
Reincarnation as a Peerless Martial God / Cultivator with Sharingan!

Cultivation is dangerous. So many hardships a person must go through to get to the peak of their abilities. But how much easier would it be to achieve superior strength if Lin Feng had Sharingan and canon knowledge?

blazerboe2020 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

18 18+

- WHAT?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! A loud and angry voice spread through the deserted street. Na Lan Feng's eyes glittered fiercely, and an unexpected shyness appeared on her face. The girl could not imagine that today her day would be ruined by such an impudent invitation to bed from an unknown guy.

- Am I kidding you? No, no, no, no! Lin Feng pretended to shake his head, then quickly moved his face close to the pretty face of the beauty, " I promise you that after a pair of cultivation with me, you will be able to break through to the 2nd level of Lin Qi, at the same time strengthening your spirit!

With her personality, she reminded Lin Feng of a certain girl who should have already broken through to the Ling Qi stage by this time. But there are still differences between them. Liu Fei, having a high status in the whole country, did not lose her head and very rarely shone with her position and her father's personality. However, it is never too late to re-educate on Lan Feng. As long as she was under Lin Feng's command, he would give her the best of everything, temper her spirit, and teach her to go through all possible difficulties with a pure heart. Trusting a stranger to spy on you may seem too risky, but Lin Feng wants to give another character a chance to open up, freeing him from the vicious circle of arrogance. In any case, regretting something is not in his style.

Once again, surprised by the guy's speed, Na Lan Feng hurried to break the distance between the potential enemy as soon as possible. Although he was in no hurry to attack, but she decided not to be led by the sweet words of the mysterious young practitioner and to understand the case in more detail. The main character straightened up, grinning again, but decided not to do anything, waiting on the spot for the girl's answer.

– Everything you just said sounds absurd. Do you really think I'd agree to have sex with you? We don't even know each other, you fool! Na Lan Feng shouted at the end, flashing a menacing look at Lin Feng.

"It's never too late to get to know each other," the guy smiled seductively, thinking to himself that flirting with beauties is much better than cultivating your dantian. "Everyone needs strength. My job is to offer, and your job is to agree. Just because you're the most talented person in Yangzhou doesn't mean you're talented outside of it.

"Hmph," the girl snorted, ignoring Lin Feng's words and still considering herself the most capable in the entire kingdom – " I'm not going to spy in some imaginary courtyard, much less sleep with you, asshole!" Don't you think I have anything else to do?" – What is it? " she asked, looking disdainfully at the guy in front of her.

Na Lan Feng became more and more irritated, starting to pour out various insults at the other person. She had long been used to talking like this and was not afraid of the consequences, considering her father's protection absolute. As for Lin Feng, he was slowly simmering, reciting a mantra in his head in the hope of enduring and not killing the arrogant girl on the spot. However, the thought that this haughty cutie would soon be under him begging to give her even more calmed the mind and spirit of the main character. After exhaling all the accumulated negativity, he finally relaxed completely.

– It's the competition tomorrow that all the clans of the city will participate in, right?" Lin Feng asked the girl.

– I'll be there, so don't disappoint me, " he continued, waiting for an answer. After his words, Lin Feng took advantage of the Kamui without any hesitation, moving himself to an empty room in the hotel. Sitting in the lotus position, he decided to strengthen his foundation, so that he would not have difficulties in narrow places in the future. Na Lan Feng, on the other hand, was blinking her eyes as she watched the previously unseen movement technique, wondering what forces might be behind the mysterious guy. After standing on the empty street for a few more seconds, she shook her head, dismissing all useless thoughts, and quickly walked in the direction of her clan's estate.

The Na Lan family's territory was the largest in the city. Compared to the same Ling clan, the city lord's domain was two or even three times larger, thus emphasizing the influence of the entire clan on the Lan in Yangzhou.

Arriving at her private cottage, decorated in the richest style, Na Lan Feng changed into her combat uniform, preparing for an intense training session. At the annual Yangzhou tournament, the girl's goal was to show off the greatness of her clan by smearing the upstart Lin Qian. However, the plans changed at the last moment. She just had to keep her face straight in front of that strange guy. To give her best today and give her best tomorrow – that's her goal!

After arriving at the training ground, Na Lan Feng released her spirit, preparing to hone her skills. A huge, muscular arm appeared behind her, shimmering with gold. Unlike the other members of the Na Lan clan, the girl was able to awaken a legendary spirit by the standards of her family. The spirit of the golden divine hand! After hitting a large rock with it, Na Lan Feng easily smashed it into the smallest pieces. It would seem that this world is truly insane, since even the hand of god can become a blood spirit.

