
Reincarnation as a Peerless Martial God / Cultivator with Sharingan!

Cultivation is dangerous. So many hardships a person must go through to get to the peak of their abilities. But how much easier would it be to achieve superior strength if Lin Feng had Sharingan and canon knowledge?

blazerboe2020 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


"Susano is definitely the most powerful ability in my arsenal!" thought Lin Feng as he stood on the stone block. The check was quite successful. Unfortunately, with a limited supply of energy, he was unable to create a full bone warrior, losing his maneuverability and ability to attack. After inspecting the situation on the battlefield, the guy took a sad breath and prepared to move. However, Duan Tian Lan did not give him an extra second to rest, immediately releasing pure Qi.

"Die!" the man in the golden armor shouted. Ten swords, completely woven from energy, flew straight at Lin Feng.

Cursing, the boy began to watch their movements carefully, intending to use the intangible at the last moment. However, this was not necessary, because, to everyone's surprise, Lin Feng's shadow began to stretch out to the side, taking the form of an old man. The dark-robed figure used a single dagger to destroy all the incoming attacks.

"Protector Kong!" the protagonist exclaimed in surprise. The old man who came out of the darkness is the guardian of the Abyss Cliff.

Nodding to the boy in greeting, the elder waved his wrinkled hand, sending a shadow from under his feet towards Duan Tian Lang with lightning speed.

"Shadow Spirit! People were shocked as they looked at the Emperor's brother, who was frozen in place.

Many people throughout the Xue Yue kingdom believe that this spirit is the most dangerous of all currently known. Capturing the bodies and souls of enemies with his shadow, he is able to instantly immobilize them, and then approach and kill them without any problems.

"Time to punish you, Duan Tian Lan," Protector Kong said evenly, flashing his dagger brilliantly.

His body blurred, turning into a black streak of light. Trapped in the shadow, the armored man could not move, becoming the victim of the assassin. However, he didn't panic. His gaze did not change, but remained as sinister and calm. Halfway across, the Guardian sensed the danger and dodged to the side to avoid becoming an ice sculpture.

"Don't forget that he didn't come alone!" Han Xiu Tian, the Patriarch of the Village of Ice and Snow, said in a relaxed tone as he elegantly landed on the arena. Because of his attack, the old man was forced to retreat, losing his concentration and loosening his shadow's grip.

"That's enough. Understand, Nan Gong Ling, your people can't do anything against us – " Duan Tian Lang said with disdain in his voice to the surrounded Patriarch, then turned to the blood-armored army. - It's time to start the liquidation!

With three words, he created a real calamity, destroying the future of the young disciples. A whole cloud of arrows headed into the Gorge, killing all those gathered. A whistling sound, along with screams of pain and agony, filled the entire atmosphere. Many weak people could not survive the rain of arrows, instantly disappearing into oblivion.

"Wonderful! Kill them all! Duan Tian Lan shouted as he watched the human suffering. Since childhood, he had dreamed of having his own personal elite army, in which brilliant fighters would be gathered. He was very envious of Liu Kang Lang, because he got the post of General and was able to grow such a great team.

The second volley of arrows took even more lives than the first. Ignoring the Arena of Life and Death where the man was, the shells ran rampant throughout the Gorge, ruining young lives.

"What are you doing?" Liu Fei roared, pale and trembling. The Duan clan decided to use her father's troops to destroy the Yun Hai Sect. She understood that even he, the most illustrious General Xue Yue, would not be able to survive such grief.

Lin Feng continued to stand on the rock, watching the flow of the red river, which was formed due to the blood of thousands of students. His hands were shaking, but he was in no hurry to leave the place. The mangekye sharingan burned in his eyes – so he remembered the whole frightening picture. He saw the souls of all the people who died from the arrows. They rose into the sky, entering the mysterious space of the mighty Ootsutsuki.

Biting his lip until it bled, Nan Gong Ling was surrounded by three of Duan Tian Lang's supporters. His life force was leaving him, tossing him from side to side. He dodged the palms and fists of his opponents as he watched the bloody river filled with the corpses of his sect's disciples. The head wanted to close his eyes and stop suffering, but at the last moment, his gaze was caught by a lonely and majestic figure. This was a guy who achieved everything on his own, without asking for resources and techniques. The man abruptly opened his glowing eyes, filled with determination.

