
First Time?

"Can I stay with you guys?" Alice asked into my neck, causing me to get shivers

Glancing towards her family, I said "Of course you can. You can stay here as long as you need to."

What I didn't notice was the smile on Alice's face as well as Karas outside the room, who heard my response.

"Alright. Then we'll leave first" Carlisle said as I started to stand up. "We know the way out Se-An. Just stay sitting down" he said with a smile.

Smiling back, I said "Yeah, sorry. It's been a long night and you all have to deal with Bellas father. Good luck."

"We're gonna need it" Emmitt said as they closed the door.

"I haven't been able to say it yet, Se-An, but happy birthday" Kara said as she walked into the room.

Doing the math in my head, I realized I was 19 today "Thank you."

"And from me as well, happy birthday Se-An" Alice said.

"Thank you. I completely forgot about today." I said.

"Well we didn't. Come here." Alice said while she stood up, grabbed my hand and trying to drag me.

"Let's go." Kara said as she grabbed my other hand.

"Where are we going? Did you two try to throw a surprise party for me?" I asked as I used my super vision to make sure everyone left and didn't just go hide. People trying to jump scare me wasn't a good idea.

They pulled me into the lab before I could ask "Did you make something for me?"

"Kinda. Just put this on for me. Please!" Alice begged as she picked up a different kind of head gear. It looked very similar to a night time eye cover.

"What does it do?" I asked.

"It will remove all your senses, except for time. We don't want you to see or hear or even feel us getting our surprise ready." Kara said.

"Alright. I trust you two." I Saud as I ast down and put on the eye mask. Next thing I know I'm falling before everything goes black except for my sense of time.

Five minutes later they removed it. The first thing I realized was I'm naked. Looking around I noticed they were standing in front of me wearing just as many clothes as I am.

"Um, what are you doing?" I asked trying to back away before I realized I was under the covers of my bed.

"We had the robots bring you in here and take off your clothes." Kara said.

"Then we came in and took ours off. I hope you like our present." Alice said before they both slowly but steadily walked towards me.

""Happy birthday Se-An!"" they both said as they jumped onto me.


Sorry for the short chapter guys, it took alot out of me trying to figure out how to write it and this is as close as I can get right now.

New book:

Heir Grindelwald Black

Give it a read and let me know what you think, I made it because this chapter gave me massive writers block.