
Reincarnation as a Peerless Martial God / Cultivator with Sharingan!

Cultivation is dangerous. So many hardships a person must go through to get to the peak of their abilities. But how much easier would it be to achieve superior strength if Lin Feng had Sharingan and canon knowledge?

blazerboe2020 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


After arriving at the Life and Death Arena, Lin Feng immediately began to search for familiar faces. Far away from the crowd, Liu Fei stood looking bored, waiting for the event to start. Wen Ren Yang and his faction stood proudly to the side, spreading an aura of arrogance and superiority.

Looking at the gathered people, Nan Gong Ling suddenly frowned, turning his attention to the hard Qi that had spread throughout the sky. Erratic and strong air currents were moving towards the Deep Gorge, causing everyone to panic slightly.

"We have arrived ..." the protagonist thought with a grim expression as he released the first page of the heavenly spirit to carefully observe each participant in the future destruction of the sect.

– I, Chu Qing of Hao Yue, have brought special guests with me!" A thunderous voice rang out along with a great pressure descending on everyone present.

A group of Xuan Qi stage practitioners appeared on the horizon. The students looked at them with real fear and respect, trying to guess the reason for their unexpected appearance.

"Han Xiu Tian from the Mountain Village of Ice and Snow has come to visit you!" The snow-white-haired man said, spreading the frost nonstop, chilling to the bones of everyone in the Gorge.

"Duan Tian Lan of the Imperial Palace and Tian Wu Shang of Wan Shou welcome Patriarch Yun Hai!" two new voices rang out.

The man from the Imperial Clan flew with an arrogant smile on his five-meter-long sword, letting his long black hair down. His golden-armored figure exuded a sharp sword Qi. Along with him, a colossal ferocious beast of the Xuan layer, called the Python Fish, was flying on the same airstrip. Flapping its completely black wings, it created the most powerful air currents. On its back stood a skinny and ugly middle-aged man. He looked down on everyone with his nasty little eyes.

"Who are they?!" every spectator thought with alarm.

Recognizing everyone, Nan Gong Ling's eyes turned cold with rage. His long – time acquaintance from his youth-Chu Qing, is the Patriarch of Hao Yue and the father of the sixth-ranked official Chu Zhang Peng. Han Xiu Tian is considered the Head of the Ice and Snow Village. He raised the seventh-ranked official on the list under his leadership. Tian Wu Shang is the Vice-Patriarch of Wan Shou, who is famous for her secret ability to tame wild animals. The leader of the group that arrived is the brother of the current ruler. It was Duan Tian Lan who sent his son, Duan Han, to Yun Hai to gather talented students together with Liu Fei. A trace of self-disappointment appeared in Nan Gong Ling's eyes as he looked around the crowd and saw his disciple. Right now, Yun Hai is under the huge threat that Lin Feng predicted. Not trusting the young man's intuition, the Patriarch will now have to deal with the important bigwigs of the Xue Yue Kingdom without any preparation.

The group began to descend into the recreation area, unnerving everyone present. Duan Han, who was walking behind his father, nodded to the Head with a malicious smile, recalling his recent humiliation.

Activating Indra's eyes, the main character began to memorize the appearance of each newcomer.

- Welcome, dear guests. What brings you all here?" Nan Gong Ling asked in a cold and calm tone. He was in a tense position-ready to attack at any moment.

- Calm down, Head, I came in peace, honestly! A week and a half ago, my son visited you to pick up a couple of talented students. The Emperor is a wise man, he decided to build a Courtyard that will lead our country to prosperity. However, to my deep disappointment, your sect refused, which is why I came here on behalf of His Majesty! I hope you're willing to help me select a couple of geniuses?" I have brought the others with me to show you their full agreement to cooperate with the Inner Court! Duan Tian Lang delivered his long speech in one breath, receiving nods of approval from the bigwigs of the three spheres of influence.

Nan Gong Ling was struck by the fact that the other sects immediately agreed to give their geniuses under the control of the Imperial Clan, without worrying about possible losses and machinations. However, he still found the whole situation strange, so he didn't relax, remembering all of his disciple's worries, and continued to be prepared.

– I don't have a choice, do I?" Patriarch Yun Hai asked in a wary tone, glancing at the other arrivals who were behind the Ruler's brother.

