
Reincarnated Into The Anime World

Just as I was all chill after buying manga from the store, until... A crazy woman broke in to my apartment and took me and my roommate. After running away from the escape room, I was about to get Isekai'ed by this shitty truck-kun driver who couldn't even kill me in one hit. He should've got fired from his job. I fucking swear to fuck your ancestors in hell once I'm through with this. ... What is even going on!? Did Gold Experience Requiem hit me, to have a death loop!? And what's with this yandere doing? How can she even follow me... ... After escaping the GER's death loop, a wise looking person could be seen... Are you God? No. I'm Shakyamuni, the present Buddha. You're also buddha... HUUH!? ---- Cover image isn't mine, artist: @KANOSE

RenamedOnesAgain · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

77 Wotah

*clang* *clang*

"Kuhhhggk." Nagi Arisuin grunted as she struggled to break through Aizen's defenses. (A/N: I'll refer Nagi as she.)

Aizen slowly advanced toward her, holding Kyouka Suigetsu (Murasame), which emitted a steady stream of water.

'Water Breathing 1st Form: Waveform Slash,' he intoned.

Otto had made up some Demon Slayer-inspired forms before participating in the match.

*Whoosh* *Splash*

He slashed through the air, creating hokusai-like waves that surged towards Nagi, who was vulnerable to area attacks.

'Water Breathing 2nd Form: Bo 'ohw 'o wo er,' he continued.

A water serpent, formed from the waves, surged forward and enveloped Nagi.

"Arghh—" Nagi cried out as she was swept away by the powerful tides created by Aizen.

"It is inevitable," Aizen said softly, signaling the end of the match.

'GG, EZ.' He considered emoting on Nagi but decided against it, finding it too cringeworthy in front of the crowd.

The crowd erupted in cheers, their excitement palpable. However, for Aizen, the match felt lackluster. The disparity in their combat skills was vast, akin to the difference between heaven and earth. In his eyes, it was less a contest and more a demonstration of his superior abilities, verging on what could be considered bullying Nagi.

But the announcer didn't call off the match just yet, as Nagi could still move.

As the cheers continued, Aizen turned his gaze toward the stands, where potential challengers watched intently. Among them, Shizuku, who was staring at him intently, stood with her brother, Ikki Kurogane. Their presence hinted at the possibility of future challenges, and Aizen felt a spark of anticipation.

After his tough fight with Reine, Aizen was starting to yearn for another "good" fight against someone who could stand toe to toe with him. The thrill of a true challenge was what he craved, and he hoped to find it among the faces in the crowd.

Nagi, recovering slowly, thought that she had already failed her mission just from the selection match by challenging the wrong opponent from the get-go. She felt a wave of frustration and disappointment wash over her. However, refusing to let this setback define her. She stood up raising her dagger, Darkness Hermit in front of her.

Aizen, noticing her resolve, nodded slightly. There was something admirable about her determination, even in the face of overwhelming odds. Before he could say anything more, he raised his hand, a gesture that caused confusion among the onlookers.

"???" Everyone in the arena thought that Aizen was giving up, but could faintly hear him mutter.

"Bailando en la lluvia," he muttered, as a drizzle began to form in the arena.

The gentle rain fell over the combatants, creating a surreal and misty atmosphere. The crowd watched in silent awe, the rain mingling with the remnants of their battle, washing away the sweat and tension, and leaving behind a sense of calm.

'Hmmmm, the real Aizen uses illusions, so I'll make my own illusion,' Aizen thought to himself, a sly smile creeping across his face. He raised his sword, concentrating his energy. As he did, an illusionary ghost ship began to materialize, its ethereal form shimmering in the air as it rip through the mist.

The ship, with its tattered sails and spectral glow, sailed menacingly towards Nagi. The sight was both mesmerizing and terrifying, a proof to Aizen's mastery over water magic.

The ghostly vessel cut through the air with an eerie silence, its phantom crew seemingly steering it directly toward Nagi.

