
Talks 2 & Lost Family

"I only have 1 more question" stated Batman more serious than he had been

"If you were blown into the ship during the destruction of Krypton, how did your ship get to Earth if you were in stasis?" Batman said

I already had an answer for this luckily 'Thank you C' "This ship left the planet under its own AI program and followed the trail left behind from the last ships that left. They just so happened to head to Earth. You are welcome to ask the AI all about this topic if you want, but since you brought it up. Kal-El, there should be another Kryptonian here on Earth that left Krypton at the same time you did, I'll take you to where the AI calculated it should have landed. Unfortunately it was into a lake so they may have never come out of stasis or even drowned if the ship opened its hatch underwater." I revealed alot of info

"Another of you kind came to Earth?" Batman asked a little exasperated

"Yes, according to the AI, only our 3 ships out ran the explosion of our planet" I said a little saddened

"Do you have any information on the other survivor?" Batman asked while Superman perked up to listen carefully

Looking at Kal-El from the corner of my eye, not subtly "Yes, AI managed to establish a link with the ship. I was trying to keep this info as a surprise for Kal-El here, but I might as well admit it now." Looking Kal-El in the eye "It's your cousin Kara Zor-El. She's physically 17 and has been in stasis for all 24 years since leaving Krypton. She's safe and alive, but still in stasis so she'll be very confused when she wakes up. And with her powers awakening, she'll be a danger to anyone but you and I when she first wakes up since she won't have control of her powers." I said

"Then let's go wake her up, I've got family still alive and I'd love to get to know her" Superman said hurriedly

"Slow down there boy scout. She has all the time in the world. And what are you going to do with her when you wake her up? You have to train her in both her powers AND her education about Earth and its languages. Are you prepared to basically be a father figure to your cousin that thinks she's looking for a newborn babe?" I asked, slamming him back to reality

Sitting down slowly Superman said "No...no I'm not." looking rather depressed now

"I'm hoping, Diana, that you can help with her combat training since she has no control over her powers and will need to be taught how to" I said

"Of course. I would be honored to help Supermans cousin in her training. But I warn you both, I won't go easy on her. I'll treat her the same as any Amazonian warrior." she said resolutely

I said nothing as it was my idea to begin with, just waiting for Kal-El to respond "I won't stop you. She needs to handle herself before she accidentally kills someone" he admitted

"Don't forget Kal-El, you can't baby her. I'll stop you myself if you try to interrupt hurt training, no matter how cruel you think it is." I told he, giving him no way out

"I understand" Superman said

"Alright, after this meeting we'll go get her and bring her here for her basic education through the AI integration. It's like getting an information download from the internet to a computer hard drive. And this kind of thing is normal for us" I elaborated for everyone else in the room so they would understand how it would be necessary, or so I thought

"Why would that be necessary?" Diana asked, getting a little upset I'm assuming for tampering with the poor girls mind

"It will allow her to learn the basics about Earth and humanity, so she'll feel a little more connected to them. And also, teach her the languages of Earth, she only knows Kryptonian." I said bluntly

"Oh, OK I understand. How long will that take?" Diana asked

"Maybe an hour, two tops" I said after thinking for a moment "So you can wait here while she's going through it, but I want Kal-El to wake her up alone so she feels as comfortable as possible."

"I can understand that. The poor girl will be very confused and won't need any other stimuli with her powers awakening" Diana realized

"Exactly, so is there anything else before this meeting is adjourned?" I asked getting no response "Great, I have another gift for each of you. If you noticed, there are several scout ships in the hanger that will survive and function in both deep space and the ocean deep. You can each have 1 so you can come and go as you please. In the room across the hall you can use the educational download system to learn everything you need to know about how to handle the ship safely, or, if you don't trust the tech, or my intentions, then the interactive monitors in front of you have been translated to English so you can just read it. But I warn you that it'll take about one hour for a human AR regular reading speeds" I bribed some friendships here "But you don't have to take them if you don't want to or have no place to store it."

"Diana, if you're coming you'll have to leave with me before Kal-El opens the ship" I said

"I understand, let's go get the poor girl already" Diana said standing up

"Alright, let's go Kal-El" I said

All 3 of us got up and left through the hanger airlock with them following me. After a minute we landed next to a lake and I pointed for Kal-El to go grab her ship himself, knowing he needed something to do. Bringing her ship out of the water he stepped back and looked at me as he didn't know how to work this tech. Stepping next to him, I pointed at one symbol on the hull and told him "Gently press that symbol and it will open the capsule. Don't forget, she doesn't know English and her powers will start to awaken as she acclimates to Earth's atmosphere and beging to absorb the radiation from the Sun" I reminded him

"Mmm" he mumbled nervously as Diana and I took off into the air as we headed back to the ship so I could prepare everything under Diana's watchful eyes "AI, translate everything on screen to English" I said with a smirk knowing she still didn't trust me

"You didn't have to do that, you know?" she asked

"I know. Just remember, I'm their king. That means it's my responsibility to protect them, not enslave them" I said with no emotion in my voice, revealing that I was a little hurt at the unspoken accusations "Batman, you don't have to hide in the shadows. You can come out and ask questions or talk you know?" I said

"That's no longer necessary since you translated everything to English. It should be safe, and everything you said you would teach her is there" Batman stated

Turning my super vision on and looking outside I said "They're here."