The next day, the city arrived in a special state. People gathered in droves and walked in the direction of the huge stadium. For the whole week, the quiet city turns into a real anthill of people rushing to watch the fights of young cultivators. The head of Yangzhou interested a lot of people by allowing clanless or other free cultivators to participate in the event. They do not have the support of a rich family behind them, so they are forced to travel through the forest of Wild Animals and lose their life resources in battles. However, these cultivators have an undeniable advantage over the rich young masters. They have experience, an iron will, and a pure heart!

At the moment, Lin Feng was in the main market of the city, looking for a quality sword. As he walked through the shops and mourned the broken weapons he had fought so many battles with, one long sword caught his attention. The solid black pattern on top of the blood-red steel made the sword stand out well on the dusty shelf of a random stall. Assuming a high price, the main character began to think about stealing. Yes, he was so attracted to this weapon that for the first time in his life he thought about the specialty of a thief. Lin Feng went to the far empty corner, where he had a good view of the entire trading tent. Activating the mangekye and focusing his left eye on the desired object, Lin Feng opened a funnel in space. However, instead of just absorbing one sword, the void suddenly expanded, swallowing up half of the shop.

"Oops!" the main character exclaimed in his mind, casting an apologetic glance at the stall owner, who was already mourning the loss of all the goods. After promising to repay the man another time, Lin Feng merged with the crowd heading to the stadium to watch the heated battles.

The stadium was similar to the Colosseum of ancient Rome, but with one difference – this architecture had one large arena and small ones on the sides. Thus, in the open-air domain, several battles could be held at once, and each spectator himself chose which one to follow. At the entrance, everyone had to pay a certain amount, one half of which would go to repair the arena, and the other half would go straight to the pocket of the pillars of Yangzhou City. Not wanting to spend money, Lin Feng simply disappeared into a dark corner, moving to the highest point of the colosseum. With a sharingan and a heavenly spirit, seeing everything that happens on earth is easy, so the main character is comfortably placed on a stone block in anticipation of interesting performances.

A gigantic audience of several hundred thousand people by Lin Feng's standards gathered to watch the showdown between the four major clans of Yangzhou. The Gu clan and the Wen clan were in a calm state, occasionally glancing at the depressed Ling Clan. As the audience settled into their seats and the participants prepared for the upcoming battles, an old man wearing the Na Lan Clan's hieroglyphics entered the main arena.

– The goal of this tournament is to test the strength of the young practitioners of Yangzhou City. If you are not sure of yourself, then you better give up, because the battles will take place to the death! I hope everyone understands me? The young elder asked, spreading a formidable aura. Everyone agreed with him, understanding the importance and danger of today's competition.

Further events in the form of fights of practitioners of the Ki stage startled Lin Feng. It was just stifling to watch the mediocre people pretending to be great masters trying to use their best yellow-level techniques. But the battles involving Na Lan Feng, he watched with great interest, noticing that the girl from the first battle began to give everything to the fullest, showing everyone the superiority of her spirit of the golden divine hand. Lin Qian didn't disappoint the guy either. Easily freezing opponents and venting the anger accumulated in a couple of days, she quickly defeated her opponents. Both girls without any problems reached the final, where they will fight with another girl, who many in the crowd announced as a dark horse.

Qiu Lan was a representative of the free cultivators who had no influence. Being at the 1st level of Ling Qi, she easily took the victory from the rest of the Ki stage cultivators, eventually meeting in the final battle with Na Lan Feng and Ling Qian. The girl herself had mixed feelings about this. She doesn't really like fighting, so she ended it all with one restrained blow, analyzing the participants more. Her goal in the tournament is to identify the approximate strength level of all the clans, and not to fight against the rest. Her brother would do the latter, announcing his return.

When the old man from the Na Lan clan announced the final battle, after asking about the condition of the participants, Qiu Lan simply stood aside, waiting for her brother to come out. The heads of the four clans looked at the girl and did not understand her actions. Unexpectedly for everyone at the meeting, with the exception of Qiu Lan, who planned everything, and Lin Feng, who knew everything through the world of darkness, a young man burst into the main arena, radiating an aura of arrogance and arrogance. After looking at the Patriarch of the Na Lan clan with a look full of hatred, he walked towards his daughter, spreading murderous intent.

"Na Lan Xiong, you despicable asshole who destroyed my clan by attacking us at night! I, Qiu Yuan Hao, came here today to tell people the truth and humiliate your daughter! The sudden visitor cursed, his face red with anger.

