
Reincarnated with a Comprehension System in a cultivation world.

A girl was reincarnated in the world of cultivation where the strong makes the law while the weak are disposable tools. Follow the story of Elysia Netherthorn as she walks the path of a ruthless cultivator and see if she truly makes it to the top or dies trying to make a name for herself. Will Elysia be able to make the world submit to her with her system or will she be the one to bow down in the end. Please Support on Patreon if you like the story and wish to see it continue; patreon.com/user?u=109731790

Late_Reaper · Fantasy
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226 Chs

Chapter 23 Soul Fusion Realm.

In the heart of the Tranquility Sect, Elysia, now a venerable figure at 200 years of age, initiated a profound display of her cultivation prowess.

Utilizing her 8th Stage Immortal Heart Sutra, she orchestrated a mesmerizing spectacle—a vortex of Qi swirling around her, drawing in every minuscule trace of spiritual energy across the entire sect and its vicinity.

The disciples, particularly those who had joined the sect within the last century or possessed fleeting memories, were taken aback by this extraordinary display.

Whispers and gasps filled the air as the disciples exchanged puzzled glances, wondering about the source and purpose of this mesmerizing phenomenon.

However, among the more seasoned disciples, a recognition dawned—the memory of Elysia engaging in a similar feat in the past. Those with keen recollections immediately drew connections, realizing that this was not the first time Elysia had harnessed the power of the sect's Qi on such a grand scale.

As the swirling vortex of Qi intensified around Elysia, it caught the attention of the elders and the Sect Master. A sense of anticipation and curiosity rippled through the group as they approached Elysia's residence. The elders exchanged glances, silently communicating the shared intrigue that this formidable display elicited.

Sect Master Zhen, a venerable figure with an air of authority, spoke first, "What is the meaning of this, Elysia?"

Elysia, absorbed in her cultivation, didn't immediately respond. The vortex of Qi continued to dance around her, creating an otherworldly spectacle that seemed to defy the laws of nature.

Elder Mei, known for her meticulous observations, remarked with a furrowed brow, "This is reminiscent of what Elysia did decades ago. It appears she's tapping into the sect's Qi on an unprecedented scale."

Elder Ling, ever the skeptic, questioned, "But for what purpose? And why now?"

Elder Zan, a seasoned cultivator, analyzed the situation, "It seems Elysia has her reasons. Let's observe for now and understand the extent of her actions."

As the elders deliberated, the Sect Master, maintaining a composed demeanor, observed Elysia with an inquisitive gaze. The spectacle unfolding before them raised questions that lingered in the air—an enigma that begged to be unraveled.

Elysia, still immersed in her cultivation, remained the epicenter of this extraordinary event.

As the disciples witnessed the mesmerizing display of Elysia manipulating the sect's Qi, a murmur of confusion and awe swept through their ranks.

"Heavens, what is Elysia doing?"

"Did she just absorb all the sect's Qi? Is that even possible?"

"I heard she did something like this before, but this... it's on a whole new level!"

Disciples exchanged bewildered glances, trying to make sense of the spectacle before them. The atmosphere among them was charged with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.

One daring disciple voiced his thoughts aloud, "Maybe she's transcending to a higher realm! That's the only explanation for such a display of power."

A more cautious cultivator, who had been in the sect longer, shared a different perspective, "I remember Elysia doing something similar in the past. It's mysterious, but she has her reasons."

The younger disciples, unfamiliar with Elysia's past exploits, couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence and trepidation. Whispers circulated, carrying tales of Elysia's past deeds, further fueling the air of mystique that surrounded her.

As the dark clouds gathered above the Tranquility Sect, signaling the impending Tribulation Lightning Trial, a mix of anticipation and tension filled the air. Elders exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the significance of Elysia's breakthrough.

Elder Ling, known for his observant nature, spoke with a furrowed brow, "This magnitude of Qi absorption can only mean one thing – Elysia is preparing for her Tribulation Lightning Trial. But the sheer volume... it's beyond what we've witnessed before."

Elder Mei, her gaze fixed on the darkening sky, added, "Elysia's cultivation is formidable, but the intensity of this Tribulation Lightning Trial suggests a breakthrough of extraordinary proportions."

The Sect Master, maintaining his composed demeanor, remarked, "Elysia walks a path unlike any other. Her methods may seem unconventional, but they yield results. Let us witness the trial she faces without interference."

Meanwhile, among the disciples, whispers spread like wildfire.

"Elysia is about to face a Tribulation Lightning Trial!"

"I heard she absorbed the entire sect's Qi for this breakthrough. What kind of trial awaits her?"

Disciples, both new and seasoned, gathered in groups, speculating on the nature of Elysia's imminent trial. The younger cultivators, with wide eyes, looked to the sky as if expecting a spectacle.

One brave disciple dared to voice his thoughts, "If she succeeds, Elysia's power will be unmatched. This could be a turning point for the sect!"

A more experienced cultivator cautioned, "Don't underestimate the Tribulation Lightning. It tests not only strength but also the cultivator's resilience and connection with the heavens."

As the dark clouds intensified, signaling the commencement of the trial, a hushed silence fell over the sect. Even the wind seemed to hold its breath in anticipation.

Elysia, standing at the center of attention, felt the first jolts of Tribulation Lightning coursing through her body. She masked the true depth of her breakthrough, giving off the illusion of advancing to the 1st Stage Soul Transformation Realm.

The Elders, keenly observing, exchanged knowing glances.

