
Reincarnated with a Comprehension System in a cultivation world.

A girl was reincarnated in the world of cultivation where the strong makes the law while the weak are disposable tools. Follow the story of Elysia Netherthorn as she walks the path of a ruthless cultivator and see if she truly makes it to the top or dies trying to make a name for herself. Will Elysia be able to make the world submit to her with her system or will she be the one to bow down in the end. Please Support on Patreon if you like the story and wish to see it continue; patreon.com/user?u=109731790

Late_Reaper · Fantasy
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226 Chs

Chapter 21 Tranquility Sect Core Disciple.

A couple of days passed and Elysia finally woke up and saw that she was in the Healing Hall where injured disciples would go to in order to get treated by cultivators that specializes in healing.

Doctor Li approached Elysia, a soft smile on his face, "You've been unconscious for five days. How are you feeling?"

Elysia, maintaining her stoic demeanor, responded, "Fine. What is the payment?"

To her surprise, Doctor Li chuckled, "This was a special situation. The Elders voided your bill as a welcoming gift for you becoming a Core Disciple."

Elysia arched an eyebrow, skepticism evident in her gaze, "Core Disciple?"

The doctor nodded, "Yes, Core Disciple. You've been promoted due to your fascinating display of your breakthrough. The elders allowed you to directly become a Core Disciple without taking the usual test."

Elysia absorbed this information with a nod, "It seems that I missed a lot of things while I was unconscious."

Doctor Li, intrigued by Elysia's nonchalant demeanor, leaned against a nearby table, "Indeed, your promotion has stirred quite the buzz among the disciples. Breaking through the Tribulation Lightning in such a manner is unheard of."

Elysia glanced around the Healing Hall, observing other disciples receiving treatments, "I suppose the sect values resilience."

Doctor Li chuckled, "Resilience, potential, or perhaps a bit of both. The Tranquility Sect has always appreciated the extraordinary."

Elysia, remaining guarded, asked, "What's expected of a Core Disciple?"

The doctor explained, "Core Disciples play a crucial role in the sect. They are entrusted with more resources, responsibilities, and opportunities for cultivation. Your breakthrough has certainly marked you for a unique journey."

Elysia, ever pragmatic, questioned, "What benefits does being a Core Disciple bring?"

Doctor Li listed, "Access to advanced techniques, priority in resource allocation, and opportunities to participate in more challenging trials and missions. It's a path that leads to greater heights in cultivation."

Elysia considered this information, "I see. I appreciate the insights."

Doctor Li smiled, "As a fellow Core Disciple, I'm here to help you navigate this new chapter. If you have any questions or need guidance, feel free to ask."

Elysia nodded, acknowledging the offer, "Thank you, Doctor Li. I'll keep that in mind."

As Elysia processed the implications of her newfound status, she realized that the journey ahead held both challenges and opportunities.

A fellow disciple, noticing Elysia's awakening, approached with curiosity. "Hey, you're the one who faced the Tribulation Lightning, right? That was incredible!"

Elysia, maintaining her composed demeanor, acknowledged, "Yes, that was me. A fortunate breakthrough, it seems."

The curious disciple, eyes wide with admiration, remarked, "Core Disciple promotion without a test? You're already making waves, and you just woke up!"

Elysia, with a hint of wry amusement, replied, "Sometimes, fate takes unexpected turns."

As the news of Elysia's situation spread, whispers among the disciples echoed through the Healing Hall.

Disciple O, sharing the latest gossip, exclaimed, "Did you hear? The one who faced the Tribulation Lightning is now a Core Disciple!"

Disciple P, feigning disbelief, responded, "No way! That's too fast. They usually make you go through all kinds of tests."

Disciple Q, joining the conversation, added, "Well, she did something extraordinary. Maybe the elders thought she deserved it."

Elysia, aware of the discussions around her, decided to explore the Healing Hall further. She overheard snippets of conversations among disciples, each expressing their opinions on her unprecedented promotion.

Elder Wang, overseeing the Healing Hall, approached Elysia and welcomed her. "Congratulations on your breakthrough. The sect is pleased to have a Core Disciple with such potential."

Elysia, maintaining her calm demeanor, replied, "Thank you, Elder Wang. I appreciate the sect's recognition."

Elder Wang, a seasoned healer, continued, "Your recovery has been remarkable. Take it easy for now. The sect values its Core Disciples."

The gathering of elders and the sect master took place in the Tranquility Sect's grand hall, an atmosphere of intrigue lingering in the air.

The Sect Master, an imposing figure, looked at each elder with a stern expression before saying, "Explain what you've found about Elysia."

Elder Zan rose from his chair, adjusting his robes before addressing the assembly, "According to my information, Elysia joined our sect 59 years ago. She has spent the majority of her time in seclusion, making minimal appearances within the sect."

