
Training & Unexpected Situation

"They're here" I said "I only have 1 more program to set up, then it'll be ready for her."

"Everything you said you were going to teach her is already in there" Batman said looking at his own screen I gave him access to "What else didn't you tell us about?" Batmans voice was heavy with suspicion

"I didn't mention it because I didn't think of it at the time. It's basically a starter guide on how we Kryptonians use our powers under a yellow Sun. I figures this could be helpful for her as well, I'll be honest, I only just thought of this and I'm going to have Superman go over this and add anything I may not have thought about" I admitted

"...good idea" Diana and Batman said at the same time

Shortly after that Superman and Kara walked into the room and I explained the situation to Kal-El and after reading over my program, he only mentioned the ice breath to me "Ice breath?" I asked

"Yes." he stated blankly before realizing I hadn't been using my powers enough to have discovered it yet "If you take a deep breath and release it, well, it's ice breath."

"Well you learn something new everyday, I guess" playing it off nicely

"Alright, everything is uploaded and ready to go. Just have her step into the chamber and remind her to stay calm. I'll start the download as soon as the door closes." I said

Kal-El walked over to Kara and started explaining what was about to happen to her. Unfortunately she looked at me with suspicion asking "Are you a Kryptonian?"

"Yes" I stated bluntly

"What's your name?" she asked, visibly relaxing

"Se-An" I said

"Se-An...of the royal line of An?? Rightful king of the Kryptonian race?? The Kryptonian-magi??" she asked, getting more and more excited, much to Kal-El's and my confusion

"Yes. Now, we need to get on with this download so you can get on with your new life" I said

"Sure" she said with a smile. At this point Kal-El and I were nervous. Why was she acting this way after finding out who, and what, I was??

She walked into the chamber and faced us smiling while the door was closing...staring at me with an intensity that made me shiver "Download commencing" AI staid after I pressed the button to initiate the download. She gradually floated into the air as a light engulfed her body, starting the process as I was finally able to relax

Batman and Diana were able to read what we were saying as I'd had AI translate everything said to their terminals "What was that about?" Diana asked

"I don't know, I never met her on Krypton, but she was staring at me like I owed her something...and it was giving me the creeps" and this shiver was visible to them all

"She looked at you like she found a lost friend that came home after years of not knowing what happened" Batman stated

"I'm fairly sure I've never met her. If I have, it's while we were young kids.....I mean it's possible, my parents used to invite lots of people from all over Krypt....." I froze realizing I could just ask my parents copies "Mom, Dad??"

The hologram representations of my parents showed up in the room looking at me before noticing everyone else and finally seeing Kal-El clearly, I noticed a look of recognition on their faces "This ship has copies of my parents memories, making them think, act like and remember everything my parents did at the time of the copy" I clarified to everyone in the room

"I wasn't aware that Gor-El had a child, I'm glad to see you made it off the planet before it's destruction" I mother said warmly to Kal-El

"Hello, my name is Kal-El, and I was born on the day Krypton was destroyed" Kal-El introduced himself

"My condolences. Your parents were 2 of our closest friends" my father told him

"Enough with the introductions for now, did I ever meet with Kara Zor-El in my youth? She's over there in the chamber learning about Earth. She's been giving me concerning looks" I said

My parents looked at the chamber. With a look of recognition they looked at each other before looking back at me

With a smile and scratching the back of his head my father responded "Yes, you both played together alot during your youth before the issues with the core started."

"Yes, you were both inseparable during that time. So much so that an arrangement was made between her parents and us..." my mother said looking at me meaningfully

".....NOOOOOO" was all I could say, seeing what they ment

"What? What happened back then?" Superman asked no one in particular

With a smirk "Oh, things have just gotten interesting. My congratulations are due it seems" Diana said

Somehow managing to look both amused AND apologetic "Looks like I'll have to prepare a gift. I hope I'm invited. I'd like to learn a bit of your culture" Batman said mockingly

"Just what are you all talking about? What am I missing here?" Kal-El finally lost his patience

"Are you really that dense?" my father asked, looking Kal-El straight in his eyes

"I really don't understand" Kal-El said

"If your human parents are alive, I'll need to have a LONG talk with them" my mother told Kal-El seriously

"Me too" said Diana

"They're engaged to be married Superman" Batman dropped the bomb

".....WHAT??!" Superman literally fell into the chair I barely got under him before he could hit the ground

"She was to be the next queen of Krypton, and you, her king my son." my mother was holding no punches "And I expect my son to honor my choice of partner for him. Consider this my final wish my son" my mother said with the kind of look that only a mother could give, both pleading and demanding

".....there's still her opinion to consider mom. I will not force her into anything." I said, showing my mother that this was non negotiable in my mind

"That's fine son" my mother said, sickly sweet "I'll just have a talk with her after she's done. Just to catch up, of course."

Batman had a look of yeah right while also wondering if his mother would act the same towards him if she were still alive

"I like her" Diana said with a smile

My father just looked at me apologetically