Elder Zan, his voice barely audible, remarked, "This is not an ordinary breakthrough. Elysia is attempting something extraordinary."

Elder Ling nodded, "Her methods may be unorthodox, but we cannot deny the power she commands. This trial will be a testament to her strength and, perhaps, a revelation of her true potential."

The dark clouds rumbled with thunder, and the first streaks of Tribulation Lightning illuminated the sky. Elysia, surrounded by an aura of mystery, faced the trial with determination, concealing the depth of her true breakthrough from prying eyes.

The disciples and elders alike watched as the heavens unleashed their judgment upon Elysia, the outcome shrouded in uncertainty, yet the anticipation palpable.

The first Tribulation Lightning strike crackled through the air, illuminating the dark clouds above as it descended upon Elysia. As it struck, she stood unwavering, the glow of the lightning casting eerie shadows on her determined face.

Disciples and elders alike watched with bated breath. A murmur rippled through the onlookers as they witnessed Elysia withstand the first strike.

"She's incredible! The Tribulation Lightning hardly fazed her!"

"Is this the power of someone attempting Soul Transformation? Remarkable!"

The Sect Master, observing with a stoic expression, commented, "Elysia's resilience is noteworthy. Let us see how she faces the subsequent strikes."

Elysia, absorbing the power of the first strike, prepared herself for what lay ahead. The second Tribulation Lightning descended, more potent than the first. Yet, Elysia stood resolute, her Leviathan Physique activated.

A gasp swept through the crowd as a colossal phantom of a Leviathan materialized behind Elysia. Whispers and exclamations filled the air.

"What... What is that behind her?"

"A Leviathan? Is that a rare beast companion?"

"Elysia has a hidden trump card! This is unprecedented!"

The elders, exchanging puzzled glances, were equally astonished by the unexpected turn of events.

Elder Mei, her eyes narrowed in scrutiny, spoke to Elder Ling, "Have you ever seen anything like this in a Tribulation Lightning Trial?"

Elder Ling, shaken by the display, replied, "Never. This goes beyond the norm. Elysia is not just facing the Tribulation; she's commanding it."

As the third Tribulation Lightning strike approached, Elysia's Leviathan Physique shimmered with ethereal power. The disciples watched in awe as their fellow cultivator harnessed a force beyond their comprehension.

"Elysia is on a different level altogether!"

"If she succeeds, the Tranquility Sect will reach new heights!"

Meanwhile, Elysia, embracing the power of her Leviathan Physique, continued to endure the relentless onslaught of the Tribulation Lightning. Each strike enhanced her physical and spiritual strength, a fact unbeknownst to the spectators.

Elder Zan, observing with keen interest, noted, "Her resilience is not only due to her cultivation but also this mysterious Leviathan manifestation. Intriguing."

Elder Ling concurred, "It's as if she has merged with the Tribulation, transcending the usual challenges."

As the strikes continued, Elysia's aura radiated an ancient, dominating presence. The Leviathan phantom behind her mirrored her unwavering determination.

The Elders and Sect Master exchanged contemplative glances, realizing that Elysia's Tribulation Lightning Trial was rewriting the sect's history.

The disciples, in a mix of reverence and disbelief, bore witness to a spectacle that defied convention.

The atmosphere crackled with tension as the final Tribulation Lightning strike descended upon Elysia. The Leviathan phantom behind her echoed the impending strike with a resounding roar that sent shivers down the spines of the onlookers.

Elder Mei, wide-eyed, exclaimed, "That roar! It's as if a true Leviathan is among us. Could it be an aspect of her technique?"

Elder Ling, equally astonished, replied, "I've never witnessed such a profound connection between a cultivator and their Tribulation. Elysia's cultivation is rewriting the rules."

The disciples, rooted in awe and fear, exchanged uneasy glances. The resonance of the Leviathan's roar reverberated through the entire sect, creating an unsettling aura.

One disciple muttered, "This is beyond anything I imagined. Elysia has become a force of nature."

Another whispered, "Are we witnessing the birth of a legend? This Leviathan's roar is unforgettable."

As the Tribulation Lightning struck Elysia directly, the roar of the Leviathan intensified, drowning out the sound of thunder. The flash of lightning illuminated her figure, surrounded by the ethereal presence of the Leviathan.

Sect Master, maintaining a composed demeanor, noted, "Elysia's Tribulation is unlike anything we've seen. The Leviathan's manifestation is not just symbolic; it holds tangible power."

Elder Zan added, "It's as if the Leviathan itself acknowledges Elysia's strength. This Tribulation is not only a test; it's a recognition of her mastery over the Leviathan Physique."

The final lightning strike faded, leaving a transformed Elysia in its wake. Her aura, now infused with the Leviathan's essence, radiated dominance and ancient power.

Elysia, amidst the dissipating echoes of the Tribulation, opened her eyes, revealing a gaze that seemed to pierce through the very fabric of reality. The Leviathan phantom behind her slowly dissipated, leaving an indelible impression on the spectators.

Elder Mei, breaking the silence, said, "She's succeeded. Elysia has transcended the expected outcome of a Tribulation Lightning Trial."

Elder Ling, still absorbing the spectacle, nodded, "The Leviathan's roar... It's as if the heavens themselves acknowledged her strength."

As the disciples processed the extraordinary event, whispers of awe and reverence filled the air. Elysia's name would be etched in the sect's history as the cultivator who faced a Tribulation beyond imagination.

In the aftermath, Elysia stood transformed, her Leviathan Physique now a part of her formidable arsenal.

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