"You can't be serious..." Nagi muttered, still recovering and trying to muster her remaining strength to move away from the approaching illusionary ghost ship. Her body ached from the earlier assault, but she forced herself to remain focused, refusing to give in to the fear and keep moving on to fulfill her mission.

Aizen, watching her struggle, snorted with amusement.

'Y'all thought I'd give up?' he thought, a smirk playing on his lips. The idea of conceding the match to a random loser he might find in the Academy was laughable to him.

He had already decided back then that he would not participate in the next Seven Star Sword Art Festival. The current participants weren't even worth his time or effort. Their skills and combat abilities were far beneath his, and the thought of fighting them felt more like a chore than a challenge.

As the ghost ship loomed directly in front of Nagi, she tried her best to move away, attempting to use the shadows to escape. However, to her surprise and horror, she found that she couldn't dive inside them. The shadows, usually her safe haven, seemed to elude her this time, leaving her vulnerable.

It wasn't long before the ghost ship arrived in full force, its spectral hull crashing into her with overwhelming power. She felt an intense pressure envelop her as the ship released a scalding torrent, flooding the entire arena with boiling water. The heat was unbearable, and the force of the water pinned her down, rendering her movements sluggish and ineffective.

Aizen watched from above the water, his hands clasped behind his back in a posture of serene confidence. He stood unaffected by the chaos he had unleashed, the scalding water parting around him as if acknowledging his dominance.

"Overkill," he thought, watching the steam rise from the ground as the floodwaters receded, leaving the arena drenched and scorched.

[A-And that's... that concludes this match, folks—Sosuke Aizen is the winner!!!]

The announcer's voice trembled with a mix of awe and disbelief, echoing through the stunned silence of the crowd.

Aizen surveyed the scene one last time, his expression composed and unbothered. With a decisive movement, he turned and began to leave the arena, flapping his uniform coat dramatically trying to mirror the coolness that the original Aizen had.


Meanwhile, with Shizuku and Ikki, the atmosphere was tense with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"Are you sure you want to fight that guy? You said you would fight him if he won, after all..."

Ikki asked his sister anxiously. He believed that Shizuku, despite her talents, couldn't beat Aizen in her current state. His worry was palpable, but so was his curiosity about why Shizuku had been so interested in Aizen that she had invited him to watch Aizen's first selection match.

Shizuku's eyes narrowed slightly, masking her irritation.

"Hmmmm. Well, it seems his rank is just for show..." she said, trying to hide her frustration. It irked her that someone at the same rank and with the same mastery over water existed in the same school as her. The fact that this person was also her roommate added another layer of complication to her emotions.

Ikki frowned, sensing her irritation.

"Uhuh... In my opinion, I think it's not a great idea to fight him this early, Shizuku. I feel like he's hiding a lot of things up his sleeves." He was concerned that there were no video materials of Aizen available on the internet. This lack of information made Aizen's techniques and habits a mystery, giving him a significant advantage over his opponents.

"You're right, my dear brother. There's a lot we don't know about him..." Shizuku sighed, acknowledging her brother's concerns.


"No, I won't give up trying to beat him. I promised you, and so I'll stick to that promise," Shizuku persisted, her determination shining through. She wanted to be the ONLY motherfucker who should be PRAISED for being an A-rank blazer and a water user in the academy. To achieve that, she knew she had to defeat Aizen, no matter the challenge.

Ikki tried to speak, but Shizuku covered his mouth with her hand, cutting him off.

"I. Will. Beat. Him. And you can't change my mind," she stated firmly, her eyes flashing with unwavering determination.

'But Shizuku... That guy is the most dangerous student in this academy, aside from the likes of Otto and Brynhildr...'

Ikki hesitated to speak out loud, even with his perfect vision, he still couldn't see through Aizen's techniques when they were presented in front of him. The mystery surrounding Aizen only added to his unease.

Shizuku smiled softly, removing her hand from Ikki's mouth.

"So, don't worry about this, my dear brother~" She laid her ear against his chest, listening to his nervous heartbeat. Despite his concerns, she found comfort in his presence and knew that no matter what challenges awaited her, she had her brother's support.