"Lin Feng, please become the new Patriarch!" Nan Gong Ling shouted in a broken voice, climbing up with the last of his strength.

He took the ring off his finger and pulled out an ordinary-looking stone, throwing them to the guy without defending himself from attacks in the back. The man immediately began to fall to the ground, slowly closing his eyes. The three practitioners took advantage of the situation – they destroyed his internal organs and turned them into mush.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Feng opened his wings and leaped through the air. Grabbing the stone and the ring, the main character looked at the falling body. Tears welled up in his eyes.

"Don't worry, Patriarch Nan Gong Ling. I will make Yun Hai the leading sect of the entire Xue Yu region! " The young man promised, looking at the red and black ring with the sect's symbol engraved on it. Leaving everything in Kamui, he slowly lowered himself to the ground.

The Keepers and the Grand Elder only looked at the corpse in sorrow as they continued to fight to the death. They used all their strength to carry their enemies to the grave with them.

- Answer me, why don't you want to give up? Your Patriarch died shamefully, giving his post to a rootless boy! Duan Tian Lan taunted, nodding at the Vice Patriarch of the Wan Shou sect who was nearby.

Realizing this, the ugly man began to cover himself with brown fur, going after Mo Kang Lang's life. The Grand Elder was between a rock and a hard place, trying to get out from under the attacks of the two practitioners. The appearance of another enemy destroyed any resistance from the old man. Tian Wu Shang released his spirit and became a real bear. Its sharp claws mercilessly slammed into Mo Kang Lang's body, dismembering it into two even pieces. Leaving the blood arc, the two halves of the old man went into the river of blood, becoming a part of it. Seeing this, Lin Feng's heart seemed to be torn apart.

– We are the protectors of the sect! We can't give up, we can't run! The three Protectors shouted at the same time as they charged at their opponents.

After descending to the ground, Lin Feng opened the world of darkness to the full, and began to search and analyze the place he needed. A few days ago, with the help of body and mind meditation, he was digging into his memory, recalling important events of the canon. The guy has long realized that fate is inextricably following him, throwing up various meetings that were in the novel itself.

"I must admit that sometimes the confluence of circumstances only goes sideways, making me suffer and suffer," Lin Feng sighed ruefully, thinking about the blood.

His thoughts were moving a thousand times faster than usual. After looking around the entire sect's territory, he didn't find anything surprising. Continuing his search, the world of darkness reached the highest point in the sect – the Abyss Cliff. Carefully analyzing the incoming information, he found an ancient temple under the drum room.

"Liu Fei, you know, if I was weak, then my life would immediately bring me death!" - the main character smiled indifferently, addressing the trembling girl.

– What are you talking about?" The pale beauty asked in a weak voice, looking at the guy with her expressive and moist eyes.

– I'm a lucky bastard who will escape from any deadly situation by putting others in danger. You have to get stronger to keep your pretty face, okay? Lin Feng said in a cold, shivering tone. After waiting for a brave nod, he turned his gaze to Duan Tian Lang and his company, spreading a killing intent.

"Do you think your devilish eyes will frighten me?" No! The armored man said in a menacing and haughty manner, slowly rising into the air and hiding the fear in the depths of his soul.

"Duan Tian Lan, Chu Qing, Han Xiu Tian, Tian Wu Shang, I remember all of you. The time will come, and every enemy of Yun Hai will die by my sword! The main character said with a cold calmness in his voice. After giving them one last hateful look, he moved into his domain in one second, avoiding the attacks of the Xuan Qi layer practitioners.

