
Reincarnation as a Peerless Martial God / Cultivator with Sharingan!

Cultivation is dangerous. So many hardships a person must go through to get to the peak of their abilities. But how much easier would it be to achieve superior strength if Lin Feng had Sharingan and canon knowledge?

blazerboe2020 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


– You didn't like Duan Han, my dear disciple?" The Patriarch broke the oppressive silence with a cheerful voice. It was as if he had completely forgotten the recent quarrel.

– And what did they all come for?" Lin Feng simply changed the subject without answering the question.

"The sacred court... We need to know as many details as possible just in case..." he thought, clenching his fists, waiting for the first – hand information.

– The Emperor has decided to unite the most influential and powerful sects in the country. Thus, he seems to have decided to oppose the neighboring kingdom of Mo Yue, which often attacks our borders, " Nan Gong Ling enlightened his disciple, looking him straight in the eyes through the mask.

"I don't want to disappoint you, Patriarch, but I don't even have the slightest idea about the area that our kingdom is located in, nor about the country called Mo Yue," Lin Feng confusedly rubbed the back of his head, mentally cursing his leaky memory and his father, who did not enlighten him about the surrounding area of the kingdom.

"It's okay," Nan Gong Ling smiled, " Mo Yue and Xue Yue are located very close to each other. There are no sects or academies in the enemy kingdom. He has a single powerful army ready to tear our country apart at any moment. If it wasn't for Liu Kang Lang, who has been fighting for our borders for two decades, Xue Yue would definitely have washed her face in her blood! Head Yun Hai spoke fervently. When it came to Liu Fei's father, he did not hide the note of admiration in his voice, showing deep respect for his former classmate.

– What about the area? What is its name? Lin Feng asked in an impatient and enthusiastic tone, interrupting his teacher.

"Ahem... both kingdoms are located in a huge area called Xue Yu by our standards!"

"Eh, as a child, I had a dream to fly around the entire region, but after breaking through to the Xuan Qi stage and hovering at the third level, I realized and was disappointed that my dream was not destined to come true," Guardian Bey dejectedly supported our dialogue.

– I will fulfill your dream, and it will not be forgotten, so do not be so sad, Protector! Lin Feng smiled radiantly, lifting the mood of everyone present.

Taking advantage of the hitch in the conversation, Nan Gong Ling took a closer look at the guy with the help of his spiritual sense. Feeling the powerful third-level energy of Lin Qi emanating from Lin Feng, a proud and happy smile appeared on the Head's face. Inside, he felt boundless joy for his disciple, looking forward to the day when the Yun Hai Sect would rise above the other factions of the entire kingdom.

Nan Gong Ling said with genuine confidence, " You have become so strong, Lin Feng, keep up the good work, and you will soon have qualities that surpass any Chu Zhang Peng."

- Thank you! The elite apprentice exam will be held in a week, I need to prepare myself by learning new techniques, so see you soon, Patriarch, Guardian, " Lin Feng bowed to the elders.

"Let me help you down," Protector Bey offered, but received a negative nod in return.

"Thanks for the offer, but I can get myself down," the guy took off his mask, revealing a spinning mangekye. A funnel burst out of the right eye, engulfing the image of the main character.

The Patriarch and the Guardian Bey were surprised by such an amazing movement, because after the funnel swallowed his figure, there was no trace of the guy left. They were even a little envious of such a powerful and comfortable spirit. There are millions of different types of spirits on the continent, so they didn't focus on Lin Feng's strange eyes.

In the mountains that are already the former domain of Liu Fei, Lin Feng was near many rocks, practicing the black rank technique. The "Mountain-crushing Blow" did not fail him, revealing a terrifying power. In just four days, he had almost achieved perfection in this technique, while simultaneously practicing two other more complex techniques. The blue energy began to glow, swirling around Lin Feng's right fist. He aimed a crushing blow at the block of stone, turning it completely into splinters.