A few hours passed, and Shizuku made her way back to her dorm, expecting nothing out of the ordinary. The moonlight seeped through the windows, casting a soft glow over the room as she entered.

"Tch, so empty..." Shizuku muttered to herself, feeling the lonesome atmosphere of the darkened room. She began to prepare to change into her pajamas, and do her usual deed; to masturbate while thinking of her brother, since she was the only one in the room she could freely do it without minding anyone.

But this time... She was unaware of the presence laying casually above the bunk bed.

Meanwhile, Otto, disguised as Aizen, observed Shizuku's careless demeanor with amusement.

"Hmmmm, to let her guard down like this. I could just easily kill her," he thought, relishing in the opportunity presented by the protagonist's sister's lack of vigilance.

It had been a while since Otto had visited his other dorm room, and he was surprised to find that the eyeglasses he had left behind were still in the exact same place where he had left them.

"Hmmmm, not even going to greet your senior~?" Otto spoke in a sly tone, his voice echoing through the quiet room and startling Shizuku.

"Who!?" Shizuku exclaimed, immediately activating her device, Yoishigure, which transformed into a dark-blue colored kodachi. She scanned the room but saw no one.

"Hello, Little Miss Kurogane. A pleasure to meet you," Otto whispered mischievously behind her ear, causing her to jump out of her bed in alarm.

Shizuku violently swung her dagger behind her, but it only bumped against what felt like a solid wall behind her. Otto, taking advantage of her momentary confusion, disarmed her dagger and pressed it against her neck.

"Grrrrr!" Shizuku gritted her teeth, frustrated at how easily she had been incapacitated by her unseen assailant.

"Quite feisty of you, Little Miss Kurogane," Otto taunted, reveling in the thrill of the confrontation.

"Let me go!" Shizuku demanded in a venomous tone, struggling against his hold.

"Alright, alright," Otto relented, releasing her as she stumbled and fell to the floor. He then tossed her dagger back to her, watching with amusement as she glared at him with anger and defiance.

"You— you're Sosuke Aizen!" Shizuku exclaimed, her voice filled with contempt as she finally saw the person's face illuminated by the moonlight. Her anger only grew, viewing him as a competitor.

"Hello, and I expected you to know me~ seeing that you've been eyeing—glaring at me during my match," Otto calmly stated, before casually sitting down on a nearby desk chair.

"When did you arrive at the room!?" Shizuku demanded, her cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and anger.

"Just now," he lied, feeling rather pleased with himself for having entered unnoticed.

"Close..." she muttered under her breath.

"Hmmm? Something wrong?" Otto asked, genuinely puzzled by her reaction.

'Thank god, he didn't see me about to touch myself,' Shizuku thought, sighing in relief before her glare intensified once more, focusing on Otto.

"Why are you just coming now?" she asked, pointing her dagger at him threateningly.

"It's my room too, you know, so it's natural for me to come here," he explained calmly, not even regarding her as a threat.

Shizuku's grip on her dagger tightened, her mind racing with conflicting emotions.

"I don't care if it's your room. You can't just sneak up on people like that," she spat, trying to regain her composure.

"Perhaps, but it seems you're the one who needs to be more aware of your surroundings. This encounter could have ended much worse for you," He said, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips.

Shizuku's blush deepened as she realized the truth in his words, having not even heard the door open.

"Just stay out of my way!" she warned, lowering her dagger but keeping a wary eye on him.

"Of course," Otto replied, his tone still calm and unbothered. "But remember, Little Miss Kurogane, this room is as much mine as it is yours. You'd do well to remember that."

With that, he stood up and made his way to his bunk bed. Shizuku watched him, her mind still buzzing with questions and annoyance. The audacity of him to sneak in and act so nonchalantly grated on her nerves.

As Otto settled into his bunk, Shizuku couldn't help but mull over the encounter.

'Who does he think he is?' she fumed inwardly.


-Chapter End-

(A/N: I can't think of a better title.)