
Uncertainty & Revelations

My father just looked at me apologetically. All I could do was hang my head in defeat, knowing even in death, my mother would have her way. "I won't fight you on this mom. But you CAN NOT try to force her to do anything she doesn't want to either. If this is acceptable to you...we'll see how things turn out. I don't remember her at all." I said dejected

"If it helps, you used to caller her Ara when you were little" my mother told me

"...SHE was Ara??" I asked in shock

"Yes, now that you remember this will be alot easier" my father said while I was staring at Kara in the chamber

"As much as I want to know how this is going to play out, I do need to get some sleep. I only work at night typically and it's almost noon now" Batman said

"Go ahead Batman, I'll tell you what happens" Diana said mischievously

With a smirk in my direction, Batman said good bye to everyone and patted my shoulder on his way out while I was still trapped in my memories

Clearing his throat, Superman said "Well...I didn't expect all that..."

"None of us did" I said blankly, staring into Space

"It'll be alright. From the records your parents are showing me, her DNA was altered to help her in absorbing sunlight as a hope it would help her stand shoulder to shoulder with you in fights" Diana informed me

"Hmm...I remember she was the only non adult I got along with and she was always demanding to stay by my side. Even holding my hand all the time." I remembered alot

"Well, so long as she's fine with it, I won't try to stop you" Superman said

My mother just gave him a look and said "Who do you think you are to have any kind of control over the rightful king and future queen of our race??"

I just backed away from Kal-El knowing he was getting into an argument he should be staying out of.

"Kal-El, I know you weren't raised on Krypton, but in any country NO civilian has any say when it comes to the royal families doing ANYTHING" my father told him taking an unconscious step away from my mother

"...sorry. I just found out I have a cousin after thinking I was all alone in this universe. I guess my protective instincts came into play being older than her" he said defensively

"You may be consciously older, but they know more about your race and culture than you do. They were already adults on Krypton when you were born. And don't think for 1 second that just because a Kryptonian that had reached 300 years old, would even THINK of ordering his 17 year old king around or disobeying his orders" my mother told him sternly

"Hold on" I said as I set up a program for Kal-El to quickly download the cultural and hierarchy of Krypton. "Step inside Kal-El, this will take about 10 minutes. And I need the time to think in silence, so just do it."

"Seems like something I should learn anyway, load me up" he said as he stepped into the chamber

Pressing the button I was finally able to sit back and think before I remembered Diana was still in the room "You are allowed to have a conversation with them you know?" I told her after I noticed she read all the instructions for the ship she would be taking

"I figured. But I'd rather have some girl talk in private" she said

"Mom?" I asked

Smiling "This way please" my mother said as she lead Diana to a private room

Leaning my chair back as I stared at Kara i asked, "Is there anything ELSE I need to know?"

"Not really. Just know we're here whenever you need us, son" my father said as his hologram disappeared

I sat in silence thinking about the past....and the future. 'I've been in this world for a year training, and the first fucking day I step out of the ship I find out I'm engaged' I thought

Superman stepped out and asked "Can we turn on the SRBs while we're waiting for her to finish?"

Looking at her remaining time of 45 minutes I decided why the hell not, nothing would relax me more "Sure, sit down first"

After he sat down I said "AI, turn on the SRBs, but turn them off just before Kara completes her download"

"Command confirmed" AI said


After the boosters shut down Kara walked out of her chamber and started staring at me again. The only thing I could do was "MOM?"

Instantly my mother showed up "Kara darling, come with me, we have so much catching up to do."

"But I..." she tried to decline

"I'm afraid I must insist. You'll have plenty of time with him after we catch up" my mother used that mom voice again

"....alright" was all Kara could say before following my mother, presumably to the same room as Diana

"Reminds me of how girls never took a second look at me in high school, I'm chopped liver next to you...and I'm her cousin." he said getting a little depressed

"Don't worry. If my mother has her way, we'll be cousins as well" I reminded him

After thinking for a couple seconds a smile slowly grew on his face "You're right. So do relatives of the queen get any benefits?" he asked half jokingly

"A few. But they've all gone useless, just like the majority of my title. The only difference between Kryptonian royalty and Earth royalty is I'm the king of an entire race, not just 1 group of people among our race" I reminded him

"Yes, I remember that from the program. So if more Kryptonians show up, your title will grow again?" Superman asked

"Yes and no. No planet for our people, but we still would never bow before another not of the line of Rao" I told him

"I understand. I actually have to go to my human job. I'm already late" Superman said standing up

"Fly safe. I'm assuming you don't need a ship for now but there is always 1 available to you. Ahh, there's your perk" I said with a crooked smile

Returning it Kal-El replied "I'll take the perk, but not right now. No place to put it."

"No worries. Just come on back after your job and we can talk some more or even go do some vigilante work" I told him as he flew out of the air lock. I returned to the bridge to wait out the girls talk.

A little while later

'This is going to be a little awkward' I thought as all 3 of them walked into the bridge and looked at me as I sat in the captains chair

Kara looked at my mother and Diana before they walked out of the bridge before closing the door, leaving me alone, in a room, with a girl I hadn't seen in a decade, mentally. She stared back at me with those same dreamy eyes as she walked towards me