Smiling at his success, which no one before him could have achieved in four days, he quickly picked up his new sword from the ground. Lin Feng was used to trusting his gut, but this was the first time it had failed him. The weapon was very ordinary, just a little stronger than the others. However, the guy does not need much, so he did not get upset in vain, and calmly began to train the "Sword of Nirvana". This technique helps to significantly improve the skill of the sword in a fairly short time. In total, the book is written about three blows, the power of which increases sequentially: the deadly sword, the fatal sword, the lone sword.

After identifying the characteristics of each attack from the booklet, Lin Feng was amazed at the last sword — the Lone One. Each subsequent attack is able to strengthen the condensing energy of death, allowing you to touch its foundations. If you learn the last attack, the sword will literally drown in the Qi of death, destroying all living things. The energy that was in the dantian and in the atmosphere is neutral, but the practitioner is able to transform it into the attribute he needs with his own strength and skill. Lin Feng uses the Sword attribute, and more recently, the Wind attribute. If Death is also available in his arsenal, then Lin Feng's enemies will definitely have to run headlong.

After imagining the execution of the first sword technique (Deadly) and releasing the heavenly spirit, Lin Feng began to perform it, making a quick lunge forward, making full use of the power of the sword and the wind. On the rocks after the deadly sword, a huge cut was left, soaked with the remnants of the force.

"Not bad, not bad!" Lin Feng praised himself as he prepared to jump into the sky.

The boy released the spirit of the golden eagle, and illusory wings appeared behind him. The body was quickly surrounded by the Qi and Wind power that he had learned to control over these days. With a good push from the ground, Lin Feng soared into the sky. Qi and power gathered at its sole, creating mini platforms that allowed the cultivator to stay in the air. The wings also helped him maneuver.

After briefly hovering in the atmosphere, Lin Feng activated the sharingan and attacked the air with a deadly sword. His eyes carefully watched the movement of the force in space, and he began to gradually enlighten himself in some of the secrets of perfect control over the universe.

Deactivating the mangekye and swinging his wings, he slowly descended to the ground – enough training for today.

"Just amazing! It wasn't for nothing that I went spirit hunting back then!" Lin Feng rejoiced as he put the sword back in his domain.

Glancing briefly at the very path that then led him to a girl, the guy saw a silhouette calmly walking in the distance.

"Oh, Liu Fei, hi! - the guy greeted the beauty, - you have become even more beautiful since our recent meeting!

"Fight me, Lin Feng!" Liu Fei immediately drew a new silver bow from behind her back, releasing the arrow spirit. Three glowing projectiles appeared in the air, heading straight for the stiff bowstring of her weapon.

Bending as flexibly as possible, the girl launched three arrows straight at Lin Feng, trying to give her best.

A loud whistle sounded. The arrows flew with unimaginable speed, threatening to nail the guy. Smiling, Lin Feng did not draw his sword and defend himself, ignoring them. Liu Fei was startled at first, thinking that the usually arrogant guy had suddenly decided to end his life, but when she saw the arrows pass right through the guy's body, she stared at him in shock, completely forgetting about her defense.

Lin Feng took advantage of this and instantly moved to the stunned girl. But instead of attacking back, he only lightly patted her head, thus bringing Liu Fei out of shock.

"Hey, what are you doing?" "What is it?" the girl asked indignantly, distancing herself from his hand.

– That's the same question I'd like to ask you!" Why did you attack me? Have you completely lost your head? Lin Feng said irritably. Any guy would like a warmer attitude from a beautiful girl, but not combat attacks at every meeting!

- Well... I recently broke through to the Ling Qi stage, and I needed to test my strength, and you didn't let me do it! Liu Fei began to be indignant again. But under Lin Feng's even more irritated gaze, she quickly calmed down.

– You should have asked properly, not run headlong into battle without warning!" - the guy spoke in an instructive tone to look even more authoritative in the eyes of the girl.

- I get it. .. so are we going to fight? "What is it?" the girl asked, shuffling her feet and sounding uncomfortable. But no matter how cute it looked, Lin Feng didn't fall for the feminine charms.

