
Reincarnation as a Peerless Martial God / Cultivator with Sharingan!

Cultivation is dangerous. So many hardships a person must go through to get to the peak of their abilities. But how much easier would it be to achieve superior strength if Lin Feng had Sharingan and canon knowledge?

blazerboe2020 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs



In a place far from the city of Yangzhou, in the capital of the kingdom of Xue Yue, or rather the imperial palace, where the members of the Duan clan live, a young man of about twenty was watering flowers in a wonderful fresh garden. He was dressed in blue fabrics, his pleasant face together with a cheerful smile made him look like a perfect friend, ready to help at any moment.

Suddenly, a ghostly and almost invisible silhouette flashed past behind him, and then stopped five meters away from the young man. The latter did not change his face, but continued to water the flowers for a while, while the shadow came on one knee, humbly lowering its head.

"Nan Shan, come up and tell me, what brings you here?" A pleasant singing voice sounded in the garden, as if it was affecting the plants, giving them a mysterious energy that helped them grow.

Nan Shan raised his head and looked at the man in front of him. His gaze was filled with genuine admiration and respect. For this man, the guy was ready to give everything, even his life, so he did not get up, continuing to sit on one knee.

"I have come to report, Second Prince. Yue Ming Hye's husband went to the capital, I think you understand why. And her son has achieved quite good heights in cultivation – " the voice was powerful and at the same time humble, showing respect to the prince.

- Expected! How else, Nan Shan? His parents are the talents of the entire kingdom. As a child, he must take the best features of his parents, " the prince turned with a smile, blinding his subject with it. He himself was full of power, mystery, and refreshing kindness in this rotten world.

"What do you want me to do, sir?" We must inform your father, or else... The faithful servant asked with a voice full of doubt.

– No need, why?" Help him sneak into the Forest of Love. My father must never know that! The prince gave the order in a firm voice. There was no hesitation in him, as if the prince had decided the whole situation and its development in advance.

"Got it!" Nan Shan nodded, quickly disappearing into the shadows of the low trees.

The Prince, as if nothing had happened, continued gardening.


According to Lin Feng's plans, he was supposed to go to the sect the very next morning to start preparing for the annual Elite Apprentice exam. However, the pair cultivation took much longer: the pair fell out of the world for a whole week, without even leaving the room. But everything pleasant ends sooner or later, so after breaking through to the 3rd level of the Ling Qi stage, he decided to finally get down to business.

After waking up early in the morning, Lin Feng picked up his clothes from the floor and began to dress slowly, looking for brushes and a white sheet along the way. After dressing up in the uniform of an ordinary Yun Hai disciple and writing a note to Lan Feng to prepare for future spy missions, he moved to a small village that everyone encountered on their way to the Yun Hai Sect.

Even during the short breaks, he began to think about what to do with the two members of the Qiu clan. The two relatives sought revenge, training with all their might to destroy the Na Lan clan. But Lin Feng has effectively taken control of the entire clan, which means he can't allow it to be destroyed. No matter how arrogant Qiu Yuan Hao was, he still trained for the sake of his clan, hence, he didn't deserve to die.

The main character made a decision-to keep his brother and sister alive, but only by changing their memory. Thus, they will be freed from hatred and start life with a clean slate. Yes, he could have taken them under his command, but he decided against it, thinking that they would only drag him down. If he can do pair cultivation with the girls of his harem, then with the guys... no, that's out of the question! The only way to become stronger for them is to seek adventure on their ass, gaining enlightenment in dangerous battles.

After exploring the area and making sure that there was no one in the vicinity, except, of course, the ordinary residents of a small village, Lin Feng released Qiu Yuan Hao and Qiu Lan from his domain. The guys, feeling a sharp change in the space, turned green, but managed to restrain themselves, releasing energy. When they found the young and handsome guy, they immediately realized that he was the mysterious person in the arena, and it was because of him that they were stuck in a closed space for a whole week. Now they were filled with conflicting emotions. He locked them in some isolated room, preventing them from taking revenge, but at the same time, he did not give them to the Na Lan clan, and that would mean only one thing for them – death.

