
Reincarnated with a Comprehension System in a cultivation world.

A girl was reincarnated in the world of cultivation where the strong makes the law while the weak are disposable tools. Follow the story of Elysia Netherthorn as she walks the path of a ruthless cultivator and see if she truly makes it to the top or dies trying to make a name for herself. Will Elysia be able to make the world submit to her with her system or will she be the one to bow down in the end. Please Support on Patreon if you like the story and wish to see it continue; patreon.com/user?u=109731790

Late_Reaper · Fantasy
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226 Chs

Chapter 22 Century Long Seclusion.

Elysia settled onto her bed, her focus honed on the next stage of her cultivation journey. With a determined tone, she addressed her system, "Start on the comprehension of the 8th Stage Immortal Heart Sutra."

The system's response echoed, 'It will take 100 years to reach Perfection Mastery over the 8th Stage Immortal Heart Sutra.'

Undeterred, Elysia dismissed the temporal concern with a casual, "Just do it."

'Yes, host.'

As the system initiated the comprehension process, Elysia took advantage of her current cultivation prowess. Activating her 7th Stage Immortal Heart Sutra to its maximum capacity, she harnessed the energies around her, swiftly absorbing the Qi within her abode. What would take others with similar cultivation levels at least a year to accomplish, she achieved in a matter of moments.

Ceasing her absorption, Elysia remarked, "Well, that was fast. It will take a couple of weeks for the array to gather all that Qi again."

In the quiet aftermath, the room resonated with the lingering effects of Elysia's rapid Qi absorption.

In the heart of the Tranquility Sect's Learning Hall, Elysia explored the repository of cultivation techniques. As a newly appointed Core Disciple, she had access to the 1st through 5th floors, while the higher echelons remained reserved for Personal Disciples and Elders.

Determined to expand her repertoire, Elysia approached an elder overseeing the disciples' inquiries. "Do you have any incomplete techniques?" she inquired.

The elder scrutinized her with a raised eyebrow and responded, "1st floor, at the back. Be careful, these techniques are incomplete and can cause severe backlash."

Following the elder's guidance, Elysia made her way to the designated area at the back of the first floor. The shelves were lined with scrolls, each harboring the remnants of knowledge that could potentially unlock profound cultivation paths.

In her quest through the Learning Hall, Elysia stumbled upon an ancient book, its pages worn and torn by time's relentless march. About 90% of the once-comprehensive tome lay in tatters, bearing the scars of the ages. Amidst the ruins, 5% of the content had become illegible, a victim of the passage of time. A mere 5% remained, still decipherable, holding the potential for untapped knowledge.

Elysia, despite the dilapidated state of the book, clutched it tightly in her hands. Little did she know, her discovery held greater significance than its fragile appearance suggested.

As Elysia held the book, her system chimed in, announcing a significant find, "Congratulations, Host, for finding a Peak Heaven Grade Body Cultivation Technique called the Leviathan Physique. It is a technique that is split into 9 parts."

The Leviathan Physique Body Cultivation Technique:

The Leviathan Physique is an ancient and profound Body Cultivation Technique that channels the essence of the Leviathan, a mythical sea creature known for its immense size and power. Divided into nine distinct parts, each segment corresponds to a specific aspect of the Leviathan's formidable physique.

Leviathan's Might (Part 1): This section focuses on enhancing strength and power, enabling the cultivator to exhibit unparalleled might in both offense and defense.

Abyssal Resilience (Part 2): Aiming to fortify the body, this part bestows extraordinary resilience, making the cultivator nearly impervious to physical harm.

Oceanic Vitality (Part 3): Centered around vitality and life force, this segment grants the cultivator a robust and enduring constitution.

Tempestuous Speed (Part 4): Aiming to emulate the Leviathan's swift movements underwater, this part enhances the cultivator's speed and agility to extraordinary levels.

Tidal Harmony (Part 5): Focused on achieving balance and control over Qi circulation, this part allows the cultivator to harmonize with the ebb and flow of energy.

Primordial Connection (Part 6): Establishing a connection with the primordial forces of nature, this segment allows the cultivator to tap into profound elemental energies.

Cerulean Insight (Part 7): Cultivating a deep understanding of the surrounding environment, this part enhances perception and intuition.

Leviathan's Roar (Part 8): Tapping into the legendary roar of the Leviathan, this section grants the cultivator a powerful sonic ability with applications in both offense and defense.

Ocean Sovereignty (Part 9): Attaining the pinnacle of the Leviathan Physique, this final part encompasses a holistic mastery of all aspects, bestowing the cultivator with a physique akin to an oceanic sovereign.

Elysia, realizing the potential of this ancient technique, looked around cautiously before questioning her system, "Can you complete this technique?"

