
Reincarnation as a Peerless Martial God / Cultivator with Sharingan!

Cultivation is dangerous. So many hardships a person must go through to get to the peak of their abilities. But how much easier would it be to achieve superior strength if Lin Feng had Sharingan and canon knowledge?

blazerboe2020 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


The people raged, loudly shouting the name of the main character. They really enjoyed the fight, which was dominated by Lin Feng with obvious superiority. From the very beginning, he easily evaded the enemy's fists, and then was able to successfully counterattack. With one of his swords, he dispelled the poisonous blades, completely crushing all of Wen Ren Yang's confidence.

"Delicious!" Duan Tian Lan said in an impressive voice as he rose into the air. – You two have a lot of potential. Ha-ha-ha. I'm sorry, Nan Gong Ling, but I'll take your geniuses today – " the man laughed viciously as he raised his shining sword to the sky.

– What are you talking about?" The Patriarch abruptly stood up from his seat, frowning.

– We still have a lot of other things to do, so we won't waste any time. Nan Gong Ling, you are surrounded! Duan Tian Lan shouted in a ruthless voice, releasing a burning pure Qi.

A terrifying stomping sound spread throughout the entire sect, causing not only the ground under their feet to tremble, but also the hearts of all the disciples. A huge cloud of dust gathered around the Storm Gorge, making it difficult for the audience to see the danger. After a few minutes, the dust settled, allowing everyone to see the huge army. Chi Xue's blood-armored cavalry unleashed a menacing pressure on the students, looking at them with unfeeling eyes. The students, feeling the terrifying Qi, trembled in fear, not understanding what kind of day it was.

"How much blood have they shed in their lives? Real killing machines! " Lin Feng thought with a grim face, ignoring the huge weight on his shoulders.

– How so?" Liu Fei asked in a puzzled voice. She knew very well that her father would never send a personal army to destroy his beloved sect.

"DUAN TIAN LAN!" shouted Patriarch Yun Hai in a furious, thunderous voice. Pure Qi flamed around his body. He is ready to go all out to kill all the enemies in front of him.

– Don't make any unnecessary moves if you don't want to die before your time!" Take care of them! The Emperor's brother said with a haughty grin.

At the man's signal, six Xuan Qi stage practitioners dressed in black robes flew out from the cavalry side. The three of them attacked Nan Gong Ling, spreading third-level Qi. The two with the second level surrounded Grand Elder Mo Kang Lang, preventing him from going to the Patriarch's aid. The latter moved to the simple Elders, scattering them with the usual wave of pure energy, so that they would not interfere in the future battle.

"This is the first time I've seen such a huge number of Xuan Qi stage cultivators!" Lin Feng marveled, clenching his fists until they crunched.

"Duan Tian Lan, you'll be responsible for all this!" Head Yun Hai said menacingly, surrounded by his enemies. He, being at the peak of the third level of the Xuan Qi layer, unfortunately, can't do anything against three of the same fighters. The maximum level of strength in Yun Hai is the third level. Duan Tian Lang and the other Patriarchs not only have great strength, but also a numerical advantage.

- Eh. Save your strength, Chief – " Protector Bey sighed sadly.

– I, Duan Tian Lan, have come on behalf of His Highness to select the most valuable students. Ranked Elite and Core Students, join the Inner Court or die with the rest! The man in the golden armor spread his voice throughout the Gorge.

Upon hearing it, the students on the list felt a glimmer of hope and smiled happily for the first time.

The rest of the practitioners sank into the abyss of despair. No one wanted to die. They had come to Yun Hai to become stronger, but instead, they were facing a huge threat that would destroy their lives.

Several hundred outstanding disciples, including Ling Hu and Tu Fu, immediately went to Chi Xue's cavalry, making a final bow to the Patriarch and the Elders. The Head and Protector Bey watched helplessly as their most talented students left for the enemy.

– Why the Yun Hai Sect?" Nan Gong Ling asked in a lifeless tone.