"No!" I'm going to look for friends to go with them to the exam, " the main character flatly refused, passing by Liu Fei.

– I didn't just come to fight you, but since you're in such a hurry, we'll talk in the exam!" - the warrior shouted at the back of the guy who was leaving on the path.

After leaving the mountain area where all the disciples train, Lin Feng noticed large groups of various sect practitioners hurrying towards Black Wind Mountain.

After listening to the students ' conversations, he realized that there had been a sudden raid of ferocious beasts before the exam. This happens about once every couple of years. The history of the Yun Hai Sect goes back thousands of years, but this is nothing compared to the history of the Wild Beast Forest. Most of the waves did not pose any danger, showing only the beasts of the Ling layer, but a few hundred years ago there was a large-scale attack, as a result of which Yun Hai was almost destroyed. Many Xuan stage beasts broke out from the depths of the forest, causing a real apocalypse in the sect's territory. Many people died. Since that event, there are rumors that all the animals were led by a real mutant who could change his appearance. After hearing about this wave, Lin Feng immediately guessed that the monster was most likely at the Tian Qi stage. He wondered how the sect had dealt with such a monster, but there was no one to ask.

But no matter how dangerous the beast raid was, the disciples would immediately gather at the outskirts of Black Wind Mountain to obtain as many precious resources as possible to sell to their sect. After receiving the proceeds, they could buy various pills and weapons that could help them on the path of cultivation.

"Apparently, everyone decided to fight first and get experience before the exam. Heh, who am I to turn down the chance to fight again? I'm sure Han Man and Jing Yun will definitely be there, " Lin Feng decided, and immediately set off with his head held high towards the borders.

At the same time, the strongest Elite elders of the sect were on the high mountain. They were all close to the eighth level of Ling Qi. Their gazes were drawn deep into Black Wind Mountain, where Yun Hai's strongest core disciple, Ling Hu, was fighting. His age is about twenty years. Being at the seventh level of Ling Qi, he killed higher-level beasts.

– Another two or three years, and he will reach the Xuan Qi stage, then our sect will be among the strongest in the entire country!" One of the elders exclaimed in a joyful voice.

"That's right, that's right. He'll wipe that Chu Zhang Peng's nose yet! The other man said confidently.

Everyone present that day saw an arrogant guy with the spirit of a legendary bird. Ling Hu was offended by the fact that his sect's top disciple, Hao Yue, had broken in, and he issued an edict to control everyone who entered and left the Yun Hai Sect.

After climbing the Black Wind Mountains, Lin Feng, with his sword at the ready, went into the cluster of beasts, cutting them into tiny pieces. His sword fluttered all over the battlefield, blowing these monsters away like a hurricane. The nearest ordinary disciples gave way, unable to withstand the pressure of the Ling Qi stage practitioner. After causing a bloodbath in this area, a tornado of Sword Qi rushed into the depths, threatening to destroy everything around.

In a short time, Lin Feng arrived at the huge rock where the Elite Disciples were dealing with the wild animals of the Lin stage.

Elder Mo Qi stood on the dais, watching over the students and their safety. Along with him were several other elders of lower rank who flattered his son. More and more disciples and elders approached and bowed to Mo Qi.

Suddenly, a terrible wind rose. Looking down, Mo Qi saw a young man surrounded by a dangerous and sharp aura. Sword qi and wind qi surrounded the guy, cutting the Ling Layer beasts into small pieces.

Recognizing him as Lin Feng, Mo Qi recalled his father's words that the boy was a personal disciple of the Patriarch himself. After making a decision for himself, Mo Kang Lang's son said to the nearby elders:

– If something dangerous happens, help this guy even at the cost of your miserable life!

He naturally put the life of a disciple of the Head higher than the lives of some elders.

Mo Qi, like his father, would do anything for the sect, sparing no resources on those who could raise Yun Hai to the heights.

The elders surrounding Mo Qi were surprised by the sudden order, but they still began to carry it out, standing on the stirrup to watch Lin Feng's encirclement and battle.

