
Reincarnated Into The Anime World

Just as I was all chill after buying manga from the store, until... A crazy woman broke in to my apartment and took me and my roommate. After running away from the escape room, I was about to get Isekai'ed by this shitty truck-kun driver who couldn't even kill me in one hit. He should've got fired from his job. I fucking swear to fuck your ancestors in hell once I'm through with this. ... What is even going on!? Did Gold Experience Requiem hit me, to have a death loop!? And what's with this yandere doing? How can she even follow me... ... After escaping the GER's death loop, a wise looking person could be seen... Are you God? No. I'm Shakyamuni, the present Buddha. You're also buddha... HUUH!? ---- Cover image isn't mine, artist: @KANOSE

RenamedOnesAgain · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

73 A Star In The Palm Of My Hands (2)

"Ahhhhhhh~!" Brynhildr moaned loudly as Otto thrust his shaft in and out of her.

"You're tighter than usual," he remarked, a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Oooh~ that's because we're having sex right inside a place where people used to worship God," she replied, her excitement evident as the immorality of their actions thrilled her.

"Brynhildr," he groaned slightly, his voice filled with both pleasure and curiosity.

"Y—yeahn~" she responded, her breathing heavy.

"I'm curious... What did you look like when you were a Valkyrie?" He turned her around, positioning her for missionary.

"Ohh~ so you're curious about a Valkyrie's body now~?" Brynhildr teased, wrapping her legs tightly around him.

"I just wondered if you ever want to go back to your original appearance."

"Ahhhhnn~ please, don't wonder about that anymore~ I'm already content with this new body of mine, since it was created by someone I dearly loved~," she replied sweetly. Compared to her Valkyrie self, this new body seemed even more beautiful to her.

Hearing this, Otto pulled her closer, locking his lips with hers in a passionate kiss.

"Buut~ if you want a Valkyrie to fuck, I know several virgin Valkyries who have longed for a man's touch. Though, it has been a long time since I saw them," she said, sensing that Otto was about to cum for the third time inside her.

"Mmm, I'm about to cum," he gave his usual heads up, his voice tense with pleasure.

"Yess~ yes! Make me pregnant," she moaned, even though they both knew they didn't want children just yet.

Otto unloaded his semen deep inside her uterus.

"Ahhngh~" Brynhildr gasped, feeling the warmth of Otto's essence fill her.

"Mmmnn, then you could introduce me to your friends back at Valhalla," he said, pulling out his cock as his semen gushed from her pussy.

"Oh my~ is Otto now going to conquer all the women's virgin pussies~?" she slyly asked, her eyes glinting with mischief.

"Only if you want," he sighed, snapping his fingers to clean up all the cum around them.

"Fufu~ very well, I'll find you some very hot women willing to be one of your onaholes," she stated, fixing her clothes. She was happy that Otto had made up his mind about having more women in his bed.

She had a few candidates in mind, including the two devils who were waiting outside for them. Their alluring presence and striking looks had not escaped her notice. Brynhildr found them incredibly attractive and couldn't help but wonder about their potential in satisfying Otto's desires.

Remembering the 13 year old girl from Inshun's temple also have big tits like an adult's body.

"What are you thinking so deeply about?" Otto asked, misinterpreting her contemplative expression as something serious since it was rare for Brynhildr to space out.

"Nothing~ just thinking that we should give a chance to those two girls patiently waiting for us outside~" She snapped out of her fantasies, her playful tone returning.

"You want them...?" he replied blankly, as he dispersed his barrier.

"Yup, they look really hot and—aren't you interested in cucking that red dragon kid?" she said mischievously, a sly grin spreading across her face.

"How did you know that Issei would end up with those two?" Otto was surprised at her conclusion, as he had only vaguely mentioned the protagonists he had seen in this world.

"Tsk Tsk, it's really simple, really. Think about it, you've paid more attention to specific people who aren't that interesting otherwise," she said, wiggling her finger.

"And also, if this were a story, you would be like a person who got transmigrated into a novel or a game, knowing really important characters in the story," she added, a glint of knowledge in her eyes from all the Korean novels she had been consuming.

Her accuracy startled him, making him think he should someday tell her about the hell he endured before coming to this world.

"But first~ why don't we deal with these guests," she said as five individuals approached the church.

"Hm?" Otto muttered, his gaze narrowing as he noticed the fifth person among the group.

"Do you know the priest?" Brynhildr asked, picking up on his curiosity.

"I guess there are things that can't be changed..." Otto replied, a hint of frustration in his voice. Freed Sellzen's presence was unexpected; Otto had already stolen the holy swords from the church, meaning Freed logically shouldn't be here, as Kokabiel had no leverage to start a war.

"Is that so? Then can't we just ask him 'nicely' why he's here with those fallen angels?" Brynhildr suggested, her eyes glinting with mischief as she glanced at the group, who seemed blissfully unaware of Otto and Brynhildr's presence.

'A friendly reminder... You should always look above in a dark, creepy place, because you might find something that will unsettle you,' Otto thought, a smirk playing on his lips as he donned his spiral-masked costume. He hovered above the unsuspecting party, ready to make his move.

"Tsk, I don't like this arrogant bastard," Mittelt, the blonde loli, muttered, referring to Freed Sellzen, who was laughing maniacally for reasons unknown.

"Just bear with it," Raynare replied, her tone laced with annoyance. She glared at Freed, who was ogling her almost-naked outfit—a barely-there ensemble of black strap bikinis and a thong.