"That's right! You don't have to worry. Only the strongest and most talented will be able to enter Xue Yue's Inner Courtyard. They will get the best tools to reach the next level along with a large variety of techniques. They will be taught by the most powerful teachers in the country, who will make them true conquerors! Duan Tian Lan ranted loudly, seducing the students. They all joined Yun Hai to gain resources and become stronger on the path of cultivation. However, now all the practitioners of the sect are making an incomparable offer, which is impossible not to refuse!

"Vile. Very mean. All in the style of the Imperial Clan!" thought Lin Feng, recognizing the manipulative abilities of the strongest family. "By tempting the disciples, he will definitely achieve his original goal."

"I understand you," Nan Gong Ling replied with a grim face, then turned to the crowd, – The Main Apprentice exam is postponed to another day!" Today we will have a ranking of Elite students! If you want to get into the list of the top eighty, you must challenge the student who was in this very ranking. If you lose, you will be humiliated in front of the important officials who are visiting us! No student can be summoned twice! The Patriarch motivated the Yun Hai practitioners with his speech. He decided to cancel today's exam so as not to lose the sect's future foothold. The battle of the Elite Disciples is a kind of golden mean, which will definitely not disappoint Nan Gong Ling.

"All right. Let's look at the Elite of your sect, Patriarch, " Duan Tian Lan agreed easily, surprising the Head of the sect. He didn't expect his decision to be without bickering.

After the man's words, the people consisting of the Elite Disciples became excited, setting themselves up for a complete victory. They need to do their best to be accepted into the Courtyard. Everyone's eyes were burning with greed, because they were given a chance to get into a real paradise for cultivators. The disciple closest to the platform was about to climb up and challenge the weakest practitioner from the ranking, when suddenly, someone jumped over the huge crowd with lightning speed, landing hard on the Arena of Life and Death.

"Distinguished guests –" the Giant bowed deeply, showing full respect to those named, " I, Wen Ren Yang, am the first Elite Disciple on the list. My goal is to challenge one arrogant guy! Lin Feng, fight me for the heart of Liu Fei! He shouted in a venomous voice, his snake-like eyes boring into one figure in the crowd.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, stood in proud solitude, not at all afraid to meet the giant's gaze. He remained completely unbiased, ignoring the heavy gazes of the crowd.

"Wen Ren Yang, you won't fight Lin Feng!" Nan Gong Ling said in a firm voice, slamming his fist on the nearest stone table.

"Take your time with your decision, Patriarch. We'd all love to see the abilities of your best Elite student, wouldn't we? Duan Tian Lan asked his companions, receiving an affirmative nod in response.

The giant on the stage smiled maliciously, wanting to drink the blood of his enemy for love. However, sensing someone's intense killing intent, Wen Ren Yang immediately became alert, peering into the rest area and searching for its owner. It was a young black-haired boy, Duan Tian Lang's son.

Duan Han, along with his father, had long ago decided that Liu Fei would definitely enter his family. They had long ago decided that her father would die, leaving his daughter alone and defenseless, which would certainly be taken advantage of by father and son. Being a true aristocrat and the son of a nobleman, the guy has a bad and arrogant character, absolutely does not tolerate any rivals in his path.

- Heh. Arrogant? Are you sure?" Why do I even have to fight you when Liu Fei can choose who she wants to be with? Lin Feng asked the main question, closing the distance with slow steps.

"His whole appearance gives him away as a traitor. There is no fight for love, in fact, he wants to attract the attention of important people to get into the Courtyard. Last time, he wanted to kill me with a poison wave. I owe him the same coin!" With such resolute thoughts, Lin Feng walked up to the steps leading to the main stage. He continued to remain calm, not giving away his true fighting intentions.

"That's right, I'll choose my own pair!" Liu Fei shouted in a furious voice as she gracefully jumped onto the platform, " I'll fight you myself, you bastard!"

The beauty was well aware that she didn't stand a chance against the third-level genius Ling Qi. However, even though she persevered, she was still unwilling to give up, intending to personally defend her honor.

- Ha-ha-ha. Lin Feng, you are so pathetic that you can't defend the honor of your beloved! Wen Ren Yang laughed, provoking the main character into a fight. He immediately changed the roles, making Lin Feng look like an irresponsible and miserable person who was walking away from an important battle.