However, after looking at how the main character deals with everyone like a real god of war, they still lost sight of the guy, getting slapped by Mo Qi.

Lin Feng deliberately walked out of their line of sight, hiding high in the sky. Already in the air, he could assess the situation in much more detail: on the ground, there were mountains of corpses of both animals and students. And among the corpses, there were also a couple of Elite Students who were most likely surrounded and crushed by the massive carcasses. Worried about his friends, Lin Feng began to quickly search with the help of mangekye for a big frivolous guy and a beautiful sweet girl.

"But where can they be?" thought Lin Feng. Shaking his head, he released the spirit of the golden eagle, pushing himself to the maximum. He was fully confident that Han Man would not ignore the beasts. He doesn't have a powerful family behind him, so he gets all the resources on his own. He wasn't sure about Jing Yun, but after spending the nights with him, she had become much stronger and bolder, which meant that she might as well try to prove herself.

Half an hour later, Lin Feng was finally able to spot Han Man and Jing Yun in this forest maze. To his surprise, there was also another guy with them. Descending directly on the head of the creeping python, he crushed its skull with his foot, instantly killing the beast.

"You guys should watch your surroundings," Lin Feng smiled, glad that his close friends were safe.

"Lin Feng!" Han Man and Jing Yun exclaimed briskly. The thin guy, after examining the main character with sharp eyes, fixed his gaze on the dead python of the second level Lin.

- Yes, yes, I'm back with you! Stepping onto the ground, Lin Feng walked over and hugged Jing Yun, who had already missed feeling and caressing for a month.

"By the way, I forgot to introduce you two. Lin Feng, this silent and cold guy is Po Jun. He is at the peak of the Ki stage and has the power to defeat any first-level Ling beast. I assure you, he is definitely not arrogant! - he told me about his new friend Han Man.

Lin Feng took a closer look at this guy, trying to identify his true intentions and understand his character. He responded with the same actions, carefully watching the incredibly strong, in his opinion, guy. Po Jun is absolutely certain that only a truly gifted person would break the skull of a second-level beast so easily. However, he did not show his true feelings, continuing to stare at Lin Feng with a cold expression.

"Po Jun, this is Lin Feng. He's like a real brother to me. I hope you can become good friends! Han Man said lightly, as if he didn't feel the tense atmosphere between the two guys.

– Are you going to take the exam? - Having stopped paying attention to Po Jun, the main character asked the guys.

– After that enlightenment, my strength began to rise in undulating leaps! I am now at the second level of Ling Qi and will definitely become an Elite Disciple! Han Man tapped his chest with genuine confidence.

"I still haven't made it to the next stage, so I won't be able to participate," Jing Yun said as she released some Water Qi. She was currently at the peak of the ninth level of Ki, and the minimum requirement to participate was to reach the first level of the Ling Qi stage.

"Likewise," Po Jun said curtly.

– You know, as soon as you set foot on the ground, I already used my skill to find out your level. You're only 17 years old soon, and you're already at the third level of Ling Qi! As it usually happens, you are the strongest in our group, hehe – " Han Man laughed softly, surprising his friends.

Lin Feng thought as he looked at the dumbfounded faces of Jing Yun and Po Jun. To some extent, he was already tired of everyone's surprise. Although he prides himself on his cultivation speed, he is well aware that there are young practitioners far, far away who can practice even faster!

"Stop talking about me! Let's kill a couple of hundred beasts instead! Lin Feng said with a bloodthirsty smile, rushing towards the ugly rhino that was running towards them.

The sword flashed in his hands, filling with power. The guy began to use the deadly sword: a tiny amount of gray death Qi began to appear on the tip of the weapon. The image of Lin Feng disappeared like a mirage in the attention of his friends and appeared behind the huge carcass. Sheathing the sharp weapon, Lin Feng turned to the rhinoceros, who was drowning in the blood pouring from its thick neck. The incision quickly began to rot, but the pus did not spread beyond this scratch, hinting that the death attribute for destroying the entire thick carcass is clearly not enough yet.