retreating red army. The guy slapped his hands together with great force, creating a loud shock wave.

- Amazing! Amazing! Han Man exclaimed, coming out of his trance.

- Legendary warriors. Po Jun grinned harshly, showing emotion.

– They're your idols, right?" The main character asked in an interested tone, sitting down on a large boulder.

"Liu Kang Lang is a nationally renowned genius who was able to achieve everything on his own. He's a real role model! Han Man said, flashing a happy, childish smile.

"Despite his poor condition, he continues to look noble, overpowering everyone with his majesty," Po Jun added, forcing genuine admiration out of his cold voice.

"I understand," Lin Feng said with a smile, turning his attention to the beautiful evening sky.

A few seconds later, the boy stood up from the rock and took out a spear from the Kamui. It is in the rank of a spiritual weapon and is used by peak Ling Qi practitioners. The main character began to twist it in his hand, demonstrating a good technique.

"It's yours, friend. Catch it! The guy said, throwing the cold weapon into Po Jun's hands.

"From where?" The spearman asked in confusion, holding the soul weapon in his hands.

"The temple! Lin Feng replied confidently, not hiding anything. He has several dozen different spiritual instruments in his reserve, which were previously resting in the dusty main room, waiting for their adventures.

"Time to go?" The big man asked with an awkward tone, glancing at the two friends.

"It's time!" The protagonist replied with burning eyes. "Meng Qing, wait for me!»

- Good luck to you guys! Hiding his sadness, Han Man said as he took Lin Feng and Po Jun in a heavy bear hug. With a cheerful snort, the owner of the four spirits applied impalpability and stopped feeling suffocated.

"You're too sentimental," the spearman said in an aloof and unfeeling tone, pulling away from the big man's big hands.

After looking at Po Jun's pale and angry face, Lin Feng and Han Man let out a light laugh, then turned their backs on each other and went their separate ways. They didn't look back. The three of them rushed off on their own paths, preparing to finish their personal matters.

Jumping through the air, the main character began to remember the pages of the novel intensely, wanting to know the details of the first meeting with Meng Qing. Standing on the branch of a random tree, Lin Feng resolutely beat his head against the tree bark, cursing his memory. But soon he calmed down and knocked out all the negativity. Activating the Kamui, he moved to the main room of the temple.

With the help of the first page of the heavenly book, Lin Feng explored the cave that was the resting place of the wandering cultivator, even found a secret passage that leads to fresh air. Moving through the winding gray cave, the guy came out, finding himself in the depths of Black Wind Mountain. After climbing a tree, he sat down on a branch and spoke to his spirit.

"I must win the heart of my favorite character by showing her a charming world! Heavenly book, please help me! " - releasing a source of knowledge glowing with a mysterious light, the guy used the world of darkness to the full and used the maximum of his potential.

Dark purple lines began to cross over Lin Feng's entire body as he thoroughly explored the entire area, sifting out plants and wild animals. "I found it!" the main character exclaimed in his thoughts, getting up from his seat. Flashing a happy smile, he activated the mangekye sharingan: he decided to move through his domain, so as not to fall into the clutches of powerful monsters.

A funnel of emptiness appeared in space, forming a figure in black and red clothing. Trembling with excitement, Lin Feng slowly walked out of the thick tree, entering the realm of perception of an unusual person. Purposefully walking to the lake, the guy stopped at its shore, turning his attention to the divine beauty of the silhouette. A young girl, with hair the color of the abyss, sat on a high, lonely rock, turning her lovely eyes to the bright moon. Under the light of the moon disk, she looked like a real queen of the night, who descended to the mortal earth to illuminate everyone with her splendor.

"Who are you?" The girl asked in a cool, beautiful voice. She spoke in a completely neutral tone, without expressing any emotion.

"Her appearance surpassed all my expectations," the main character said to himself with a wry smile. He devoured her with eyes full of admiration, marveling at the reality of such beauty.

– I, Lin Feng, am an ordinary lost practitioner. - with a sad sigh, the guy replied, turning on his theatrical skills.

- I see. And I ran away from my mother to see the outside world. - the beautiful maiden told about herself very honestly.

"Naive. Very naive! " - thought the main character, looking into the lovely cold eyes.

– I have a proposition for you, nameless lady. You will lead me out of this land, and I will show you the life outside of Black Wind Mountain!" Lin Feng solemnly declared, flashing a confident smile. In such an uncomplicated way, he was going to take the most real waifa from his previous life into his adventures.

"Dreams come true!" - the guy turned away, wiping the incoming tears with his sleeve. At such moments, he was ready to happily forgive the fate of the villain, who often did him all sorts of nasty things.

"Nameless?" Okay, then you can give me a name. The ice queen offered a solution, looking at the main character with crystal clear eyes.

"Meng Qing!" Lin Feng replied without hesitation, considering it a real blasphemy to change the character's nickname. By the way, the Meng character means "to dream", and the following Qing character means "mistress". "With such a beauty, whole countries will fight for her, in order to take her as a wife!»

"All right. Follow me." I know the safe way. She said, remaining completely taciturn.

With a nod, Lin Feng walked behind Meng Qing, looking at her magnificent white-robed figure. When he was alone with the beautiful celestial, he remained absolutely calm. His whole being took pleasure in such pleasant company.

– We are in the Xue Yue Kingdom!" It contains several dozen cities, including a huge capital. Many taverns and villages are scattered throughout the area. The latter are usually inhabited by the most ordinary people who could not break through above the Ki stage. The strongest clans are gathered in the Imperial City. The Yue family possesses the blood spirit of the heavenly fang, and the Yu family uses sound techniques aimed at destroying the eardrums! Lin Feng began a detailed story, referring to his meager knowledge that does not shine with particularly important secrets. Lin Hai only told the basics of this world, not expecting that they would be useful.

– I know about the Yun Hai Sect that borders Black Wind Mountain. Can you tell us about her and her students? Meng Qing asked in an emotionless and calm tone.

– There are five independent spheres of influence located throughout the country. Wan Shou Sect, Hao Yue, Luo Xia, Ice Village, and Yun Hai. The latter was destroyed by a man from the Imperial Clan who had acquired someone else's support. Yun Hai was my sect, where I rose up. In it I found my first friends. With a grim face, the main character described the whole situation, clenching his fists tightly.

"Liu Kang Lang is a good person, but absolutely reckless. The entire Imperial Clan is against him, considering the man a pawn on the chessboard. He doesn't stand a chance against the true Duan family!" the boy thought grimly as he and Meng Qing meandered along the paths. Liu Fei's father will definitely want to make war on the Imperial City under the guise of justice.

"Are they alive?" Turning to Lin Feng, the girl asked, continuing to impress the main character with her gorgeous face.

- And? They? A! D-yes! They're fine! - stammered, the guy answered, confused before the heavenly eyes.

"Got it." Let's hurry. Meng Qing said calmly, noticeably speeding up. Her figure lost all shape, turning into an otherworldly mirage. Using Sora, Lin Feng chased after the girl, barely catching up with her.