
Reincarnated with a Comprehension System in a cultivation world.

A girl was reincarnated in the world of cultivation where the strong makes the law while the weak are disposable tools. Follow the story of Elysia Netherthorn as she walks the path of a ruthless cultivator and see if she truly makes it to the top or dies trying to make a name for herself. Will Elysia be able to make the world submit to her with her system or will she be the one to bow down in the end. Please Support on Patreon if you like the story and wish to see it continue; patreon.com/user?u=109731790

Late_Reaper · Fantasy
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226 Chs

Chapter 20 Successful Breakthrough.

As Elysia seemingly ascended towards the Soul Formation Realm, a buzz of murmurs and speculations swept through the crowd of onlookers.

Sarah, a curious disciple, exclaimed, "Is she truly pushing for the Soul Formation Realm amid the Tribulation Lightning Trial?"

James, standing beside her, observed, "Check out her aura—it's so steady. Looks like she's more about consolidating her current realm than breaking through."

Michael, another disciple, chimed in, "Maybe she's hiding her real strength. There are rumors about her mysterious background. Who knows what she's truly capable of?"

Elder Han, overseeing the situation, scrutinized Elysia's fluctuations with a pensive expression. He shared his thoughts, saying, "There's more to this than meets the eye. Keep a close watch, and be ready for any surprises."

Tension hung in the air as the dark clouds above Elysia's abode churned and crackled, signaling the impending Tribulation Lightning. The assembled disciples, elders, and curious bystanders held their breath, captivated by the unfolding spectacle.

Maintaining a composed exterior, Elysia readied herself for the upcoming ordeal. The shifts in her aura served as a deliberate smokescreen, concealing the true depth of her transition into the Soul Transformation Realm. It was a strategic move to avoid unnecessary attention, especially in an environment where secrets wielded significant power.

As the Tribulation Lightning struck, bolts of energy lanced down from the roiling clouds with otherworldly brilliance. Each strike carried the weight of spiritual tribulations, testing the resolve and strength of the cultivator facing them.

Emma, another disciple, remarked, "Look at that lightning—it's so intense. Can she really endure this?"

Daniel, standing next to her, added, "I've heard stories about how Tribulation Lightning Trials can reshape one's destiny. If she pulls through, it might change everything for her."

The council of elders, attentive to the unfolding events, exchanged knowing glances. The complexities surrounding Elysia's cultivation and the enigma shrouding her actions added an intriguing layer to the already mysterious atmosphere.

Amidst the spiritual tempest of the Tribulation Lightning Trial, Elysia navigated with finesse, her true strength concealed behind the facade of a Soul Formation Realm cultivator.

The first bolt descended with a blinding brilliance, illuminating the area around Elysia's abode. The disciples and onlookers, their eyes fixed on the celestial display, held their breaths in anticipation.

Sophie exclaimed, "Did she... did she just face that lightning head-on?"

Alex, astonished, said, "Look at her, she's unscathed. Is she really just at the Soul Formation Realm?"

Elysia, surrounded by the celestial radiance, maintained a stoic expression, concealing any signs of strain. The formidable first strike of Tribulation Lightning seemed well within her capacity to endure.

The second lightning strike illuminated the scene, intensifying the luminous display. Undeterred, Elysia faced it with the same unwavering determination, capturing the crowd's attention in a mix of awe and disbelief.

Emily, one of the disciples, whispered to Mark, "Is this some kind of technique? How can she endure those lightning strikes like that?"

Observing with a discerning gaze, Elder Han remarked, "There's more to this cultivator than meets the eye. She's deliberately hiding her true strength."

With each successive strike, the Tribulation Lightning grew in intensity, but Elysia persisted, accepting the celestial challenges laid before her. The onlookers oscillated between shock and admiration.

Daniel, another disciple, exclaimed, "I've never seen anything like this. It's like she's in harmony with the lightning."

Sophie, standing nearby, added, "Maybe she's got some kind of divine protection. This is not normal."

As the Tribulation Lightning reached its fifth and sixth strikes, Elysia's composure wavered slightly. Sensing increased peril, she reached for the last healing pills bestowed upon her by the Sect Master of the Serenity Peak Sect.

Elder Han, concerned, commented, "This Tribulation Lightning is growing fiercer. She must endure it if she wishes to transcend her current realm."

The air crackled with spiritual turbulence as the seventh, eighth, and ninth strikes unfolded. Fueled by the healing pills, Elysia weathered the storm with a resilient spirit, each bolt forging a connection between her and the celestial forces testing her mettle.

Olivia, another disciple, remarked, "She's not just enduring; she's mastering this trial."

James, beside her, nodded in agreement, "It's like she's channeling the lightning into her cultivation. I've never seen anything like it."