"Fate forces me to open up to the others, right? Heh, I don't care about future enemies, it's time to show who the real genius of all fucking times is here! Stop holding back! " - the guy decided everything for himself, showing a bloodthirsty grin on his thoughtful face. He is a killer who will have to constantly bear death.

The emergence of a huge killing thirst sobered everyone in the Deep Gorge. Everyone was stunned to see the violent, bloody aura smoothly enveloping the young handsome guy's body.

– It only took me three months to reach the Ling Qi layer, can you boast of such an achievement?" I'm tired of sticking to the image of a decent and fair person. To hell with hypocrisy! You and I were not enemies, but since you decided to make me a stepping stone in your path, then you will definitely die! After unleashing his true predatory nature, Lin Feng stopped being a decent guy. Even in his previous life, he had gone through many murders. A bunch of innocent people who crossed the path of his vile boss were killed by weapons.

"I have two paths in life. The first is to hide, not caring about the protection of people close to me, and to accumulate power. Second: wash your face with blood, becoming stronger right in battle. Either you become a coward, or you become a ruthless killer. Since childhood, my grandfather taught me to kill in self-defense, so my choice is obvious! " - having made the most important decision in his life, the main character in the blink of an eye was in the Arena of Life and Death. After activating the mangekye, Lin Feng, who was wrapped in a bloodlust shell, looked like a real demon king, capable of taking the life of anyone.

– Do you think that I, Wen Ren Yang, will be afraid of you?! Chief, one of us is going to die today! Hiding his fear, the giant hissed furiously. His main desire is to become the Patriarch of Yun Hai, and he will not stumble from his goal, ignoring all fear and intuition.

"Lin Feng, please refuse to fight to the death!" Dropping his status, Nan Gong Ling said to his disciple, hoping that he would still take pity on Wen Ren Yang. He didn't want to lose an important combat unit in the person of the first Elite disciple.

Right now, everyone felt that both third-level practitioners were only a step away from the fourth. No one in the crowd saw the full strength of Lin Feng and Wen Ren Yang. Every spectator expected to watch the hot battle of the two geniuses today.

"Patriarch, there is no need to put any restrictions on their duel. Let my disciple show his splendor and kill this insolent fellow – " a cold female voice rang out throughout the Gorge. The humpback shadow instantly covered a couple of hundred meters, hovering near the recreation area. The older woman had white, disheveled hair and thin, bony hands.

"Heh. I didn't know there was a Baba Yaga in Chinese folklore. Damn, she's even uglier than the Vice Patriarch of the Wan Shou Sect! " Lin Feng chuckled to himself as he stopped releasing the murderous intent.

"Teacher Chi! Wen Ren Yang bowed with humble respect and finally lost all nervousness. In the event of any danger, he would definitely be under the full protection of the third Guardian.

– Since you've decided to show yourself to everyone in the sect, there's no need for me to hide!" A silhouette in the sky shouted in a powerful voice. The crane quickly descended into the recreation area, presenting itself to the rest of the people.

- Treads! Nan Gong Ling exclaimed in shock. Two of the strongest practitioners decided to clash in a conflict to protect their geniuses if necessary.

"Lin Feng, will you kill him?" Keeper Bey asked. The old man believed in the main character, considering him a rising martial arts star.

- Yes! clenching and unclenching his fists, the main character replied. He will definitely resurrect everyone when he reaches the Emperor stage. "Motivation! I can finally feel it!»

- Great. You can start now! The old man said, receiving a nod from the old woman. The two guys retreated to the edge of the Arena of Life and Death. Their eyes glowed with determination and confidence. Nan Gong Ling watched the events from the sidelines, not getting a chance to interfere in the conversation; he could only shake his head in frustration with a wry smile on his face.

"I've been playing with you for a long time, bug. It's time to crush you! Wen Ren Yang hissed furiously, releasing his spirit. A poisonous stream of Qi was flowing out of his body, taking on various forms. Behind the Giant's back, the shadow of a small snake called the Blue Bamboo Beast appeared.

– Try to deal with my two spirits!" Lin Feng shouted with mangekye in his eyes, opening the golden eagle's wings behind his back. The crowd immediately became excited: it was struck by the presence of a double spirit in the guy.

"Lin Feng is so damn lucky!" the disciple said, envious of his good fortune. Many envious people supported the random practitioner.

