
Reincarnated with a Comprehension System in a cultivation world.

A girl was reincarnated in the world of cultivation where the strong makes the law while the weak are disposable tools. Follow the story of Elysia Netherthorn as she walks the path of a ruthless cultivator and see if she truly makes it to the top or dies trying to make a name for herself. Will Elysia be able to make the world submit to her with her system or will she be the one to bow down in the end. Please Support on Patreon if you like the story and wish to see it continue; patreon.com/user?u=109731790

Late_Reaper · Fantasy
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226 Chs

Chapter 24 Tranquility Sect Elder.

Elysia lay unconscious, her body radiating the lingering energy of the Leviathan Physique. The Elders, concerned, hurried to her side. Elder Zan, with a furrowed brow, examined her condition while the other Elders exchanged worried glances.

Elder Mei voiced her concern, "What happened? Is she alright?"

Elder Zan, focused on his examination, replied, "Her body underwent a tremendous transformation. The Leviathan manifestation seems to have taken a toll on her."

Elder Ling, observing Elysia closely, added, "It's a rare occurrence for a cultivator to undergo such a unique Tribulation. The aftermath might be more challenging than we anticipated."

Sect Master, a mixture of curiosity and concern in his expression, said, "Ensure she receives the best care. We need her in top condition for what lies ahead."

As the Elders discussed Elysia's well-being, the disciples, now recovering from the awe of the Tribulation, watched with a mix of anticipation and worry. Whispers circulated among them, speculating on the nature of Elysia's transformation.

One disciple, wide-eyed, murmured, "Did she really summon a Leviathan during her Tribulation?"

Another, uncertain, replied, "I've never heard of anything like this. Elysia's strength is beyond comprehension."

Meanwhile, Elder Zan continued his examination, trying to understand the intricacies of Elysia's condition. He muttered to himself, "The Leviathan has merged with her essence. This goes beyond normal cultivation transformations."

Elder Mei, addressing the Sect Master, said, "We must tread carefully. Elysia's cultivation path has taken an unprecedented turn. We might be witnessing the birth of a cultivator with powers beyond our understanding."

Sect Master nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. The aura of the Leviathan Physique still lingered, a testament to the extraordinary events that had unfolded.

The Healing Hall was bathed in soft light as Elysia tried to make sense of her surroundings. A doctor approached her with a warm smile, inquiring about her well-being.

"How are you doing, Elder Elysia?" the doctor asked.

"Elder?" Elysia questioned, a hint of confusion in her voice.

The doctor chuckled, "Yes, after your remarkable display during the Tribulation Lightning Trial, the Sect Leader and Grand Elder decided to appoint you as an Elder."

Elysia sighed, taking in the unexpected turn of events. "Well, that's nice."

Another Elder, responsible for the Healing Hall, joined them, presenting Elysia with the new Elder robe. A smile played on their lips as they remarked, "I guess we're the same rank now. Who would have guessed that a little genius like you would appear in our sect?"

Elysia nodded, a subtle acknowledgment of the newfound status. "I didn't expect to become a genius too."

As the news of Elysia's appointment spread through the Healing Hall, whispers of admiration and surprise circulated among the disciples and healers present. The atmosphere was a mix of respect and curiosity, with many stealing glances at the recently promoted Elder.

Elder Mei, who had been overseeing the Healing Hall, approached Elysia with a congratulatory smile. "Welcome to the ranks of the Elders, Elysia. Your unique journey has certainly captured the attention of many."

Elysia, still processing the situation, replied, "Thank you, Elder Mei. It seems my path has taken an unexpected turn."

The Elder responsible for the Healing Hall added, "Your presence will undoubtedly bring a new dynamic to our sect. I look forward to witnessing your future contributions."

As Elysia navigated this unforeseen development, the Healing Hall buzzed with a mixture of excitement and curiosity about the Elder who had summoned the Leviathan during her Tribulation.

The news of Elysia's rapid promotion to the rank of Elder spread like wildfire among the disciples of the Tranquility Sect, sparking a flurry of reactions and discussions.

In the bustling courtyards and practice grounds, disciples huddled in groups, their voices filled with a mix of awe, speculation, and excitement.

"I heard Elysia's Tribulation was incredible! That's probably why the Sect Leader and Grand Elder promoted her so quickly."

"But she's only 200 years old! How can someone so young become an Elder? There must be something extraordinary about her."

A group of curious disciples approached one another, sharing their thoughts and opinions on the unexpected turn of events.

"I never expected Elysia to become an Elder so soon. She always seemed like a solitary cultivator, focusing on her own path."

"It's got to be that Leviathan thing she did during her Tribulation. I heard it was so powerful that even the Elders were impressed."

A more skeptical disciple interjected, "But doesn't age matter in these things? How can a 200-year-old disciple become an Elder? It doesn't make sense!"

Nearby, others joined the conversation, each offering their viewpoint on the matter.

"I think it's refreshing to see someone break the norm. Elysia's rise is like a breath of fresh air in our sect."