In the crowd, almost everyone had heard of the Qiu clan, which was famous for its extremely powerful golden body spirit. This blood spirit worked automatically, protecting its user from any attacks and spreading magnificent golden armor. Now, at last, people knew the reason for the disappearance of such a powerful family. It was much easier. Banal envy and lust for power forced the Na Lan family to commit a crime that was shameful for a large clan.

The people looked disdainfully in the face at Lan Xiong, who was right now bursting with anger and rage as he looked at the arena. The murderous intent made his eyes glow. He had no idea that some of the Qiu clan were still alive.

– Would you dare to kill me, Na Lan Xiong, in front of hundreds of thousands of spectators?!" I will now cripple your daughter, showing the true superiority of the Qiu clan and the capital's practitioners. Well, next time I'll come for your life! Qiu Yuan Hao said with venom in his voice, looking provocatively into the eyes of the Clan Patriarch Na Lan. Lin Feng thought the guy's actions were stupid, but very brave. Not everyone can offend a peak Ling Qi stage practitioner. There is a high probability of dying immediately after such an act.

However, Lin Feng liked the way things were going. If he could defeat Na Lan Feng, then she would definitely want more power, which meant that she would definitely agree to his offer. This is exactly what the main character was counting on when he came to the event.

– You're finished, you Qiu clan geek!" The head of the city rose from his seat, gathering energy to attack. He did not regret that he had destroyed this clan, providing his family with the best things in the city. Na Lan Feng's voice suddenly rang out, spreading battle intent.

"Don't worry, Father, I'll kill him myself!" The girl said coldly, walking towards Qiu Yuan Hao's direction. She decided to protect the honor of her father, while at the same time proving to that mysterious practitioner that she was much more talented than any cultivators from the capital.

"Ha-ha-ha! I don't understand, Sister, how did you live here all the time, putting up with these idiots? Seriously?! Kill me?! This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard! Qiu Yuan Hao turned to his sister with malicious amusement. Qiu Lang gave him a calm smile as she continued to watch the vengeance take place, feeling joy and pride for her brother inside.

After releasing her spirit and using the yellow rank family technique, Na Lan Feng rushed with all her strength, spreading murderous intent along the way.

"Invincible Golden Body!" A bright glow filled the entire stadium. A majestic golden armor appeared on Qiu Yuan Hao's body, granting him a grand defense. Unafraid of the damage, the boy raised a gold-plated fist in response to the girl's attack. After discovering a black rank technique called "Invincible Golden Body" while traveling, and adding his blood spirit to it, he was able to easily master this technique and defeat enemies of the same level without much trouble.

"This spirit has a huge potential. It's a pity that he is in the possession of a guy blinded by hatred. With a shrug, Lin Feng continued to observe the events that followed.

"Boom! Boom!»

The two golden halos collided with each other, creating a hurricane of force and wind. Unexpectedly for Na Lan Feng, her opponent's fist shone even brighter, throwing the girl several meters away. She struggled to her feet, gasping for breath as she retreated to the edge of the arena. Qiu Yuan Hao didn't change, still spreading a confident aura with an evil smile on his face.

– I didn't expect you to be so weak, "the boy said with false pity in his voice as he ran towards the city that was battered by the princess' attack.

The radiance filled the space again, causing Lan Xiong to anxiously stand up from his seat. He didn't want his beloved daughter to be crippled. Completely forgetting all the limits of decency, he hurried to move to the stage in order to save his blood. However, this was not necessary, because a distortion appeared in Qiu Yuan Hao's path, which soon took on the figure of a tall guy in a mask.

"You disappoint me, Na Lan Feng –" the young man's muffled voice rang out. Using a powerful genjutsu on Qiu Yuan Hao, Lin Feng put him to sleep right on the move. Considering it unfair to give the guy into the hands of the enemy, he activated the left mangekye, sending a sleeping body to his domain. Completely ignoring the crowd shocked by his actions, Lin Feng once again used the left Kamui, absorbing the dumbfounded Qiu Lan.

– Who are you?" Na Lan Xiong asked furiously, realizing that the stranger was stealing the culprits of today's troubles.

Lin Qian exclaimed in her mind, involuntarily going back to the moment of the fight with the Patriarch's personal disciple Yun Hai.

"You can call me Ootsutsuki Yu," Lin Feng said in a deep and solemn voice, taking the name of the ancestress of the chakra for more pathos. - See you soon, residents of Yangzhou!