"Fools! The protagonist rolled his eyes, spreading a murderous lust. Feeling a huge suffocation, the people immediately shut up, continuing to watch the battle in complete silence.

"Dance for me, Wen Ren Yang!" A dozen sharp feathers emerged from Lin Feng's brown wings and flew straight at the giant.

- "Snake momentum!" - pushing off with all his strength from the stage, the giant easily dodged the high-speed projectiles, closing the distance between himself and his enemy.

Using his bamboo snake spirit to the maximum, he became much more agile and flexible, avoiding dangerous feathers without any problems. All of his Qi has become filled to the brim with the unique poison that the beast releases from its fangs. Approaching the main character, he began to strike fast and powerful blows with his huge fists. However, Lin Feng could easily anticipate Wen Ren Yang's movements, dodging every strike.

After a few seconds, the giant still missed, leaving the imprint of his fist on the stone platform. Taking advantage of the fact that Lin Feng's opponent was tilted, the guy made a quick lunge from the bottom up with his foot, hitting the giant's chin, thus pushing him back a couple of meters.

"All right. Very good, " Weng Ren Yang whispered, spitting blood to the side, showing his red fangs to everyone.

"Let's continue," Lin Feng said calmly and drew his sword from its scabbard.

"Poison Blades!" A colossal amount of terrifying Qi began to gather on the giant's two arms. The power of the poison directly from the atmosphere also came into action, enveloping the long limbs.

"He's using the force! Heh. And I, it turns out, underestimated him! " - the main character grinned contentedly, anticipating a good battle.

After releasing the first page of the heavenly spirit, Lin Feng contemplated the universe in its entirety, improving his understanding right during the battle. Grabbing his sword with both hands, he began to release the energy of the sword and death, while simultaneously gathering power from space. With his sword filled to the brim with Qi and power, he charged at the giant, who had already finished preparing his technique. Wen Ren Yang made a complete turn without any delay, sending two long, venomous blades at Lin Feng.

- "Fatal Sword!" - accelerating himself with wings and wind, the main character began to release a huge amount of death energy.

With a furious cry, the guy met the enemy attack. With the blinding radiance of the sword, Lin Feng managed to cut through the poison projectiles, continuing on his way to Wen Ren Yang. The giant didn't shy away in response. Instead, he gathered all his last reserves of Qi and rushed at the main character, wanting to cut him down with his massive blade-like hands!

"DIE!" "UNITY!" The purple lines on Lin Feng's face began to lengthen, reaching up to his chest.

Putting all his understanding into the fatal sword, he achieved a unique attack called Unity. The qi and power of the sword mixed together, becoming much denser and stronger. The enormous pressure spread out in all directions, greatly weakening the poisonous blades.

– What kind of talent is this?! Duan Tian Lan admired with shock as he watched the fight. His son – a born swordsman with a corresponding spirit who would definitely reach the Xuan Qi stage in the future, would definitely not be able to produce such a high-quality unity of power while being at the sixth level of the Ling Qi layer.

Sensing the deadly danger, Wen Ren Yang instantly turned pale. Lin Feng's sword and wings created rapid vortexes that prevented the giant from moving freely.

"TEACHER, I DON'T WANT TO DIE!"!! With the last of his energy, the giant shouted in a pained voice.

- Laugh! A cold female voice rang out. The old woman waved her hand, sending out the pure Qi that all Xuan Qi practitioners use from the sky. With one energy, she stopped Lin Feng and his sword, exerting tremendous pressure on him.

"You won," the older woman said calmly, landing beside him.

"You've ruined all the fun, you old hag!" thought Lin Feng irritably. He caught a real enlightenment by improving his sword prowess. It was the first time he'd gotten this high during a fight.

"I decided to lose the Protector's face, but save my student. Commendable! Keeper Bey nodded approvingly as he too descended into the arena.

The audience agreed with the old man, understanding the situation. The guardian is ready to lose her honor, but save the life of her beloved disciple.

"Well done, Lin Feng! Nan Gong Ling stood up and clapped, smiling brightly at the protagonist's victory. Remembering the guy's last attack, everyone in the crowd got goosebumps. If it wasn't for the Protector who saved Wen Ren Yang, the latter would have been completely destroyed by the pressure and flow of the amazing unity.