"Hey fallen angel bitch, I'm suuurree~ you're up for some action!" Freed taunted Raynare, who glared at him with pure disgust.

"Fuck off, human," she roared, throwing a light spear at him.

"Woah woah—chill there~" Freed playfully dodged and backed off, a manic grin on his face.

Suddenly, Dohnaseek, Mittelt, and Kalawarna froze in place, their expressions turning from annoyance to sheer terror, confusing Freed who hadn't noticed Otto silently appearing behind him.

"Helloooo—? You all there, fucking crows!?" Freed yelled, looking at their frozen faces. "If you don't respooonnd—I'll slip my dick inside one of you~!" He leered at Mittelt, who was sweating profusely.

Meanwhile, Otto, who had been standing silently behind Freed, realized the fallen angels were paralyzed with fear at his presence.

'They've been frozen for a long time... Did I accidentally overdo it?' Otto thought, watching as Freed began unbuckling his pants.

"Heh—" Otto chuckled, causing Freed to whirl around in alarm.

"WHAT THE FUCK—!?" Freed shouted in surprise, his face pale as Otto's sudden appearance gave him a jump scare. He pulled his gun towards Otto, his hand shaking.

"Who the fuck are you!? You monkey—!?" Freed cursed, pulling the trigger as holy bullets shot out.

Otto calmly slapped away the holy bullets.

The fallen angels quickly realized that the mysterious figure before them was none other than the most wanted person across the three factions, known by many names: Satoru Akefu, Vincent Fabron, and allegedly Issei Hyoudou.

At first glance, they had thought he would be an easy target, just another obstacle in their path. However, the moment he appeared, they realized how gravely they had overestimated themselves. His mere presence was enough to instill a deep, paralyzing fear in their minds.

"We didn't expect to encounter you here, of all places. Your reputation precedes you." Raynare, the ring-leader of their group, trying to maintain her composure, spoke up, her voice betraying a hint of anxiety.

"Is that so? Tell me about it," Otto said calmly, his tone measured and unyielding. This only served to unnerve them even more.

"T-that..." Dohnaseek stammered, almost forgetting to breathe as Otto subtly intensified the pressure around them, his presence becoming more imposing. It was clear he was exerting his power not just to intimidate, but to look like cool villain.

"Speak," Otto commanded, his voice cutted through the tension like a knife.

Raynare glanced at her companions, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"You've been known by many names across the factions. Satoru Akefu, Vincent Fabron, and some even say you're Issei Hyoudou. Your powers have disrupted the balance of power, making you a target for all sides." She said leaving the fact that the reason was because 

"And what brings you to this place, then? Surely, you're not here to pray, even though you've already fallen." Otto nodded slightly, his expression inscrutable as he spoke, knowing full well why they were here.

Hearing his question, the fallen angels froze, their faces betraying a flicker of panic. They couldn't possibly reveal that this was their hideout, given they were following a different leader who wasn't the Governor General.

Raynare swallowed hard, struggling to find the right words. "We... we're here because we needed a place to regroup and plan our next move," she said, her voice wavering slightly under Otto's intense pressure.

"Yes! Yes!" Mittelt nodded cutely, hoping her innocent demeanor might soften Otto's stance.

"Your cuteness won't get you out of this," Otto's gaze shifted to Mittelt, his expression softening slightly but remaining firm as he knew what she wanted to do.

Mittelt felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her, shrinking back slightly as she realized her attempts to charm Otto had failed.

"W-why are you here, Mr—?" Kalawana hesitantly asked, curiosity and fear mingling in her voice.

"Just call me Architect," Otto replied with a hint of amusement, his tone authoritative. "And did I permit you to speak?"

"N-n-no, sir!" Kalawana stammered, instinctively kneeling down to her knees in a display of submission.

Meanwhile, Freed was struggling with frustration and fear. His body refused to stop shaking, and he felt a strong urge to run away and ditch the fallen angels as he didn't even care about them.

"Good, as for why I'm here... I'm here for you, fallen angels," Otto declared, his voice echoing through the tense atmosphere in the church.

Freed's expression momentarily lit up upon hearing that the masked man was only after the fallen angels.

"Then can I fuck off—?" He opened his mouth to speak, eager to be free of the situation, but before he could finish his sentence, his head was severed from his body in a swift, precise motion.

The room fell into a stunned silence as Otto calmly cleaned his bloodied hands, his mask hiding any emotion.

"Didn't I say not to speak unless I say so?" he said coldly, his eyes from the hole pierced through the remaining fallen angels.

'Tsk, shame. Even though you're my favorite character in the High School DxD series, you're no exception to getting killed by me,' Otto thought, 'Though, you're a trashy-kind of a person.' He justified.

The fallen angels stared in shock at the sudden and brutal demise of their recently recruited member, realizing the extent of Otto's power and ruthlessness. They had underestimated him, assuming he would merely play with them as he did with others in the Underworld.

"Now that we've dealt with the unnecessary disruptions," Otto continued, his tone unchanged, "Let's return to our discussion."

"As I was saying, I am here for you specifically," he said, pointing at Raynare, who looked confused.

"Me?" She pointed at herself, her expression a mix of curiosity and apprehension, unsure of what he needed from her.

As Otto began explaining about extracting the spirit of a sacred gear from its host, Brynhildr took it upon herself to step out and find Rias and Akeno.


-Chapter End-