– Who are you and what do you want from us?" Qiu Yuan Hao hissed viciously, spreading golden energy. He was ready to fight, even though he knew he didn't have much of a chance.

"I made a promise to myself to bring justice, and now I will act like a typical egoist, huh," Lin Feng muttered dejectedly, activating the mangekyo and sending a genjutsu into the minds of the two relatives, which erased some of their memories. Now they will forget about their hatred and start a new life as a simple brother and sister.

Such an illusion, however, cost Lin Feng a lot of strength. From this exhaustion of mental energy and pain, the guy bled from his ears and nose. Genjutsu is capable of almost everything related to the mind, and the user guesses about many possibilities intuitively. To do this, you only need mental strength and some experience with the impact on the minds of people.

The two Qiu clan members ' eyes reflected mangekye. Soon, their gaze became blank. They fainted, unable to make out what Lin Feng muttered. The main character didn't bother with their bodies – he just left them in an empty house in the village.

Realizing that it was time to hurry, because the exam was coming up, and he still had to choose and study the techniques, Lin Feng wiped the blood from his face and moved to his small room in the living area of ordinary students. His Qi supply had doubled when he reached the third level, so he was no longer afraid of spending too much on Kamui.

After looking around the dusty room, Lin Feng shrugged and left the room, heading towards the Singh Chen Pavilion.

Yun Hai's atmosphere was filled with strong energy. Half a month has passed and nothing has changed, except, of course, the preparation for the exam for elite and basic students. The most outstanding elite students could test themselves in battle with the main students, and if they won, they could also become the main students. It is the same with ordinary students: if they want to have a higher rank, they must fight and defeat the elite students, then they themselves will become elite. That was the point of the exam – to test yourself in battle against a more experienced student. Becoming an elite, much less a core student, is a very prestigious achievement. Although Yun Hai is one of the weakest sects in the kingdom,its students are still respected and considered.

Lin Feng's plan was to become an elite disciple, and then advance to the main level as soon as possible – the level quite allows it. A third-or fourth-level student could already take part in the Core student exam.

After deciding to first learn new techniques and then take the exam with his friends, Lin Feng finally reached the pavilion where Protector Bey usually sat. He was still looking at the sky, thinking about something else, but when he noticed Lin Feng's approach, he was distracted and smiled at him.

– You're already at the third level of the Ling Qi stage... You never cease to amaze me with your achievements, Lin Feng. No one can compare to you in the exam! Keeper Bey said in surprise and joy.

– Well, of course! Consider that a place in the elite students is already in my pocket, " Lin Feng said confidently in response, accepting the praise from the senior.

– On the second floor of the pavilion, you can get black-level techniques. Elite students, unlike ordinary students, do not have time limits, but I will make an exception for you – you can take your time in choosing the second floor, " the old man said with a smile. In his mind, Lin Feng is the future of the sect, and it is definitely not worth limiting him in small things. On the second floor, there were low-level black rank techniques, and on the third floor, which was only accessible to core students, one would find high-level techniques of the same rank.

"Thank you, senior! Lin Feng bowed. In all this time, he had never regretted revealing his talent to the Guardians and the Patriarch.

After glancing at the pavilion, Lin Feng walked with a confident step towards the doors of the building, already considering what skills he would choose.

"Monstrous talent..." thought the old man, looking at the back of our main character.

After entering the first floor, Lin Feng walked to the stairs leading to the next floor. The gathered ordinary students looked at him with bewilderment, trying to remember a disciple who, being ordinary, was able to break through to the Ling Qi layer.

There were far fewer people on the second floor. The elite students calmly chose their techniques, only glancing at Lin Feng. Over the past time, our main character has grown, reaching a height of 180 centimeters. The martial aura that surrounded him prevented others from looking at him with disdain.