- Hah. Good question. It just so happens that out of the five strongest and most influential sects, Yun Hai is in the very last place. The truth is that it is easier to destroy it than the higher-ups on the list! Duan Tian Lan said in a mocking tone, pointing out the main disadvantage of the entire Nan Gong Ling sect.

- Liar! a woman's voice rang out. The graceful figure moved into the arena, glaring at the armored man with hatred. – You've been jealous of my father's success all your life!" It's not that Yun Hai is the weakest power, it's your meanness! The pale Liu Fei cursed without holding back her murderous intent.

The crowd was surprised to remember who the girl's father was. Liu Kang Lang, nicknamed the Divine Arrow, is the true pride of the sect. Having no clan, he made his way to the top and took over as the general of Chi Xue's army. It is quite logical that such a noble and just person would have envious people from the Imperial Clan.

"Fei Fei, your father and I are real friends. I can't go against His Highness ' orders. All for the sake of Xue Yue's Inner Courtyard! The students who come with me to the capital will be satisfied for the rest of their lives! The man announced solemnly as he surveyed several hundred of Yun Hai's top students.

"Can they be blamed for their treachery? They were on their own from the start. There is nothing terrible about wanting to live. However, it is too painful for me to look at the face of the Patriarch, the Grand Elder, and the Protector!» The protagonist clenched his teeth as he watched the devastated eyes of the three people listed above.

"Eh, Ling Hu, I remember the first time you visited my pavilion four years ago," Guardian Bey shook his head in frustration as he looked at the calm white-haired guy.

– To manage talented people and decent resources, you need to have a formidable force for this. You have four Xuan Qi practitioners on your side, and I have all ten on my side, not counting the Python Fish, " Duan Tian Lan philosophized, continuing to plunge the others into deep despair.

– The strong have every right to destroy the weak and take all their treasures. This is life and nothing can be done about it! Chu Qing – Patriarch Hao Yue agreed, moving closer to the Life and Death Arena.

"Lin Feng, you are one of the most talented members of the younger generation that I have seen. Yun Hai won't give you anything, unlike my Inner Courtyard. You, Wen Ren Yang, the second after him, also earned the best resources! Duan Tian Lan made a tempting offer.

The snake eyes in the giant's pale face glittered with greed. He always aspired to the best and followed the path of the Patriarch, receiving guidance from Protector Chi. Using his favorite technique, "Snake Impulse", Wen Ren Yang moved to the man without any delay. There was a hideous and evil smile on his face.

"Teacher, thank you for saving me from a deadly attack, because I'm too young to die. Don't worry, I'll surpass you, Patriarch! Weng Ren Yang said in a venomous voice, showing his fangs.

"You bastard! The Guardian shouted coldly, moving toward the traitor with the intent of taking his life. She never would have thought that her disciple would become so arrogant.

Stretching out her hand, she intended to attack the guy with all her fury. However, Duan Tian Lang did not allow her to act wilfully, striking her with the flat of his sword. The man was at the fourth level of Xuan Qi and stopped the old woman without much trouble, sending her back to the edge of the arena.

"Wen Ren Yang, you will definitely not regret your choice –" the man chuckled as he sheathed his sword. – So, what about you, Lin Feng?" You should stop being silent and hurry up with your decision.

Many eyes locked on the main character. The disciples who were doomed to die envied him. Some could not hold back their tears, cursing their weakness in their minds. Others blamed talented practitioners. Protector Bey and Patriarch Nan Gong Ling did not want to see another betrayal, but they understood that such a genius should live and develop further.

– Do you think I need your techniques, weapons, and pills?" You're deeply mistaken, you brute! I can easily escape from here at any time without betraying anyone, " Lin Feng said menacingly, not afraid to offend the Xuan Qi stage practitioner to his face. "You, Wen Ren Yang, didn't surprise me with your choice. However, since I couldn't kill you in battle, I will at least destroy your future future! "Genjutsu: Sharingan!" the boy exclaimed, activating Indra's eyes.


