
First Contact with the Puppies & Pre Birthday

I MIGHT turn their first time into a short flashback if I can bring myself to do it, no promises though


The next morning

[Se-An POV]

I woke up with Kara on my left and Alice on my right. After waking up all the way I slowly got out of their embraces to go take a shower and start making them breakfast.

When the food was twenty minutes from being completed and set on the table, I called out to the girls to take their showers and get dressed.

When we were all seated I noticed a few wolves were making their way to the house.

"Some animals are getting too close to the house. I'm going to go scare them off. I don't want them thinking they can show up whenever they want in case Bella shows up and no one is here to protect her." I said while they sat down to eat, with some difficulty.

Making my way to the wolves I noticed their size. 'Oh. The wolf pack.'

Landing in front of them I said "This is my land. I don't care why you're here, but don't cause problems. If you do, I have no problems breaking some bones."

Hearing my words the wolves started growling before one ran off into the woods. A few moments later a young native boy came running out in shorts.

"This is our ancestral land. You have brought cold ones into our lands. It's our job to kill any of them that come here." He said

"You're people are so poor you have to sell your so called ancestral lands. Now it's mine. Your claim holds no power here. And the cold one here is my mate. If you make a move against her, I have no problem wiping out your tribe." I said, causing them to grow angry.

"You damn pale faces think you own everything. We have been here before your ancestors stepped foot..." he started to argue.

"My ancestors? My ancestors were never here. And YOUR people have SOLD this land to THIS pale face because you needed the money. You have NO claim to these lands. I don't mind if you run through, but you are NOT given permission to kill anyone or anything on MY lands. AM I UNDERSTOOD?!" I said, raising my voice at the end.

"It is our duty to kill the cold..." he started before I had enough.

I arrived right in front of him before he knew what was happening. I gave him a gentle slap, sending him into a tree.


The other two wolves jumped at me as soon as their leader hit the tree.

I started walking up the the fallen pup as the wolves landed on my shoulders, trying to tear me apart.



They both jumped away from me after their teeth broke.

Getting in the fallen kids face I said "You have now been officially warned. If they are NOT human blood drinkers, you DO NOT have permission to kill ANYTHING on my lands! Understood?"

"...yes. We won't come here anymore." he said.

"I didn't say you couldn't come here. Just that you hold no power here. If you sell something, you don't have any claim or type of rights to it. Only the new owner does. If you come here, you don't kill the people here. And I don't care that you don't consider the vampires human." I said.

"But they are blood suckers!" the boy said indignantly.

"And you are are no more human than they are. You just don't need to kill to survive right? So I guess you don't eat? Even if you don't eat meat, you still kill the plants to fill your stomach. If you can kill animals to survive, stop being a hypocrite. The Cullens kill ANIMALS to survive. And if you grow angry enough, you can kill a human through your intense emotions, am I right? If you hurt a human that way, do you get hunted down by your pack?" I asked.

"...no.." The boy hesitated to answer.

"Hmm. This land is Sweden to you. If something goes down, I'm judge, jury and executioner. I give you permission to enter my lands. NOT enforce your will. Understand?" I asked.

"I understand. You aren't human, are you?" the boy asked, uncertain.

"No. If your tribal leaders want to know more about me, they are welcome to come to my house. But just because they show up doesn't mean I owe them an explanation. If I'm busy, they will have to wait until I have time to speak with them." I said.

"I will speak with them and get back to you with their response." he said.

"Very well. And send someone that reads comics with them." I said after some thought.

"Comic books...?" he asked.

"Yes." was all I said before I flew back to the house. 'I hate politics' was all I thought as I came through the doorway.


"So, your lands are a no combat zone with the exception of human blood drinkers?" Carlisle asked me.

"Yeah. Pretty much. Like I told them, my lands are all under recorded surveillance. If anyone starts something, I'll be able to find out who and I will kill them...no matter where they are. If anyone has a problem with it, don't enter my lands." I answered.

"I suppose that makes sense. But why kill?" Esme asked.

"To remind everyone why it's a no combat zone. If anyone breaks my rules, they won't live to regret it. My lands are purely for hanging out and negotiations when it comes to clan/tribe matters. If everyone is just hanging out, like I see that happening" I whispered under my breath "then no fights should be breaking out anyway." I said.

"That makes sense." Jasper commented.

"By the way, Bellas birthday is next week so we're throwing a party for her. Bring her a present if you want." Carlisle said.

"Hmm. I think I know the perfect thing to give her." I said after some thought.

"What is it?" Emmitt asked excitedly.

"Bio Nanos that will strengthen her bones, skin and muscles. She won't be a vampire, but she'll be tougher than any kid her age. She'll also be less likely to bleed from the tiniest amount of damage." I answered.

"Thank you. That will make my stress levels go down. I know you aren't doing it for me but thank you anyway." Edward said.

"You're welcome. I'll have to go make it so I'll see you all there." I said before I walked to the door.