After the final Tribulation Lightning strike, Elysia, now illuminated by the fading radiance, emerged victorious. Her aura betrayed no signs of weakness.

Elder Han, acknowledging the exceptional feat, nodded in approval. He said, "She has transcended the tribulations. Her journey has taken a profound turn."

As the disciples and elders processed the extraordinary display, Elysia, illuminated by the fading radiance of the Tribulation Lightning, bore the marks of a cultivator who had faced celestial trials and emerged successful.

Elysia lay unconscious, her form seemingly fragile against the aftermath of the Tribulation Lightning Trial. Concerned expressions crossed the faces of the elders as they gathered around her.

Elder Zhao commented, "This cultivator has undergone a formidable trial. The aura of the Tribulation Lightning suggests an advancement beyond the Soul Formation Realm."

Elder Li agreed, "Indeed, but look at her. The toll it took on her body is apparent. Her resilience is admirable."

Elder Han, leaning over Elysia, observed the subtle fluctuations in her spiritual energy. He said, "She's dangerously close to the brink of death. The Tribulation Lightning taxed her severely."

Liam, a junior disciple who witnessed the spectacle, whispered to Emma, "Do you think she'll make it?"

Emma replied softly, "I don't know. It's like she danced with death and now lies at its doorstep."

As the hushed murmurs continued, Elder Zhang, the eldest among the group, produced a small vial containing healing pills. With practiced precision, he gently placed them into Elysia's mouth, allowing the potent medicine to take effect.

As Elder Zhang administered the healing pills, he looked at the unconscious Elysia with a mix of concern and determination.

Elder Zhang: "These pills will aid in her recovery, but the damage is extensive. We must monitor her closely."

While Elysia rested, her Immortal Heart Sutra worked silently, providing a facade of calmness that masked the internal turmoil of her injuries. The elders, unaware of the mystical art at play, marveled at Elysia's apparent composure.

Elder Li: "It's a wonder she's not screaming in pain. The resilience she's displaying is beyond normal."

Elder Han, pondering the enigma of Elysia's endurance, said: "There's something extraordinary about her cultivation. We should tread carefully."

Meanwhile, Nathan, a disciple who had been observing Elysia from a distance, approached the elders with curiosity etched on his face.

Nathan: "Elders, what happened to her? Is she going to be alright?"

Elder Zhao, choosing his words carefully, replied: "She has undergone a profound trial, and her fate hangs in the balance. We've administered healing pills, but only time will reveal the extent of her recovery."

The disciples and elders lingered, their eyes fixed on Elysia's unconscious form, as the delicate dance between life and the mystique of cultivation unfolded before them.

Unbeknownst to all, Elysia, veiled in the tranquility of her Immortal Heart Sutra, navigated the fine line between consciousness and the ethereal realm of recovery, a testament to the mystifying intricacies of her cultivation journey.

Elder Zhang observed Elysia's condition and nodded to the fellow elders, signaling the initiation of the process to designate her as a Core Disciple.

Elder Zhao, considering the unusual circumstances, voiced his thoughts, "Elder Zhang, do you think it's appropriate to promote her to Core Disciple while she's still recovering?"

Elder Zhang, his gaze unwavering, replied, "Elysia's cultivation breakthrough, even under such duress, is a rare testament to her potential. We must acknowledge her resilience."

As Lily, another disciple who overheard the elders' discussion, cautiously interjected, "But what if she cannot recover fully? Won't this decision be premature?"

Elder Han, contemplating the implications, stated, "The Tranquility Sect has faced numerous challenges throughout history. If Elysia proves worthy, she'll contribute to its legacy."

Elder Li, adding a note of optimism, said, "Let's give her a chance. If she can defy the Tribulation Lightning, perhaps she has a role to play in the sect's future."

As the elders continued their deliberation, whispers among the disciples spread like wildfire.

Jason pondered aloud, "Did you see how she faced the Tribulation Lightning? She must be exceptional."

Sophia, intrigued, responded, "They're making her a Core Disciple. That's not something they do lightly."

Daniel, eyes wide with anticipation, said, "Imagine if she becomes one of the sect's pillars."

Meanwhile, Elysia, still in a state of recovery, remained oblivious to the discussions about her fate. The elders, weighing tradition against the extraordinary circumstances, proceeded with the formalities of initiating Elysia as a Core Disciple.

Elder Zhang, standing at the forefront, announced, "In light of her resilience and breakthrough, Elysia shall be recognized as a Core Disciple of the Tranquility Sect."

Emma, witnessing the proclamation, remarked to Olivia, "This is unprecedented. A Core Disciple designation due to a Tribulation breakthrough."

The ceremony unfolded, marking a pivotal moment in Elysia's cultivation journey. The disciples, now a mix of excitement and curiosity, exchanged glances, anticipating the impact of this decision on the future of their sect.

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