Caught in the illusion, the giant was in absolute darkness, which weighed on his consciousness. Completely forgetting that he was standing in the arena a second ago, Wen Ren Yang stared at his hands in shock. They were covered with scales, turning into real snakes. The crawling creatures slowly enveloped and squeezed the guy. Shouting at the top of his voice, he accidentally let a snake get close to him, which took advantage of the chance. The scaly beast immediately penetrated the giant's throat, reaching for its dantian. It devoured every organ of the boy, crawling over a large internal space and destroying the vessel with energy.

While everyone present was recovering from the shock, not expecting such an angry tirade from Lin Feng, a dull crack came out from the body of the frozen Wen Ren Yang. Turning towards the sound, many people saw a pale and haggard giant come out of the genjutsu. Being under the sharingan's ability, all the energy that was flowing smoothly through his channels immediately raged, bringing him wild pain. After destroying his meridians, it hit Dantian with a powerful thrust and destroyed the cultivator's mysterious space. Unable to stand it, Wen Ren Yang fell to all fours, vomiting a copious stream of blood.

– What did you do to him?" Duan Tian Lan asked furiously, seeing that the situation was getting out of his control.

"I only destroyed his cultivation, turning this disgusting person into a mere piece of trash," Lin Feng replied in a calm voice, believing that the guy got what he deserved.

"If you don't kill a snake, it will sting," the main character recalled the proverb, looking at the former Elite Disciple number one, who was now mind – dead. After the intense battle, Wen Ren Yang's physical and mental strength were pretty much exhausted. Having received enlightenment in battle, the main character felt that he was at the peak, that he was ready to fight at any moment.

Everyone in the Gorge went into a real stupor, not understanding what was happening. Lin Feng gave up on the Inner Courtyard in the most brazen manner, then with a single glance, he gave the traitor a punishment. Protector Bey and Nan Gong Ling exchanged a look of joy and pride.

"HAHAHAHA," Duan Tian Lan laughed in a thunderous voice, " you made me lose my temper, you pup!" An important future unit has perished under your spirit. How can you be so sure that you won't die today? The man's eyes shone with a murderous light. Pure Qi rippled across the platform, splitting Wen Ren Yang's pale and thin body. Reaching for the hilt of his sword, he wanted to swing it, but at the last moment, he stopped when he saw that Liu Fei had come to the defense of the guy.

"Don't you dare touch him!" The girl said with great hatred. She knew very well that she would not be touched, because Duan Tian Lang needed her alive.

Liu Fei was shocked by Lin Feng's fearlessness and recklessness. Unlike Wen Ren Yang, he didn't smile maliciously at everyone in the sect and insult the powerful practitioners. Patriarch Nan Gong Ling and Guardian Bey rushed out of their seats to protect the boy and the girl, but were immediately pinned down on all sides. The three black-robed practitioners joined forces, leaving a deep imprint on the back of the Head of Yun Hai. Chu Qing, the father of the sixth official Chu Zhang Peng, attacked the old man with the power of the fourth level Xuan Qi, completely suppressing him. Bey had a nimble and agile spirit, but he was at the third level, so he had no way to win this duel. No one could stand up for the younger ones, leaving them to their fate.

– I heard he fought for your heart." Tell me, Liu Fei, is this true?! Duan Han asked from the rest area without hiding his fury. After that, his silhouette began to move quickly over the rocks. Stopping on a single rock, he made a huge leap, crossed the crowd, and landed softly in the Arena of Life and Death.

– What's it to you?" The girl asked rudely, continuing to stand her ground and block Lin Feng with her body.

"Fei Fei, get away from him!" Duan Tian Lan said in a cold voice as he slowly walked towards them. He didn't expect that Yun Hai would have such a sword genius with enormous potential, able to use unity at an early age. Usually, such geniuses either die at the hands of their enemies, or make every effort to destroy everyone, and become great rulers.

"Liu Fei, listen to my father, because you are destined to enter the Duan family," Duan Han said calmly and condescendingly, after casting a furious glance at the main character. "Stop hiding behind her, you coward! Fight me in a fair fight and die!