Once in the empty, snow-white room, he sat down on the floor, slowly catching his breath. A few seconds later, Lin Feng saw a stone on the floor, and when he picked it up, he recognized it as the spatial warehouse called Na. After concentrating and feeding the Qi into it, he made an attempt to open the vault, but failed miserably. After thinking for a few seconds, the guy remembered that in novels, usually spatial rings are tied with the help of their own blood. With a shrug, he picked up his sword and used the tip of the weapon to make an incision in his finger. Drops of red liquid fell on the stone on the ground, changing its color. Seeing the blood, Lin Feng shivered involuntarily, remembering the red rivers. Suppressing his emotions, he steeled his heart with determination as he recited the mantra. Calming down after a few seconds, he began to feel an unusual connection with the space contained in this thing. Moving his mind there, he immediately felt the familiar Patriarch's Qi. Instantly, images of the fall of the strong body that had held the entire sect together in the past flashed through his mind. Having accepted the legacy, the main character began to dig in the warehouse and found a whole mountain of low-grade pure stones. Pulling out a couple of pieces, he began to absorb the Qi of heaven and earth from them. After two battles and using Susano, he had used up almost all of his energy reserve, leaving the bare minimum for teleportation.

"In one damn day, I lost so many people I know… I need to become much stronger in order to completely control the fate that is now making fun of me! " Feeling uplifted, Lin Feng ignored all possible problems, promising himself to avenge the sect.

After replenishing the supply of Qi and throwing the extinguished pure stones to the side, the main character moved to the Precipice of the Abyss. After climbing up to the main cave, the guy exhaled a cold breath, fixing his red eyes downwards. Duan Tian Lan and his group shared the sect's territory, drooling over the Singh Chen Pavilion. He hated to look at their greedy faces, filled with joy.

"Such a short-sighted person will not understand that you will not get far with other people's students and resources," the guy shook his head, scanning the entire mountain and finding a room with drums.

Moving to the floor below, he found himself in a huge cave that stretched for kilometers into the depths. It was there that a huge ancient temple stood, in which centuries-old ancient Qi hovered. Various mystical beasts were carved on the pillars supporting the walls of the stone building. When he entered the main room, he saw many shelves filled with books and a variety of weapons. Taking a couple of books and reading the inscriptions on the leather crusts, the main character was amazed to recognize the techniques of black and earth rank in them. After collecting everything in the Kamui, he went on through the rooms.

"This temple is a real treasure! There are spiritual weapons that are used by Ling Qi and Xuan Qi practitioners, as well as high-level techniques. I am sure that the most powerful people have perfected here in the past. They passed on their knowledge from generation to generation!" admired Lin Feng as he walked around the dusty temple. He thought Duan Tian Lang was the idiot of the entire kingdom that he decided to take Yun Hai's meager resources without even knowing about the most important treasure.

Returning to the main hall, he walked to the giant door. The passageway merged perfectly with the wall, but the guy with the first page of the heavenly spirit was perfectly aware of his surroundings. Clenching his fist, which was flowing with energy, he hit the gate, creating a shrill clang. The door didn't even move, but it sent a counterattack at the youth with waves of power that swept through his entire body.

After flying, Lin Feng hit his back against the opposite wall, leaving an imprint. A trickle of blood trickled out of his mouth. As he wiped it on his sleeve, he realized that he had been foolish to underestimate the possible danger. If the guy had put all his strength into the "Mountain-Crushing Blow", he could have received a much more powerful recoil.

"Apparently, one of the Patriarchs was inspired by the power of this wall and created the drums that now rest on the Cliff of the Abyss!" - the main character reflected, slowly and carefully getting up from the floor.

Drawing his weapon from its scabbard, he moved towards the gate, using the fatal sword. After hitting the wall well with it, he began to expect retaliatory damage, and for this he took a steady position. The death qi along with the murderous intent spread out through the doors, completely absorbed into them. The guy waited for a couple of seconds, and then began to carefully study the defense, surprised that he did not receive a counterattack.

"I see. I didn't get hurt because I didn't put any power into the sword, just naked deadly energy!" – the main character realized the truth. In order to break down the wall leading to the unknown passage, one must either reach a high level of understanding or become a peak practitioner of the Xuan Qi stage.

With a sly twinkle in his eyes, Lin Feng walked to the door and activated the intangible. He walked easily through the gate, stepping onto the dark flagstones of the narrow passageway. Absolute darkness wandered all along the way. Relying on the world of darkness, the main character began to explore the area.

"What?! Two arrays of illusion and murder?! " he was shocked as he dodged the flying arrow.

There are two types of arrays on the continent. One collects energy from the owner's dantian, while the other takes it from external sources, such as pure stones.

