
Baseball & Fun...For Me

[Se-An POV]

We arrived just as they were taking places around the field

"Are you and Kara playing as well?" Bella asked me

"No. It would be worse than if they played against humans. We'd destroy the bat and ball. Even if we didn't, they couldn't tag us out or even catch the ball before we reached home plate." I answered her

"That makes sense. So how strong are you?" Bella asked

"Strong enough to destroy a planet with one punch. But today is about baseball, not my capabilities." I told her as I walked to the stands

The game started shortly after, with the only differences being Kara and I cheering them on until Alice shouted "STOP!"

We all rushed to home plate to find out what's going on. "They were leaving. But then they heard us playing." Alice said

"I need to get Bella out of here" Edward said

"It's to late for that" Carlisle told him

"Bella, put your hair down" Edward said as he did it himself

"Like that's going to help. I can smell her from across the field" Rosalie said heartedly

"It'll be alright. Nothing will happen to her with me here." I say as I stand next to Alice, rubbing her back

"They're here" Alice said as everyone calmed their facial expressions and the 3 vampires walked up to us

"Hello. I believe this belongs to you" Laurent said as he tossed the ball to Carlisle

I zoned out, focusing on James. I now remember he was the reason Alice had such a bad life before finding the Cullens. When I came out of my thoughts, the scene I was waiting for was about to happen.

A breeze blew by, tossing Bellas hair.

Sniff "Oh. You brought snacks" James said as he prepared to attack Bella.

Edward took a defensive stance as he prepared to protect her. This caused everyone to come together in preparation for a fight. Only Kara and I remained to the side with Alice.

"I can see the game is over, we are leaving. James. JAMES!" Laurent said

The three left. But we all knew it wasn't over.

"Edward. Take Bella to my house. It's the safest place she can be right now" I told him

Surprisingly, nobody argued with me on this. After 10 minutes, we were all in the living room of my house.

"Alice? Do you see him harming Charlie to get to Bella?" I asked

"No. But he'll be here in 30 minutes. It would be sooner, but Bellas never been here before. So her scent is very weak to trackers right now" Alice answered me

"Very good" I said

"Is it really OK to let them come here?" Edward asked tensly

"Yes. I have a personal grudge against him. He's the whole reason Alice's life was shit before she met all of you" I dropped the bomb

"I did read from his mind he knew her and was planning to go after Alive after he finished with Bella" Edward confirmed my claim

"But I don't even remember him" Alice said

"That's fine. I'm just gonna make him wish he was never born" I said as my eyes started to glow blue

"I thought heat vision was red" Emmitt said

"It is. But as a Magi, it's blue" Kara said

"Bad ass!" Emmitt said, forcing me to smile

"When our emotions get the better of us, our heat vision go's into a a type of warm up mode. It allows it to be ready to use instantly, instead of needing to wait a split second for it to power up" I clarified as I was floating in the center of the room, spinning

"What are you doing?" Esme asked

"Using my super vision while spinning so I can see him coming as soon as possible" I answered her

After 25 more minutes of talking I said "He's here. I'll be right back. Then you can take Bella home, Edward." I said as I took off through a roof opening

It didn't take long for me to arrive silently next to James. It look him a full ten seconds to realize he wasn't alone.

"A snack came to me? Who am I to deny your final wish?" he said before he tried to attack me

I didn't dodge as he tried biting me, only to break his fangs.

"Aaaagh!" he screamed as he tried to get away

"What kind of host would I be if I didn't attempt first aid?" I ask him as I use my heat vision to cut off both of his legs at the knees

"AAAAAGH!" he screamed louder this time

"Oh. My bad. I tried to cauterize the wound, but that's the incorrect treatment. Allow me to try again" I say 'apologetically' as I repeat the process on both his elbows. "Where are my bedside manors? I should be talking to you. Wouldn't want you to pass our on me. Do you remember Alice Cullen? Or should I say Mary Alice Brandon?" I ask him, dropping the act

"Yes, I remembered her as soon as I saw her" he said, happily

"Good. Then this will be easy. Alice is my mate, and I'm going to make you wish you were dead before the sun rises tomorrow. Don't worry, no body can hear us. I put up a sound barrier." I said as I slowly started to crush a pinch full of his limbs at a time, into dust.

After only his torso and head are left, I said "My other mate wants a piece of this. I guess this is goodbye, James."

Returning to the house I pass Kara with a nod. As soon as I walk in, Alice jumps on me and it doesn't look like she's letting go anytime soon. I sat down on the recliner with her legs around my waist as I rub her back, telling her it will be alright.

Looking over at everyone else, I notice Bella is staring at me with a look of confusion, so I ask her "What's wrong, Bella?"

"You tortured him until he begged for death, and kept going. Why?" she asked

Glancing at Edward, he just shook his head. "That, Bella, will be a history lesson for another time" I told her before returning my full attention to Alice

As soon as the Sun started to rise I said "It is done. Kara just put him out of his misery and lit the body. Everyone can return to their home."

"Can I stay with you guys?" Alice asked into my neck, causing me to get shivers

Glancing towards her family, I said "Of course you can. You can stay here as long as you need to."

What I didn't notice, was the smile on Alice's face as well as Karas outside the room, who heard my response.