Lin Feng went to the shelf that contained the books with the attack techniques described, and looked for a suitable technique. His very first technique has long since outlived its usefulness. Having reached the maximum in it, you will not get further development. But nothing prevents him from simply taking and improving the "Nine Heavy Waves", combining it with a similar black-level technique.

All techniques are divided into four levels from the highest to the lowest: the sky level, the earth level, the black level and the yellow level.

Each level contains two sublevels, namely: low-level and high-level.

Looking at and copying the various fist techniques, Lin Feng stopped at one. "The fist that crushes mountains." A complex technique that requires perfect control of the Qi in the body. The energy flows evenly along the meridians, but the essence of the technique is to collect as much Qi as possible in the meridians of the fist and release it along with the blow. The "mountain-smashing Blow" could indeed break rocks and rocks, but because of its wild complexity, almost no one studied it. Lin Feng was sure that by mixing the Blow together with the Nine Heavy Waves, one could obtain a technique close to the earth level.

Continuing his search for skills, he moved on to the shelf of techniques that required individual spirits.

Rummaging through a shelf of sword spirit techniques, he managed to find the "Sword of Nirvana" technique. This name interested him, so after quickly reviewing and memorizing all the details of the technique, he was convinced that the technique was perfect for him. The demand for the sword spirit was a fool's errand for Lin Feng. And without this spirit, he could do things that other cultivators with this spirit are not able to do. In order to use the "Sword of Nirvana", you need a deep understanding of the power of the sword. Practitioners of the first levels of the Ling Qi stage cannot yet understand this power. Yes, of course, there are exceptions in the form of Han Man, but there are very few such cultivators.

Having already chosen two skills, he decided to call it a day. He doesn't need the agility technique, "Soru" even after so many months works as it should, every time it pleases Lin Feng.

After leaving the pavilion, he relaxed and walked over to Protector Bey to write down what skills he had decided to take.

"Protector, here are the two techniques I chose –" Lin Feng said, handing the two books to the old man.

– You chose the two most difficult black-level skills. Heh, you don't change, young man, " the elder said with a chuckle, rubbing his beard.

"Complex techniques are easy for me, so there's nothing to worry about," Lin Feng said, rubbing the back of his head. In his mind, the most complex techniques always pay off, giving out amazing power.

– I don't doubt you. If it's not a secret, can you tell me why you didn't choose the agility technique? The guardian of the sect asked with interest. Usually, everyone always chooses the best and simplest techniques, but Lin Feng always surprises him by choosing the most common ones. Right now, he didn't choose a trick from the dexterity section at all.

"My personally created technique still allows me to move at high speed, so it's too early to find a replacement for it," Lin Feng said with a smile, striking the protector. To create a technique at such a young age is truly amazing.

Lin Feng didn't tell the full truth. In fact, he did not invent the technique, but spied it, but still it was he who adopted it and was able to use the technique, which means that he can be quite proud of himself.

"I see, I see. How about flying down to see the Patriarch? He was just as eager to hear from you as I was. I think he'll be happy to know your cultivation level – " Protector Bey suggested.

Lin Feng couldn't refuse, so he nodded without any hesitation and with a smile on his face. The guardian released his crane spirit, towering into the sky with the boy. The passing disciples watched in shock as what they thought was an ordinary old man suddenly unleashed such a grandiose power of the Xuan Qi stage.

On the highest mountain of the Yun Hai Sect, there was a temple. Ancient and powerful Qi filled the entire space, giving extra vigor to the body and mind.

In the main room, there was now a bunch of armored soldiers behind a young, beautiful girl and a young, equally beautiful guy. The patriarch looked at them all, shaking his head.

"Fei Fei, there is no need to worry, I will definitely make a decision in time," Nan Gong Ling said to the beautiful and belligerent girl that Lin Feng is so familiar with.

Hearing the answer, Liu Fei frowned. The patriarch of the sect was clearly reluctant to respond to problems, and the girl understood him perfectly. She came to inform the Head of Yun Hai that the construction of the Xue Yue sacred court was being prepared, where several outstanding young cultivators from all sects would go.