Opening the first page of the heavenly book, Lin Feng protected himself from illusions, breaking through the sharp projectiles to reach the final room. Making quick movements with his feet on the floor, he was still able to squeeze out his maximum speed, flying into an ordinary room. Looking around, he saw a huge ten-meter-tall statue spreading an eerie power. The creature had many massive arms, and there were formidable bulging veins on its body. Its body shone a perfect black. His red eyes and unnaturally evil face gave him away as a real demon. Looking at the floor, Lin Feng saw a lot of inscriptions describing the creation of this temple and statue.

"Greetings, my guest. I was tired of the eternal confrontations, so I decided to rest in a remote place, at the same time leaving my personal created skill. Looking at the great demon Heruka, you will be able to learn the body tempering technique if you have enough will and understanding – " Lin Feng read the message aloud. This is the reason for the creation of the temple and the statue.

The figure, made of an unknown metal, represents an angry deity who worked for the benefit of all living beings. Coming out of his stupor, the main character began to walk around the room, admiring the future acquisition. The body-hardening techniques had long since disappeared, becoming a real rarity. In ancient times, few people used them, most likely because they were afraid to go through all the hellish pains.

Sitting on the floor in a lotus position, Lin Feng opened his heavenly spirit to the maximum. He considered it his duty to learn this new technique. The boy focused all his understanding on the statue, slowly but surely beginning to learn its secret. The veins that covered the entire ten-meter figure began to rapidly swell, turning into a kind of circulatory system. Analyzing the sculpture from the inside, the main character learned the evil energy that moved through the veins.

Drawing wisdom from the statue, Lin Feng lost himself in the boundless cosmos, learning the demonic power. The guy came out of a state of rest as soon as he felt a wild pain. The clothes and the flesh flew apart. The bones in his body were breaking, becoming much stronger. A black sheen spread across the main character's limbs, torturing his will and spirit. He was patient, because he has a purpose. Lin Feng must become even stronger to cope with all future events and difficulties.

Suddenly, the statue's eyes lit up with a red light. Two beams burst from them, heading into the mind of our main character. As he continued to endure the pain, he studied the new information that Heruka had given him. The "Nine Turns" technique allowed one to temper the body with an angry energy that was completely different from Qi. Circulating through the veins, it destroyed and rebuilt the flesh, thereby making it many times more powerful. If this energy makes a hundred turns, the practitioner will be able to tear apart first-level Ling Qi enemies with his bare hands, without using the energy of heaven and earth; If the energy makes nine hundred revolutions, then no one on the Ling Qi layer will be able to injure the user. Taking out the pure stones, the guy began to absorb Qi with great zeal, while at the same time engaged in the circulation of evil energy through his veins.

Blood splattered on the walls of the room – Lin Feng turned into a black creature, reaching four hundred revolutions. His Dantian expanded, signaling that he had reached a new level. After recovering from the mad and masochistic cultivation, the guy stood up and examined his changed body. From head to toe, he was covered in a black, somber color. His eyes were completely gray, and his hair was a little tousled. By stopping the circulation of the "Nine Turns of the Heruka", the young man regained his human form. It was noticeable that he even grew a couple of centimeters. Taking out a new casual uniform from Kamui, he dressed in a black-and-red outfit designed in a dark, rather drab style.

"Damn, I have too much to do. I must first explain what has happened to my friends, then go in search of Meng Qing. It seems to be located in the depths of Black Wind Mountain. This girl is my favorite character in the original novel, I can't ignore her existence! " Lin Feng said in an apathetic mood, feeling heavy in his heart. "Well, well, well, I am being hunted by the Emperor's brother, he will definitely not be afraid to use his power and strength. First of all, it's better to take Jing Yun with you, then go to the capital, straight to the Forest of Love, where my parents should be. It's time to use my mother's influence to the fullest! " - the main character planned everything, going to restore order in the Imperial City. However, he is not going to be particularly impudent. He remembered that there were two mad Duan Clan practitioners in the capital who absolutely didn't care about anything or anyone. One of them is the Emperor, who was at the Tian Qi stage, and the second is his eldest son, who is located at the first place in the list of eight officials.