'Yes, host.'

With a determined smirk, Elysia commanded, "System, learn the technique."

'Yes, host.'

In response to her directive, the ancient book crumbled into dust, dissipating into nothingness. Elysia remained unconcerned, knowing that a discarded book, its contents diminished by the ravages of time, wouldn't be missed, especially when it had been relegated to a forgotten corner of the Learning Hall.

Elysia, returning to the front of the Learning Hall, encountered the inquisitive gaze of the Elder who had assisted her in her search.

The Elder questioned, "Did you find anything?"

Elysia sighed, adopting a contemplative expression, and replied with a hint of deception, "No, but I did gain inspiration. I'll be entering seclusion to explore these newfound insights."

The Elder nodded understandingly, stating, "I will inform the others to ensure your cultivation isn't disturbed during this period."

Expressing her gratitude, Elysia bowed slightly, "Thank you, Elder."

Returning to her abode, Elysia took a seat on her bed and instructed, "Start the comprehension of the Leviathan Physique Body Cultivation Technique."

The system responded, 'It will take 1 year to reach Perfection Mastery over the 1st Part, 5 years for the 2nd Part, 10 years for the 3rd Part, 20 years for the 4th Part, 40 years for the 5th Part, and 80 years for the 6th Part. Subsequent parts will be calculated accordingly.'

Elysia nodded in acknowledgment and directed, "Begin assisting me in comprehending all the parts."

With a decisive start, Elysia entered a prolonged seclusion. The passage of time within the walls of her secluded abode was marked by the steady progress of her cultivation. The weekly visits from diligent outer disciples, delivering sustenance to her doorstep, became the only reminders of the outside world.

As the tranquility of her seclusion enveloped her, Elysia delved deep into the intricate mysteries of the Leviathan Physique, unlocking its potential piece by piece. Each calculated year of comprehension brought her closer to mastering the extraordinary body cultivation technique that would mold her physique into a formidable force reminiscent of a leviathan.

Embracing seclusion, she became a recluse. Every week, an outer disciple delivered food to her door, a silent testament to her deep immersion in the profound teachings of the Leviathan Physique.

In the silent sanctum of her seclusion, time flowed in an intricate dance, and a century slipped away unnoticed, leaving Elysia standing at the threshold of two centuries of existence. Remarkably, her physical appearance defied the relentless passage of time, preserving the allure of youth that betrayed her true age.

At the pinnacle of the 9th Stage Soul Transformation Realm, Elysia's cultivation surged, and she stood on the precipice of the elusive 1st Stage Soul Fusion Realm.

The Qi required for this breakthrough remained just out of reach, teasing her with its tantalizing proximity. Elysia, despite her formidable power, found herself tethered by the constraints of available energy.

Elysia, despite her remarkable accomplishments in cultivation, found herself confronted with a limitation—a deficiency in her understanding of Arrays and Formations.

This realization surfaced as a vulnerability, a gap in her knowledge that hindered her from rectifying the scarcity of aura surrounding her seclusion.

As an adept cultivator, Elysia had delved deep into the intricacies of Immortal Heart Sutras and body cultivation techniques, mastering them to perfection.

However, the realm of Arrays and Formations remained an uncharted territory, and her attempts to address the deficiency in the lack of Qi that she was experiencing.

However, within the confines of her seclusion, Elysia's relentless pursuit of perfection bore fruit. The 9th Stage Immortal Heart Sutra, a testament to her unwavering dedication, attained Perfection Mastery, a mastery that resonated with the very essence of her being.

Simultaneously, the Leviathan Physique, sculpting her form into an embodiment of strength, reached the 5th Stage Mastery. The convergence of these profound techniques imbued Elysia's every fiber with an unprecedented power.

As the intricate patterns of the Leviathan Physique manifested on her body, a distinct change in Elysia's aura became palpable.

An ancient resonance, echoing the primordial depths of power, emanated from her being. The aura spoke of dominion and authority, hinting at the profound transformation Elysia had undergone during her seclusion.

The aura that enveloped Elysia now commanded reverence, a silent proclamation of the unparalleled strength she had cultivated through decades of unwavering focus and determination.

The very air around her seemed to quiver with the weight of her presence, attesting to the extraordinary heights she had ascended in her pursuit of power.

Elysia sat up and asked her system, "How much until I master the 6th Stage Leviathan Physique?"

'According to my calculations, the host needs 56 years to reach Perfection Mastery over your 6th Stage Leviathan Physique Body Cultivation Technique.'

Yet, despite her accomplishments, the unquenchable thirst for further growth lingered within Elysia. The impending breakthrough to the 1st Stage Soul Fusion Realm beckoned, promising a new chapter in her cultivation journey.

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