Elder Ling chimed in, raising an eyebrow, " Seclusion for such an extended period is unusual. What's her cultivation level?"

Elder Zan revealed with a thoughtful demeanor, "She reached the 9th Stage Nascent Soul Realm and recently broke through to the 1st Stage Soul Formation Realm during a Tribulation Lightning Trial."

Sect Master nodded and said, "A remarkable achievement, especially due to her age."

Elder Mei, known for her meticulous investigations, added her findings, "I delved into her records, and it seems she acquired a precious cultivation technique. A stroke of luck, it seems."

Elder Chen, known for his wisdom, expressed his thoughts, "A rare occurrence indeed. Acquiring a valuable technique by chance can be a double-edged sword. It may bring strength, but it could also attract unwanted attention."

Elder Ling being a bit skeptical said, "But why remain in seclusion for such a long time? What is she aiming for?"

Elder Zan speculated, "It's hard to say. Perhaps she's focused on perfecting her techniques or waiting for the right moment to reveal her true strength."

Sect Master analysed before adding, "Elysia's path is intriguing. Her seclusion might be a strategic move, ensuring she doesn't draw unnecessary attention. We should keep a close eye on her but not interfere unless necessary."

Elder Mei was quite cautious as she said, "She might have reasons for keeping a low profile. Uncovering her past might reveal secrets she wishes to keep hidden."

Sect Master was decisive at this point as he said, "For now, observe and gather information discreetly. We don't want to create unnecessary complications."

As the elders discussed Elysia's background, the Sect Master maintained a thoughtful demeanor.

Elysia strolled into her new residence, a house situated in the prestigious Core Area of the Tranquility Sect. The moment she crossed the threshold, an air of refinement enveloped her, setting this part of the sect apart from the Inner Area where she had resided earlier.

The architecture of the buildings was a testament to the prosperity of the Core Area. Sturdy structures adorned with intricate designs stood tall, exuding an aura of opulence that marked this district as a place of prominence within the sect. Elysia couldn't help but be impressed by the grandeur that surrounded her.

As she explored her new abode, Elysia discovered that the interior was adorned with rare materials and exquisite decorations. The furnishings spoke of a level of luxury she hadn't experienced in her previous dwelling. Everything seemed meticulously chosen to reflect the elevated status of those residing in the Core Area.

The arrays that encircled her house were a spectacle in themselves. They radiated a potent energy, far surpassing the ones in the Inner Area. These arrays weren't just for protection; they seemed to resonate with the spiritual energy of the surroundings, enhancing the overall ambiance of the place. Elysia marveled at the complexity and effectiveness of these enchantments.

The tranquility that pervaded the Core Area was palpable. The hustle and bustle of the Inner Area seemed like a distant memory as Elysia embraced the serene atmosphere around her. It was a stark contrast to the lively energy of the outer sect or the seclusion she had grown accustomed to.

Elysia couldn't help but appreciate the upgrade in her living arrangements. The perks that came with being a Core Disciple were evidently more than she had anticipated. She envisioned the countless cultivation hours that awaited her within these refined walls.

However, with the perks came an undercurrent of mystery. The luxurious surroundings and the advanced arrays hinted at a deeper layer of the sect's secrets. Elysia felt a mixture of curiosity and wariness, realizing that the tranquility of this area might mask complexities yet to be unraveled.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting warm hues across the Core Area, Elysia found herself standing in the courtyard of her new dwelling, absorbing the beauty and elegance that surrounded her.

Elysia walked into her bathroom to rub the ointments given to her by the doctor and she noticed something interesting when she looked at herself in the mirror.

Elysia stood before the bathroom mirror, her gaze captivated by the reflection that stared back at her. Despite the passage of a hundred years, her appearance remained untouched by the relentless march of time. The resilience granted by her cultivation at the 1st Stage Soul Transformation Realm bestowed upon her a perpetual youthfulness that defied the numerical representation of her age.

Her black hair cascaded down in luscious waves, retaining its vibrancy and sheen. The rich ebony hue complemented the ethereal quality of her presence, emphasizing the timeless beauty she possessed. Her eyes, deep pools of darkness akin to the night sky, held a wisdom that far exceeded the years she had lived.

Yet, what truly intrigued Elysia was the distinctive mark that adorned her forehead—a subtle but unmistakable symbol of her cultivation. Between her eyebrows, a faint, intricate lightning pattern shimmered, imbuing her visage with an enigmatic charm. It was as if the very essence of thunderstorms had left its imprint on her, weaving an unseen connection between Elysia and the forces of nature.

This lightning symbol lent an air of mystery to her appearance, hinting at the formidable power she wielded and the profound cultivation journey she had undertaken.

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