"Uncle Nan Gong Ling, you must understand my father. Everything he does is for the country. I am sure that he will definitely return your students to you in the future. They will gain a high status and return to Yun Hai as legends! Liu Fei reasoned, trying to convince the Patriarch.

"Ah," the Headman breathed heavily, " your father and I were like brothers. If he had stayed in the sect, he would have been the Patriarch, but he left to serve Xue Yue. I know Liu Kang Lang very well, but that doesn't make the decision any less difficult.

Nan Gong Ling became the head of a large sect, which means that he must make informed decisions that will not lead to the collapse of Yun Hai. To his great regret, Yun Hai is no match for Hai Yue, who has a disciple at the Xuan Qi stage, and therefore every outstanding young practitioner is needed by the sect here and now.

It was no less difficult for Liu Fei, because she wanted to make it easier for her father, who had been fighting on the border for more than half of his life.

"Follow His Majesty's orders, and do not shirk your task!" A young man spoke up behind Liu Fei. All this was said in a rude tone. He did not show any respect to the elder, speaking to the Patriarch rudely and casually.

"Duan Han, did your father ever tell you about such a thing as 'manners'?" I respect His Majesty with all my heart, so of course I will agree to give up a couple of talented disciples, " the Patriarch said with a little anger. On the continent of the Nine Clouds, such a concept as seniority plays an important role. Even if the Duan clan is the strongest clan in the kingdom, they still shouldn't be rude to the lesser-known sects, so Nan Gong Ling wasn't going to grovel to the Imperial clan members.

Duan Han was about to respond with an angry tirade when an old man and a masked young man suddenly burst into the room.

"Fei Fei, are you really back?" Keeper Bey exclaimed with a smile on his face.

Lin Feng, who was still wearing a mask in the sky (just in case), was shocked to see Liu Fei next to the Patriarch. But as he remembered who her father was, he grinned at how stupid he'd been in this situation.

- Grandpa Bey! Liu Fei greeted the protector with a happy smile. Guardian Bey is her father's teacher, so since childhood, he has been like her own grandfather.

– How's your father doing?" The Guardian asked, looking at Lin Feng, who was trying to appear inconspicuous.

"He's still in Duan Ren City," Liu Fei said sourly. – Is that the disciple of Uncle Nan Gong Ling behind you?"

"Yes, that's him. A very talented guy, probably the most talented in the entire sect – " the Protector announced in a proud voice.

– Well, I also know a cheeky, but very talented guy. I want to invite him to join the sacred court, " Liu Fei said thoughtfully.

When Lin Feng heard about the sacred courtyard, hundreds of thoughts began to rush through his mind. Looking around at the soldiers and one guy who stood out with his appearance and aura, he immediately realized that events were definitely coming. Normally, Lin Feng would plan to live through all the events he remembered, but in this case, it was much more complicated. From the very beginning, he did not attach importance to such an event as the destruction of the sect. But as he joined the world, mingled with his friends and protectors, he realized that he had to at least try to prevent it!

Guardian Bey casually glanced at Lin Feng and realized why he was acting so strangely. Apparently, he knows Liu Fei and is clearly on quite close terms with her, since she speaks so positively about him.

"Fei Fei, we've already done our job, so let's get out of here!" Duan Han couldn't stand the sweet talk, interrupting the two. Protector Bey only shook his head at this, muttering about the ill-mannered youth.

"Don't call me that," Liu Fei hissed viciously. She didn't like the fact that she was being called that by a guy who was not the most pleasant by nature, who still wanted to marry a girl without an agreement on her part.

However, she still left after saying goodbye to the Patriarch and Guardian Bey. The soldiers behind her also left the room. Before leaving, Duan Han cast an angry glance around the remaining people, lingering on the Patriarch.

– I'll tell my father!" he went out, slamming the door behind him.

"Poser ..." Lin Feng said in his mind, following him with cold eyes.