"Perhaps there's more to her cultivation than we know. Elders wouldn't make such a decision lightly."

As the discussions unfolded, disciples tried to make sense of Elysia's unprecedented promotion. Some admired her strength, while others questioned the criteria for such a rapid advancement. The news reached the ears of those who had witnessed Elysia's Tribulation, adding an air of mystique to her newly acquired Elder status.

Within the sect's corridors, the whispers continued, creating an undercurrent of intrigue. The disciples contemplated the implications of Elysia's ascent, speculating on the future dynamics she might bring to the Tranquility Sect.

A couple of hours later, Elysia bowed slightly in front of the Sect Master and said, "What are your orders, Sect Master."

The Sect Master thought for a few seconds before saying, "You will be responsible for clearing out the monsters from the valley behind the sect. The Beasts there are below the Soul Formation Realm so it shouldn't be too hard as long as you don't get cornered by a large number of them."

Elysia nodded and said, "I will take my leave then."

The Sect Master nodded and said, "Good. As an Elder, you must become a role model for the other disciples so always lay attention to your image."

Elysia smiled and said, "I will keep that in mind."

As Elysia departed from the presence of the Sect Master, the elders within the hall exchanged glances, concern etched on their faces. They gathered in a small circle, their expressions reflective of the uncertainty that lingered in the air.

Elder Zan, known for his cautious nature, voiced his reservations, "Sending Elysia to clear out the monsters in the valley—do you think it's a wise decision? She's our newly appointed Elder and a valuable asset to the sect."

Elder Ling, always analytical, added, "True, she's powerful, but the valley is known for its unpredictability. It might be beneath her cultivation level, but the numbers and the variety of monsters could pose a threat."

Elder Mei, who had a history of meticulous investigations, chimed in, "We must consider the potential benefits. If Elysia successfully clears out the valley, it will be a significant contribution to the sect's safety."

Elder Chen, the wise elder, nodded in agreement, "Indeed, we must balance the risks and rewards. Elysia's capabilities are exceptional, but we shouldn't underestimate the challenges that could arise."

The discussion continued, a symphony of varying opinions and perspectives. Some elders leaned toward caution, expressing worry about Elysia's safety, while others saw an opportunity to showcase her strength and dedication.

Elder Ling, still uncertain, pondered, "Shouldn't we at least inform Elysia about the potential dangers and suggest some precautions? It's our responsibility as elders to ensure her well-being."

Elder Mei, considering the matter carefully, agreed, "Yes, a word of caution wouldn't hurt. We can't afford any mishaps, especially considering her recent promotion to Elder."

Elder Zan nodded, "Let's not underestimate Elysia's judgment. We'll offer advice, but ultimately, the decision is hers. We must trust in her abilities while being mindful of the risks involved."

As the elders concluded their discussion, a mix of apprehension and anticipation lingered in the hall.

Elysia returned to her house and sat on her bed as she said, "System start the comprehension of the 9th Stage Immortal Heart Sutra."

'It will take 400 years to comprehend the technique to Perfection Mastery.'

Elysia was taken aback but she resolved herself by saying, "Start the comprehension."

'Yes host.'

While the system initiated the lengthy process of comprehending the 9th Stage Immortal Heart Sutra, Elysia began preparing for her mission to clear the monster-infested valley. She meticulously gathered essential items, strategizing for potential encounters with diverse creatures.

Elysia muttered to herself, "A 400-year comprehension period... This technique must be extraordinary."

The system responded, 'Indeed, host. The complexity of the 9th Stage Immortal Heart Sutra demands an extended period for thorough understanding.'

Elysia, unfazed by the duration, focused on her preparations. She packed potent healing pills, an assortment of spiritual herbs, and defensive talismans. All of thise things were stuff she obtained from the other Elders as gifts to a junior.

As she arranged her belongings, her thoughts delved into the upcoming expedition.

With her preparations complete, Elysia headed toward the entrance of her abode. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the challenges ahead. As she stepped out, the elders approached, concern etched on their faces.

Elder Zan, expressing his worry, said, "Elysia, we understand the importance of your mission, but the valley can be treacherous. Be cautious and heed any signs of danger."

Elysia nodded appreciatively, "I appreciate your concern, Elder Zan. I'll exercise caution, and if things get too precarious, I won't hesitate to retreat."

Elder Ling, analytical as ever, added, "Remember, the valley is unpredictable. It might house creatures with unconventional abilities. Stay vigilant and adapt to the situation."

Elysia acknowledged their advice, "Thank you, Elder Ling. I'll stay alert and adapt as needed."

Elder Mei, with a reassuring smile, said, "Your success in this mission is crucial for the sect. We believe in your abilities, but don't hesitate to seek assistance if required."

Elysia replied with determination, "I won't let the sect down. If necessary, I'll seek help. I appreciate your trust, Elder Mei."

As Elysia bid farewell to the elders, a mix of anticipation and concern accompanied her departure.

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