Lin Feng chuckled with his provocation. However, I decided not to refuse, but to test my strength in a new battle.

"Pray that your father will save you!" The protagonist replied sarcastically, stepping forward fearlessly.

"Lin Feng!" Liu Fei called out with great concern in her voice. From the very beginning, she took a huge risk to help him with Duan Tian Lang, but he continues to persist in the fight, regardless of the danger.

"Don't worry, I won't die today," the guy replied and gently patted her head in front of the two enraged Duan family members.

- Great. Father, I hope you'll let me deal with him myself! Duan Han smiled viciously and stepped forward, releasing the energy of the sixth level of the Ling Qi stage.

The dense Qi and sword power gathered on his right hand, instantly combining. The palm shone, becoming sharper than any other weapon. With a haughty laugh, he rushed towards Lin Feng, leaving a bright streak of light. Not having time to prepare for the attack, the main character used Sora one hundred percent, trying to avoid the sharp palm. Thanks to the Earth-rank technique and improved perception, he was able to dodge the deadly hand, escaping with only a shallow cut in the chest area.

- A true master is able to take other people's lives with his body parts! Duan Han declared in an arrogant and proud tone.

- Hah. In case you've forgotten, I'm on the third level, and you're on the sixth. A huge difference! But I don't see your superior strength. Let's continue! Being in a heated state, Lin Feng was burning with true fighting spirit, even more eager to test all his abilities.

Drawing his sword from its scabbard and closing the distance, he used the fatal sword, literally sowing death in his path. Seeing no fear on his enemy's face, Duan Han's eyes turned red with rage. His palm once again shone with an overabundance of sharp Qi. The hand and the sword collided in a heated confrontation that resulted in a whole wave of compressed air. Responding to Lin Feng's attack, Duan Han threw the youth to the edge of the arena, leaving him no chance to counterattack.

"So this is the strength of the capital's young practitioners!" thought the protagonist, looking at his hands shaking from the heavy collision.

– It's time to end you!" Before you die, I am ready to demonstrate to you the supreme skill of a weapon-wielding cultivator. Releasing his sword from its scabbard, Duan Han elegantly slashed it through the air, causing the atmosphere to move.

An ephemeral blade appeared, in which the power and Qi were in complete fusion. Through the world of darkness, Lin Feng saw the full picture of what was happening, carefully memorizing all the actions. An ordinary force without any attribute, which is in any space, began to fill the illusory blade created by unity. Thus, the energy attack allows you to control and use the formless force to conduct a powerful attack.

Having revealed all the danger of what is happening, the main character did not panic. He was completely satisfied that he was able to verify the skills of the capital's geniuses.

"Die!" shouted Duan Han, venting his accumulated rage.

An energy attack burst from its place, threatening to destroy the calmly standing Lin Feng. He felt full of excitement as he surveyed the entire area surrounded by enemies. Grinning in the face of danger, the guy decided to use the most powerful ability of the mangekye sharingan, which should definitely save his life, with such unimaginable attacks.

Putting all his senses into one loud cry, he summoned the blood-red bone ribs that were positioned at his full height, completely protecting him. Faced with an energy attack, they easily withstood, absorbing all the energy and kinetic force.

– What kind of ability?!" The crowd exclaimed in shock. As they watched, Lin Feng released a red pall that grew large and strong ribs on the sides. The technique gave the impression of indestructible armor.

"Commendable, commendable. With so many interesting cards up your sleeve, you definitely don't have the right to live! Duan Tian Lan said menacingly as he condensed a sword of pure Qi.

Having lost all his former maneuverability due to the heavy armor, the guy could not use Soru and dodge the flying attack, choosing to take all the damage on Susano's ribs.

After their collision, a powerful explosion reverberated throughout the area. Flying off to the nearest rock, all the red armor of the main character cracked, eventually finally collapsing after a couple of seconds. Spitting blood to the side, Lin Feng smiled a victorious smile as he realized Susano's full potential. An attack that could immediately kill a Level 1 and 2 practitioner Xuan Qi only destroyed the first stage of the four, leaving him alive.