Having achieved all his goals, the main character, without thinking, spent the last remnants of Qi to move to the hotel room. After placing the mask on the wooden table, Lin Feng sat in the lotus position and began to replenish his energy, while resting spiritually and physically. As it turned out, the spirit of Qiu Yuan Hao protected not only the body, but also the mind of its owner. Having spent a lot of mental strength to overcome the enemy's defenses, he was now suffering a severe headache, trying to calm his thoughts.

Until the evening, Lin Feng meditated in the hotel, not forgetting to keep track of the time. After the event, his plan was to visit Na Lan Feng to find out her final decision. After replenishing his strength at just the right time of day, he opened the first page of the heavenly book and found out the exact location of the princess of the city. After teleporting to her room, Lin Feng saw the girl calmly meditating. Without disturbing her, the main character quietly settled down on the floor, waiting for the end of her meditation. Ten minutes later, Na Lan Feng saw the handsome face of the guy in front of her, opening her blue eyes.

– What are you doing here, and who let you in?" The girl jumped up in surprise, flooding Lin Feng with questions.

– I'm here to hear your final decision." If you say "no", then I will disappear from your life, but if " yes " ... - did not finish the guy, thoughtfully stroking his chin.

– I-I ... lost… Some upstart defeated me with a single attack… I need strength! However, if everything you said back then is a lie, and it was just to get me into bed, then I will cut off your balls without delay! - in a determined and bloodthirsty voice, the girl informed the guy about the consequences.

Lin Feng, without thinking about anything, gently hugged the woman's body. Closing his eyes, he brought his mouth close to the girl's soft and inviting lips. Na Lan Feng did not argue, but gave herself up to the power of the first kiss. Continuing this action, Lin Feng slowly led the girl to the bed. A moment later, he pulled away from the sweet lips, and began to stare intently into the beautiful eyes of the girl, burning with embarrassment and desire. Admiring the beautiful face, which is complemented by silky grayish hair, Lin Feng involuntarily hung up, looking at such a charm.

"Shall we continue?" Leaning down, he whispered in her ear.

After a moment of silence, Na Lan Feng nodded. Smiling, Lin Feng began to take off her clothes, revealing her rather developed and sexy body. He then undressed himself, shocking the girl with his steel rod.

Without wasting a minute, the guy began to gently massage her lush breasts, especially paying great attention to the pinkish nipples.

- Mmm... The Na Lan clan Princess moaned languidly.

As she writhed beneath him because of the tingling sensation between her legs, Lin Feng pressed his penis against her narrow opening.

– It will hurt at first, but then your reward will be a sea of pleasure – " he said with anticipation, wanting to taste the sweet fruit as soon as possible.

At this moment, the guy inserted the tip of his penis into the girl's pussy, penetrating forward, tearing her hymen. Blood began to seep out, staining the sheets and the bed.

– Mmnn, – she moaned in pain, biting her lower lip until it bled, – you have to take responsibility after this, Yu! - Na Lan Feng added in an overly important tone, looking straight into the guy's eyes.

Answering with a serious nod, Lin Feng continued his penetration, simultaneously bending down to take possession of her mouth and then her tongue. Soon the tip of his strong shaft reached the end of her tight vagina. Having gained a free moment, Na Lan Feng tried to catch her breath after such actions, trying to get used to the foreign object inside her.

– I'm starting to get active, okay?" Lin Feng warned with concern in his voice.

Waiting for a nod, he began to move his pelvis, gradually increasing his speed.

"Ahhh!" The girl moaned with incredible pleasure, lost in the bliss of passion.

Completely forgetting about the recent pain, Na Lan Feng began to drown in pleasure, filling the room with her loud moans. Languid heavy breathing and the slap of bodies touching could be heard throughout the room, adding to the atmosphere of vulgarity and sex. Without getting tired, he continued to fuck her in a missionary position, piercing her inner world with his sword. Caressing her nipples, Lin Feng easily brought the inexperienced girl to orgasm, giving her an unknown sensation.

"Aaaaaahhhh!" Moaning loudly and sticking her tongue out, Na Lan Feng came, flooding the guy with her juices mixed with Yin energy.

Without stopping, Lin Feng continued to drive his cock deep into the girl. After a couple of minutes, he still reached the peak of pleasure, pouring into her pussy. Pure Yin and Yang energy filled the room, merging and soaking into the bodies of the two young practitioners, making them stronger. Lin Feng, who had recently moved to the second level, was able to expand his Dantian by reaching the peak of this level. As for the princess of the Na Lan clan, she was able to break through to the 2nd level of Ling Qi under the influence of Yan. The energy was also absorbed into the girl's blood, making her golden divine hand spirit stronger, which would greatly affect her future development.